16135 lines
929 KiB
16135 lines
929 KiB
"use strict";
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {},
function() {
var hostUrl = localStorage.getItem("host") ? "https://" + localStorage.getItem("host") : "",
rootDir = localStorage.getItem("rootDir") || "",
RESTWS = hostUrl + "/openmrs/ws/rest",
RESTWS_V1 = hostUrl + "/openmrs/ws/rest/v1",
BAHMNI_CORE = RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmnicore",
EMRAPI = RESTWS + "/emrapi",
BASE_URL = hostUrl + "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/",
CUSTOM_URL = hostUrl + "/implementation_config/openmrs/apps/",
serverErrorMessages = [{
serverMessage: "Cannot have more than one active order for the same orderable and care setting at same time",
clientMessage: "One or more drugs you are trying to order are already active. Please change the start date of the conflicting drug or remove them from the new prescription."
}, {
serverMessage: "[Order.cannot.have.more.than.one]",
clientMessage: "One or more drugs you are trying to order are already active. Please change the start date of the conflicting drug or remove them from the new prescription."
representation = "custom:(uuid,name,names,conceptClass,setMembers:(uuid,name,names,conceptClass,setMembers:(uuid,name,names,conceptClass,setMembers:(uuid,name,names,conceptClass))))",
unAuthenticatedReferenceDataMap = {
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/location?tags=Login+Location&s=byTags&v=default": "LoginLocations",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=locale.allowed.list": "LocaleList"
authenticatedReferenceDataMap = {
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/idgen/identifiertype": "IdentifierTypes",
"/openmrs/module/addresshierarchy/ajax/getOrderedAddressHierarchyLevels.form": "AddressHierarchyLevels",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=mrs.genders": "Genders",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=bahmni.encountersession.duration": "encounterSessionDuration",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=bahmni.relationshipTypeMap": "RelationshipTypeMap",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/config/bahmniencounter?callerContext=REGISTRATION_CONCEPTS": "RegistrationConcepts",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/relationshiptype?v=custom:(aIsToB,bIsToA,uuid)": "RelationshipType",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/personattributetype?v=custom:(uuid,name,sortWeight,description,format,concept)": "PersonAttributeType",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/entitymapping?mappingType=loginlocation_visittype&s=byEntityAndMappingType": "LoginLocationToVisitTypeMapping",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/config/patient": "PatientConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Consultation+Note&v=custom:(uuid,name,answers)": "ConsultationNote",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Lab+Order+Notes&v=custom:(uuid,name)": "LabOrderNotes",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Impression&v=custom:(uuid,name)": "RadiologyImpressionConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=All_Tests_and_Panels&v=custom:(uuid,name:(uuid,name),setMembers:(uuid,name:(uuid,name)))": "AllTestsAndPanelsConcept",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Dosage+Frequency&v=custom:(uuid,name,answers)": "DosageFrequencyConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Dosage+Instructions&v=custom:(uuid,name,answers)": "DosageInstructionConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=bahmni.encounterType.default": "DefaultEncounterType",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&name=Stopped+Order+Reason&v=custom:(uuid,name,answers)": "StoppedOrderReasonConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/ordertype": "OrderType",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/config/drugOrders": "DrugOrderConfig",
"/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/bahmnicore/sql/globalproperty?property=drugOrder.drugOther": "NonCodedDrugConcept"
authenticatedReferenceDataMap["/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/entitymapping?mappingType=location_encountertype&s=byEntityAndMappingType&entityUuid=" + (localStorage.getItem("LoginInformation") ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("LoginInformation")).currentLocation.uuid : "")] = "LoginLocationToEncounterTypeMapping", Bahmni.Common.Constants = {
hostURL: hostUrl,
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
dateDisplayFormat: "DD-MMM-YYYY",
timeDisplayFormat: "hh:mm",
emrapiDiagnosisUrl: EMRAPI + "/diagnosis",
bahmniDiagnosisUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/diagnosis/search",
bahmniDeleteDiagnosisUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/diagnosis/delete",
diseaseTemplateUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/diseaseTemplates",
AllDiseaseTemplateUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/diseaseTemplate",
emrapiConceptUrl: EMRAPI + "/concept",
encounterConfigurationUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/config/bahmniencounter",
patientConfigurationUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/config/patient",
drugOrderConfigurationUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/config/drugOrders",
emrEncounterUrl: EMRAPI + "/encounter",
encounterUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/encounter",
locationUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/location",
bahmniVisitLocationUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/visitLocation",
bahmniOrderUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/orders",
bahmniDrugOrderUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/drugOrders",
bahmniDispositionByVisitUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/disposition/visit",
bahmniDispositionByPatientUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/disposition/patient",
bahmniSearchUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/search",
bahmniLabOrderResultsUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/labOrderResults",
bahmniEncounterUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/bahmniencounter",
conceptUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/concept",
bahmniConceptAnswerUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniconceptanswer",
conceptSearchByFullNameUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName",
visitUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/visit",
endVisitUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/visit/endVisit",
endVisitAndCreateEncounterUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/visit/endVisitAndCreateEncounter",
visitTypeUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/visittype",
patientImageUrlByPatientUuid: RESTWS_V1 + "/patientImage?patientUuid=",
labResultUploadedFileNameUrl: "/uploaded_results/",
visitSummaryUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/visit/summary",
encounterModifierUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/bahmniencountermodifier",
openmrsUrl: hostUrl + "/openmrs",
loggingUrl: hostUrl + "/log/",
idgenConfigurationURL: RESTWS_V1 + "/idgen/identifiertype",
bahmniRESTBaseURL: BAHMNI_CORE + "",
observationsUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/observations",
obsRelationshipUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/obsrelationships",
encounterImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/encounter",
programImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/program",
conceptImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/concept",
conceptSetImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/conceptset",
drugImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/drug",
labResultsImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/labResults",
referenceTermsImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/referenceterms",
relationshipImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/relationship",
conceptSetExportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/export/conceptset?conceptName=:conceptName",
patientImportUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/patient",
adminImportStatusUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/admin/upload/status",
programUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/program",
programEnrollPatientUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniprogramenrollment",
programStateDeletionUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/programenrollment",
programEnrollmentDefaultInformation: "default",
programEnrollmentFullInformation: "full",
programAttributeTypes: RESTWS_V1 + "/programattributetype",
relationshipTypesUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/relationshiptype",
personAttributeTypeUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/personattributetype",
diseaseSummaryPivotUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/diseaseSummaryData",
allTestsAndPanelsConceptName: "All_Tests_and_Panels",
dosageFrequencyConceptName: "Dosage Frequency",
dosageInstructionConceptName: "Dosage Instructions",
stoppedOrderReasonConceptName: "Stopped Order Reason",
consultationNoteConceptName: "Consultation Note",
diagnosisConceptSet: "Diagnosis Concept Set",
radiologyOrderType: "Radiology Order",
radiologyResultConceptName: "Radiology Result",
investigationEncounterType: "INVESTIGATION",
validationNotesEncounterType: "VALIDATION NOTES",
labOrderNotesConcept: "Lab Order Notes",
impressionConcept: "Impression",
qualifiedByRelationshipType: "qualified-by",
dispositionConcept: "Disposition",
dispositionGroupConcept: "Disposition Set",
dispositionNoteConcept: "Disposition Note",
ruledOutDiagnosisConceptName: "Ruled Out Diagnosis",
emrapiConceptMappingSource: "org.openmrs.module.emrapi",
abbreviationConceptMappingSource: "Abbreviation",
includeAllObservations: !1,
openmrsObsUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/obs",
openmrsObsRepresentation: "custom:(uuid,obsDatetime,value:(uuid,name:(uuid,name)))",
admissionCode: "ADMIT",
dischargeCode: "DISCHARGE",
transferCode: "TRANSFER",
undoDischargeCode: "UNDO_DISCHARGE",
vitalsConceptName: "Vitals",
heightConceptName: "HEIGHT",
weightConceptName: "WEIGHT",
bmiConceptName: "BMI",
bmiStatusConceptName: "BMI STATUS",
abnormalObservationConceptName: "IS_ABNORMAL",
documentsPath: "/document_images",
documentsConceptName: "Document",
miscConceptClassName: "Misc",
abnormalConceptClassName: "Abnormal",
unknownConceptClassName: "Unknown",
durationConceptClassName: "Duration",
conceptDetailsClassName: "Concept Details",
admissionEncounterTypeName: "ADMISSION",
dischargeEncounterTypeName: "DISCHARGE",
imageClassName: "Image",
videoClassName: "Video",
locationCookieName: "bahmni.user.location",
retrospectiveEntryEncounterDateCookieName: "bahmni.clinical.retrospectiveEncounterDate",
rootScopeRetrospectiveEntry: "retrospectiveEntry.encounterDate",
patientFileConceptName: "Patient file",
serverErrorMessages: serverErrorMessages,
currentUser: "bahmni.user",
retrospectivePrivilege: "app:clinical:retrospective",
locationPickerPrivilege: "app:clinical:locationpicker",
onBehalfOfPrivilege: "app:clinical:onbehalf",
nutritionalConceptName: "Nutritional Values",
messageForNoObservation: "NO_OBSERVATIONS_CAPTURED",
messageForNoFulfillment: "NO_FULFILMENT_MESSAGE",
reportsUrl: "/bahmnireports",
uploadReportTemplateUrl: "/bahmnireports/upload",
ruledOutdiagnosisStatus: "Ruled Out Diagnosis",
registartionConsultationPrivilege: "app:common:registration_consultation_link",
manageIdentifierSequencePrivilege: "Manage Identifier Sequence",
closeVisitPrivilege: "app:common:closeVisit",
deleteDiagnosisPrivilege: "app:clinical:deleteDiagnosis",
viewPatientsPrivilege: "View Patients",
editPatientsPrivilege: "Edit Patients",
addVisitsPrivilege: "Add Visits",
deleteVisitsPrivilege: "Delete Visits",
grantProviderAccess: "app:clinical:grantProviderAccess",
grantProviderAccessDataCookieName: "app.clinical.grantProviderAccessData",
globalPropertyUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/sql/globalproperty",
passwordPolicyUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/globalProperty/passwordPolicyProperties",
fulfillmentConfiguration: "fulfillment",
fulfillmentFormSuffix: " Fulfillment Form",
conceptSetRepresentationForOrderFulfillmentConfig: representation,
entityMappingUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/entitymapping",
encounterTypeUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/encountertype",
defaultExtensionName: "default",
orderSetMemberAttributeTypeUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/ordersetmemberattributetype",
orderSetUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniorderset",
primaryOrderSetMemberAttributeTypeName: "Primary",
bahmniBacteriologyResultsUrl: BACTERIOLOGY + "/specimen",
bedFromVisit: RESTWS_V1 + "/beds",
ordersUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/order",
formDataUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/obs",
providerUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/provider",
drugUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/drug",
orderTypeUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/ordertype",
userUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/user",
passwordUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/password",
formUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/form",
allFormsUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniie/form/allForms",
latestPublishedForms: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniie/form/latestPublishedForms",
formTranslationsUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmniie/form/translations",
sqlUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/sql",
patientAttributeDateFieldFormat: "org.openmrs.util.AttributableDate",
platform: "user.platform",
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
customUrl: CUSTOM_URL,
faviconUrl: hostUrl + "/bahmni/favicon.ico",
platformType: {
other: "other"
numericDataType: "Numeric",
encryptionType: {
SHA3: "SHA3"
LoginInformation: "LoginInformation",
ServerDateTimeFormat: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZZ",
calculateDose: BAHMNI_CORE + "/calculateDose",
unAuthenticatedReferenceDataMap: unAuthenticatedReferenceDataMap,
authenticatedReferenceDataMap: authenticatedReferenceDataMap,
rootDir: rootDir,
dischargeUrl: BAHMNI_CORE + "/discharge",
uuidRegex: "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}",
eventlogFilterUrl: hostUrl + "/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/eventlog/filter",
bahmniConnectMetaDataDb: "metaData",
serverDateTimeUrl: "/cgi-bin/systemdate",
loginText: "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/home/whiteLabel.json",
auditLogUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/auditlog",
appointmentServiceUrl: RESTWS_V1 + "/appointmentService",
conditionUrl: EMRAPI + "/condition",
conditionHistoryUrl: EMRAPI + "/conditionhistory",
followUpConditionConcept: "Follow-up Condition",
localeLangs: "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/home/locale_languages.json",
privilegeRequiredErrorMessage: "PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED",
defaultPossibleRelativeSearchLimit: 10
function() {
function n(n, t) {
return n.set(t[0], t[1]), n
function t(n, t) {
return n.add(t), n
function r(n, t, r) {
switch (r.length) {
case 0:
return n.call(t);
case 1:
return n.call(t, r[0]);
case 2:
return n.call(t, r[0], r[1]);
case 3:
return n.call(t, r[0], r[1], r[2])
return n.apply(t, r)
function e(n, t, r, e) {
for (var u = -1, o = n.length; ++u < o;) {
var i = n[u];
t(e, i, r(i), n)
return e
function u(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length; ++r < e && !1 !== t(n[r], r, n););
return n
function o(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length; ++r < e;)
if (!t(n[r], r, n)) return !1;
return !0
function i(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length, u = -1, o = []; ++r < e;) {
var i = n[r];
t(i, r, n) && (o[++u] = i)
return o
function f(n, t) {
return !!n.length && -1 < d(n, t, 0)
function c(n, t, r) {
for (var e = -1, u = n.length; ++e < u;)
if (r(t, n[e])) return !0;
return !1
function a(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length, u = Array(e); ++r < e;) u[r] = t(n[r], r, n);
return u
function l(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = t.length, u = n.length; ++r < e;) n[u + r] = t[r];
return n
function s(n, t, r, e) {
var u = -1,
o = n.length;
for (e && o && (r = n[++u]); ++u < o;) r = t(r, n[u], u, n);
return r
function h(n, t, r, e) {
var u = n.length;
for (e && u && (r = n[--u]); u--;) r = t(r, n[u], u, n);
return r
function p(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length; ++r < e;)
if (t(n[r], r, n)) return !0;
return !1
function _(n, t, r) {
for (var e = -1, u = n.length; ++e < u;) {
var o = n[e],
i = t(o);
if (null != i && (f === Z ? i === i : r(i, f))) var f = i,
c = o
return c
function g(n, t, r, e) {
var u;
return r(n, function(n, r, o) {
return t(n, r, o) ? (u = e ? r : n, !1) : void 0
}), u
function v(n, t, r) {
for (var e = n.length, u = r ? e : -1; r ? u-- : ++u < e;)
if (t(n[u], u, n)) return u;
return -1
function d(n, t, r) {
if (t !== t) return B(n, r);
for (var e = n.length; ++r < e;)
if (n[r] === t) return r;
return -1
function y(n, t, r, e, u) {
return u(n, function(n, u, o) {
r = e ? (e = !1, n) : t(r, n, u, o)
}), r
function b(n, t) {
var r = n.length;
for (n.sort(t); r--;) n[r] = n[r].c;
return n
function x(n, t) {
for (var r, e = -1, u = n.length; ++e < u;) {
var o = t(n[e]);
o !== Z && (r = r === Z ? o : r + o)
return r
function j(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = Array(n); ++r < n;) e[r] = t(r);
return e
function m(n, t) {
return a(t, function(t) {
return [t, n[t]]
function w(n) {
return function(t) {
return n(t)
function A(n, t) {
return a(t, function(t) {
return n[t]
function O(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length; ++r < e && -1 < d(t, n[r], 0););
return r
function k(n, t) {
for (var r = n.length; r-- && -1 < d(t, n[r], 0););
return r
function E(n) {
return n && n.Object === Object ? n : null
function I(n, t) {
if (n !== t) {
var r = null === n,
e = n === Z,
u = n === n,
o = null === t,
i = t === Z,
f = t === t;
if (n > t && !o || !u || r && !i && f || e && f) return 1;
if (t > n && !r || !f || o && !e && u || i && u) return -1
return 0
function S(n) {
return Un[n]
function R(n) {
return zn[n]
function W(n) {
return "\\" + $n[n]
function B(n, t, r) {
var e = n.length;
for (t += r ? 0 : -1; r ? t-- : ++t < e;) {
var u = n[t];
if (u !== u) return t
return -1
function C(n) {
var t = !1;
if (null != n && "function" != typeof n.toString) try {
t = !!(n + "")
} catch (r) {}
return t
function U(n, t) {
return n = "number" == typeof n || yn.test(n) ? +n : -1, n > -1 && 0 == n % 1 && (null == t ? 9007199254740991 : t) > n
function z(n) {
for (var t, r = []; !(t = n.next()).done;) r.push(t.value);
return r
function M(n) {
var t = -1,
r = Array(n.size);
return n.forEach(function(n, e) {
r[++t] = [e, n]
}), r
function L(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = n.length, u = -1, o = []; ++r < e;) n[r] === t && (n[r] = "__lodash_placeholder__", o[++u] = r);
return o
function $(n) {
var t = -1,
r = Array(n.size);
return n.forEach(function(n) {
r[++t] = n
}), r
function F(n) {
if (!n || !En.test(n)) return n.length;
for (var t = kn.lastIndex = 0; kn.test(n);) t++;
return t
function N(n) {
return Mn[n]
function D(E) {
function yn(n) {
if (je(n) && !No(n) && !(n instanceof An)) {
if (n instanceof wn) return n;
if (cu.call(n, "__wrapped__")) return Zr(n)
return new wn(n)
function mn() {}
function wn(n, t) {
this.__wrapped__ = n, this.__actions__ = [], this.__chain__ = !!t, this.__index__ = 0, this.__values__ = Z
function An(n) {
this.__wrapped__ = n, this.__actions__ = [], this.__dir__ = 1, this.__filtered__ = !1, this.__iteratees__ = [], this.__takeCount__ = 4294967295, this.__views__ = []
function Un() {}
function zn(n) {
var t = -1,
r = n ? n.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++t < r;) {
var e = n[t];
this.set(e[0], e[1])
function Mn(n) {
var t = -1,
r = n ? n.length : 0;
for (this.__data__ = new zn; ++t < r;) this.push(n[t])
function Ln(n, t) {
var r = n.__data__;
return Ur(t) ? (r = r.__data__, "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === ("string" == typeof t ? r.string : r.hash)[t]) : r.has(t)
function $n(n) {
var t = -1,
r = n ? n.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++t < r;) {
var e = n[t];
this.set(e[0], e[1])
function Dn(n, t) {
var r = qn(n, t);
return !(0 > r) && (r == n.length - 1 ? n.pop() : Ou.call(n, r, 1), !0)
function Zn(n, t) {
var r = qn(n, t);
return 0 > r ? Z : n[r][1]
function qn(n, t) {
for (var r = n.length; r--;)
if (se(n[r][0], t)) return r;
return -1
function Pn(n, t, r) {
var e = qn(n, t);
0 > e ? n.push([t, r]) : n[e][1] = r
function Tn(n, t, r, e) {
return n === Z || se(n, iu[r]) && !cu.call(e, r) ? t : n
function Gn(n, t, r) {
(r !== Z && !se(n[t], r) || "number" == typeof t && r === Z && !(t in n)) && (n[t] = r)
function Yn(n, t, r) {
var e = n[t];
(!se(e, r) || se(e, iu[t]) && !cu.call(n, t) || r === Z && !(t in n)) && (n[t] = r)
function Hn(n, t, r, e) {
return Ju(n, function(n, u, o) {
t(e, n, r(n), o)
}), e
function Qn(n, t) {
return n && Ht(t, Fe(t), n)
function Xn(n, t) {
for (var r = -1, e = null == n, u = t.length, o = Array(u); ++r < u;) o[r] = e ? Z : Me(n, t[r]);
return o
function nt(n, t, r) {
return n === n && (r !== Z && (n = n > r ? r : n), t !== Z && (n = t > n ? t : n)), n
function tt(n, t, r, e, o, i) {
var f;
if (r && (f = o ? r(n, e, o, i) : r(n)), f !== Z) return f;
if (!xe(n)) return n;
if (e = No(n)) {
if (f = Ir(n), !t) return Yt(n, f)
} else {
var c = kr(n),
a = "[object Function]" == c || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == c;
if (Do(n)) return Kt(n, t);
if ("[object Object]" != c && "[object Arguments]" != c && (!a || o)) return Cn[c] ? Rr(n, c, t) : o ? n : {};
if (C(n)) return o ? n : {};
if (f = Sr(a ? {} : n), !t) return Xt(n, Qn(f, n))
return i || (i = new $n), (o = i.get(n)) ? o : (i.set(n, f), (e ? u : at)(n, function(e, u) {
Yn(f, u, tt(e, t, r, u, n, i))
}), e ? f : Xt(n, f))
function rt(n) {
var t = Fe(n),
r = t.length;
return function(e) {
if (null == e) return !r;
for (var u = r; u--;) {
var o = t[u],
i = n[o],
f = e[o];
if (f === Z && !(o in Object(e)) || !i(f)) return !1
return !0
function et(n, t, r) {
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return Au(function() {
n.apply(Z, r)
}, t)
function ut(n, t, r, e) {
var u = -1,
o = f,
i = !0,
l = n.length,
s = [],
h = t.length;
if (!l) return s;
r && (t = a(t, w(r))), e ? (o = c, i = !1) : t.length >= 200 && (o = Ln, i = !1, t = new Mn(t));
n: for (; ++u < l;) {
var p = n[u],
_ = r ? r(p) : p;
if (i && _ === _) {
for (var g = h; g--;)
if (t[g] === _) continue n;
} else o(t, _, e) || s.push(p)
return s
function ot(n, t) {
var r = !0;
return Ju(n, function(n, e, u) {
return r = !!t(n, e, u)
}), r
function it(n, t) {
var r = [];
return Ju(n, function(n, e, u) {
t(n, e, u) && r.push(n)
}), r
function ft(n, t, r, e) {
e || (e = []);
for (var u = -1, o = n.length; ++u < o;) {
var i = n[u];
ge(i) && (r || No(i) || pe(i)) ? t ? ft(i, t, r, e) : l(e, i) : r || (e[e.length] = i)
return e
function ct(n, t) {
return null == n ? n : Hu(n, t, Ne)
function at(n, t) {
return n && Hu(n, t, Fe)
function lt(n, t) {
return n && Qu(n, t, Fe)
function st(n, t) {
return i(t, function(t) {
return de(n[t])
function ht(n, t) {
t = Cr(t, n) ? [t + ""] : Nt(t);
for (var r = 0, e = t.length; null != n && e > r;) n = n[t[r++]];
return r && r == e ? n : Z
function pt(n, t) {
return cu.call(n, t) || "object" == typeof n && t in n && null === xu(n)
function _t(n, t) {
return t in Object(n)
function gt(n, t, r) {
for (var e = r ? c : f, u = n.length, o = u, i = Array(u), l = []; o--;) {
var s = n[o];
o && t && (s = a(s, w(t))), i[o] = r || !t && 120 > s.length ? Z : new Mn(o && s)
var s = n[0],
h = -1,
p = s.length,
_ = i[0];
n: for (; ++h < p;) {
var g = s[h],
v = t ? t(g) : g;
if (_ ? !Ln(_, v) : !e(l, v, r)) {
for (o = u; --o;) {
var d = i[o];
if (d ? !Ln(d, v) : !e(n[o], v, r)) continue n
_ && _.push(v), l.push(g)
return l
function vt(n, t, r, e) {
return at(n, function(n, u, o) {
t(e, r(n), u, o)
}), e
function dt(n, t, e) {
return Cr(t, n) || (t = Nt(t), n = $r(n, t), t = Kr(t)), t = null == n ? n : n[t], null == t ? Z : r(t, n, e)
function yt(n, t, r, e, u) {
if (n === t) return !0;
if (null == n || null == t || !xe(n) && !je(t)) return n !== n && t !== t;
n: {
var o = No(n),
i = No(t),
f = "[object Array]",
c = "[object Array]";o || (f = kr(n), "[object Arguments]" == f ? f = "[object Object]" : "[object Object]" != f && (o = Ie(n))),
i || (c = kr(t), "[object Arguments]" == c ? c = "[object Object]" : "[object Object]" != c && Ie(t));
var a = "[object Object]" == f && !C(n),
i = "[object Object]" == c && !C(t),
c = f == c;
if (!c || o || a) {
if (!(2 & e) && (f = a && cu.call(n, "__wrapped__"), i = i && cu.call(t, "__wrapped__"), f || i)) {
n = yt(f ? n.value() : n, i ? t.value() : t, r, e, u);
break n
c ? (u || (u = new $n), n = (o ? br : jr)(n, t, yt, r, e, u)) : n = !1
} else n = xr(n, t, f, yt, r, e)
return n
function bt(n, t, r, e) {
var u = r.length,
o = u,
i = !e;
if (null == n) return !o;
for (n = Object(n); u--;) {
var f = r[u];
if (i && f[2] ? f[1] !== n[f[0]] : !(f[0] in n)) return !1
for (; ++u < o;) {
var f = r[u],
c = f[0],
a = n[c],
l = f[1];
if (i && f[2]) {
if (a === Z && !(c in n)) return !1
} else if (f = new $n, c = e ? e(a, l, c, n, t, f) : Z, c === Z ? !yt(l, a, e, 3, f) : !c) return !1
return !0
function xt(n) {
var t = typeof n;
return "function" == t ? n : null == n ? Ve : "object" == t ? No(n) ? At(n[0], n[1]) : wt(n) : Qe(n)
function jt(n) {
n = null == n ? n : Object(n);
var t, r = [];
for (t in n) r.push(t);
return r
function mt(n, t) {
var r = -1,
e = _e(n) ? Array(n.length) : [];
return Ju(n, function(n, u, o) {
e[++r] = t(n, u, o)
}), e
function wt(n) {
var t = Ar(n);
if (1 == t.length && t[0][2]) {
var r = t[0][0],
e = t[0][1];
return function(n) {
return null != n && (n[r] === e && (e !== Z || r in Object(n)))
return function(r) {
return r === n || bt(r, n, t)
function At(n, t) {
return function(r) {
var e = Me(r, n);
return e === Z && e === t ? $e(r, n) : yt(t, e, Z, 3)
function Ot(n, t, r, e, o) {
if (n !== t) {
var i = No(t) || Ie(t) ? Z : Ne(t);
u(i || t, function(u, f) {
if (i && (f = u, u = t[f]), xe(u)) {
o || (o = new $n);
var c = f,
a = o,
l = n[c],
s = t[c],
h = a.get(s);
if (!h) {
var h = e ? e(l, s, c + "", n, t, a) : Z,
p = h === Z;
p && (h = s, No(s) || Ie(s) ? No(l) ? h = r ? Yt(l) : l : ge(l) ? h = Yt(l) : (p = !1, h = tt(s)) : Ae(s) || pe(s) ? pe(l) ? h = Ue(l) : !xe(l) || r && de(l) ? (p = !1, h = tt(s)) : h = r ? tt(l) : l : p = !1), a.set(s, h), p && Ot(h, s, r, e, a)
Gn(n, c, h)
} else c = e ? e(n[f], u, f + "", n, t, o) : Z, c === Z && (c = u), Gn(n, f, c)
function kt(n, t, r) {
var e = -1,
u = wr();
return t = a(t.length ? t : Array(1), function(n) {
return u(n)
}), n = mt(n, function(n, r, u) {
return {
a: a(t, function(t) {
return t(n)
b: ++e,
c: n
}), b(n, function(n, t) {
var e;
n: {
e = -1;
for (var u = n.a, o = t.a, i = u.length, f = r.length; ++e < i;) {
var c = I(u[e], o[e]);
if (c) {
if (e >= f) {
e = c;
break n
e = c * ("desc" == r[e] ? -1 : 1);
break n
e = n.b - t.b
return e
function Et(n, t) {
return n = Object(n), s(t, function(t, r) {
return r in n && (t[r] = n[r]), t
}, {})
function It(n, t) {
var r = {};
return ct(n, function(n, e) {
t(n, e) && (r[e] = n)
}), r
function St(n) {
return function(t) {
return null == t ? Z : t[n]
function Rt(n) {
return function(t) {
return ht(t, n)
function Wt(n, t, r) {
var e = -1,
u = t.length,
o = n;
for (r && (o = a(n, function(n) {
return r(n)
})); ++e < u;)
for (var i = 0, f = t[e], f = r ? r(f) : f; - 1 < (i = d(o, f, i));) o !== n && Ou.call(o, i, 1), Ou.call(n, i, 1);
return n
function Bt(n, t) {
for (var r = n ? t.length : 0, e = r - 1; r--;) {
var u = t[r];
if (e == r || u != o) {
var o = u;
if (U(u)) Ou.call(n, u, 1);
else if (Cr(u, n)) delete n[u];
else {
var u = Nt(u),
i = $r(n, u);
null != i && delete i[Kr(u)]
return n
function Ct(n, t) {
return n + Eu(Uu() * (t - n + 1))
function Ut(n, t, r, e) {
t = Cr(t, n) ? [t + ""] : Nt(t);
for (var u = -1, o = t.length, i = o - 1, f = n; null != f && ++u < o;) {
var c = t[u];
if (xe(f)) {
var a = r;
if (u != i) {
var l = f[c],
a = e ? e(l, c, f) : Z;
a === Z && (a = null == l ? U(t[u + 1]) ? [] : {} : l)
Yn(f, c, a)
f = f[c]
return n
function zt(n, t, r) {
var e = -1,
u = n.length;
for (0 > t && (t = -t > u ? 0 : u + t), r = r > u ? u : r, 0 > r && (r += u), u = t > r ? 0 : r - t >>> 0, t >>>= 0, r = Array(u); ++e < u;) r[e] = n[e + t];
return r
function Mt(n, t) {
var r;
return Ju(n, function(n, e, u) {
return r = t(n, e, u), !r
}), !!r
function Lt(n, t, r) {
var e = 0,
u = n ? n.length : e;
if ("number" == typeof t && t === t && 2147483647 >= u) {
for (; u > e;) {
var o = e + u >>> 1,
i = n[o];
(r ? t >= i : t > i) && null !== i ? e = o + 1 : u = o
return u
return $t(n, t, Ve, r)
function $t(n, t, r, e) {
t = r(t);
for (var u = 0, o = n ? n.length : 0, i = t !== t, f = null === t, c = t === Z; o > u;) {
var a = Eu((u + o) / 2),
l = r(n[a]),
s = l !== Z,
h = l === l;
(i ? h || e : f ? h && s && (e || null != l) : c ? h && (e || s) : null == l ? 0 : e ? t >= l : t > l) ? u = a + 1: o = a
return Bu(o, 4294967294)
function Ft(n, t) {
for (var r = 0, e = n.length, u = n[0], o = t ? t(u) : u, i = o, f = 0, c = [u]; ++r < e;) u = n[r], o = t ? t(u) : u, se(o, i) || (i = o, c[++f] = u);
return c
function Nt(n) {
return No(n) ? n : Fr(n)
function Dt(n, t, r) {
var e = -1,
u = f,
o = n.length,
i = !0,
a = [],
l = a;
if (r) i = !1, u = c;
else if (o < 200) l = t ? [] : a;
else {
if (u = t ? null : no(n)) return $(u);
i = !1, u = Ln, l = new Mn
n: for (; ++e < o;) {
var s = n[e],
h = t ? t(s) : s;
if (i && h === h) {
for (var p = l.length; p--;)
if (l[p] === h) continue n;
t && l.push(h), a.push(s)
} else u(l, h, r) || (l !== a && l.push(h), a.push(s))
return a
function Zt(n, t, r, e) {
for (var u = n.length, o = e ? u : -1;
(e ? o-- : ++o < u) && t(n[o], o, n););
return r ? zt(n, e ? 0 : o, e ? o + 1 : u) : zt(n, e ? o + 1 : 0, e ? u : o)
function qt(n, t) {
var r = n;
return r instanceof An && (r = r.value()), s(t, function(n, t) {
return t.func.apply(t.thisArg, l([n], t.args))
}, r)
function Pt(n, t, r) {
for (var e = -1, u = n.length; ++e < u;) var o = o ? l(ut(o, n[e], t, r), ut(n[e], o, t, r)) : n[e];
return o && o.length ? Dt(o, t, r) : []
function Tt(n, t, r) {
for (var e = -1, u = n.length, o = t.length, i = {}; ++e < u;) r(i, n[e], o > e ? t[e] : Z);
return i
function Kt(n, t) {
if (t) return n.slice();
var r = new n.constructor(n.length);
return n.copy(r), r
function Gt(n) {
var t = new n.constructor(n.byteLength);
return new du(t).set(new du(n)), t
function Vt(n, t, r) {
for (var e = r.length, u = -1, o = Wu(n.length - e, 0), i = -1, f = t.length, c = Array(f + o); ++i < f;) c[i] = t[i];
for (; ++u < e;) c[r[u]] = n[u];
for (; o--;) c[i++] = n[u++];
return c
function Jt(n, t, r) {
for (var e = -1, u = r.length, o = -1, i = Wu(n.length - u, 0), f = -1, c = t.length, a = Array(i + c); ++o < i;) a[o] = n[o];
for (i = o; ++f < c;) a[i + f] = t[f];
for (; ++e < u;) a[i + r[e]] = n[o++];
return a
function Yt(n, t) {
var r = -1,
e = n.length;
for (t || (t = Array(e)); ++r < e;) t[r] = n[r];
return t
function Ht(n, t, r) {
return Qt(n, t, r)
function Qt(n, t, r, e) {
r || (r = {});
for (var u = -1, o = t.length; ++u < o;) {
var i = t[u],
f = e ? e(r[i], n[i], i, r, n) : n[i];
Yn(r, i, f)
return r
function Xt(n, t) {
return Ht(n, eo(n), t)
function nr(n, t) {
return function(r, u) {
var o = No(r) ? e : Hn,
i = t ? t() : {};
return o(r, n, wr(u), i)
function tr(n) {
return le(function(t, r) {
var e = -1,
u = r.length,
o = u > 1 ? r[u - 1] : Z,
i = u > 2 ? r[2] : Z,
o = "function" == typeof o ? (u--, o) : Z;
for (i && Br(r[0], r[1], i) && (o = 3 > u ? Z : o, u = 1), t = Object(t); ++e < u;)(i = r[e]) && n(t, i, e, o);
return t
function rr(n, t) {
return function(r, e) {
if (null == r) return r;
if (!_e(r)) return n(r, e);
for (var u = r.length, o = t ? u : -1, i = Object(r);
(t ? o-- : ++o < u) && !1 !== e(i[o], o, i););
return r
function er(n) {
return function(t, r, e) {
var u = -1,
o = Object(t);
e = e(t);
for (var i = e.length; i--;) {
var f = e[n ? i : ++u];
if (!1 === r(o[f], f, o)) break
return t
function ur(n, t, r) {
function e() {
return (this && this !== Vn && this instanceof e ? o : n).apply(u ? r : this, arguments)
var u = 1 & t,
o = fr(n);
return e
function or(n) {
return function(t) {
t = ze(t);
var r = En.test(t) ? t.match(kn) : Z,
e = r ? r[0] : t.charAt(0);
return t = r ? r.slice(1).join("") : t.slice(1), e[n]() + t
function ir(n) {
return function(t) {
return s(Ke(Pe(t)), n, "")
function fr(n) {
return function() {
var t = arguments;
switch (t.length) {
case 0:
return new n;
case 1:
return new n(t[0]);
case 2:
return new n(t[0], t[1]);
case 3:
return new n(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
case 4:
return new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]);
case 5:
return new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]);
case 6:
return new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]);
case 7:
return new n(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6])
var r = Vu(n.prototype),
t = n.apply(r, t);
return xe(t) ? t : r
function cr(n, t, e) {
function u() {
for (var i = arguments.length, f = i, c = Array(i), a = this && this !== Vn && this instanceof u ? o : n, l = yn.placeholder || u.placeholder; f--;) c[f] = arguments[f];
return f = 3 > i && c[0] !== l && c[i - 1] !== l ? [] : L(c, l), i -= f.length, e > i ? vr(n, t, lr, l, Z, c, f, Z, Z, e - i) : r(a, this, c)
var o = fr(n);
return u
function ar(n) {
return le(function(t) {
t = ft(t);
var r = t.length,
e = r,
u = wn.prototype.thru;
for (n && t.reverse(); e--;) {
var o = t[e];
if ("function" != typeof o) throw new uu("Expected a function");
if (u && !i && "wrapper" == mr(o)) var i = new wn([], (!0))
for (e = i ? e : r; ++e < r;) var o = t[e],
u = mr(o),
f = "wrapper" == u ? to(o) : Z,
i = f && zr(f[0]) && 424 == f[1] && !f[4].length && 1 == f[9] ? i[mr(f[0])].apply(i, f[3]) : 1 == o.length && zr(o) ? i[u]() : i.thru(o);
return function() {
var n = arguments,
e = n[0];
if (i && 1 == n.length && No(e) && e.length >= 200) return i.plant(e).value();
for (var u = 0, n = r ? t[u].apply(this, n) : e; ++u < r;) n = t[u].call(this, n);
return n
function lr(n, t, r, e, u, o, i, f, c, a) {
function l() {
for (var y = arguments.length, b = y, x = Array(y); b--;) x[b] = arguments[b];
if (e && (x = Vt(x, e, u)), o && (x = Jt(x, o, i)), _ || g) {
var b = yn.placeholder || l.placeholder,
j = L(x, b),
y = y - j.length;
if (a > y) return vr(n, t, lr, b, r, x, j, f, c, a - y)
if (y = h ? r : this, b = p ? y[n] : n, f)
for (var j = x.length, m = Bu(f.length, j), w = Yt(x); m--;) {
var A = f[m];
x[m] = U(A, j) ? w[A] : Z
} else v && x.length > 1 && x.reverse();
return s && x.length > c && (x.length = c), this && this !== Vn && this instanceof l && (b = d || fr(b)), b.apply(y, x)
var s = 128 & t,
h = 1 & t,
p = 2 & t,
_ = 8 & t,
g = 16 & t,
v = 512 & t,
d = p ? Z : fr(n);
return l
function sr(n, t) {
return function(r, e) {
return vt(r, n, t(e), {})
function hr(n) {
return le(function(t) {
return t = a(ft(t), wr()), le(function(e) {
var u = this;
return n(t, function(n) {
return r(n, u, e)
function pr(n, t, r) {
return t = We(t), n = F(n), t && t > n ? (t -= n, r = r === Z ? " " : r + "", n = Te(r, ku(t / F(r))), En.test(r) ? n.match(kn).slice(0, t).join("") : n.slice(0, t)) : ""
function _r(n, t, e, u) {
function o() {
for (var t = -1, c = arguments.length, a = -1, l = u.length, s = Array(l + c), h = this && this !== Vn && this instanceof o ? f : n; ++a < l;) s[a] = u[a];
for (; c--;) s[a++] = arguments[++t];
return r(h, i ? e : this, s)
var i = 1 & t,
f = fr(n);
return o
function gr(n) {
return function(t, r, e) {
e && "number" != typeof e && Br(t, r, e) && (r = e = Z), t = Ce(t), t = t === t ? t : 0, r === Z ? (r = t, t = 0) : r = Ce(r) || 0, e = e === Z ? r > t ? 1 : -1 : Ce(e) || 0;
var u = -1;
r = Wu(ku((r - t) / (e || 1)), 0);
for (var o = Array(r); r--;) o[n ? r : ++u] = t, t += e;
return o
function vr(n, t, r, e, u, o, i, f, c, a) {
var l = 8 & t;
f = f ? Yt(f) : Z;
var s = l ? i : Z;
i = l ? Z : i;
var h = l ? o : Z;
return o = l ? Z : o, t = (t | (l ? 32 : 64)) & ~(l ? 64 : 32), 4 & t || (t &= -4), t = [n, t, u, h, s, o, i, f, c, a], r = r.apply(Z, t), zr(n) && uo(r, t), r.placeholder = e, r
function dr(n) {
var t = ru[n];
return function(n, r) {
if (n = Ce(n), r = We(r)) {
var e = (ze(n) + "e").split("e"),
e = t(e[0] + "e" + (+e[1] + r)),
e = (ze(e) + "e").split("e");
return +(e[0] + "e" + (+e[1] - r))
return t(n)
function yr(n, t, r, e, u, o, i, f) {
var c = 2 & t;
if (!c && "function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
var a = e ? e.length : 0;
if (a || (t &= -97, e = u = Z), i = i === Z ? i : Wu(We(i), 0), f = f === Z ? f : We(f), a -= u ? u.length : 0, 64 & t) {
var l = e,
s = u;
e = u = Z
var h = c ? Z : to(n);
return o = [n, t, r, e, u, l, s, o, i, f], h && (r = o[1], n = h[1], t = r | n, e = 128 == n && 8 == r || 128 == n && 256 == r && h[8] >= o[7].length || 384 == n && h[8] >= h[7].length && 8 == r, 131 > t || e) && (1 & n && (o[2] = h[2], t |= 1 & r ? 0 : 4), (r = h[3]) && (e = o[3], o[3] = e ? Vt(e, r, h[4]) : Yt(r), o[4] = e ? L(o[3], "__lodash_placeholder__") : Yt(h[4])), (r = h[5]) && (e = o[5], o[5] = e ? Jt(e, r, h[6]) : Yt(r), o[6] = e ? L(o[5], "__lodash_placeholder__") : Yt(h[6])), (r = h[7]) && (o[7] = Yt(r)), 128 & n && (o[8] = null == o[8] ? h[8] : Bu(o[8], h[8])), null == o[9] && (o[9] = h[9]), o[0] = h[0], o[1] = t), n = o[0], t = o[1], r = o[2], e = o[3], u = o[4], f = o[9] = null == o[9] ? c ? 0 : n.length : Wu(o[9] - a, 0), !f && 24 & t && (t &= -25), c = t && 1 != t ? 8 == t || 16 == t ? cr(n, t, f) : 32 != t && 33 != t || u.length ? lr.apply(Z, o) : _r(n, t, r, e) : ur(n, t, r), (h ? Xu : uo)(c, o)
function br(n, t, r, e, u, o) {
var i = -1,
f = 2 & u,
c = 1 & u,
a = n.length,
l = t.length;
if (!(a == l || f && l > a)) return !1;
if (l = o.get(n)) return l == t;
for (l = !0, o.set(n, t); ++i < a;) {
var s = n[i],
h = t[i];
if (e) var _ = f ? e(h, s, i, t, n, o) : e(s, h, i, n, t, o);
if (_ !== Z) {
if (_) continue;
l = !1;
if (c) {
if (!p(t, function(n) {
return s === n || r(s, n, e, u, o)
})) {
l = !1;
} else if (s !== h && !r(s, h, e, u, o)) {
l = !1;
return o["delete"](n), l
function xr(n, t, r, e, u, o) {
switch (r) {
case "[object ArrayBuffer]":
if (n.byteLength != t.byteLength || !e(new du(n), new du(t))) break;
return !0;
case "[object Boolean]":
case "[object Date]":
return +n == +t;
case "[object Error]":
return n.name == t.name && n.message == t.message;
case "[object Number]":
return n != +n ? t != +t : n == +t;
case "[object RegExp]":
case "[object String]":
return n == t + "";
case "[object Map]":
var i = M;
case "[object Set]":
return i || (i = $), (2 & o || n.size == t.size) && e(i(n), i(t), u, 1 | o);
case "[object Symbol]":
return !!vu && Tu.call(n) == Tu.call(t)
return !1
function jr(n, t, r, e, u, o) {
var i = 2 & u,
f = Fe(n),
c = f.length,
a = Fe(t).length;
if (c != a && !i) return !1;
for (var l = c; l--;) {
var s = f[l];
if (!(i ? s in t : pt(t, s))) return !1
if (a = o.get(n)) return a == t;
a = !0, o.set(n, t);
for (var h = i; ++l < c;) {
var s = f[l],
p = n[s],
_ = t[s];
if (e) var g = i ? e(_, p, s, t, n, o) : e(p, _, s, n, t, o);
if (g === Z ? p !== _ && !r(p, _, e, u, o) : !g) {
a = !1;
h || (h = "constructor" == s)
return a && !h && (r = n.constructor, e = t.constructor, r != e && "constructor" in n && "constructor" in t && !("function" == typeof r && r instanceof r && "function" == typeof e && e instanceof e) && (a = !1)), o["delete"](n), a
function mr(n) {
for (var t = n.name + "", r = Gu[t], e = cu.call(Gu, t) ? r.length : 0; e--;) {
var u = r[e],
o = u.func;
if (null == o || o == n) return u.name
return t
function wr() {
var n = yn.iteratee || Je,
n = n === Je ? xt : n;
return arguments.length ? n(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : n
function Ar(n) {
n = De(n);
for (var t = n.length; t--;) {
var r, e = n[t];
r = n[t][1], r = r === r && !xe(r), e[2] = r
return n
function Or(n, t) {
var r = null == n ? Z : n[t];
return me(r) ? r : Z
function kr(n) {
return su.call(n)
function Er(n, t, r) {
if (null == n) return !1;
var e = r(n, t);
return e || Cr(t) || (t = Nt(t), n = $r(n, t), null != n && (t = Kr(t), e = r(n, t))), r = n ? n.length : Z, e || !!r && be(r) && U(t, r) && (No(n) || ke(n) || pe(n))
function Ir(n) {
var t = n.length,
r = n.constructor(t);
return t && "string" == typeof n[0] && cu.call(n, "index") && (r.index = n.index, r.input = n.input), r
function Sr(n) {
return Mr(n) ? {} : (n = n.constructor, Vu(de(n) ? n.prototype : Z))
function Rr(r, e, u) {
var o = r.constructor;
switch (e) {
case "[object ArrayBuffer]":
return Gt(r);
case "[object Boolean]":
case "[object Date]":
return new o((+r));
case "[object Float32Array]":
case "[object Float64Array]":
case "[object Int8Array]":
case "[object Int16Array]":
case "[object Int32Array]":
case "[object Uint8Array]":
case "[object Uint8ClampedArray]":
case "[object Uint16Array]":
case "[object Uint32Array]":
return e = r.buffer, new r.constructor(u ? Gt(e) : e, r.byteOffset, r.length);
case "[object Map]":
return u = r.constructor, s(M(r), n, new u);
case "[object Number]":
case "[object String]":
return new o(r);
case "[object RegExp]":
return u = new r.constructor(r.source, hn.exec(r)), u.lastIndex = r.lastIndex, u;
case "[object Set]":
return u = r.constructor, s($(r), t, new u);
case "[object Symbol]":
return vu ? Object(Tu.call(r)) : {}
function Wr(n) {
var t = n ? n.length : Z;
return be(t) && (No(n) || ke(n) || pe(n)) ? j(t, String) : null
function Br(n, t, r) {
if (!xe(r)) return !1;
var e = typeof t;
return !!("number" == e ? _e(r) && U(t, r.length) : "string" == e && t in r) && se(r[t], n)
function Cr(n, t) {
return "number" == typeof n || !No(n) && (rn.test(n) || !tn.test(n) || null != t && n in Object(t))
function Ur(n) {
var t = typeof n;
return "number" == t || "boolean" == t || "string" == t && "__proto__" !== n || null == n
function zr(n) {
var t = mr(n),
r = yn[t];
return "function" == typeof r && t in An.prototype && (n === r || (t = to(r), !!t && n === t[0]))
function Mr(n) {
var t = n && n.constructor;
return n === ("function" == typeof t && t.prototype || iu)
function Lr(n, t, r, e, u, o) {
return xe(n) && xe(t) && (o.set(t, n), Ot(n, t, Z, Lr, o)), n
function $r(n, t) {
return 1 == t.length ? n : Me(n, zt(t, 0, -1))
function Fr(n) {
var t = [];
return ze(n).replace(en, function(n, r, e, u) {
t.push(e ? u.replace(ln, "$1") : r || n)
}), t
function Nr(n) {
return ge(n) ? n : []
function Dr(n) {
return "function" == typeof n ? n : Ve
function Zr(n) {
if (n instanceof An) return n.clone();
var t = new wn(n.__wrapped__, n.__chain__);
return t.__actions__ = Yt(n.__actions__), t.__index__ = n.__index__, t.__values__ = n.__values__, t
function qr(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
return e ? (t = r || t === Z ? 1 : We(t), zt(n, 0 > t ? 0 : t, e)) : []
function Pr(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
return e ? (t = r || t === Z ? 1 : We(t), t = e - t, zt(n, 0, 0 > t ? 0 : t)) : []
function Tr(n) {
return n ? n[0] : Z
function Kr(n) {
var t = n ? n.length : 0;
return t ? n[t - 1] : Z
function Gr(n, t) {
return n && n.length && t && t.length ? Wt(n, t) : n
function Vr(n) {
return n ? zu.call(n) : n
function Jr(n) {
if (!n || !n.length) return [];
var t = 0;
return n = i(n, function(n) {
return ge(n) ? (t = Wu(n.length, t), !0) : void 0
}), j(t, function(t) {
return a(n, St(t))
function Yr(n, t) {
if (!n || !n.length) return [];
var e = Jr(n);
return null == t ? e : a(e, function(n) {
return r(t, Z, n)
function Hr(n) {
return n = yn(n), n.__chain__ = !0, n
function Qr(n, t) {
return t(n)
function Xr() {
return this
function ne(n, t) {
return "function" == typeof t && No(n) ? u(n, t) : Ju(n, Dr(t))
function te(n, t) {
var r;
if ("function" == typeof t && No(n)) {
for (r = n.length; r-- && !1 !== t(n[r], r, n););
r = n
} else r = Yu(n, Dr(t));
return r
function re(n, t) {
return (No(n) ? a : mt)(n, wr(t, 3))
function ee(n, t) {
var r = -1,
e = Re(n),
u = e.length,
o = u - 1;
for (t = nt(We(t), 0, u); ++r < t;) {
var u = Ct(r, o),
i = e[u];
e[u] = e[r], e[r] = i
return e.length = t, e
function ue(n, t, r) {
return t = r ? Z : t, t = n && null == t ? n.length : t, yr(n, 128, Z, Z, Z, Z, t)
function oe(n, t) {
var r;
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return n = We(n),
function() {
return 0 < --n && (r = t.apply(this, arguments)), 1 >= n && (t = Z), r
function ie(n, t, r) {
return t = r ? Z : t, n = yr(n, 8, Z, Z, Z, Z, Z, t), n.placeholder = yn.placeholder || ie.placeholder, n
function fe(n, t, r) {
return t = r ? Z : t, n = yr(n, 16, Z, Z, Z, Z, Z, t), n.placeholder = yn.placeholder || fe.placeholder, n
function ce(n, t, r) {
function e() {
p && yu(p), a && yu(a), g = 0, c = a = h = p = _ = Z
function u(t, r) {
r && yu(r), a = p = _ = Z, t && (g = Wo(), l = n.apply(h, c), p || a || (c = h = Z))
function o() {
var n = t - (Wo() - s);
0 >= n || n > t ? u(_, a) : p = Au(o, n)
function i() {
u(y, p)
function f() {
if (c = arguments, s = Wo(), h = this, _ = y && (p || !v), !1 === d) var r = v && !p;
else {
g || a || v || (g = s);
var e = d - (s - g),
u = 0 >= e || e > d;
u ? (a && (a = yu(a)), g = s, l = n.apply(h, c)) : a || (a = Au(i, e))
return u && p ? p = yu(p) : p || t === d || (p = Au(o, t)), r && (u = !0, l = n.apply(h, c)), !u || p || a || (c = h = Z), l
var c, a, l, s, h, p, _, g = 0,
v = !1,
d = !1,
y = !0;
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return t = Ce(t) || 0, xe(r) && (v = !!r.leading, d = "maxWait" in r && Wu(Ce(r.maxWait) || 0, t), y = "trailing" in r ? !!r.trailing : y), f.cancel = e, f.flush = function() {
return (p && _ || a && y) && (l = n.apply(h, c)), e(), l
}, f
function ae(n, t) {
if ("function" != typeof n || t && "function" != typeof t) throw new uu("Expected a function");
var r = function() {
var e = arguments,
u = t ? t.apply(this, e) : e[0],
o = r.cache;
return o.has(u) ? o.get(u) : (e = n.apply(this, e), r.cache = o.set(u, e), e)
return r.cache = new ae.Cache, r
function le(n, t) {
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return t = Wu(t === Z ? n.length - 1 : We(t), 0),
function() {
for (var e = arguments, u = -1, o = Wu(e.length - t, 0), i = Array(o); ++u < o;) i[u] = e[t + u];
switch (t) {
case 0:
return n.call(this, i);
case 1:
return n.call(this, e[0], i);
case 2:
return n.call(this, e[0], e[1], i)
for (o = Array(t + 1), u = -1; ++u < t;) o[u] = e[u];
return o[t] = i, r(n, this, o)
function se(n, t) {
return n === t || n !== n && t !== t
function he(n, t) {
return n > t
function pe(n) {
return ge(n) && cu.call(n, "callee") && (!wu.call(n, "callee") || "[object Arguments]" == su.call(n))
function _e(n) {
return null != n && !("function" == typeof n && de(n)) && be(ro(n))
function ge(n) {
return je(n) && _e(n)
function ve(n) {
return je(n) && "string" == typeof n.message && "[object Error]" == su.call(n)
function de(n) {
return n = xe(n) ? su.call(n) : "", "[object Function]" == n || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == n
function ye(n) {
return "number" == typeof n && n == We(n)
function be(n) {
return "number" == typeof n && n > -1 && 0 == n % 1 && 9007199254740991 >= n
function xe(n) {
var t = typeof n;
return !!n && ("object" == t || "function" == t)
function je(n) {
return !!n && "object" == typeof n
function me(n) {
return null != n && (de(n) ? pu.test(fu.call(n)) : je(n) && (C(n) ? pu : vn).test(n))
function we(n) {
return "number" == typeof n || je(n) && "[object Number]" == su.call(n)
function Ae(n) {
if (!je(n) || "[object Object]" != su.call(n) || C(n)) return !1;
var t = iu;
return "function" == typeof n.constructor && (t = xu(n)), null === t || (n = t.constructor, "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && fu.call(n) == lu)
function Oe(n) {
return xe(n) && "[object RegExp]" == su.call(n)
function ke(n) {
return "string" == typeof n || !No(n) && je(n) && "[object String]" == su.call(n)
function Ee(n) {
return "symbol" == typeof n || je(n) && "[object Symbol]" == su.call(n)
function Ie(n) {
return je(n) && be(n.length) && !!Bn[su.call(n)]
function Se(n, t) {
return t > n
function Re(n) {
if (!n) return [];
if (_e(n)) return ke(n) ? n.match(kn) : Yt(n);
if (mu && n[mu]) return z(n[mu]());
var t = kr(n);
return ("[object Map]" == t ? M : "[object Set]" == t ? $ : Ze)(n)
function We(n) {
if (!n) return 0 === n ? n : 0;
if (n = Ce(n), n === q || n === -q) return 1.7976931348623157e308 * (0 > n ? -1 : 1);
var t = n % 1;
return n === n ? t ? n - t : n : 0
function Be(n) {
return n ? nt(We(n), 0, 4294967295) : 0
function Ce(n) {
if (xe(n) && (n = de(n.valueOf) ? n.valueOf() : n, n = xe(n) ? n + "" : n), "string" != typeof n) return 0 === n ? n : +n;
n = n.replace(fn, "");
var t = gn.test(n);
return t || dn.test(n) ? Nn(n.slice(2), t ? 2 : 8) : _n.test(n) ? P : +n
function Ue(n) {
return Ht(n, Ne(n))
function ze(n) {
if ("string" == typeof n) return n;
if (null == n) return "";
if (Ee(n)) return vu ? Ku.call(n) : "";
var t = n + "";
return "0" == t && 1 / n == -q ? "-0" : t
function Me(n, t, r) {
return n = null == n ? Z : ht(n, t), n === Z ? r : n
function Le(n, t) {
return Er(n, t, pt)
function $e(n, t) {
return Er(n, t, _t)
function Fe(n) {
var t = Mr(n);
if (!t && !_e(n)) return Ru(Object(n));
var r, e = Wr(n),
u = !!e,
e = e || [],
o = e.length;
for (r in n) !pt(n, r) || u && ("length" == r || U(r, o)) || t && "constructor" == r || e.push(r);
return e
function Ne(n) {
for (var t = -1, r = Mr(n), e = jt(n), u = e.length, o = Wr(n), i = !!o, o = o || [], f = o.length; ++t < u;) {
var c = e[t];
i && ("length" == c || U(c, f)) || "constructor" == c && (r || !cu.call(n, c)) || o.push(c)
return o
function De(n) {
return m(n, Fe(n))
function Ze(n) {
return n ? A(n, Fe(n)) : []
function qe(n) {
return ii(ze(n).toLowerCase())
function Pe(n) {
return (n = ze(n)) && n.replace(bn, S).replace(On, "")
function Te(n, t) {
n = ze(n), t = We(t);
var r = "";
if (!n || 1 > t || t > 9007199254740991) return r;
do t % 2 && (r += n), t = Eu(t / 2), n += n; while (t);
return r
function Ke(n, t, r) {
return n = ze(n), t = r ? Z : t, t === Z && (t = Rn.test(n) ? Sn : In), n.match(t) || []
function Ge(n) {
return function() {
return n
function Ve(n) {
return n
function Je(n) {
return xt("function" == typeof n ? n : tt(n, !0))
function Ye(n, t, r) {
var e = Fe(t),
o = st(t, e);
null != r || xe(t) && (o.length || !e.length) || (r = t, t = n, n = this, o = st(t, Fe(t)));
var i = !(xe(r) && "chain" in r) || r.chain,
f = de(n);
return u(o, function(r) {
var e = t[r];
n[r] = e, f && (n.prototype[r] = function() {
var t = this.__chain__;
if (i || t) {
var r = n(this.__wrapped__);
return (r.__actions__ = Yt(this.__actions__)).push({
func: e,
args: arguments,
thisArg: n
}), r.__chain__ = t, r
return e.apply(n, l([this.value()], arguments))
}), n
function He() {}
function Qe(n) {
return Cr(n) ? St(n) : Rt(n)
function Xe(n) {
return n && n.length ? x(n, Ve) : 0
E = E ? Jn.defaults({}, E, Jn.pick(Vn, Wn)) : Vn;
var nu = E.Date,
tu = E.Error,
ru = E.Math,
eu = E.RegExp,
uu = E.TypeError,
ou = E.Array.prototype,
iu = E.Object.prototype,
fu = E.Function.prototype.toString,
cu = iu.hasOwnProperty,
au = 0,
lu = fu.call(Object),
su = iu.toString,
hu = Vn._,
pu = eu("^" + fu.call(cu).replace(un, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"),
_u = Kn ? E.Buffer : Z,
gu = E.Reflect,
vu = E.Symbol,
du = E.Uint8Array,
yu = E.clearTimeout,
bu = gu ? gu.enumerate : Z,
xu = Object.getPrototypeOf,
ju = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,
mu = "symbol" == typeof(mu = vu && vu.iterator) ? mu : Z,
wu = iu.propertyIsEnumerable,
Au = E.setTimeout,
Ou = ou.splice,
ku = ru.ceil,
Eu = ru.floor,
Iu = E.isFinite,
Su = ou.join,
Ru = Object.keys,
Wu = ru.max,
Bu = ru.min,
Cu = E.parseInt,
Uu = ru.random,
zu = ou.reverse,
Mu = Or(E, "Map"),
Lu = Or(E, "Set"),
$u = Or(E, "WeakMap"),
Fu = Or(Object, "create"),
Nu = $u && new $u,
Du = Mu ? fu.call(Mu) : "",
Zu = Lu ? fu.call(Lu) : "",
qu = $u ? fu.call($u) : "",
Pu = vu ? vu.prototype : Z,
Tu = vu ? Pu.valueOf : Z,
Ku = vu ? Pu.toString : Z,
Gu = {};
yn.templateSettings = {
escape: Q,
evaluate: X,
interpolate: nn,
variable: "",
imports: {
_: yn
var Vu = function() {
function n() {}
return function(t) {
if (xe(t)) {
n.prototype = t;
var r = new n;
n.prototype = Z
return r || {}
Ju = rr(at),
Yu = rr(lt, !0),
Hu = er(),
Qu = er(!0);
bu && !wu.call({
valueOf: 1
}, "valueOf") && (jt = function(n) {
return z(bu(n))
var Xu = Nu ? function(n, t) {
return Nu.set(n, t), n
} : Ve,
no = Lu && 2 === new Lu([1, 2]).size ? function(n) {
return new Lu(n)
} : He,
to = Nu ? function(n) {
return Nu.get(n)
} : He,
ro = St("length"),
eo = ju || function() {
return []
(Mu && "[object Map]" != kr(new Mu) || Lu && "[object Set]" != kr(new Lu) || $u && "[object WeakMap]" != kr(new $u)) && (kr = function(n) {
var t = su.call(n);
if (n = "[object Object]" == t ? n.constructor : null, n = "function" == typeof n ? fu.call(n) : "") switch (n) {
case Du:
return "[object Map]";
case Zu:
return "[object Set]";
case qu:
return "[object WeakMap]"
return t
var uo = function() {
var n = 0,
t = 0;
return function(r, e) {
var u = Wo(),
o = 16 - (u - t);
if (t = u, o > 0) {
if (150 <= ++n) return r
} else n = 0;
return Xu(r, e)
oo = le(function(n, t) {
No(n) || (n = null == n ? [] : [Object(n)]), t = ft(t);
for (var r = n, e = t, u = -1, o = r.length, i = -1, f = e.length, c = Array(o + f); ++u < o;) c[u] = r[u];
for (; ++i < f;) c[u++] = e[i];
return c
io = le(function(n, t) {
return ge(n) ? ut(n, ft(t, !1, !0)) : []
fo = le(function(n, t) {
var r = Kr(t);
return ge(r) && (r = Z), ge(n) ? ut(n, ft(t, !1, !0), wr(r)) : []
co = le(function(n, t) {
var r = Kr(t);
return ge(r) && (r = Z), ge(n) ? ut(n, ft(t, !1, !0), Z, r) : []
ao = le(function(n) {
var t = a(n, Nr);
return t.length && t[0] === n[0] ? gt(t) : []
lo = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n),
r = a(n, Nr);
return t === Kr(r) ? t = Z : r.pop(), r.length && r[0] === n[0] ? gt(r, wr(t)) : []
so = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n),
r = a(n, Nr);
return t === Kr(r) ? t = Z : r.pop(), r.length && r[0] === n[0] ? gt(r, Z, t) : []
ho = le(Gr),
po = le(function(n, t) {
t = a(ft(t), String);
var r = Xn(n, t);
return Bt(n, t.sort(I)), r
_o = le(function(n) {
return Dt(ft(n, !1, !0))
go = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n);
return ge(t) && (t = Z), Dt(ft(n, !1, !0), wr(t))
vo = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n);
return ge(t) && (t = Z), Dt(ft(n, !1, !0), Z, t)
yo = le(function(n, t) {
return ge(n) ? ut(n, t) : []
bo = le(function(n) {
return Pt(i(n, ge))
xo = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n);
return ge(t) && (t = Z), Pt(i(n, ge), wr(t))
jo = le(function(n) {
var t = Kr(n);
return ge(t) && (t = Z), Pt(i(n, ge), Z, t)
mo = le(Jr),
wo = le(function(n) {
var t = n.length,
t = t > 1 ? n[t - 1] : Z,
t = "function" == typeof t ? (n.pop(), t) : Z;
return Yr(n, t)
Ao = le(function(n) {
n = ft(n);
var t = n.length,
r = t ? n[0] : 0,
e = this.__wrapped__,
u = function(t) {
return Xn(t, n)
return 1 >= t && !this.__actions__.length && e instanceof An && U(r) ? (e = e.slice(r, +r + (t ? 1 : 0)), e.__actions__.push({
func: Qr,
args: [u],
thisArg: Z
}), new wn(e, this.__chain__).thru(function(n) {
return t && !n.length && n.push(Z), n
})) : this.thru(u)
Oo = nr(function(n, t, r) {
cu.call(n, r) ? ++n[r] : n[r] = 1
ko = nr(function(n, t, r) {
cu.call(n, r) ? n[r].push(t) : n[r] = [t]
Eo = le(function(n, t, e) {
var u = -1,
o = "function" == typeof t,
i = Cr(t),
f = _e(n) ? Array(n.length) : [];
return Ju(n, function(n) {
var c = o ? t : i && null != n ? n[t] : Z;
f[++u] = c ? r(c, n, e) : dt(n, t, e)
}), f
Io = nr(function(n, t, r) {
n[r] = t
So = nr(function(n, t, r) {
n[r ? 0 : 1].push(t)
}, function() {
return [
Ro = le(function(n, t) {
if (null == n) return [];
var r = t.length;
return r > 1 && Br(n, t[0], t[1]) ? t = [] : r > 2 && Br(t[0], t[1], t[2]) && (t.length = 1), kt(n, ft(t), [])
Wo = nu.now,
Bo = le(function(n, t, r) {
var e = 1;
if (r.length) var u = L(r, yn.placeholder || Bo.placeholder),
e = 32 | e;
return yr(n, e, t, r, u)
Co = le(function(n, t, r) {
var e = 3;
if (r.length) var u = L(r, yn.placeholder || Co.placeholder),
e = 32 | e;
return yr(t, e, n, r, u)
Uo = le(function(n, t) {
return et(n, 1, t)
zo = le(function(n, t, r) {
return et(n, Ce(t) || 0, r)
Mo = le(function(n, t) {
t = a(ft(t), wr());
var e = t.length;
return le(function(u) {
for (var o = -1, i = Bu(u.length, e); ++o < i;) u[o] = t[o].call(this, u[o]);
return r(n, this, u)
Lo = le(function(n, t) {
var r = L(t, yn.placeholder || Lo.placeholder);
return yr(n, 32, Z, t, r)
$o = le(function(n, t) {
var r = L(t, yn.placeholder || $o.placeholder);
return yr(n, 64, Z, t, r)
Fo = le(function(n, t) {
return yr(n, 256, Z, Z, Z, ft(t))
No = Array.isArray,
Do = _u ? function(n) {
return n instanceof _u
} : Ge(!1),
Zo = tr(function(n, t) {
Ht(t, Fe(t), n)
qo = tr(function(n, t) {
Ht(t, Ne(t), n)
Po = tr(function(n, t, r, e) {
Qt(t, Ne(t), n, e)
To = tr(function(n, t, r, e) {
Qt(t, Fe(t), n, e)
Ko = le(function(n, t) {
return Xn(n, ft(t))
Go = le(function(n) {
return n.push(Z, Tn), r(Po, Z, n)
Vo = le(function(n) {
return n.push(Z, Lr), r(Xo, Z, n)
Jo = sr(function(n, t, r) {
n[t] = r
}, Ge(Ve)),
Yo = sr(function(n, t, r) {
cu.call(n, t) ? n[t].push(r) : n[t] = [r]
}, wr),
Ho = le(dt),
Qo = tr(function(n, t, r) {
Ot(n, t, r)
Xo = tr(function(n, t, r, e) {
Ot(n, t, r, e)
ni = le(function(n, t) {
return null == n ? {} : (t = a(ft(t), String), Et(n, ut(Ne(n), t)))
ti = le(function(n, t) {
return null == n ? {} : Et(n, ft(t))
ri = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return t = t.toLowerCase(), n + (r ? qe(t) : t)
ei = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return n + (r ? "-" : "") + t.toLowerCase()
ui = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return n + (r ? " " : "") + t.toLowerCase()
oi = or("toLowerCase"),
ii = or("toUpperCase"),
fi = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return n + (r ? "_" : "") + t.toLowerCase()
ci = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return n + (r ? " " : "") + qe(t)
ai = ir(function(n, t, r) {
return n + (r ? " " : "") + t.toUpperCase()
li = le(function(n, t) {
try {
return r(n, Z, t)
} catch (e) {
return xe(e) ? e : new tu(e)
si = le(function(n, t) {
return u(ft(t), function(t) {
n[t] = Bo(n[t], n)
}), n
hi = ar(),
pi = ar(!0),
_i = le(function(n, t) {
return function(r) {
return dt(r, n, t)
gi = le(function(n, t) {
return function(r) {
return dt(n, r, t)
vi = hr(a),
di = hr(o),
yi = hr(p),
bi = gr(),
xi = gr(!0),
ji = dr("ceil"),
mi = dr("floor"),
wi = dr("round");
return yn.prototype = mn.prototype, wn.prototype = Vu(mn.prototype), wn.prototype.constructor = wn, An.prototype = Vu(mn.prototype), An.prototype.constructor = An, Un.prototype = Fu ? Fu(null) : iu, zn.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = {
hash: new Un,
map: Mu ? new Mu : [],
string: new Un
}, zn.prototype["delete"] = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__;
return Ur(n) ? (t = "string" == typeof n ? t.string : t.hash, (Fu ? t[n] !== Z : cu.call(t, n)) && delete t[n]) : Mu ? t.map["delete"](n) : Dn(t.map, n)
}, zn.prototype.get = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__;
return Ur(n) ? (t = "string" == typeof n ? t.string : t.hash, Fu ? (n = t[n], n = "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === n ? Z : n) : n = cu.call(t, n) ? t[n] : Z, n) : Mu ? t.map.get(n) : Zn(t.map, n)
}, zn.prototype.has = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__;
return Ur(n) ? (t = "string" == typeof n ? t.string : t.hash, n = Fu ? t[n] !== Z : cu.call(t, n)) : n = Mu ? t.map.has(n) : -1 < qn(t.map, n), n
}, zn.prototype.set = function(n, t) {
var r = this.__data__;
return Ur(n) ? ("string" == typeof n ? r.string : r.hash)[n] = Fu && t === Z ? "__lodash_hash_undefined__" : t : Mu ? r.map.set(n, t) : Pn(r.map, n, t), this
}, Mn.prototype.push = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__;
Ur(n) ? (t = t.__data__, ("string" == typeof n ? t.string : t.hash)[n] = "__lodash_hash_undefined__") : t.set(n, "__lodash_hash_undefined__")
}, $n.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = {
array: [],
map: null
}, $n.prototype["delete"] = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__,
r = t.array;
return r ? Dn(r, n) : t.map["delete"](n)
}, $n.prototype.get = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__,
r = t.array;
return r ? Zn(r, n) : t.map.get(n)
}, $n.prototype.has = function(n) {
var t = this.__data__,
r = t.array;
return r ? -1 < qn(r, n) : t.map.has(n)
}, $n.prototype.set = function(n, t) {
var r = this.__data__,
e = r.array;
return e && (199 > e.length ? Pn(e, n, t) : (r.array = null, r.map = new zn(e))), (r = r.map) && r.set(n, t), this
}, ae.Cache = zn, yn.after = function(n, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return n = We(n),
function() {
return 1 > --n ? t.apply(this, arguments) : void 0
}, yn.ary = ue, yn.assign = Zo, yn.assignIn = qo, yn.assignInWith = Po, yn.assignWith = To, yn.at = Ko, yn.before = oe, yn.bind = Bo, yn.bindAll = si, yn.bindKey = Co, yn.chain = Hr, yn.chunk = function(n, t) {
t = Wu(We(t), 0);
var r = n ? n.length : 0;
if (!r || 1 > t) return [];
for (var e = 0, u = -1, o = Array(ku(r / t)); r > e;) o[++u] = zt(n, e, e += t);
return o
}, yn.compact = function(n) {
for (var t = -1, r = n ? n.length : 0, e = -1, u = []; ++t < r;) {
var o = n[t];
o && (u[++e] = o)
return u
}, yn.concat = oo, yn.cond = function(n) {
var t = n ? n.length : 0,
e = wr();
return n = t ? a(n, function(n) {
if ("function" != typeof n[1]) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return [e(n[0]), n[1]]
}) : [], le(function(e) {
for (var u = -1; ++u < t;) {
var o = n[u];
if (r(o[0], this, e)) return r(o[1], this, e)
}, yn.conforms = function(n) {
return rt(tt(n, !0))
}, yn.constant = Ge, yn.countBy = Oo, yn.create = function(n, t) {
var r = Vu(n);
return t ? Qn(r, t) : r
}, yn.curry = ie, yn.curryRight = fe, yn.debounce = ce, yn.defaults = Go, yn.defaultsDeep = Vo, yn.defer = Uo, yn.delay = zo, yn.difference = io, yn.differenceBy = fo, yn.differenceWith = co, yn.drop = qr, yn.dropRight = Pr, yn.dropRightWhile = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Zt(n, wr(t, 3), !0, !0) : []
}, yn.dropWhile = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Zt(n, wr(t, 3), !0) : []
}, yn.fill = function(n, t, r, e) {
var u = n ? n.length : 0;
if (!u) return [];
for (r && "number" != typeof r && Br(n, t, r) && (r = 0, e = u), u = n.length, r = We(r), 0 > r && (r = -r > u ? 0 : u + r), e = e === Z || e > u ? u : We(e), 0 > e && (e += u), e = r > e ? 0 : Be(e); e > r;) n[r++] = t;
return n
}, yn.filter = function(n, t) {
return (No(n) ? i : it)(n, wr(t, 3))
}, yn.flatMap = function(n, t) {
return ft(re(n, t))
}, yn.flatten = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? ft(n) : []
}, yn.flattenDeep = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? ft(n, !0) : []
}, yn.flip = function(n) {
return yr(n, 512)
}, yn.flow = hi, yn.flowRight = pi, yn.fromPairs = function(n) {
for (var t = -1, r = n ? n.length : 0, e = {}; ++t < r;) {
var u = n[t];
e[u[0]] = u[1]
return e
}, yn.functions = function(n) {
return null == n ? [] : st(n, Fe(n))
}, yn.functionsIn = function(n) {
return null == n ? [] : st(n, Ne(n))
}, yn.groupBy = ko, yn.initial = function(n) {
return Pr(n, 1)
}, yn.intersection = ao, yn.intersectionBy = lo, yn.intersectionWith = so, yn.invert = Jo, yn.invertBy = Yo, yn.invokeMap = Eo, yn.iteratee = Je, yn.keyBy = Io, yn.keys = Fe, yn.keysIn = Ne, yn.map = re, yn.mapKeys = function(n, t) {
var r = {};
return t = wr(t, 3), at(n, function(n, e, u) {
r[t(n, e, u)] = n
}), r
}, yn.mapValues = function(n, t) {
var r = {};
return t = wr(t, 3), at(n, function(n, e, u) {
r[e] = t(n, e, u)
}), r
}, yn.matches = function(n) {
return wt(tt(n, !0))
}, yn.matchesProperty = function(n, t) {
return At(n, tt(t, !0))
}, yn.memoize = ae, yn.merge = Qo, yn.mergeWith = Xo, yn.method = _i, yn.methodOf = gi, yn.mixin = Ye, yn.negate = function(n) {
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return function() {
return !n.apply(this, arguments)
}, yn.nthArg = function(n) {
return n = We(n),
function() {
return arguments[n]
}, yn.omit = ni, yn.omitBy = function(n, t) {
return t = wr(t, 2), It(n, function(n, r) {
return !t(n, r)
}, yn.once = function(n) {
return oe(2, n)
}, yn.orderBy = function(n, t, r, e) {
return null == n ? [] : (No(t) || (t = null == t ? [] : [t]), r = e ? Z : r, No(r) || (r = null == r ? [] : [r]), kt(n, t, r))
}, yn.over = vi, yn.overArgs = Mo, yn.overEvery = di, yn.overSome = yi, yn.partial = Lo, yn.partialRight = $o, yn.partition = So, yn.pick = ti, yn.pickBy = function(n, t) {
return null == n ? {} : It(n, wr(t, 2))
}, yn.property = Qe, yn.propertyOf = function(n) {
return function(t) {
return null == n ? Z : ht(n, t)
}, yn.pull = ho, yn.pullAll = Gr, yn.pullAllBy = function(n, t, r) {
return n && n.length && t && t.length ? Wt(n, t, wr(r)) : n
}, yn.pullAt = po, yn.range = bi, yn.rangeRight = xi, yn.rearg = Fo, yn.reject = function(n, t) {
var r = No(n) ? i : it;
return t = wr(t, 3), r(n, function(n, r, e) {
return !t(n, r, e)
}, yn.remove = function(n, t) {
var r = [];
if (!n || !n.length) return r;
var e = -1,
u = [],
o = n.length;
for (t = wr(t, 3); ++e < o;) {
var i = n[e];
t(i, e, n) && (r.push(i), u.push(e))
return Bt(n, u), r
}, yn.rest = le, yn.reverse = Vr, yn.sampleSize = ee, yn.set = function(n, t, r) {
return null == n ? n : Ut(n, t, r)
}, yn.setWith = function(n, t, r, e) {
return e = "function" == typeof e ? e : Z, null == n ? n : Ut(n, t, r, e)
}, yn.shuffle = function(n) {
return ee(n, 4294967295)
}, yn.slice = function(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
return e ? (r && "number" != typeof r && Br(n, t, r) ? (t = 0, r = e) : (t = null == t ? 0 : We(t), r = r === Z ? e : We(r)), zt(n, t, r)) : []
}, yn.sortBy = Ro, yn.sortedUniq = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? Ft(n) : []
}, yn.sortedUniqBy = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Ft(n, wr(t)) : []
}, yn.split = function(n, t, r) {
return ze(n).split(t, r)
}, yn.spread = function(n, t) {
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return t = t === Z ? 0 : Wu(We(t), 0), le(function(e) {
var u = e[t];
return e = e.slice(0, t), u && l(e, u), r(n, this, e)
}, yn.tail = function(n) {
return qr(n, 1)
}, yn.take = function(n, t, r) {
return n && n.length ? (t = r || t === Z ? 1 : We(t), zt(n, 0, 0 > t ? 0 : t)) : []
}, yn.takeRight = function(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
return e ? (t = r || t === Z ? 1 : We(t), t = e - t, zt(n, 0 > t ? 0 : t, e)) : []
}, yn.takeRightWhile = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Zt(n, wr(t, 3), !1, !0) : []
}, yn.takeWhile = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Zt(n, wr(t, 3)) : []
}, yn.tap = function(n, t) {
return t(n), n
}, yn.throttle = function(n, t, r) {
var e = !0,
u = !0;
if ("function" != typeof n) throw new uu("Expected a function");
return xe(r) && (e = "leading" in r ? !!r.leading : e, u = "trailing" in r ? !!r.trailing : u), ce(n, t, {
leading: e,
maxWait: t,
trailing: u
}, yn.thru = Qr, yn.toArray = Re, yn.toPairs = De, yn.toPairsIn = function(n) {
return m(n, Ne(n))
}, yn.toPath = function(n) {
return No(n) ? a(n, String) : Fr(n)
}, yn.toPlainObject = Ue, yn.transform = function(n, t, r) {
var e = No(n) || Ie(n);
if (t = wr(t, 4), null == r)
if (e || xe(n)) {
var o = n.constructor;
r = e ? No(n) ? new o : [] : Vu(de(o) ? o.prototype : Z)
} else r = {};
return (e ? u : at)(n, function(n, e, u) {
return t(r, n, e, u)
}), r
}, yn.unary = function(n) {
return ue(n, 1)
}, yn.union = _o, yn.unionBy = go, yn.unionWith = vo, yn.uniq = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? Dt(n) : []
}, yn.uniqBy = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Dt(n, wr(t)) : []
}, yn.uniqWith = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? Dt(n, Z, t) : []
}, yn.unset = function(n, t) {
var r;
if (null == n) r = !0;
else {
r = n;
var e = t,
e = Cr(e, r) ? [e + ""] : Nt(e);
r = $r(r, e), e = Kr(e), r = null == r || !Le(r, e) || delete r[e]
return r
}, yn.unzip = Jr, yn.unzipWith = Yr, yn.values = Ze, yn.valuesIn = function(n) {
return null == n ? A(n, Ne(n)) : []
}, yn.without = yo, yn.words = Ke, yn.wrap = function(n, t) {
return t = null == t ? Ve : t, Lo(t, n)
}, yn.xor = bo, yn.xorBy = xo, yn.xorWith = jo, yn.zip = mo, yn.zipObject = function(n, t) {
return Tt(n || [], t || [], Yn)
}, yn.zipObjectDeep = function(n, t) {
return Tt(n || [], t || [], Ut)
}, yn.zipWith = wo, yn.extend = qo, yn.extendWith = Po, Ye(yn, yn), yn.add = function(n, t) {
var r;
return n === Z && t === Z ? 0 : (n !== Z && (r = n), t !== Z && (r = r === Z ? t : r + t), r)
}, yn.attempt = li, yn.camelCase = ri, yn.capitalize = qe, yn.ceil = ji, yn.clamp = function(n, t, r) {
return r === Z && (r = t, t = Z), r !== Z && (r = Ce(r), r = r === r ? r : 0), t !== Z && (t = Ce(t), t = t === t ? t : 0), nt(Ce(n), t, r)
}, yn.clone = function(n) {
return tt(n)
}, yn.cloneDeep = function(n) {
return tt(n, !0)
}, yn.cloneDeepWith = function(n, t) {
return tt(n, !0, t)
}, yn.cloneWith = function(n, t) {
return tt(n, !1, t)
}, yn.deburr = Pe, yn.endsWith = function(n, t, r) {
n = ze(n), t = "string" == typeof t ? t : t + "";
var e = n.length;
return r = r === Z ? e : nt(We(r), 0, e), r -= t.length, r >= 0 && n.indexOf(t, r) == r
}, yn.eq = se, yn.escape = function(n) {
return (n = ze(n)) && H.test(n) ? n.replace(J, R) : n
}, yn.escapeRegExp = function(n) {
return (n = ze(n)) && on.test(n) ? n.replace(un, "\\$&") : n
}, yn.every = function(n, t, r) {
var e = No(n) ? o : ot;
return r && Br(n, t, r) && (t = Z), e(n, wr(t, 3))
}, yn.find = function(n, t) {
if (t = wr(t, 3), No(n)) {
var r = v(n, t);
return r > -1 ? n[r] : Z
return g(n, t, Ju)
}, yn.findIndex = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? v(n, wr(t, 3)) : -1
}, yn.findKey = function(n, t) {
return g(n, wr(t, 3), at, !0)
}, yn.findLast = function(n, t) {
if (t = wr(t, 3), No(n)) {
var r = v(n, t, !0);
return r > -1 ? n[r] : Z
return g(n, t, Yu)
}, yn.findLastIndex = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? v(n, wr(t, 3), !0) : -1
}, yn.findLastKey = function(n, t) {
return g(n, wr(t, 3), lt, !0)
}, yn.floor = mi, yn.forEach = ne, yn.forEachRight = te, yn.forIn = function(n, t) {
return null == n ? n : Hu(n, Dr(t), Ne)
}, yn.forInRight = function(n, t) {
return null == n ? n : Qu(n, Dr(t), Ne)
}, yn.forOwn = function(n, t) {
return n && at(n, Dr(t))
}, yn.forOwnRight = function(n, t) {
return n && lt(n, Dr(t))
}, yn.get = Me, yn.gt = he, yn.gte = function(n, t) {
return n >= t
}, yn.has = Le, yn.hasIn = $e, yn.head = Tr, yn.identity = Ve, yn.includes = function(n, t, r, e) {
return n = _e(n) ? n : Ze(n), r = r && !e ? We(r) : 0, e = n.length, 0 > r && (r = Wu(e + r, 0)), ke(n) ? e >= r && -1 < n.indexOf(t, r) : !!e && -1 < d(n, t, r)
}, yn.indexOf = function(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
return e ? (r = We(r), 0 > r && (r = Wu(e + r, 0)), d(n, t, r)) : -1
}, yn.inRange = function(n, t, r) {
return t = Ce(t) || 0, r === Z ? (r = t, t = 0) : r = Ce(r) || 0, n = Ce(n), n >= Bu(t, r) && n < Wu(t, r)
}, yn.invoke = Ho, yn.isArguments = pe, yn.isArray = No, yn.isArrayBuffer = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object ArrayBuffer]" == su.call(n)
}, yn.isArrayLike = _e, yn.isArrayLikeObject = ge, yn.isBoolean = function(n) {
return !0 === n || !1 === n || je(n) && "[object Boolean]" == su.call(n)
}, yn.isBuffer = Do, yn.isDate = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object Date]" == su.call(n)
}, yn.isElement = function(n) {
return !!n && 1 === n.nodeType && je(n) && !Ae(n)
}, yn.isEmpty = function(n) {
if (_e(n) && (No(n) || ke(n) || de(n.splice) || pe(n))) return !n.length;
for (var t in n)
if (cu.call(n, t)) return !1;
return !0
}, yn.isEqual = function(n, t) {
return yt(n, t)
}, yn.isEqualWith = function(n, t, r) {
var e = (r = "function" == typeof r ? r : Z) ? r(n, t) : Z;
return e === Z ? yt(n, t, r) : !!e
}, yn.isError = ve, yn.isFinite = function(n) {
return "number" == typeof n && Iu(n)
}, yn.isFunction = de, yn.isInteger = ye, yn.isLength = be, yn.isMap = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object Map]" == kr(n)
}, yn.isMatch = function(n, t) {
return n === t || bt(n, t, Ar(t))
}, yn.isMatchWith = function(n, t, r) {
return r = "function" == typeof r ? r : Z, bt(n, t, Ar(t), r)
}, yn.isNaN = function(n) {
return we(n) && n != +n
}, yn.isNative = me, yn.isNil = function(n) {
return null == n
}, yn.isNull = function(n) {
return null === n
}, yn.isNumber = we, yn.isObject = xe, yn.isObjectLike = je, yn.isPlainObject = Ae, yn.isRegExp = Oe, yn.isSafeInteger = function(n) {
return ye(n) && n >= -9007199254740991 && 9007199254740991 >= n
}, yn.isSet = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object Set]" == kr(n)
}, yn.isString = ke, yn.isSymbol = Ee, yn.isTypedArray = Ie, yn.isUndefined = function(n) {
return n === Z
}, yn.isWeakMap = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object WeakMap]" == kr(n)
}, yn.isWeakSet = function(n) {
return je(n) && "[object WeakSet]" == su.call(n)
}, yn.join = function(n, t) {
return n ? Su.call(n, t) : ""
}, yn.kebabCase = ei, yn.last = Kr, yn.lastIndexOf = function(n, t, r) {
var e = n ? n.length : 0;
if (!e) return -1;
var u = e;
if (r !== Z && (u = We(r), u = (0 > u ? Wu(e + u, 0) : Bu(u, e - 1)) + 1), t !== t) return B(n, u, !0);
for (; u--;)
if (n[u] === t) return u;
return -1
}, yn.lowerCase = ui, yn.lowerFirst = oi, yn.lt = Se, yn.lte = function(n, t) {
return t >= n
}, yn.max = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? _(n, Ve, he) : Z
}, yn.maxBy = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? _(n, wr(t), he) : Z
}, yn.mean = function(n) {
return Xe(n) / (n ? n.length : 0)
}, yn.min = function(n) {
return n && n.length ? _(n, Ve, Se) : Z
}, yn.minBy = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? _(n, wr(t), Se) : Z
}, yn.noConflict = function() {
return Vn._ === this && (Vn._ = hu), this
}, yn.noop = He, yn.now = Wo, yn.pad = function(n, t, r) {
n = ze(n), t = We(t);
var e = F(n);
return t && t > e ? (e = (t - e) / 2, t = Eu(e), e = ku(e), pr("", t, r) + n + pr("", e, r)) : n
}, yn.padEnd = function(n, t, r) {
return n = ze(n), n + pr(n, t, r)
}, yn.padStart = function(n, t, r) {
return n = ze(n), pr(n, t, r) + n
}, yn.parseInt = function(n, t, r) {
return r || null == t ? t = 0 : t && (t = +t), n = ze(n).replace(fn, ""), Cu(n, t || (pn.test(n) ? 16 : 10))
}, yn.random = function(n, t, r) {
if (r && "boolean" != typeof r && Br(n, t, r) && (t = r = Z), r === Z && ("boolean" == typeof t ? (r = t, t = Z) : "boolean" == typeof n && (r = n, n = Z)), n === Z && t === Z ? (n = 0, t = 1) : (n = Ce(n) || 0, t === Z ? (t = n, n = 0) : t = Ce(t) || 0), n > t) {
var e = n;
n = t, t = e
return r || n % 1 || t % 1 ? (r = Uu(), Bu(n + r * (t - n + Fn("1e-" + ((r + "").length - 1))), t)) : Ct(n, t)
}, yn.reduce = function(n, t, r) {
var e = No(n) ? s : y,
u = 3 > arguments.length;
return e(n, wr(t, 4), r, u, Ju)
}, yn.reduceRight = function(n, t, r) {
var e = No(n) ? h : y,
u = 3 > arguments.length;
return e(n, wr(t, 4), r, u, Yu)
}, yn.repeat = Te, yn.replace = function() {
var n = arguments,
t = ze(n[0]);
return 3 > n.length ? t : t.replace(n[1], n[2])
}, yn.result = function(n, t, r) {
if (Cr(t, n)) e = null == n ? Z : n[t];
else {
t = Nt(t);
var e = Me(n, t);
n = $r(n, t)
return e === Z && (e = r), de(e) ? e.call(n) : e
}, yn.round = wi, yn.runInContext = D, yn.sample = function(n) {
n = _e(n) ? n : Ze(n);
var t = n.length;
return t > 0 ? n[Ct(0, t - 1)] : Z
}, yn.size = function(n) {
if (null == n) return 0;
if (_e(n)) {
var t = n.length;
return t && ke(n) ? F(n) : t
return Fe(n).length
}, yn.snakeCase = fi, yn.some = function(n, t, r) {
var e = No(n) ? p : Mt;
return r && Br(n, t, r) && (t = Z), e(n, wr(t, 3))
}, yn.sortedIndex = function(n, t) {
return Lt(n, t)
}, yn.sortedIndexBy = function(n, t, r) {
return $t(n, t, wr(r))
}, yn.sortedIndexOf = function(n, t) {
var r = n ? n.length : 0;
if (r) {
var e = Lt(n, t);
if (r > e && se(n[e], t)) return e
return -1
}, yn.sortedLastIndex = function(n, t) {
return Lt(n, t, !0)
}, yn.sortedLastIndexBy = function(n, t, r) {
return $t(n, t, wr(r), !0)
}, yn.sortedLastIndexOf = function(n, t) {
if (n && n.length) {
var r = Lt(n, t, !0) - 1;
if (se(n[r], t)) return r
return -1
}, yn.startCase = ci, yn.startsWith = function(n, t, r) {
return n = ze(n), r = nt(We(r), 0, n.length), n.lastIndexOf(t, r) == r
}, yn.subtract = function(n, t) {
var r;
return n === Z && t === Z ? 0 : (n !== Z && (r = n), t !== Z && (r = r === Z ? t : r - t), r)
}, yn.sum = Xe, yn.sumBy = function(n, t) {
return n && n.length ? x(n, wr(t)) : 0
}, yn.template = function(n, t, r) {
var e = yn.templateSettings;
r && Br(n, t, r) && (t = Z), n = ze(n), t = Po({}, t, e, Tn), r = Po({}, t.imports, e.imports, Tn);
var u, o, i = Fe(r),
f = A(r, i),
c = 0;
r = t.interpolate || xn;
var a = "__p+='";
r = eu((t.escape || xn).source + "|" + r.source + "|" + (r === nn ? sn : xn).source + "|" + (t.evaluate || xn).source + "|$", "g");
var l = "sourceURL" in t ? "//# sourceURL=" + t.sourceURL + "\n" : "";
if (n.replace(r, function(t, r, e, i, f, l) {
return e || (e = i), a += n.slice(c, l).replace(jn, W), r && (u = !0, a += "'+__e(" + r + ")+'"), f && (o = !0, a += "';" + f + ";\n__p+='"), e && (a += "'+((__t=(" + e + "))==null?'':__t)+'"), c = l + t.length, t
}), a += "';", (t = t.variable) || (a = "with(obj){" + a + "}"), a = (o ? a.replace(T, "") : a).replace(K, "$1").replace(G, "$1;"), a = "function(" + (t || "obj") + "){" + (t ? "" : "obj||(obj={});") + "var __t,__p=''" + (u ? ",__e=_.escape" : "") + (o ? ",__j=Array.prototype.join;function print(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'')}" : ";") + a + "return __p}", t = li(function() {
return Function(i, l + "return " + a).apply(Z, f)
}), t.source = a, ve(t)) throw t;
return t
}, yn.times = function(n, t) {
if (n = We(n), 1 > n || n > 9007199254740991) return [];
var r = 4294967295,
e = Bu(n, 4294967295);
for (t = Dr(t), n -= 4294967295, e = j(e, t); ++r < n;) t(r);
return e
}, yn.toInteger = We, yn.toLength = Be, yn.toLower = function(n) {
return ze(n).toLowerCase()
}, yn.toNumber = Ce, yn.toSafeInteger = function(n) {
return nt(We(n), -9007199254740991, 9007199254740991)
}, yn.toString = ze, yn.toUpper = function(n) {
return ze(n).toUpperCase()
}, yn.trim = function(n, t, r) {
return (n = ze(n)) ? r || t === Z ? n.replace(fn, "") : (t += "") ? (n = n.match(kn), t = t.match(kn), n.slice(O(n, t), k(n, t) + 1).join("")) : n : n
}, yn.trimEnd = function(n, t, r) {
return (n = ze(n)) ? r || t === Z ? n.replace(an, "") : (t += "") ? (n = n.match(kn), n.slice(0, k(n, t.match(kn)) + 1).join("")) : n : n
}, yn.trimStart = function(n, t, r) {
return (n = ze(n)) ? r || t === Z ? n.replace(cn, "") : (t += "") ? (n = n.match(kn), n.slice(O(n, t.match(kn))).join("")) : n : n
}, yn.truncate = function(n, t) {
var r = 30,
e = "...";
if (xe(t)) var u = "separator" in t ? t.separator : u,
r = "length" in t ? We(t.length) : r,
e = "omission" in t ? ze(t.omission) : e;
n = ze(n);
var o = n.length;
if (En.test(n)) var i = n.match(kn),
o = i.length;
if (r >= o) return n;
if (o = r - F(e), 1 > o) return e;
if (r = i ? i.slice(0, o).join("") : n.slice(0, o), u === Z) return r + e;
if (i && (o += r.length - o), Oe(u)) {
if (n.slice(o).search(u)) {
var f = r;
for (u.global || (u = eu(u.source, ze(hn.exec(u)) + "g")), u.lastIndex = 0; i = u.exec(f);) var c = i.index;
r = r.slice(0, c === Z ? o : c)
} else n.indexOf(u, o) != o && (u = r.lastIndexOf(u), u > -1 && (r = r.slice(0, u)));
return r + e
}, yn.unescape = function(n) {
return (n = ze(n)) && Y.test(n) ? n.replace(V, N) : n
}, yn.uniqueId = function(n) {
var t = ++au;
return ze(n) + t
}, yn.upperCase = ai, yn.upperFirst = ii, yn.each = ne, yn.eachRight = te, yn.first = Tr, Ye(yn, function() {
var n = {};
return at(yn, function(t, r) {
cu.call(yn.prototype, r) || (n[r] = t);
}), n
}(), {
chain: !1
}), yn.VERSION = "4.3.0", u("bind bindKey curry curryRight partial partialRight".split(" "), function(n) {
yn[n].placeholder = yn
}), u(["drop", "take"], function(n, t) {
An.prototype[n] = function(r) {
var e = this.__filtered__;
if (e && !t) return new An(this);
r = r === Z ? 1 : Wu(We(r), 0);
var u = this.clone();
return e ? u.__takeCount__ = Bu(r, u.__takeCount__) : u.__views__.push({
size: Bu(r, 4294967295),
type: n + (0 > u.__dir__ ? "Right" : "")
}), u
}, An.prototype[n + "Right"] = function(t) {
return this.reverse()[n](t).reverse()
}), u(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function(n, t) {
var r = t + 1,
e = 1 == r || 3 == r;
An.prototype[n] = function(n) {
var t = this.clone();
return t.__iteratees__.push({
iteratee: wr(n, 3),
type: r
}), t.__filtered__ = t.__filtered__ || e, t
}), u(["head", "last"], function(n, t) {
var r = "take" + (t ? "Right" : "");
An.prototype[n] = function() {
return this[r](1).value()[0]
}), u(["initial", "tail"], function(n, t) {
var r = "drop" + (t ? "" : "Right");
An.prototype[n] = function() {
return this.__filtered__ ? new An(this) : this[r](1)
}), An.prototype.compact = function() {
return this.filter(Ve)
}, An.prototype.find = function(n) {
return this.filter(n).head()
}, An.prototype.findLast = function(n) {
return this.reverse().find(n)
}, An.prototype.invokeMap = le(function(n, t) {
return "function" == typeof n ? new An(this) : this.map(function(r) {
return dt(r, n, t)
}), An.prototype.reject = function(n) {
return n = wr(n, 3), this.filter(function(t) {
return !n(t)
}, An.prototype.slice = function(n, t) {
n = We(n);
var r = this;
return r.__filtered__ && (n > 0 || 0 > t) ? new An(r) : (0 > n ? r = r.takeRight(-n) : n && (r = r.drop(n)), t !== Z && (t = We(t), r = 0 > t ? r.dropRight(-t) : r.take(t - n)), r)
}, An.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(n) {
return this.reverse().takeWhile(n).reverse()
}, An.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.take(4294967295)
}, at(An.prototype, function(n, t) {
var r = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(t),
e = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(t),
u = yn[e ? "take" + ("last" == t ? "Right" : "") : t],
o = e || /^find/.test(t);
u && (yn.prototype[t] = function() {
var t = this.__wrapped__,
i = e ? [1] : arguments,
f = t instanceof An,
c = i[0],
a = f || No(t),
s = function(n) {
return n = u.apply(yn, l([n], i)), e && h ? n[0] : n
a && r && "function" == typeof c && 1 != c.length && (f = a = !1);
var h = this.__chain__,
p = !!this.__actions__.length,
c = o && !h,
f = f && !p;
return !o && a ? (t = f ? t : new An(this), t = n.apply(t, i), t.__actions__.push({
func: Qr,
args: [s],
thisArg: Z
}), new wn(t, h)) : c && f ? n.apply(this, i) : (t = this.thru(s), c ? e ? t.value()[0] : t.value() : t)
}), u("pop push shift sort splice unshift".split(" "), function(n) {
var t = ou[n],
r = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(n) ? "tap" : "thru",
e = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(n);
yn.prototype[n] = function() {
var n = arguments;
return e && !this.__chain__ ? t.apply(this.value(), n) : this[r](function(r) {
return t.apply(r, n)
}), at(An.prototype, function(n, t) {
var r = yn[t];
if (r) {
var e = r.name + "";
(Gu[e] || (Gu[e] = [])).push({
name: t,
func: r
}), Gu[lr(Z, 2).name] = [{
name: "wrapper",
func: Z
}], An.prototype.clone = function() {
var n = new An(this.__wrapped__);
return n.__actions__ = Yt(this.__actions__), n.__dir__ = this.__dir__, n.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__, n.__iteratees__ = Yt(this.__iteratees__), n.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__, n.__views__ = Yt(this.__views__), n
}, An.prototype.reverse = function() {
if (this.__filtered__) {
var n = new An(this);
n.__dir__ = -1, n.__filtered__ = !0
} else n = this.clone(), n.__dir__ *= -1;
return n
}, An.prototype.value = function() {
var n, t = this.__wrapped__.value(),
r = this.__dir__,
e = No(t),
u = 0 > r,
o = e ? t.length : 0;
n = 0;
for (var i = o, f = this.__views__, c = -1, a = f.length; ++c < a;) {
var l = f[c],
s = l.size;
switch (l.type) {
case "drop":
n += s;
case "dropRight":
i -= s;
case "take":
i = Bu(i, n + s);
case "takeRight":
n = Wu(n, i - s)
if (n = {
start: n,
end: i
}, i = n.start, f = n.end, n = f - i, u = u ? f : i - 1, i = this.__iteratees__, f = i.length, c = 0, a = Bu(n, this.__takeCount__), !e || 200 > o || o == n && a == n) return qt(t, this.__actions__);
e = [];
n: for (; n-- && a > c;) {
for (u += r, o = -1, l = t[u]; ++o < f;) {
var h = i[o],
s = h.type,
h = (0, h.iteratee)(l);
if (2 == s) l = h;
else if (!h) {
if (1 == s) continue n;
break n
e[c++] = l
return e
}, yn.prototype.at = Ao, yn.prototype.chain = function() {
return Hr(this)
}, yn.prototype.commit = function() {
return new wn(this.value(), this.__chain__)
}, yn.prototype.flatMap = function(n) {
return this.map(n).flatten()
}, yn.prototype.next = function() {
this.__values__ === Z && (this.__values__ = Re(this.value()));
var n = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length,
t = n ? Z : this.__values__[this.__index__++];
return {
done: n,
value: t
}, yn.prototype.plant = function(n) {
for (var t, r = this; r instanceof mn;) {
var e = Zr(r);
e.__index__ = 0, e.__values__ = Z, t ? u.__wrapped__ = e : t = e;
var u = e,
r = r.__wrapped__
return u.__wrapped__ = n, t
}, yn.prototype.reverse = function() {
var n = this.__wrapped__;
return n instanceof An ? (this.__actions__.length && (n = new An(this)), n = n.reverse(), n.__actions__.push({
func: Qr,
args: [Vr],
thisArg: Z
}), new wn(n, this.__chain__)) : this.thru(Vr)
}, yn.prototype.toJSON = yn.prototype.valueOf = yn.prototype.value = function() {
return qt(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__)
}, mu && (yn.prototype[mu] = Xr), yn
var Z, q = 1 / 0,
P = NaN,
T = /\b__p\+='';/g,
K = /\b(__p\+=)''\+/g,
G = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\))\+'';/g,
V = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39|#96);/g,
J = /[&<>"'`]/g,
Y = RegExp(V.source),
H = RegExp(J.source),
Q = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
X = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
nn = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
tn = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,
rn = /^\w*$/,
en = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]/g,
un = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,
on = RegExp(un.source),
fn = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
cn = /^\s+/,
an = /\s+$/,
ln = /\\(\\)?/g,
sn = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g,
hn = /\w*$/,
pn = /^0x/i,
_n = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
gn = /^0b[01]+$/i,
vn = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
dn = /^0o[0-7]+$/i,
yn = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,
bn = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xde\xdf-\xf6\xf8-\xff]/g,
xn = /($^)/,
jn = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g,
mn = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?(?:[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0]|\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff])?(?:\\u200d(?:[^\\ud800-\\udfff]|(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}|[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff])[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?(?:[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0]|\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff])?)*",
wn = "(?:[\\u2700-\\u27bf]|(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}|[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff])" + mn,
An = "(?:[^\\ud800-\\udfff][\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0]?|[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0]|(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}|[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]|[\\ud800-\\udfff])",
On = RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0]", "g"),
kn = RegExp("\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff](?=\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff])|" + An + mn, "g"),
En = RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe23\\u20d0-\\u20f0\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]"),
In = /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/g,
Sn = RegExp(["[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]?[a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]+(?=[\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2018\\u2019\\u201c\\u201d \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000]|[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]|$)|(?:[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]|[^\\ud800-\\udfff\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2018\\u2019\\u201c\\u201d \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\d+\\u2700-\\u27bfa-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xffA-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde])+(?=[\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2018\\u2019\\u201c\\u201d \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000]|[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde](?:[a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]|[^\\ud800-\\udfff\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2018\\u2019\\u201c\\u201d \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\d+\\u2700-\\u27bfa-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xffA-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde])|$)|[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]?(?:[a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]|[^\\ud800-\\udfff\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2018\\u2019\\u201c\\u201d \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\d+\\u2700-\\u27bfa-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xffA-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde])+|[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]+|\\d+", wn].join("|"), "g"),
Rn = /[a-z][A-Z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/,
Wn = "Array Buffer Date Error Float32Array Float64Array Function Int8Array Int16Array Int32Array Map Math Object Reflect RegExp Set String Symbol TypeError Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Uint16Array Uint32Array WeakMap _ clearTimeout isFinite parseInt setTimeout".split(" "),
Bn = {};
Bn["[object Float32Array]"] = Bn["[object Float64Array]"] = Bn["[object Int8Array]"] = Bn["[object Int16Array]"] = Bn["[object Int32Array]"] = Bn["[object Uint8Array]"] = Bn["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = Bn["[object Uint16Array]"] = Bn["[object Uint32Array]"] = !0, Bn["[object Arguments]"] = Bn["[object Array]"] = Bn["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = Bn["[object Boolean]"] = Bn["[object Date]"] = Bn["[object Error]"] = Bn["[object Function]"] = Bn["[object Map]"] = Bn["[object Number]"] = Bn["[object Object]"] = Bn["[object RegExp]"] = Bn["[object Set]"] = Bn["[object String]"] = Bn["[object WeakMap]"] = !1;
var Cn = {};
Cn["[object Arguments]"] = Cn["[object Array]"] = Cn["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = Cn["[object Boolean]"] = Cn["[object Date]"] = Cn["[object Float32Array]"] = Cn["[object Float64Array]"] = Cn["[object Int8Array]"] = Cn["[object Int16Array]"] = Cn["[object Int32Array]"] = Cn["[object Map]"] = Cn["[object Number]"] = Cn["[object Object]"] = Cn["[object RegExp]"] = Cn["[object Set]"] = Cn["[object String]"] = Cn["[object Symbol]"] = Cn["[object Uint8Array]"] = Cn["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = Cn["[object Uint16Array]"] = Cn["[object Uint32Array]"] = !0, Cn["[object Error]"] = Cn["[object Function]"] = Cn["[object WeakMap]"] = !1;
var Un = {
"À": "A",
"Á": "A",
"Â": "A",
"Ã": "A",
"Ä": "A",
"Å": "A",
"à": "a",
"á": "a",
"â": "a",
"ã": "a",
"ä": "a",
"å": "a",
"Ç": "C",
"ç": "c",
"Ð": "D",
"ð": "d",
"È": "E",
"É": "E",
"Ê": "E",
"Ë": "E",
"è": "e",
"é": "e",
"ê": "e",
"ë": "e",
"Ì": "I",
"Í": "I",
"Î": "I",
"Ï": "I",
"ì": "i",
"í": "i",
"î": "i",
"ï": "i",
"Ñ": "N",
"ñ": "n",
"Ò": "O",
"Ó": "O",
"Ô": "O",
"Õ": "O",
"Ö": "O",
"Ø": "O",
"ò": "o",
"ó": "o",
"ô": "o",
"õ": "o",
"ö": "o",
"ø": "o",
"Ù": "U",
"Ú": "U",
"Û": "U",
"Ü": "U",
"ù": "u",
"ú": "u",
"û": "u",
"ü": "u",
"Ý": "Y",
"ý": "y",
"ÿ": "y",
"Æ": "Ae",
"æ": "ae",
"Þ": "Th",
"þ": "th",
"ß": "ss"
zn = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'",
"`": "`"
Mn = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
""": '"',
"'": "'",
"`": "`"
Ln = {
"function": !0,
object: !0
$n = {
"\\": "\\",
"'": "'",
"\n": "n",
"\r": "r",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029"
Fn = parseFloat,
Nn = parseInt,
Dn = Ln[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType ? exports : null,
Zn = Ln[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType ? module : null,
qn = E(Dn && Zn && "object" == typeof global && global),
Pn = E(Ln[typeof self] && self),
Tn = E(Ln[typeof window] && window),
Kn = Zn && Zn.exports === Dn ? Dn : null,
Gn = E(Ln[typeof this] && this),
Vn = qn || Tn !== (Gn && Gn.window) && Tn || Pn || Gn || Function("return this")(),
Jn = D();
(Tn || Pn || {})._ = Jn, "function" == typeof define && "object" == typeof define.amd && define.amd ? define(function() {
return Jn
}) : Dn && Zn ? (Kn && ((Zn.exports = Jn)._ = Jn), Dn._ = Jn) : Vn._ = Jn
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.Util = Bahmni.Common.Util || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.util", []).provider("$bahmniCookieStore", [function() {
var self = this;
self.defaultOptions = {};
var fixedEncodeURIComponent = function(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) {
return "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
self.setDefaultOptions = function(options) {
self.defaultOptions = options
}, self.$get = function() {
return {
get: function(name) {
var jsonCookie = $.cookie(name);
return jsonCookie ? angular.fromJson(decodeURIComponent(jsonCookie)) : null
put: function(name, value, options) {
options = $.extend({}, self.defaultOptions, options), $.cookie.raw = !0, $.cookie(name, fixedEncodeURIComponent(angular.toJson(value)), options)
remove: function(name, options) {
options = $.extend({}, self.defaultOptions, options), $.removeCookie(name, options)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.Models = Bahmni.Common.Models || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.models", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.models").factory("age", [function() {
var dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
fromBirthDate = function(birthDate) {
var today = dateUtil.now(),
period = dateUtil.diffInYearsMonthsDays(birthDate, today);
return create(period.years, period.months, period.days)
create = function(years, months, days) {
var isEmpty = function() {
return !(this.years || this.months || this.days)
return {
years: years,
months: months,
days: days,
isEmpty: isEmpty
calculateBirthDate = function(age) {
var birthDate = dateUtil.now();
return birthDate = dateUtil.subtractYears(birthDate, age.years), birthDate = dateUtil.subtractMonths(birthDate, age.months), birthDate = dateUtil.subtractDays(birthDate, age.days)
return {
fromBirthDate: fromBirthDate,
create: create,
calculateBirthDate: calculateBirthDate
}]), Bahmni.Common.AuditLogEventDetails = {
eventType: "OPEN_VISIT",
eventType: "EDIT_VISIT",
eventType: "CLOSE_VISIT",
eventType: "EDIT_ENCOUNTER",
eventType: "RUN_REPORT",
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.routeErrorHandler", ["ui.router"]).run(["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", function(event) {
}]), Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil = {
diffInDays: function(dateFrom, dateTo) {
return Math.floor((this.parse(dateTo) - this.parse(dateFrom)) / 864e5)
diffInMinutes: function(dateFrom, dateTo) {
return moment(dateTo).diff(moment(dateFrom), "minutes")
diffInSeconds: function(dateFrom, dateTo) {
return moment(dateFrom).diff(moment(dateTo), "seconds")
isInvalid: function(date) {
return "Invalid Date" == date
diffInDaysRegardlessOfTime: function(dateFrom, dateTo) {
var from = new Date(dateFrom),
to = new Date(dateTo);
return from.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), to.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), Math.floor((to - from) / 864e5)
addSeconds: function(date, seconds) {
return moment(date).add(seconds, "seconds").toDate()
addMinutes: function(date, minutes) {
return this.addSeconds(date, 60 * minutes)
addDays: function(date, days) {
return moment(date).add(days, "day").toDate()
addMonths: function(date, months) {
return moment(date).add(months, "month").toDate()
addYears: function(date, years) {
return moment(date).add(years, "year").toDate()
subtractSeconds: function(date, seconds) {
return moment(date).subtract(seconds, "seconds").toDate()
subtractDays: function(date, days) {
return this.addDays(date, -1 * days)
subtractMonths: function(date, months) {
return this.addMonths(date, -1 * months)
subtractYears: function(date, years) {
return this.addYears(date, -1 * years)
createDays: function(startDate, endDate) {
for (var startDate = this.getDate(startDate), endDate = this.getDate(endDate), numberOfDays = this.diffInDays(startDate, endDate), days = [], i = 0; i <= numberOfDays; i++) days.push({
dayNumber: i + 1,
date: this.addDays(startDate, i)
return days
getDayNumber: function(referenceDate, date) {
return this.diffInDays(this.getDate(referenceDate), this.getDate(date)) + 1
getDateWithoutTime: function(datetime) {
return datetime ? moment(datetime).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : null
getDateWitTime: function(datetime) {
return datetime ? moment(datetime).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : null
getDateInMonthsAndYears: function(date, format) {
var format = format || "MMM YY",
dateRepresentation = isNaN(Number(date)) ? date : Number(date);
return moment(dateRepresentation).isValid() ? dateRepresentation ? moment(dateRepresentation).format(format) : null : date
formatDateWithTime: function(datetime) {
var dateRepresentation = isNaN(Number(datetime)) ? datetime : Number(datetime);
return moment(dateRepresentation).isValid() ? dateRepresentation ? moment(dateRepresentation).format("DD MMM YY h:mm a") : null : datetime
formatDateWithoutTime: function(date) {
var dateRepresentation = isNaN(Number(date)) ? date : Number(date);
return moment(dateRepresentation).isValid() ? dateRepresentation ? moment(dateRepresentation).format("DD MMM YY") : null : date
formatDateInStrictMode: function(date) {
var dateRepresentation = isNaN(Number(date)) ? date : Number(date);
return moment(dateRepresentation, "YYYY-MM-DD", !0).isValid() ? moment(dateRepresentation).format("DD MMM YY") : moment(dateRepresentation, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZZ", !0).isValid() ? moment(dateRepresentation).format("DD MMM YY") : date
formatTime: function(date) {
var dateRepresentation = isNaN(Number(date)) ? date : Number(date);
return moment(dateRepresentation).isValid() ? dateRepresentation ? moment(dateRepresentation).format("h:mm a") : null : date
getDate: function(dateTime) {
return moment(this.parse(dateTime)).startOf("day").toDate()
parse: function(dateString) {
return dateString ? moment(dateString).toDate() : null
parseDatetime: function(dateTimeString) {
return dateTimeString ? moment(dateTimeString) : null
now: function() {
return new Date
today: function() {
return this.getDate(this.now())
endOfToday: function() {
return moment(this.parse(this.now())).endOf("day").toDate()
getDateWithoutHours: function(dateString) {
return moment(dateString).toDate().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
getDateTimeWithoutSeconds: function(dateString) {
return moment(dateString).toDate().setSeconds(0, 0)
isSameDateTime: function(date1, date2) {
if (null == date1 || null == date2) return !1;
var dateOne = this.parse(date1),
dateTwo = this.parse(date2);
return dateOne.getTime() == dateTwo.getTime()
isBeforeDate: function(date1, date2) {
return moment(date1).isBefore(moment(date2))
isSameDate: function(date1, date2) {
if (null == date1 || null == date2) return !1;
var dateOne = this.parse(date1),
dateTwo = this.parse(date2);
return dateOne.getFullYear() === dateTwo.getFullYear() && dateOne.getMonth() === dateTwo.getMonth() && dateOne.getDate() === dateTwo.getDate()
diffInYearsMonthsDays: function(dateFrom, dateTo) {
dateFrom = this.parse(dateFrom), dateTo = this.parse(dateTo);
var from = {
d: dateFrom.getDate(),
m: dateFrom.getMonth(),
y: dateFrom.getFullYear()
to = {
d: dateTo.getDate(),
m: dateTo.getMonth(),
y: dateTo.getFullYear()
age = {
d: 0,
m: 0,
y: 0
daysFebruary = to.y % 4 != 0 || to.y % 100 == 0 && to.y % 400 != 0 ? 28 : 29,
daysInMonths = [31, daysFebruary, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
return age.y = to.y - from.y, age.m = to.m - from.m, from.m > to.m && (age.y = age.y - 1, age.m = to.m - from.m + 12), age.d = to.d - from.d, from.d > to.d && (age.m = age.m - 1, from.m == to.m && (age.y = age.y - 1, age.m = age.m + 12), age.d = to.d - from.d + daysInMonths[parseInt(from.m)]), {
days: age.d,
months: age.m,
years: age.y
convertToUnits: function(minutes) {
var allUnits = {
Years: 525600,
Months: 43200,
Weeks: 10080,
Days: 1440,
Hours: 60,
Minutes: 1
durationRepresentation = function(value, unitName, unitValueInMinutes) {
return {
value: value,
unitName: unitName,
unitValueInMinutes: unitValueInMinutes,
allUnits: allUnits
for (var unitName in allUnits) {
var unitValueInMinutes = allUnits[unitName];
if ((minutes || 0 !== minutes) && minutes >= unitValueInMinutes && minutes % unitValueInMinutes === 0) return durationRepresentation(minutes / unitValueInMinutes, unitName, unitValueInMinutes)
return durationRepresentation(void 0, void 0, void 0)
getEndDateFromDuration: function(dateFrom, value, unit) {
dateFrom = this.parse(dateFrom);
var from = {
h: dateFrom.getHours(),
d: dateFrom.getDate(),
m: dateFrom.getMonth(),
y: dateFrom.getFullYear()
to = new Date(from.y, from.m, from.d, from.h);
return "Months" === unit ? to.setMonth(from.m + value) : "Weeks" === unit ? to.setDate(from.d + 7 * value) : "Days" === unit ? to.setDate(from.d + value) : "Hours" === unit && to.setHours(from.h + value), to
parseLongDateToServerFormat: function(longDate) {
return longDate ? moment(longDate).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS") : null
parseServerDateToDate: function(longDate) {
return longDate ? moment(longDate, "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZZ").toDate() : null
getDateTimeInSpecifiedFormat: function(date, format) {
return date ? moment(date).format(format) : null
getISOString: function(date) {
return date ? moment(date).toDate().toISOString() : null
isBeforeTime: function(time, otherTime) {
return moment(time, "hh:mm a").format("YYYY-MM-DD")
}, Bahmni.Common.Util.AgeUtil = function() {
var differenceInMonths = function(date, anotherDate) {
var age = fromBirthDateTillReferenceDate(date, anotherDate);
return parseFloat((12 * age.years + age.months + age.days / 30).toFixed(3))
fromBirthDateTillReferenceDate = function(birthDate, referenceDate) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
referenceDate = referenceDate || DateUtil.now();
var period = DateUtil.diffInYearsMonthsDays(birthDate, referenceDate);
return {
years: period.years,
months: period.months,
days: period.days
monthsToAgeString = function(months) {
var age = monthsToAge(months),
ageString = "";
return age.years && (ageString += age.years + "y "), age.months && (ageString += age.months + "m "), age.days && (ageString += age.days + "d"), ageString
monthsToAge = function(months) {
var years = Math.floor(months / 12),
remainingMonths = Math.floor(months % 12),
days = Math.round(30 * (months - Math.floor(months)));
return {
years: years,
months: remainingMonths,
days: days
return {
monthsToAgeString: monthsToAgeString,
differenceInMonths: differenceInMonths
}(), Bahmni.Common.Util.ArrayUtil = {
chunk: function(array, chunkSize) {
for (var chunks = [], i = 0; i < array.length; i += chunkSize) chunks.push(array.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
return chunks
groupByPreservingOrder: function(records, groupingFunction, keyName, valueName) {
var groups = [];
return records.forEach(function(record) {
var recordKey = groupingFunction(record),
existingGroup = _.find(groups, function(group) {
return group[keyName] === recordKey
if (existingGroup) existingGroup[valueName].push(record);
else {
var newGroup = {};
newGroup[keyName] = recordKey, newGroup[valueName] = [record], groups.push(newGroup)
}), groups
}, angular.module("httpErrorInterceptor", []).config(["$httpProvider", function($httpProvider) {
var interceptor = ["$rootScope", "$q", function($rootScope, $q) {
function stringAfter(value, searchString) {
var indexOfFirstColon = value.indexOf(searchString);
return value.substr(indexOfFirstColon + 1).trim()
function getServerError(message) {
return stringAfter(message, ":")
function success(response) {
return response
function shouldRedirectToLogin(response) {
var errorMessage = response.data.error ? response.data.error.message : response.data;
if (errorMessage.search("HTTP Status 403 - Session timed out") > 0) return !0
function error(response) {
var data = response.data,
unexpectedError = "There was an unexpected issue on the server. Please try again";
if (500 === response.status) {
var errorMessage = data.error && data.error.message ? getServerError(data.error.message) : unexpectedError;
} else if (409 === response.status) {
var errorMessage = data.error && data.error.message ? getServerError(data.error.message) : "Duplicate entry error";
} else if (0 === response.status) showError("Could not connect to the server. Please check your connection and try again");
else if (405 === response.status) showError(unexpectedError);
else if (400 === response.status) {
var errorMessage = data.error && data.error.message ? data.error.message : data.localizedMessage || "Could not connect to the server. Please check your connection and try again";
} else if (403 === response.status) {
var errorMessage = data.error && data.error.message ? data.error.message : unexpectedError;
shouldRedirectToLogin(response) ? $rootScope.$broadcast("event:auth-loginRequired") : showError(errorMessage)
} else 404 === response.status && (_.includes(response.config.url, "implementation_config") || _.includes(response.config.url, "locale_") || _.includes(response.config.url, "offlineMetadata") || showError("The requested information does not exist"));
return $q.reject(response)
var serverErrorMessages = Bahmni.Common.Constants.serverErrorMessages,
showError = function(errorMessage) {
var result = _.find(serverErrorMessages, function(listItem) {
return listItem.serverMessage === errorMessage
_.isEmpty(result) && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:serverError", errorMessage)
return {
response: success,
responseError: error
}]), Modernizr.addTest("ios", function() {
return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/i)
}), Modernizr.addTest("windowOS", function() {
return navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1
}), $(function() {
Modernizr.ios && $(document).on("click", "label[for]", function() {
var $inputElement = $("input#" + $(this).attr("for")),
elementType = $inputElement.attr("type");
"radio" === elementType ? $inputElement.prop("checked", !0) : "checkbox" === elementType ? $inputElement.prop("checked", !$inputElement.prop("checked")) : $inputElement.focus()
}), String.prototype.format = function() {
for (var content = this, i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var replacement = "{" + i + "}";
content = content.replace(replacement, arguments[i])
return content
}, String.prototype.toValidId = function() {
var content = this;
return content.replace(/\s/g, "-")
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.util").service("offlineStatusService", ["$rootScope", "$interval", "appService", function($rootScope, $interval, appService) {
this.checkOfflineStatus = function() {
"up" === Offline.state && Offline.check()
}, this.setOfflineOptions = function() {
var networkConnectivity = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("networkConnectivity"),
showNetworkStatusIndicator = null != networkConnectivity ? networkConnectivity.showNetworkStatusMessage : null,
intervalFrequency = null != networkConnectivity ? networkConnectivity.networkStatusCheckInterval : null;
intervalFrequency = intervalFrequency ? intervalFrequency : 5e3, Offline.options = {
game: !0,
checkOnLoad: !0,
checks: {
xhr: {
url: Bahmni.Common.Constants.faviconUrl
}, this.checkOfflineStatus(), void 0 === $rootScope.offlineStatusCheckIntervalPromise && ($rootScope.offlineStatusCheckIntervalPromise = $interval(this.checkOfflineStatus, intervalFrequency));
var clearCheckOfflineStatusInterval = function(offlineStatusCheckIntervalPromise) {
$rootScope.$on("$destroy", function() {
}), showNetworkStatusIndicator === !1 && $(".offline-ui").css("display", "none")
}]), Bahmni.Common.Util.DynamicResourceLoader = function() {
return {
includeJs: function(script) {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.setAttribute("src", script), document.body.appendChild(element)
includeCss: function(url) {
var element = document.createElement("link");
element.setAttribute("href", url), element.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"), element.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), document.head.appendChild(element)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Auth = Bahmni.Auth || {}, angular.module("authentication", ["ui.router"]), Bahmni.Auth.User = function(user) {
angular.extend(this, user), this.userProperties = user.userProperties || {}, this.favouriteObsTemplates = this.userProperties.favouriteObsTemplates ? this.userProperties.favouriteObsTemplates.split("###") : [], this.favouriteWards = this.userProperties.favouriteWards ? this.userProperties.favouriteWards.split("###") : [], this.recentlyViewedPatients = this.userProperties.recentlyViewedPatients ? JSON.parse(this.userProperties.recentlyViewedPatients) : [], this.toContract = function() {
var user = angular.copy(this);
return user.userProperties.favouriteObsTemplates = this.favouriteObsTemplates.join("###"), user.userProperties.favouriteWards = this.favouriteWards.join("###"), user.userProperties.recentlyViewedPatients = JSON.stringify(this.recentlyViewedPatients), delete user.favouriteObsTemplates, delete user.favouriteWards, delete user.recentlyViewedPatients, user
}, this.addDefaultLocale = function(locale) {
this.userProperties.defaultLocale = locale
}, this.addToRecentlyViewed = function(patient, maxPatients) {
_.some(this.recentlyViewedPatients, {
uuid: patient.uuid
}) || (this.recentlyViewedPatients.unshift({
uuid: patient.uuid,
name: patient.name,
identifier: patient.identifier
}), _.size(this.recentlyViewedPatients) >= maxPatients && (this.recentlyViewedPatients = _.take(this.recentlyViewedPatients, maxPatients)))
}, this.isFavouriteObsTemplate = function(conceptName) {
return _.includes(this.favouriteObsTemplates, conceptName)
}, this.toggleFavoriteObsTemplate = function(conceptName) {
this.isFavouriteObsTemplate(conceptName) ? this.favouriteObsTemplates = _.without(this.favouriteObsTemplates, conceptName) : this.favouriteObsTemplates.push(conceptName)
}, this.isFavouriteWard = function(wardName) {
return _.includes(this.favouriteWards, wardName)
}, this.toggleFavoriteWard = function(wardName) {
this.isFavouriteWard(wardName) ? this.favouriteWards = _.without(this.favouriteWards, wardName) : this.favouriteWards.push(wardName)
}, angular.module("authentication").service("userService", ["$rootScope", "$http", "$q", function($rootScope, $http, $q) {
var getUserFromServer = function(userName) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.userUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
username: userName,
v: "custom:(username,uuid,person:(uuid,),privileges:(name,retired),userProperties)"
cache: !1
this.getUser = function(userName) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return getUserFromServer(userName).success(function(data) {
}).error(function() {
deferrable.reject("Unable to get user data")
}), deferrable.promise
}, this.savePreferences = function() {
var deferrable = $q.defer(),
user = $rootScope.currentUser.toContract();
return $http.post(Bahmni.Common.Constants.userUrl + "/" + user.uuid, {
uuid: user.uuid,
userProperties: user.userProperties
}, {
withCredentials: !0
}).then(function(response) {
$rootScope.currentUser.userProperties = response.data.userProperties, deferrable.resolve()
}), deferrable.promise
var getProviderFromServer = function(uuid) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.providerUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
user: uuid
cache: !1
this.getProviderForUser = function(uuid) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return getProviderFromServer(uuid).success(function(data) {
if (data.results.length > 0) {
var providerName = data.results[0].display.split("-")[1];
data.results[0].name = providerName ? providerName.trim() : providerName, deferrable.resolve(data)
} else deferrable.reject("UNABLE_TO_GET_PROVIDER_DATA")
}).error(function() {
}), deferrable.promise
}, this.getPasswordPolicies = function() {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.passwordPolicyUrl, {
method: "GET",
withCredentials: !0
}]), angular.module("authentication").config(["$httpProvider", function($httpProvider) {
var interceptor = ["$rootScope", "$q", function($rootScope, $q) {
function success(response) {
return response
function error(response) {
return 401 === response.status && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:auth-loginRequired"), $q.reject(response)
return {
response: success,
responseError: error
}]).run(["$rootScope", "$window", "$timeout", function($rootScope, $window, $timeout) {
$rootScope.$on("event:auth-loginRequired", function() {
$timeout(function() {
$window.location = "../home/index.html#/login"
}]).service("sessionService", ["$rootScope", "$http", "$q", "$bahmniCookieStore", "userService", function($rootScope, $http, $q, $bahmniCookieStore, userService) {
var sessionResourcePath = Bahmni.Common.Constants.RESTWS_V1 + "/session?v=custom:(uuid)",
getAuthFromServer = function(username, password, otp) {
var btoa = otp ? username + ":" + password + ":" + otp : username + ":" + password;
return $http.get(sessionResourcePath, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic " + window.btoa(btoa)
cache: !1
this.resendOTP = function(username, password) {
var btoa = username + ":" + password;
return $http.get(sessionResourcePath + "&resendOTP=true", {
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic " + window.btoa(btoa)
cache: !1
var createSession = function(username, password, otp) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return destroySessionFromServer().success(function() {
getAuthFromServer(username, password, otp).then(function(response) {
204 == response.status && deferrable.resolve({
firstFactAuthorization: !0
}), deferrable.resolve(response.data)
}, function(response) {
401 == response.status ? deferrable.reject("LOGIN_LABEL_WRONG_OTP_MESSAGE_KEY") : 410 == response.status ? deferrable.reject("LOGIN_LABEL_OTP_EXPIRED") : 429 == response.status && deferrable.reject("LOGIN_LABEL_MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS"), deferrable.reject("LOGIN_LABEL_LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY")
}).error(function() {
}), deferrable.promise
hasAnyActiveProvider = function(providers) {
return _.filter(providers, function(provider) {
return void 0 == provider.retired || "false" == provider.retired
}).length > 0
self = this,
destroySessionFromServer = function() {
return $http["delete"](sessionResourcePath)
sessionCleanup = function() {
delete $.cookie(Bahmni.Common.Constants.currentUser, null, {
path: "/"
}), delete $.cookie(Bahmni.Common.Constants.currentUser, null, {
path: "/"
}), delete $.cookie(Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectiveEntryEncounterDateCookieName, null, {
path: "/"
}), delete $.cookie(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName, null, {
path: "/"
}), $rootScope.currentUser = void 0
this.destroy = function() {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return destroySessionFromServer().then(function() {
sessionCleanup(), deferrable.resolve()
}), deferrable.promise
}, this.loginUser = function(username, password, location, otp) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return createSession(username, password, otp).then(function(data) {
data.authenticated ? ($bahmniCookieStore.put(Bahmni.Common.Constants.currentUser, username, {
path: "/",
expires: 7
}), void 0 != location && ($bahmniCookieStore.remove(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName), $bahmniCookieStore.put(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName, {
name: location.display,
uuid: location.uuid
}, {
path: "/",
expires: 7
})), deferrable.resolve(data)) : data.firstFactAuthorization ? deferrable.resolve(data) : deferrable.reject("LOGIN_LABEL_LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY")
}, function(errorInfo) {
}), deferrable.promise
}, this.get = function() {
return $http.get(sessionResourcePath, {
cache: !1
}, this.loadCredentials = function() {
var deferrable = $q.defer(),
currentUser = $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.currentUser);
return currentUser ? (userService.getUser(currentUser).then(function(data) {
userService.getProviderForUser(data.results[0].uuid).then(function(providers) {
!_.isEmpty(providers.results) && hasAnyActiveProvider(providers.results) ? ($rootScope.currentUser = new Bahmni.Auth.User(data.results[0]), $rootScope.currentUser.currentLocation = $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName).name, $rootScope.$broadcast("event:user-credentialsLoaded", data.results[0]), deferrable.resolve(data.results[0])) : (self.destroy(), deferrable.reject("YOU_HAVE_NOT_BEEN_SETUP_PROVIDER"))
}, function() {
self.destroy(), deferrable.reject("COULD_NOT_GET_PROVIDER")
}, function() {
self.destroy(), deferrable.reject("Could not get roles for the current user.")
}), deferrable.promise) : (this.destroy()["finally"](function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:auth-loginRequired"), deferrable.reject("No User in session. Please login again.")
}), deferrable.promise)
}, this.getLoginLocationUuid = function() {
return $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName) ? $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName).uuid : null
}, this.changePassword = function(currentUserUuid, oldPassword, newPassword) {
return $http({
method: "POST",
url: Bahmni.Common.Constants.passwordUrl,
data: {
oldPassword: oldPassword,
newPassword: newPassword
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, this.loadProviders = function(userInfo) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.providerUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
user: userInfo.uuid
cache: !1
}).success(function(data) {
var providerUuid = data.results.length > 0 ? data.results[0].uuid : void 0;
$rootScope.currentProvider = {
uuid: providerUuid
}]).factory("authenticator", ["$rootScope", "$q", "$window", "sessionService", function($rootScope, $q, $window, sessionService) {
var authenticateUser = function() {
var defer = $q.defer(),
sessionDetails = sessionService.get();
return sessionDetails.then(function(response) {
response.data.authenticated ? defer.resolve() : (defer.reject("User not authenticated"), $rootScope.$broadcast("event:auth-loginRequired"))
}), defer.promise
return {
authenticateUser: authenticateUser
}]).directive("logOut", ["sessionService", "$window", "configurationService", "auditLogService", function(sessionService, $window, configurationService, auditLogService) {
return {
link: function(scope, element) {
element.bind("click", function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
auditLogService.log(void 0, "USER_LOGOUT_SUCCESS", void 0, "MODULE_LABEL_LOGOUT_KEY").then(function() {
sessionService.destroy().then(function() {
$window.location = "../home/index.html#/login"
}]).directive("btnUserInfo", [function() {
return {
restrict: "CA",
link: function(scope, elem) {
elem.bind("click", function(event) {
$(this).next().toggleClass("active"), event.stopPropagation()
}), $(document).find("body").bind("click", function() {
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.appFramework", ["authentication"]);
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.AppFramework = Bahmni.Common.AppFramework || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.appFramework").config(["$compileProvider", function($compileProvider) {
}]).service("appService", ["$http", "$q", "sessionService", "$rootScope", "mergeService", "loadConfigService", "messagingService", "$translate", function($http, $q, sessionService, $rootScope, mergeService, loadConfigService, messagingService, $translate) {
var currentUser = null,
baseUrl = Bahmni.Common.Constants.baseUrl,
customUrl = Bahmni.Common.Constants.customUrl,
appDescriptor = null,
loadConfig = function(url) {
return loadConfigService.loadConfig(url, appDescriptor.contextPath)
loadTemplate = function(appDescriptor) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/appTemplate.json").then(function(result) {
_.keys(result.data).length > 0 && appDescriptor.setTemplate(result.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}, function(error) {
404 !== error.status ? deferrable.reject(error) : deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}), deferrable.promise
setDefinition = function(baseResultData, customResultData) {
customResultData && (_.keys(baseResultData).length > 0 || _.keys(customResultData.length > 0)) ? appDescriptor.setDefinition(baseResultData, customResultData) : _.keys(baseResultData).length > 0 && appDescriptor.setDefinition(baseResultData)
loadDefinition = function(appDescriptor) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/app.json").then(function(baseResult) {
baseResult.data.shouldOverRideConfig ? loadConfig(customUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/app.json").then(function(customResult) {
setDefinition(baseResult.data, customResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}, function() {
setDefinition(baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}) : (setDefinition(baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor))
}, function(error) {
404 !== error.status ? deferrable.reject(error) : deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}), deferrable.promise
setExtensions = function(baseResultData, customResultData) {
customResultData ? appDescriptor.setExtensions(baseResultData, customResultData) : appDescriptor.setExtensions(baseResultData)
loadExtensions = function(appDescriptor, extensionFileName) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.extensionPath + extensionFileName).then(function(baseResult) {
baseResult.data.shouldOverRideConfig ? loadConfig(customUrl + appDescriptor.extensionPath + extensionFileName).then(function(customResult) {
setExtensions(baseResult.data, customResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}, function() {
setExtensions(baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}) : (setExtensions(baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor))
}, function(error) {
404 !== error.status ? deferrable.reject(error) : deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}), deferrable.promise
setDefaultPageConfig = function(pageName, baseResultData, customResultData) {
customResultData && (_.keys(customResultData).length > 0 || _.keys(baseResultData).length > 0) ? appDescriptor.addConfigForPage(pageName, baseResultData, customResultData) : _.keys(baseResultData).length > 0 && appDescriptor.addConfigForPage(pageName, baseResultData)
hasPrivilegeOf = function(privilegeName) {
return _.some(currentUser.privileges, {
name: privilegeName
loadPageConfig = function(pageName, appDescriptor) {
var deferrable = $q.defer();
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/" + pageName + ".json").then(function(baseResult) {
baseResult.data.shouldOverRideConfig ? loadConfig(customUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/" + pageName + ".json").then(function(customResult) {
setDefaultPageConfig(pageName, baseResult.data, customResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}, function() {
setDefaultPageConfig(pageName, baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}) : (setDefaultPageConfig(pageName, baseResult.data), deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor))
}, function(error) {
404 !== error.status ? (messagingService.showMessage("error", "Incorrect Configuration: " + error.message), deferrable.reject(error)) : deferrable.resolve(appDescriptor)
}), deferrable.promise
this.getAppDescriptor = function() {
return appDescriptor
}, this.configBaseUrl = function() {
return baseUrl
}, this.loadCsvFileFromConfig = function(name) {
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/" + name)
}, this.loadConfig = function(name, shouldMerge) {
return loadConfig(baseUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/" + name).then(function(baseResponse) {
return baseResponse.data.shouldOverRideConfig ? loadConfig(customUrl + appDescriptor.contextPath + "/" + name).then(function(customResponse) {
return shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge ? mergeService.merge(baseResponse.data, customResponse.data) : [baseResponse.data, customResponse.data]
}, function() {
return baseResponse.data
}) : baseResponse.data
}, this.loadMandatoryConfig = function(path) {
return $http.get(path)
}, this.getAppName = function() {
return this.appName
}, this.checkPrivilege = function(privilegeName) {
return hasPrivilegeOf(privilegeName) ? $q.when(!0) : (messagingService.showMessage("error", $translate.instant(Bahmni.Common.Constants.privilegeRequiredErrorMessage) + " [Privileges required: " + privilegeName + "]"), $q.reject())
}, this.initApp = function(appName, options, extensionFileSuffix, configPages) {
this.appName = appName;
var appLoader = $q.defer(),
extensionFileName = extensionFileSuffix && "default" !== extensionFileSuffix.toLowerCase() ? "/extension-" + extensionFileSuffix + ".json" : "/extension.json",
promises = [],
opts = options || {
app: !0,
extension: !0
inheritAppContext = !opts.inherit || opts.inherit;
appDescriptor = new Bahmni.Common.AppFramework.AppDescriptor(appName, inheritAppContext, function() {
return currentUser
}, mergeService);
var loadCredentialsPromise = sessionService.loadCredentials(),
loadProviderPromise = loadCredentialsPromise.then(sessionService.loadProviders);
return promises.push(loadCredentialsPromise), promises.push(loadProviderPromise), opts.extension && promises.push(loadExtensions(appDescriptor, extensionFileName)), opts.template && promises.push(loadTemplate(appDescriptor)), opts.app && promises.push(loadDefinition(appDescriptor)), _.isEmpty(configPages) || configPages.forEach(function(configPage) {
promises.push(loadPageConfig(configPage, appDescriptor))
}), $q.all(promises).then(function(results) {
currentUser = results[0], appLoader.resolve(appDescriptor), $rootScope.$broadcast("event:appExtensions-loaded")
}, function(errors) {
}), appLoader.promise
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.appFramework").service("mergeService", [function() {
this.merge = function(base, custom) {
var mergeResult = $.extend(!0, {}, base, custom);
return deleteNullValuedKeys(mergeResult)
var deleteNullValuedKeys = function(currentObject) {
return _.forOwn(currentObject, function(value, key) {
(_.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value) || _.isNaN(value) || _.isObject(value) && _.isNull(deleteNullValuedKeys(value))) && delete currentObject[key]
}), currentObject
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.appFramework").directive("appExtensionList", ["appService", function(appService) {
var appDescriptor = appService.getAppDescriptor();
return {
restrict: "EA",
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="appExtn in appExtensions"><a href="{{formatUrl(appExtn.url, extnParams)}}" class="{{appExtn.icon}}" onclick="return false;" title="{{appExtn.label}}" ng-click="extnLinkClick(appExtn, extnParams)"> <span ng-show="showLabel">{{appExtn.label}}</span></a></li></ul>',
scope: {
extnPointId: "@",
showLabel: "@",
onExtensionClick: "&",
contextModel: "&"
compile: function(cElement, cAttrs) {
var extnList = appDescriptor.getExtensions(cAttrs.extnPointId);
return function(scope) {
scope.appExtensions = extnList;
var model = scope.contextModel();
scope.extnParams = model || {}
controller: function($scope, $location) {
$scope.formatUrl = appDescriptor.formatUrl, $scope.extnLinkClick = function(extn, params) {
var proceedWithDefault = !0,
clickHandler = $scope.onExtensionClick(),
target = appDescriptor.formatUrl(extn.url, params);
if (clickHandler) {
var event = {
src: extn,
target: target,
params: params,
preventDefault: function() {
proceedWithDefault = !1
proceedWithDefault && $location.url(target)
}]), Bahmni.Common.AppFramework.AppDescriptor = function(context, inheritContext, retrieveUserCallback, mergeService) {
this.id = null, this.instanceOf = null, this.description = null, this.contextModel = null, this.baseExtensionPoints = [], this.customExtensionPoints = [], this.baseExtensions = {}, this.customExtensions = {}, this.customConfigs = {}, this.baseConfigs = {}, this.extensionPath = context, this.contextPath = inheritContext ? context.split("/")[0] : context;
var self = this,
setExtensionPointsFromExtensions = function(currentExtensions, currentExtensionPoints) {
_.values(currentExtensions).forEach(function(extn) {
if (extn) {
var existing = self[currentExtensionPoints].filter(function(ep) {
return ep.id === extn.extensionPointId
0 === existing.length && self[currentExtensionPoints].push({
id: extn.extensionPointId,
description: extn.description
this.setExtensions = function(baseExtensions, customExtensions) {
customExtensions && (setExtensionPointsFromExtensions(customExtensions, "customExtensionPoints"), self.customExtensions = customExtensions), self.baseExtensions = baseExtensions, setExtensionPointsFromExtensions(baseExtensions, "baseExtensionPoints")
}, this.setTemplate = function(template) {
self.instanceOf = template.id, self.description = self.description || template.description, self.contextModel = self.contextModel || template.contextModel, template.configOptions && _.values(template.configOptions).forEach(function(opt) {
var existing = self.configs.filter(function(cfg) {
return cfg.name === opt.name
existing.length > 0 ? existing[0].description = opt.description : self.configs.push({
name: opt.name,
description: opt.description,
value: opt.defaultValue
var setConfig = function(instance, currentConfig) {
for (var configName in instance.config) {
var existingConfig = getConfig(self[currentConfig], configName);
existingConfig ? existingConfig.value = instance.config[configName] : self[currentConfig][configName] = {
name: configName,
value: instance.config[configName]
setDefinitionExtensionPoints = function(extensionPoints, currentExtensionPoints) {
extensionPoints && extensionPoints.forEach(function(iep) {
if (iep) {
var existing = self[currentExtensionPoints].filter(function(ep) {
return ep.id === iep.id
0 === existing.length && self[currentExtensionPoints].push(iep)
this.setDefinition = function(baseInstance, customInstance) {
self.instanceOf = customInstance && customInstance.instanceOf ? customInstance.instanceOf : baseInstance.instanceOf, self.id = customInstance && customInstance.id ? customInstance.id : baseInstance.id, self.description = customInstance && customInstance.description ? customInstance.description : baseInstance.description, self.contextModel = customInstance && customInstance.contextModel ? customInstance.contextModel : baseInstance.contextModel, setDefinitionExtensionPoints(baseInstance.extensionPoints, "baseExtensionPoints"), setConfig(baseInstance, "baseConfigs"), customInstance && (setDefinitionExtensionPoints(customInstance.extensionPoints, "customExtensionPoints"), setConfig(customInstance, "customConfigs"))
var getExtensions = function(extPointId, type, extensions) {
var currentUser = retrieveUserCallback(),
currentExtensions = _.values(extensions);
if (currentUser && currentExtensions) {
var extnType = type || "all",
userPrivileges = currentUser.privileges.map(function(priv) {
return priv.retired ? "" : priv.name
appsExtns = currentExtensions.filter(function(extn) {
return ("all" === extnType || extn.type === extnType) && extn.extensionPointId === extPointId && (!extn.requiredPrivilege || userPrivileges.indexOf(extn.requiredPrivilege) >= 0)
return appsExtns.sort(function(extn1, extn2) {
return extn1.order - extn2.order
}), appsExtns
this.getExtensions = function(extPointId, type, shouldMerge) {
if (shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge) {
var mergedExtensions = mergeService.merge(self.baseExtensions, self.customExtensions);
return getExtensions(extPointId, type, mergedExtensions)
return [getExtensions(extPointId, type, self.baseExtensions), getExtensions(extPointId, type, self.customExtensions)]
}, this.getExtensionById = function(id, shouldMerge) {
if (shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge) {
var mergedExtensions = _.values(mergeService.merge(self.baseExtensions, self.customExtensions));
return mergedExtensions.filter(function(extn) {
return extn.id === id
return [self.baseExtensions.filter(function(extn) {
return extn.id === id
})[0], self.customExtensions.filter(function(extn) {
return extn.id === id
var getConfig = function(config, configName) {
var cfgList = _.values(config).filter(function(cfg) {
return cfg.name === configName
return cfgList.length > 0 ? cfgList[0] : null
this.getConfig = function(configName, shouldMerge) {
return shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge ? getConfig(mergeService.merge(self.baseConfigs, self.customConfigs), configName) : [getConfig(self.baseConfigs, configName), getConfig(self.customConfigs, configName)]
}, this.getConfigValue = function(configName, shouldMerge) {
var config = this.getConfig(configName, shouldMerge);
return shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge ? config ? config.value : null : config
}, this.formatUrl = function(url, options, useQueryParams) {
var pattern = /{{([^}]*)}}/g,
matches = url.match(pattern),
replacedString = url,
checkQueryParams = useQueryParams || !1,
queryParameters = this.parseQueryParams();
return matches && matches.forEach(function(el) {
var key = el.replace("{{", "").replace("}}", ""),
value = options[key];
value || checkQueryParams !== !0 || (value = queryParameters[key] || null), replacedString = replacedString.replace(el, value)
}), replacedString.trim()
}, this.parseQueryParams = function(locationSearchString) {
var urlParams, match, pl = /\+/g,
search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,
decode = function(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " "))
queryString = locationSearchString || window.location.search.substring(1);
for (urlParams = {}; match = search.exec(queryString);) urlParams[decode(match[1])] = decode(match[2]);
return urlParams
}, this.addConfigForPage = function(pageName, baseConfig, customConfig) {
self.basePageConfigs = self.basePageConfigs || {}, self.basePageConfigs[pageName] = baseConfig, self.customPageConfigs = self.customPageConfigs || {}, self.customPageConfigs[pageName] = customConfig
}, this.getConfigForPage = function(pageName, shouldMerge) {
return shouldMerge || void 0 === shouldMerge ? mergeService.merge(self.basePageConfigs[pageName], self.customPageConfigs[pageName]) : [_.values(self.basePageConfigs[pageName]), _.values(self.customPageConfigs[pageName])]
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.config", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.config").service("configurations", ["configurationService", function(configurationService) {
this.configs = {}, this.load = function(configNames) {
var self = this;
return configurationService.getConfigurations(_.difference(configNames, Object.keys(this.configs))).then(function(configurations) {
angular.extend(self.configs, configurations)
}, this.dosageInstructionConfig = function() {
return this.configs.dosageInstructionConfig || []
}, this.stoppedOrderReasonConfig = function() {
return this.configs.stoppedOrderReasonConfig || []
}, this.dosageFrequencyConfig = function() {
return this.configs.dosageFrequencyConfig || []
}, this.allTestsAndPanelsConcept = function() {
return this.configs.allTestsAndPanelsConcept.results[0] || []
}, this.impressionConcept = function() {
return this.configs.radiologyImpressionConfig.results[0] || []
}, this.labOrderNotesConcept = function() {
return this.configs.labOrderNotesConfig.results[0] || []
}, this.consultationNoteConcept = function() {
return this.configs.consultationNoteConfig.results[0] || []
}, this.patientConfig = function() {
return this.configs.patientConfig || {}
}, this.encounterConfig = function() {
return angular.extend(new EncounterConfig, this.configs.encounterConfig || [])
}, this.patientAttributesConfig = function() {
return this.configs.patientAttributesConfig.results
}, this.identifierTypesConfig = function() {
return this.configs.identifierTypesConfig
}, this.genderMap = function() {
return this.configs.genderMap
}, this.addressLevels = function() {
return this.configs.addressLevels
}, this.relationshipTypes = function() {
return this.configs.relationshipTypeConfig.results || []
}, this.relationshipTypeMap = function() {
return this.configs.relationshipTypeMap || {}
}, this.loginLocationToVisitTypeMapping = function() {
return this.configs.loginLocationToVisitTypeMapping || {}
}, this.defaultEncounterType = function() {
return this.configs.defaultEncounterType
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.config").directive("showIfPrivilege", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
return {
scope: {
showIfPrivilege: "@"
link: function(scope, element) {
var privileges = scope.showIfPrivilege.split(","),
requiredPrivilege = !1;
if ($rootScope.currentUser) {
var allTypesPrivileges = _.map($rootScope.currentUser.privileges, _.property("name")),
intersect = _.intersectionWith(allTypesPrivileges, privileges, _.isEqual);
requiredPrivilege = intersect.length > 0
requiredPrivilege || element.hide()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient", []), Bahmni.PatientMapper = function(patientConfig, $rootScope, $translate) {
this.patientConfig = patientConfig, this.map = function(openmrsPatient) {
var patient = this.mapBasic(openmrsPatient);
return this.mapAttributes(patient, openmrsPatient.person.attributes), patient
}, this.mapBasic = function(openmrsPatient) {
var patient = {};
if (patient.uuid = openmrsPatient.uuid, patient.givenName = openmrsPatient.person.preferredName.givenName, patient.familyName = null === openmrsPatient.person.preferredName.familyName ? "" : openmrsPatient.person.preferredName.familyName, patient.name = patient.givenName + " " + patient.familyName, patient.age = openmrsPatient.person.age, patient.ageText = calculateAge(Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseServerDateToDate(openmrsPatient.person.birthdate)), patient.gender = openmrsPatient.person.gender, patient.genderText = mapGenderText(patient.gender), patient.address = mapAddress(openmrsPatient.person.preferredAddress), patient.birthdateEstimated = openmrsPatient.person.birthdateEstimated, patient.birthtime = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseServerDateToDate(openmrsPatient.person.birthtime), patient.bloodGroupText = getPatientBloodGroupText(openmrsPatient), openmrsPatient.identifiers) {
var primaryIdentifier = openmrsPatient.identifiers[0].primaryIdentifier;
patient.identifier = primaryIdentifier ? primaryIdentifier : openmrsPatient.identifiers[0].identifier
return openmrsPatient.person.birthdate && (patient.birthdate = parseDate(openmrsPatient.person.birthdate)), openmrsPatient.person.personDateCreated && (patient.registrationDate = parseDate(openmrsPatient.person.personDateCreated)), patient.image = Bahmni.Common.Constants.patientImageUrlByPatientUuid + openmrsPatient.uuid, patient
}, this.getPatientConfigByUuid = function(patientConfig, attributeUuid) {
return this.patientConfig.personAttributeTypes ? patientConfig.personAttributeTypes.filter(function(item) {
return item.uuid === attributeUuid
})[0] : {}
}, this.mapAttributes = function(patient, attributes) {
var self = this;
this.patientConfig && attributes.forEach(function(attribute) {
var x = self.getPatientConfigByUuid(patientConfig, attribute.attributeType.uuid);
patient[x.name] = {
label: x.description,
value: attribute.value,
isDateField: checkIfDateField(x)
var calculateAge = function(birthDate) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
age = DateUtil.diffInYearsMonthsDays(birthDate, DateUtil.now()),
ageInString = "";
return age.years && (ageInString += age.years + " <span> " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_YEARS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " </span>"), age.months && (ageInString += age.months + "<span> " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_MONTHS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " </span>"), age.days && (ageInString += age.days + "<span> " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_DAYS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " </span>"), ageInString
mapAddress = function(preferredAddress) {
return preferredAddress ? {
address1: preferredAddress.address1,
address2: preferredAddress.address2,
address3: preferredAddress.address3,
cityVillage: preferredAddress.cityVillage,
countyDistrict: null === preferredAddress.countyDistrict ? "" : preferredAddress.countyDistrict,
stateProvince: preferredAddress.stateProvince
} : {}
parseDate = function(dateStr) {
return dateStr ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(dateStr.substr(0, 10)) : dateStr
mapGenderText = function(genderChar) {
return null == genderChar ? null : "<span>" + $rootScope.genderMap[angular.uppercase(genderChar)] + "</span>"
getPatientBloodGroupText = function(openmrsPatient) {
if (openmrsPatient.person.bloodGroup) return "<span>" + openmrsPatient.person.bloodGroup + "</span>";
if (openmrsPatient.person.attributes && openmrsPatient.person.attributes.length > 0) {
var bloodGroup;
if (_.forEach(openmrsPatient.person.attributes, function(attribute) {
"bloodGroup" == attribute.attributeType.display && (bloodGroup = attribute.display)
}), bloodGroup) return "<span>" + bloodGroup + "</span>"
checkIfDateField = function(x) {
return x.format === Bahmni.Common.Constants.patientAttributeDateFieldFormat
}, Bahmni.PatientContextMapper = function() {
this.map = function(patient) {
var patientContext = {};
patientContext.uuid = patient.uuid, patientContext.givenName = patient.person.names[0].givenName;
var familyName = patient.person.names[0].familyName;
if (patientContext.familyName = familyName ? familyName : "", patientContext.middleName = patient.person.names[0].middleName, patientContext.gender = patient.person.gender, patient.identifiers) {
var primaryIdentifier = patient.identifiers[0].primaryIdentifier;
patientContext.identifier = primaryIdentifier ? primaryIdentifier : patient.identifiers[0].identifier
return patient.person.birthdate && (patientContext.birthdate = parseDate(patient.person.birthdate)), patientContext
var parseDate = function(dateStr) {
return dateStr ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(dateStr.substr(0, 10)) : dateStr
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").filter("gender", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
return function(genderChar) {
return null == genderChar ? "Unknown" : $rootScope.genderMap[angular.uppercase(genderChar)]
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").filter("age", function() {
return function(age) {
return age.years ? age.years + " y" : age.months ? age.months + " m" : age.days + " d"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").filter("dateToAge", ["$filter", function($filter) {
return function(birthDate, referenceDate) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
referenceDate = referenceDate || DateUtil.now();
var age = DateUtil.diffInYearsMonthsDays(birthDate, referenceDate);
return $filter("age")(age)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").filter("birthDateToAgeText", ["$filter", "$translate", function($filter, $translate) {
return function(birthDate) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
if (birthDate) {
var age = DateUtil.diffInYearsMonthsDays(birthDate, DateUtil.now()),
ageInString = "";
return age.years && (ageInString += age.years + " " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_YEARS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " "), age.months && (ageInString += age.months + " " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_MONTHS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " "), age.days && (ageInString += age.days + " " + $translate.instant("CLINICAL_DAYS_TRANSLATION_KEY") + " "), ageInString
return ""
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").directive("patientSummary", function() {
var link = function($scope) {
$scope.showPatientDetails = !1, $scope.togglePatientDetails = function() {
$scope.showPatientDetails = !$scope.showPatientDetails
}, $scope.onImageClick = function() {
$scope.onImageClickHandler && $scope.onImageClickHandler()
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "../common/patient/header/views/patientSummary.html",
link: link,
required: "patient",
scope: {
patient: "=",
bedDetails: "=",
onImageClickHandler: "&"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").directive("fallbackSrc", function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
_.isEmpty(attrs.ngSrc) && element.attr("src", attrs.fallbackSrc), element.bind("error", function() {
element.attr("src", attrs.fallbackSrc)
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").directive("stopEventPropagation", function() {
return {
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.on(attrs.stopEventPropagation, function(e) {
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.patientSearch", ["bahmni.common.patient", "infinite-scroll"]);
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch = Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch || {}, Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants = {
searchExtensionTileViewType: "tile",
searchExtensionTabularViewType: "tabular",
tabularViewIgnoreHeadingsList: ["display", "uuid", "image", "$$hashKey", "activeVisitUuid", "hasBeenAdmitted", "forwardUrl", "programUuid", "enrollment"],
identifierHeading: ["ID", "Id", "id", "identifier", "DQ_COLUMN_TITLE_ACTION"],
nameHeading: ["NAME", "Name", "name"],
patientTileHeight: 100,
patientTileWidth: 100,
printIgnoreHeadingsList: ["DQ_COLUMN_TITLE_ACTION"],
tileLoadRatio: .5
}, Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Search = function(searchTypes) {
function mapPatient(patient) {
return (patient.name || patient.givenName || patient.familyName) && (patient.name = patient.name || patient.givenName + (patient.familyName ? " " + patient.familyName : "")), patient.display = _.map(self.searchColumns, function(column) {
return patient[column]
}).join(" - "), patient.image = Bahmni.Common.Constants.patientImageUrlByPatientUuid + patient.uuid, patient
var self = this;
self.searchTypes = searchTypes || [], self.searchType = this.searchTypes[0], self.searchParameter = "", self.noResultsMessage = null, self.searchResults = [], self.activePatients = [], self.navigated = !1, self.links = self.searchType && self.searchType.links ? self.searchType.links : [], self.searchColumns = self.searchType && self.searchType.searchColumns ? self.searchType.searchColumns : ["identifier", "name"], angular.forEach(searchTypes, function(searchType) {
searchType.patientCount = "..."
}), self.switchSearchType = function(searchType) {
self.noResultsMessage = null, self.isSelectedSearch(searchType) || (self.searchParameter = "", self.navigated = !0, self.searchType = searchType, self.activePatients = [], self.searchResults = [], self.links = self.searchType && self.searchType.links ? self.searchType.links : [], self.searchColumns = self.searchType && self.searchType.searchColumns ? self.searchType.searchColumns : ["identifier", "name"]),
}, self.markPatientEntry = function() {
self.startPatientSearch = !0, window.setTimeout(function() {
self.startPatientSearch = !1
}, self.patientsCount = function() {
return self.activePatients.length
}, self.updatePatientList = function(patientList) {
self.activePatients = patientList.map(mapPatient), self.searchResults = self.activePatients
}, self.updateSearchResults = function(patientList) {
self.updatePatientList(patientList), 0 === self.activePatients.length && "" != self.searchParameter ? self.noResultsMessage = "NO_RESULTS_FOUND" : self.noResultsMessage = null
}, self.hasSingleActivePatient = function() {
return 1 === self.activePatients.length
}, self.filterPatients = function(matchingCriteria) {
matchingCriteria = matchingCriteria ? matchingCriteria : matchesNameOrId, self.searchResults = self.searchParameter ? self.activePatients.filter(matchingCriteria) : self.activePatients
}, self.filterPatientsByIdentifier = function() {
}, self.isSelectedSearch = function(searchType) {
return self.searchType && self.searchType.id == searchType.id
}, self.isCurrentSearchLookUp = function() {
return self.searchType && self.searchType.handler
}, self.isTileView = function() {
return self.searchType && self.searchType.view === Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.searchExtensionTileViewType
}, self.isTabularView = function() {
return self.searchType && self.searchType.view === Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.searchExtensionTabularViewType
}, self.showPatientCountOnSearchParameter = function(searchType) {
return showPatientCount(searchType) && self.searchParameter
var matchesNameOrId = function(patient) {
return patient.display.toLowerCase().indexOf(self.searchParameter.toLowerCase()) !== -1
matchesId = function(patient) {
return patient.identifier.toLowerCase().indexOf(self.searchParameter.toLowerCase()) !== -1
showPatientCount = function(searchType) {
return self.isSelectedSearch(searchType) && self.isCurrentSearchLookUp()
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.patientSearch").directive("resize", ["$window", function($window) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.storeWindowDimensions = function() {
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth,
windowHeight = window.innerHeight,
tileWidth = Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.patientTileWidth,
tileHeight = Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.patientTileHeight;
$scope.tilesToFit = Math.ceil(windowWidth * windowHeight / (tileWidth * tileHeight)), $scope.tilesToLoad = Math.ceil($scope.tilesToFit * Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.tileLoadRatio)
var updateVisibleResults = function() {
$scope.visibleResults = $scope.searchResults.slice(0, $scope.tilesToLoad)
$scope.loadMore = function() {
var last = $scope.visibleResults.length,
more = $scope.searchResults.length - last,
toShow = more > $scope.tilesToLoad ? $scope.tilesToLoad : more;
if (toShow > 0)
for (var i = 1; i <= toShow; i++) $scope.visibleResults.push($scope.searchResults[last + i - 1])
}, $scope.$watch("searchResults", updateVisibleResults), $scope.$watch("tilesToFit", updateVisibleResults)
link = function($scope) {
$scope.storeWindowDimensions(), angular.element($window).bind("resize", function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
controller: controller,
transclude: !0,
scope: {
searchResults: "=",
visibleResults: "="
template: '<div ng-transclude infinite-scroll="loadMore()"></div>'
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patientSearch").directive("scheduler", ["$interval", function($interval) {
var link = function($scope) {
var promise, cancelSchedule = function() {
promise && ($interval.cancel(promise), promise = null)
startSchedule = function() {
promise || (promise = $interval($scope.triggerFunction, 1e3 * $scope.refreshTime))
$scope.$watch(function() {
return $scope.watchOn
}, function(value) {
$scope.refreshTime > 0 && (value ? cancelSchedule() : startSchedule())
}), $scope.triggerFunction(), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: link,
scope: {
refreshTime: "=",
watchOn: "=",
triggerFunction: "&"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patientSearch").controller("PatientsListController", ["$scope", "$http", "$window", "patientService", "$rootScope", "appService", "spinner", "$stateParams", "$bahmniCookieStore", "printer", "configurationService", function($scope, $http, $window, patientService, $rootScope, appService, spinner, $stateParams, $bahmniCookieStore, printer, configurationService) {
var patientListSpinner, patientSearchConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("patientSearch"),
initialize = function() {
var searchTypes = appService.getAppDescriptor().getExtensions("org.bahmni.patient.search", "config").map(mapExtensionToSearchType);
$scope.search = new Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Search(_.without(searchTypes, void 0)), $scope.search.markPatientEntry(), $scope.$watch("search.searchType", function(currentSearchType) {
_.isEmpty(currentSearchType) || fetchPatients(currentSearchType)
}), $scope.$watch("search.activePatients", function(activePatientsList) {
activePatientsList.length > 0 && patientListSpinner && hideSpinner(spinner, patientListSpinner, $(".tab-content"))
}), patientSearchConfig && patientSearchConfig.serializeSearch ? getPatientCountSeriallyBySearchIndex(0) : _.each($scope.search.searchTypes, function(searchType) {
_.isEmpty(searchType) || $scope.search.searchType != searchType && getPatientCount(searchType, null)
}), null != $rootScope.currentSearchType && $scope.search.switchSearchType($rootScope.currentSearchType), configurationService.getConfigurations(["identifierTypesConfig"]).then(function(response) {
$scope.primaryIdentifier = _.find(response.identifierTypesConfig, {
primary: !0
$scope.searchPatients = function() {
return spinner.forPromise(patientService.search($scope.search.searchParameter)).then(function(response) {
$scope.search.updateSearchResults(response.data.pageOfResults), $scope.search.hasSingleActivePatient() && $scope.forwardPatient($scope.search.activePatients[0])
}, $scope.filterPatientsAndSubmit = function() {
1 == $scope.search.searchResults.length && $scope.forwardPatient($scope.search.searchResults[0])
var getPatientCount = function(searchType, patientListSpinner) {
if (searchType.handler) {
var params = {
q: searchType.handler,
v: "full",
location_uuid: $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName).uuid,
provider_uuid: $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid
searchType.additionalParams && (params.additionalParams = searchType.additionalParams), patientService.findPatients(params).then(function(response) {
searchType.patientCount = response.data.length, $scope.search.isSelectedSearch(searchType) && $scope.search.updatePatientList(response.data), patientListSpinner && hideSpinner(spinner, patientListSpinner, $(".tab-content"))
hideSpinner = function(spinnerObj, data, container) {
spinnerObj.hide(data, container), $(container).children("patient-list-spinner").hide()
$scope.getHeadings = function(patients) {
if (patients && patients.length > 0) {
var headings = _.chain(patients[0]).keys().filter(function(heading) {
return _.indexOf(Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.tabularViewIgnoreHeadingsList, heading) === -1
return headings
return []
}, $scope.isHeadingOfLinkColumn = function(heading) {
var identifierHeading = _.includes(Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.identifierHeading, heading);
return identifierHeading ? identifierHeading : $scope.search.searchType && $scope.search.searchType.links ? _.find($scope.search.searchType.links, {
linkColumn: heading
}) : $scope.search.searchType && $scope.search.searchType.linkColumn ? _.includes([$scope.search.searchType.linkColumn], heading) : void 0
}, $scope.isHeadingOfName = function(heading) {
return _.includes(Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.nameHeading, heading)
}, $scope.getPrintableHeadings = function(patients) {
var headings = $scope.getHeadings(patients),
printableHeadings = headings.filter(function(heading) {
return _.indexOf(Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.printIgnoreHeadingsList, heading) === -1
return printableHeadings
}, $scope.printPage = function() {
null != $scope.search.searchType.printHtmlLocation && printer.printFromScope($scope.search.searchType.printHtmlLocation, $scope)
var mapExtensionToSearchType = function(appExtn) {
return {
name: appExtn.label,
display: appExtn.extensionParams.display,
handler: appExtn.extensionParams.searchHandler,
forwardUrl: appExtn.extensionParams.forwardUrl,
id: appExtn.id,
params: appExtn.extensionParams.searchParams,
refreshTime: appExtn.extensionParams.refreshTime || 0,
view: appExtn.extensionParams.view || Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Constants.searchExtensionTileViewType,
showPrint: appExtn.extensionParams.showPrint || !1,
printHtmlLocation: appExtn.extensionParams.printHtmlLocation || null,
additionalParams: appExtn.extensionParams.additionalParams,
searchColumns: appExtn.extensionParams.searchColumns,
translationKey: appExtn.extensionParams.translationKey,
linkColumn: appExtn.extensionParams.linkColumn,
links: appExtn.extensionParams.links
debounceGetPatientCount = _.debounce(function(currentSearchType, patientListSpinner) {
getPatientCount(currentSearchType, patientListSpinner)
}, patientSearchConfig && patientSearchConfig.fetchDelay || DEFAULT_FETCH_DELAY, {}),
showSpinner = function(spinnerObj, container) {
return $(container).children("patient-list-spinner").show(), spinnerObj.show(container)
fetchPatients = function(currentSearchType) {
void 0 !== patientListSpinner && hideSpinner(spinner, patientListSpinner, $(".tab-content")), $rootScope.currentSearchType = currentSearchType, $scope.search.isCurrentSearchLookUp() && (patientListSpinner = showSpinner(spinner, $(".tab-content")), patientSearchConfig && patientSearchConfig.debounceSearch ? debounceGetPatientCount(currentSearchType, patientListSpinner) : getPatientCount(currentSearchType, patientListSpinner))
$scope.forwardPatient = function(patient, heading) {
var options = $.extend({}, $stateParams);
$rootScope.patientAdmitLocationStatus = patient.Status, $.extend(options, {
patientUuid: patient.uuid,
visitUuid: patient.activeVisitUuid || null,
encounterUuid: $stateParams.encounterUuid || "active",
programUuid: patient.programUuid || null,
enrollment: patient.enrollment || null,
forwardUrl: patient.forwardUrl || null,
dateEnrolled: patient.dateEnrolled || null
var link = options.forwardUrl ? {
url: options.forwardUrl,
newTab: !0
} : {
url: $scope.search.searchType.forwardUrl,
newTab: !1
$scope.search.searchType.links && (link = _.find($scope.search.searchType.links, {
linkColumn: heading
}) || link), "#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard?encounterUuid=active" === link.url ? $http({
method: "GET",
url: "/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/visit?includeInactive=true&patient=" + patient.uuid + "&v=custom:(uuid,visitType,startDatetime,stopDatetime,location,encounters:(uuid))"
}).then(function(response) {
var result = response.data.results;
result.length > 1 ? $window.open(appService.getAppDescriptor().formatUrl(link.url, options, !0), link.newTab ? "_blank" : "_self") : $window.location.href = "https://" + $window.location.hostname + ":6060/patientDashboard/" + patient.uuid
}) : $window.open(appService.getAppDescriptor().formatUrl(link.url, options, !0), link.newTab ? "_blank" : "_self")
var getPatientCountSeriallyBySearchIndex = function(index) {
if (index !== $scope.search.searchTypes.length) {
var searchType = $scope.search.searchTypes[index];
if (searchType.handler) {
var params = {
q: searchType.handler,
v: "full",
location_uuid: $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName).uuid,
provider_uuid: $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid
searchType.additionalParams && (params.additionalParams = searchType.additionalParams), patientService.findPatients(params).then(function(response) {
return searchType.patientCount = response.data.length, $scope.search.isSelectedSearch(searchType) && $scope.search.updatePatientList(response.data), getPatientCountSeriallyBySearchIndex(index + 1)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.Domain = Bahmni.Common.Domain || {}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.Helper = Bahmni.Common.Domain.Helper || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.domain", []), Bahmni.Common.Domain.RetrospectiveEntry = function() {
var self = this;
Object.defineProperty(this, "encounterDate", {
get: function() {
return self._encounterDate
set: function(value) {
value && (self._encounterDate = value)
}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.RetrospectiveEntry.createFrom = function(retrospectiveEncounterDateCookie) {
var obj = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.RetrospectiveEntry;
return obj.encounterDate = retrospectiveEncounterDateCookie, obj
}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.Diagnosis = function(codedAnswer, order, certainty, existingObsUuid, freeTextAnswer, diagnosisDateTime, voided) {
var self = this;
self.codedAnswer = codedAnswer, self.order = order, self.certainty = certainty, self.existingObs = existingObsUuid, self.freeTextAnswer = freeTextAnswer, self.diagnosisDateTime = diagnosisDateTime, self.diagnosisStatus = void 0, self.isNonCodedAnswer = !1, self.codedAnswer && (self.conceptName = self.codedAnswer.name), self.voided = voided, self.firstDiagnosis = null, self.comments = "", self.getDisplayName = function() {
return self.freeTextAnswer ? self.freeTextAnswer : self.codedAnswer.shortName || self.codedAnswer.name
}, self.isPrimary = function() {
return "PRIMARY" == self.order
}, self.isSecondary = function() {
return "SECONDARY" == self.order
}, self.isRuledOut = function() {
return self.diagnosisStatus == $rootScope.diagnosisStatus
}, self.answerNotFilled = function() {
return !self.codedAnswer.name
}, self.isValidAnswer = function() {
return self.codedAnswer.name && self.codedAnswer.uuid || self.codedAnswer.name && !self.codedAnswer.uuid && self.isNonCodedAnswer || self.answerNotFilled()
}, self.isValidOrder = function() {
return self.isEmpty() || void 0 !== self.order
}, self.isValidCertainty = function() {
return self.isEmpty() || void 0 !== self.certainty
}, self.isEmpty = function() {
return void 0 === self.getDisplayName() || 0 === self.getDisplayName().length
}, self.diagnosisStatusValue = null, self.diagnosisStatusConcept = null, Object.defineProperty(this, "diagnosisStatus", {
get: function() {
return this.diagnosisStatusValue
set: function(newStatus) {
newStatus ? (this.diagnosisStatusValue = newStatus, this.diagnosisStatusConcept = {
name: Bahmni.Common.Constants.ruledOutdiagnosisStatus
}) : (this.diagnosisStatusValue = null, this.diagnosisStatusConcept = null)
}), self.clearCodedAnswerUuid = function() {
self.codedAnswer.uuid = void 0
}, self.setAsNonCodedAnswer = function() {
self.isNonCodedAnswer = !self.isNonCodedAnswer
function() {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
Conditions = Bahmni.Common.Domain.Conditions = {},
Condition = Bahmni.Common.Domain.Condition = function(data) {
data = data || {}, this.uuid = data.uuid, this.concept = {
uuid: _.get(data, "concept.uuid"),
shortName: _.get(data, "concept.shortName"),
name: _.get(data, "concept.name")
}, this.status = data.status, this.onSetDate = data.onSetDate, this.conditionNonCoded = data.conditionNonCoded, this.voided = data.voided, this.additionalDetail = data.additionalDetail, this.isNonCoded = data.isNonCoded, this.creator = data.creator, this.previousConditionUuid = data.previousConditionUuid, this.activeSince = data.onSetDate
Condition.prototype = {}, Condition.prototype.toggleNonCoded = function() {
this.isNonCoded = !this.isNonCoded
}, Condition.prototype.clearConcept = function() {
this.concept.uuid = void 0
}, Condition.prototype.isValidConcept = function() {
return !(this.concept.name && !this.concept.uuid && !this.isNonCoded)
}, Condition.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.status && (this.concept.name && this.isNonCoded || this.concept.uuid)
}, Condition.prototype.isActive = function() {
return "ACTIVE" == this.status
}, Condition.prototype.displayString = function() {
return this.conditionNonCoded || this.concept.shortName || this.concept.name
}, Condition.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return !(this.status || this.concept.name || this.isNonCoded || this.concept.uuid || this.onSetDate || this.additionalDetail)
}, Condition.createFromDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
return new Condition({
concept: {
uuid: diagnosis.codedAnswer.uuid,
shortName: diagnosis.codedAnswer.shortName,
name: diagnosis.codedAnswer.name
status: "ACTIVE",
onSetDate: DateUtil.today(),
conditionNonCoded: diagnosis.freeTextAnswer,
additionalDetail: diagnosis.comments,
voided: !1
}, Conditions.fromConditionHistories = function(conditionsHistories) {
return _.map(conditionsHistories, function(conditionsHistory) {
var conditions = conditionsHistory.conditions;
return new Condition(_.last(_.sortBy(_.reject(conditions, "endDate"), "onSetDate")))
}, Conditions.getPreviousActiveCondition = function(condition, allConditions) {
if ("ACTIVE" == condition.status) return condition;
var previousCondition = _.find(allConditions, {
uuid: condition.previousConditionUuid
return previousCondition ? Conditions.getPreviousActiveCondition(previousCondition, allConditions) : condition
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").service("retrospectiveEntryService", ["$rootScope", "$bahmniCookieStore", function($rootScope, $bahmniCookieStore) {
var retrospectiveEntryService = this,
dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
this.getRetrospectiveEntry = function() {
return $rootScope.retrospectiveEntry
}, this.isRetrospectiveMode = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry())
}, this.getRetrospectiveDate = function() {
return $rootScope.retrospectiveEntry && $rootScope.retrospectiveEntry.encounterDate
}, this.initializeRetrospectiveEntry = function() {
var retrospectiveEncounterDateCookie = $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectiveEntryEncounterDateCookieName);
retrospectiveEncounterDateCookie && ($rootScope.retrospectiveEntry = Bahmni.Common.Domain.RetrospectiveEntry.createFrom(dateUtil.getDate(retrospectiveEncounterDateCookie)))
}, this.resetRetrospectiveEntry = function(date) {
$bahmniCookieStore.remove(Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectiveEntryEncounterDateCookieName, {
path: "/",
expires: 1
}), $rootScope.retrospectiveEntry = void 0, date && !dateUtil.isSameDate(date, dateUtil.today()) && ($rootScope.retrospectiveEntry = Bahmni.Common.Domain.RetrospectiveEntry.createFrom(dateUtil.getDate(date)), $bahmniCookieStore.put(Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectiveEntryEncounterDateCookieName, date, {
path: "/",
expires: 1
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").factory("dispositionService", ["$http", function($http) {
var getDispositionActions = function() {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptSearchByFullNameUrl + "&name=" + Bahmni.Common.Constants.dispositionConcept + "&v=custom:(uuid,name,answers:(uuid,name,mappings))", {
cache: !0
getDispositionNoteConcept = function() {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptSearchByFullNameUrl + "&name=" + Bahmni.Common.Constants.dispositionNoteConcept + "&v=custom:(uuid,name:(name))", {
cache: !0
getDispositionByVisit = function(visitUuid) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniDispositionByVisitUrl, {
params: {
visitUuid: visitUuid
getDispositionByPatient = function(patientUuid, numberOfVisits) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniDispositionByPatientUrl, {
params: {
patientUuid: patientUuid,
numberOfVisits: numberOfVisits
return {
getDispositionActions: getDispositionActions,
getDispositionNoteConcept: getDispositionNoteConcept,
getDispositionByVisit: getDispositionByVisit,
getDispositionByPatient: getDispositionByPatient
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").service("visitDocumentService", ["$http", "auditLogService", "configurations", "$q", function($http, auditLogService, configurations, $q) {
var removeVoidedDocuments = function(documents) {
documents.forEach(function(document) {
if (document.voided && document.image) {
var url = Bahmni.Common.Constants.RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmnicore/visitDocument?filename=" + document.image;
$http["delete"](url, {
withCredentials: !0
this.save = function(visitDocument) {
var url = Bahmni.Common.Constants.RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmnicore/visitDocument",
isNewVisit = !visitDocument.visitUuid;
var visitTypeName = configurations.encounterConfig().getVisitTypeByUuid(visitDocument.visitTypeUuid).name,
encounterTypeName = configurations.encounterConfig().getEncounterTypeByUuid(visitDocument.encounterTypeUuid).name;
return $http.post(url, visitDocument).then(function(response) {
var promise = isNewVisit ? auditLogService.log(visitDocument.patientUuid, "OPEN_VISIT", {
visitUuid: response.data.visitUuid,
visitType: visitTypeName
}, encounterTypeName) : $q.when();
return promise.then(function() {
return auditLogService.log(visitDocument.patientUuid, "EDIT_ENCOUNTER", {
encounterUuid: response.data.encounterUuid,
encounterType: encounterTypeName
}, encounterTypeName).then(function() {
return response
}, this.saveFile = function(file, patientUuid, encounterTypeName, fileName, fileType) {
var searchStr = ";base64",
format = file.split(searchStr)[0].split("/")[1];
"video" === fileType && (format = _.last(_.split(fileName, ".")));
var url = Bahmni.Common.Constants.RESTWS_V1 + "/bahmnicore/visitDocument/uploadDocument";
return $http.post(url, {
content: file.substring(file.indexOf(searchStr) + searchStr.length, file.length),
format: format,
patientUuid: patientUuid,
encounterTypeName: encounterTypeName,
fileType: fileType || "file"
}, {
withCredentials: !0,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, this.getFileType = function(fileType) {
var pdfType = "pdf",
imageType = "image";
return fileType.indexOf(pdfType) !== -1 ? pdfType : fileType.indexOf(imageType) !== -1 ? imageType : "not_supported"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").service("bedService", ["$http", "$rootScope", function($http, $rootScope) {
var mapBedDetails = function(response) {
var results = response.data.results;
if (!_.isEmpty(results)) {
var bed = _.first(results);
return {
wardName: bed.physicalLocation.parentLocation.display,
wardUuid: bed.physicalLocation.parentLocation.uuid,
physicalLocationName: bed.physicalLocation.name,
bedNumber: bed.bedNumber,
bedId: bed.bedId
this.setBedDetailsForPatientOnRootScope = function(uuid) {
var promise = this.getAssignedBedForPatient(uuid);
return promise.then(function(bedDetails) {
$rootScope.bedDetails = bedDetails
}), promise
}, this.getAssignedBedForPatient = function(patientUuid, visitUuid) {
var params = {
patientUuid: patientUuid,
v: "full"
return visitUuid && (params.visitUuid = visitUuid, params.s = "bedDetailsFromVisit"), $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bedFromVisit, {
method: "GET",
params: params,
withCredentials: !0
}, this.assignBed = function(bedId, patientUuid, encounterUuid) {
var patientJson = {
patientUuid: patientUuid,
encounterUuid: encounterUuid
return $http.post(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bedFromVisit + "/" + bedId, patientJson, {
withCredentials: !0,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, this.getBedInfo = function(bedId) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bedFromVisit + "/" + bedId + "?v=custom:(bedId,bedNumber,patients:(uuid,person:(age,personName:(givenName,familyName),gender),identifiers:(uuid,identifier),),physicalLocation:(name))", {
withCredentials: !0
}, this.getCompleteBedDetailsByBedId = function(bedId) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bedFromVisit + "/" + bedId, {
withCredentials: !0
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").factory("providerService", ["$http", function($http) {
var search = function(fieldValue) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.providerUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
q: fieldValue,
v: "full"
withCredentials: !0
searchByUuid = function(uuid) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.providerUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
user: uuid
cache: !1
list = function(params) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.providerUrl, {
method: "GET",
cache: !1,
params: params
return {
search: search,
searchByUuid: searchByUuid,
list: list
}]), Bahmni.Common.Domain.Helper.getHintForNumericConcept = function(concept) {
if (concept) return null != concept.hiNormal && null != concept.lowNormal ? "(" + concept.lowNormal + " - " + concept.hiNormal + ")" : null != concept.hiNormal && null == concept.lowNormal ? "(< " + concept.hiNormal + ")" : null == concept.hiNormal && null != concept.lowNormal ? "(> " + concept.lowNormal + ")" : ""
}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.ProviderMapper = function() {
this.map = function(openMrsProvider) {
return openMrsProvider ? {
uuid: openMrsProvider.uuid,
name: openMrsProvider.preferredName ? openMrsProvider.preferredName.display : openMrsProvider.person.preferredName.display
} : null
}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper = function() {
this.map = function(openMrsConcept) {
if (!openMrsConcept) return null;
if (alreadyMappedConcept(openMrsConcept)) return openMrsConcept;
var openMrsDescription = openMrsConcept.descriptions ? openMrsConcept.descriptions[0] : null,
shortConceptName = _.find(openMrsConcept.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
return {
uuid: openMrsConcept.uuid,
name: openMrsConcept.name.name,
shortName: shortConceptName ? shortConceptName.name : null,
description: openMrsDescription ? openMrsDescription.description : null,
set: openMrsConcept.set,
dataType: openMrsConcept.datatype ? openMrsConcept.datatype.name : null,
hiAbsolute: openMrsConcept.hiAbsolute,
lowAbsolute: openMrsConcept.lowAbsolute,
hiNormal: openMrsConcept.hiNormal,
handler: openMrsConcept.handler,
allowDecimal: openMrsConcept.allowDecimal,
lowNormal: openMrsConcept.lowNormal,
conceptClass: openMrsConcept.conceptClass ? openMrsConcept.conceptClass.name : null,
answers: openMrsConcept.answers,
units: openMrsConcept.units,
displayString: shortConceptName ? shortConceptName.name : openMrsConcept.name.name,
names: openMrsConcept.names
var alreadyMappedConcept = function(concept) {
return !concept.name.name
}, Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationMapper = function() {
this.map = function(openMrsObs) {
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper,
groupMembers = openMrsObs.groupMembers || [];
return {
uuid: openMrsObs.uuid,
concept: conceptMapper.map(openMrsObs.concept),
value: openMrsObs.value,
voided: openMrsObs.voided,
voidedReason: openMrsObs.voidedReason,
observationDateTime: openMrsObs.obsDatetime,
orderUuid: openMrsObs.orderUuid,
groupMembers: groupMembers.map(this.map)
function() {
var nameFor = {
Date: function(obs) {
return moment(obs.value).format("D-MMM-YYYY")
Datetime: function(obs) {
var date = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseDatetime(obs.value);
return null != date ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithTime(date) : ""
Boolean: function(obs) {
return obs.value === !0 ? "Yes" : obs.value === !1 ? "No" : obs.value
Coded: function(obs) {
return obs.value.shortName || obs.value.name || obs.value
Object: function(obs) {
return nameFor.Coded(obs)
MultiSelect: function(obs) {
return obs.getValues().join(", ")
Default: function(obs) {
return obs.value
Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationValueMapper = {
getNameFor: nameFor,
map: function(obs) {
var type = obs.concept && obs.concept.dataType || obs.type;
return type in nameFor || (type = "object" == typeof obs.value && "Object" || obs.isMultiSelect && "MultiSelect" || "Default"), nameFor[type](obs)
}(), Bahmni.DiagnosisMapper = function(diagnosisStatus) {
var self = this,
mapDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
diagnosis.codedAnswer || (diagnosis.codedAnswer = {
name: void 0,
uuid: void 0
var mappedDiagnosis = angular.extend(new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Diagnosis, diagnosis);
return mappedDiagnosis.firstDiagnosis && (mappedDiagnosis.firstDiagnosis = mapDiagnosis(mappedDiagnosis.firstDiagnosis)), mappedDiagnosis.latestDiagnosis && (mappedDiagnosis.latestDiagnosis = mapDiagnosis(mappedDiagnosis.latestDiagnosis)), diagnosis.diagnosisStatusConcept && Bahmni.Common.Constants.ruledOutdiagnosisStatus === diagnosis.diagnosisStatusConcept.name && (mappedDiagnosis.diagnosisStatus = diagnosisStatus), mappedDiagnosis
self.mapDiagnosis = mapDiagnosis, self.mapDiagnoses = function(diagnoses) {
var mappedDiagnoses = [];
return _.each(diagnoses, function(diagnosis) {
}), mappedDiagnoses
}, self.mapPastDiagnosis = function(diagnoses, currentEncounterUuid) {
var pastDiagnosesResponse = [];
return diagnoses.forEach(function(diagnosis) {
diagnosis.encounterUuid !== currentEncounterUuid && (diagnosis.previousObs = diagnosis.existingObs, diagnosis.existingObs = null, diagnosis.inCurrentEncounter = void 0, pastDiagnosesResponse.push(diagnosis))
}), pastDiagnosesResponse
}, self.mapSavedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter = function(diagnoses, currentEncounterUuid) {
var savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter = [];
return diagnoses.forEach(function(diagnosis) {
diagnosis.encounterUuid === currentEncounterUuid && (diagnosis.inCurrentEncounter = !0, savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter.push(diagnosis))
}), savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter
var EncounterConfig = function() {
function EncounterConfig(encounterTypes) {
this.encounterTypes = encounterTypes
return EncounterConfig.prototype = {
getConsultationEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("Consultation")
getAdmissionEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("ADMISSION")
getDischargeEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("DISCHARGE")
getTransferEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("TRANSFER")
getRadiologyEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("RADIOLOGY")
getPatientDocumentEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid("Patient Document")
getValidationEncounterTypeUuid: function() {
return this.getEncounterTypeUuid(Bahmni.Common.Constants.validationNotesEncounterType)
getEncounterTypeUuid: function(encounterTypeName) {
return this.encounterTypes[encounterTypeName]
getVisitTypes: function() {
var visitTypesArray = [];
for (var name in this.visitTypes) visitTypesArray.push({
name: name,
uuid: this.visitTypes[name]
return visitTypesArray
getEncounterTypes: function() {
var encounterTypesArray = [];
for (var name in this.encounterTypes) encounterTypesArray.push({
name: name,
uuid: this.encounterTypes[name]
return encounterTypesArray
getVisitTypeByUuid: function(uuid) {
var visitTypes = this.getVisitTypes();
return visitTypes.filter(function(visitType) {
return visitType.uuid === uuid
getEncounterTypeByUuid: function(uuid) {
var encounterType = this.getEncounterTypes();
return encounterType.filter(function(encounterType) {
return encounterType.uuid === uuid
}, EncounterConfig
! function() {
Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationFilter = function() {
var self = this,
voidExistingObservationWithOutValue = function(observations) {
observations.forEach(function(observation) {
voidExistingObservationWithOutValue(observation.groupMembers), observation.voided = observation.voided || observation.canBeVoided(), observation.voided && voidAllChildren(observation)
voidAllChildren = function(voidedObservation) {
voidedObservation.groupMembers.forEach(function(childWithVoidedParent) {
childWithVoidedParent.voided = !0, voidAllChildren(childWithVoidedParent)
removeNewObservationsWithoutValue = function(observations) {
return observations.forEach(function(observation) {
observation.groupMembers = removeNewObservationsWithoutValue(observation.groupMembers)
}), observations.filter(function(observation) {
var validObs = observation.isExisting() || observation.hasValue() || observation.hasMemberWithValue();
return validObs && !observation.voided || observation.isExisting() && observation.voided
removeNewObservationsWhichAreVoided = function(observations) {
return observations.forEach(function(observation) {
observation.groupMembers = removeNewObservationsWhichAreVoided(observation.groupMembers)
}), _.reject(observations, function(observation) {
return observation.isNew() && observation.voided
self.filter = function(observations) {
var wrappedObservations = observations.map(Observation.wrap),
filteredObservations = removeNewObservationsWithoutValue(wrappedObservations);
return filteredObservations = removeNewObservationsWhichAreVoided(filteredObservations), voidExistingObservationWithOutValue(filteredObservations), filteredObservations
var Observation = function(observationData) {
angular.extend(this, observationData), this.isNew = function() {
return !this.uuid
}, this.isExisting = function() {
return !this.isNew()
}, this.hasValue = function() {
return void 0 !== this.value && null !== this.value && "" !== this.value
}, this.hasMemberWithValue = function() {
return this.groupMembers.some(function(groupMember) {
return groupMember.hasValue() || groupMember.hasMemberWithValue()
}, this.isGroup = function() {
return this.groupMembers.length > 0
}, this.isLeaf = function() {
return !this.isGroup()
}, this.isGroupWithOnlyVoidedMembers = function() {
return this.isGroup() && this.groupMembers.every(function(groupMember) {
return groupMember.voided
}, this.isLeafNodeWithOutValue = function() {
return this.isLeaf() && !this.hasValue()
}, this.canBeVoided = function() {
return this.isExisting() && (this.isLeafNodeWithOutValue() || this.isGroupWithOnlyVoidedMembers())
Observation.wrap = function(observationData) {
var observation = new Observation(observationData);
return observation.groupMembers = observation.groupMembers ? observation.groupMembers.map(Observation.wrap) : [], observation
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.gallery", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.gallery").directive("bmGalleryPane", ["$rootScope", "$document", "observationsService", "encounterService", "spinner", "configurations", "ngDialog", function($rootScope, $document, observationsService, encounterService, spinner, configurations, ngDialog) {
function close() {
$("body #gallery-pane").remove(),
$body.removeClass("gallery-open"), keyboardJS.releaseKey("right"), keyboardJS.releaseKey("left")
var $body = $document.find("body");
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function() {
var link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.galleryElement = element, $body.prepend($scope.galleryElement).addClass("gallery-open"), keyboardJS.on("right", function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.getTotalLength() > 1 && $scope.showNext()
}), keyboardJS.on("left", function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.getTotalLength() > 1 && $scope.showPrev()
controller = function($scope) {
$scope.imageIndex = $scope.imagePosition.index ? $scope.imagePosition.index : 0, $scope.albumTag = $scope.imagePosition.tag ? $scope.imagePosition.tag : "defaultTag", $scope.showImpression = !1, $scope.isActive = function(index, tag) {
return $scope.imageIndex == index && $scope.albumTag == tag
var getAlbumIndex = function() {
return _.findIndex($scope.albums, function(album) {
return album.tag == $scope.albumTag
$scope.showPrev = function() {
var albumIndex = getAlbumIndex();
if ($scope.imageIndex > 0) --$scope.imageIndex;
else {
0 == albumIndex && (albumIndex = $scope.albums.length);
var previousAlbum = $scope.albums[albumIndex - 1];
0 == previousAlbum.images.length && $scope.showPrev(albumIndex - 1), $scope.albumTag = previousAlbum.tag, $scope.imageIndex = previousAlbum.images.length - 1
}, $scope.showNext = function() {
var albumIndex = getAlbumIndex();
if ($scope.imageIndex < $scope.albums[albumIndex].images.length - 1) ++$scope.imageIndex;
else {
albumIndex == $scope.albums.length - 1 && (albumIndex = -1);
var nextAlbum = $scope.albums[albumIndex + 1];
0 == nextAlbum.images.length && $scope.showNext(albumIndex + 1), $scope.albumTag = nextAlbum.tag, $scope.imageIndex = 0
}, $scope.isPdf = function(image) {
return image.src && image.src.indexOf(".pdf") > 0
}, $scope.getTotalLength = function() {
var totalLength = 0;
return angular.forEach($scope.albums, function(album) {
totalLength += album.images.length
}), totalLength
}, $scope.getCurrentIndex = function() {
for (var currentIndex = 1, i = 0; i < getAlbumIndex(); i++) currentIndex += $scope.albums[i].images.length;
return currentIndex + parseInt($scope.imageIndex)
}, $scope.close = function() {
}, $scope.toggleImpression = function() {
$scope.showImpression = !$scope.showImpression
}, $scope.hasObsRelationship = function(image) {
return image.commentOnUpload || image.sourceObs && image.sourceObs.length > 0
}, $scope.saveImpression = function(image) {
var bahmniEncounterTransaction = mapBahmniEncounterTransaction(image);
spinner.forPromise(encounterService.create(bahmniEncounterTransaction).then(function() {
constructNewSourceObs(image), fetchObsRelationship(image)
var init = function() {
$scope.accessImpression && $scope.albums.forEach(function(album) {
album.images.forEach(function(image) {
fetchObsRelationship(image), constructNewSourceObs(image)
}), ngDialog.openConfirm({
template: "../common/gallery/views/gallery.html",
scope: $scope,
closeByEscape: !0,
className: "gallery-dialog ngdialog-theme-default"
fetchObsRelationship = function(image) {
observationsService.getObsRelationship(image.uuid).then(function(response) {
image.sourceObs = response.data
constructNewSourceObs = function(image) {
image.newSourceObs = $scope.newSourceObs && $scope.newSourceObs.targetObsRelation.targetObs.uuid === image.uuid ? $scope.targetObs : {
value: "",
concept: {
uuid: configurations.impressionConcept().uuid
targetObsRelation: {
relationshipType: Bahmni.Common.Constants.qualifiedByRelationshipType,
targetObs: {
uuid: image.uuid
mapBahmniEncounterTransaction = function(image) {
return {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
encounterTypeUuid: configurations.encounterConfig().getConsultationEncounterTypeUuid(),
observations: [image.newSourceObs]
return {
link: link,
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper", ["ngClipboard"]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").factory("spinner", ["messagingService", "$timeout", function(messagingService, $timeout) {
var tokens = [],
topLevelDiv = function(element) {
return $(element).find("div").eq(0)
showSpinnerForElement = function(element) {
return 0 === $(element).find(".dashboard-section-loader").length && topLevelDiv(element).addClass("spinnable").append('<div class="dashboard-section-loader"></div>'), {
element: $(element).find(".dashboard-section-loader")
showSpinnerForOverlay = function() {
var token = Math.random();
tokens.push(token), 0 === $("#overlay").length && $("body").prepend('<div id="overlay"><div></div></div>');
var spinnerElement = $("#overlay");
return spinnerElement.stop().show(), {
element: spinnerElement,
token: token
show = function(element) {
return void 0 !== element ? showSpinnerForElement(element) : showSpinnerForOverlay()
hide = function(spinner, parentElement) {
var spinnerElement = spinner.element;
spinner.token ? (_.pull(tokens, spinner.token), 0 === tokens.length && spinnerElement.fadeOut(300)) : (topLevelDiv(parentElement).removeClass("spinnable"), spinnerElement && spinnerElement.remove())
forPromise = function(promise, element) {
return $timeout(function() {
var spinner = show(element);
return promise["finally"](function() {
hide(spinner, element)
}), promise
forAjaxPromise = function(promise, element) {
var spinner = show(element);
return promise.always(function() {
hide(spinner, element)
}), promise
return {
forPromise: forPromise,
forAjaxPromise: forAjaxPromise,
show: show,
hide: hide
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").factory("printer", ["$rootScope", "$compile", "$http", "$timeout", "$q", "spinner", function($rootScope, $compile, $http, $timeout, $q, spinner) {
var printHtml = function(html) {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
hiddenFrame = $('<iframe style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>').appendTo("body")[0];
hiddenFrame.contentWindow.printAndRemove = function() {
hiddenFrame.contentWindow.print(), $(hiddenFrame).remove(), deferred.resolve()
var htmlContent = '<!doctype html><html><body onload="printAndRemove();">' + html + "</body></html>",
doc = hiddenFrame.contentWindow.document.open("text/html", "replace");
return doc.write(htmlContent), doc.close(), deferred.promise
print = function(templateUrl, data) {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted = !0, $http.get(templateUrl).then(function(templateData) {
var template = templateData.data,
printScope = $rootScope.$new();
angular.extend(printScope, data);
var element = $compile($("<div>" + template + "</div>"))(printScope),
renderAndPrintPromise = $q.defer(),
waitForRenderAndPrint = function() {
return printScope.$$phase || $http.pendingRequests.length ? $timeout(waitForRenderAndPrint, 1e3) : (printHtml(element.html()).then(function() {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted = !1, renderAndPrintPromise.resolve()
}), printScope.$destroy()), renderAndPrintPromise.promise
printFromScope = function(templateUrl, scope, afterPrint) {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted = !0, $http.get(templateUrl).then(function(response) {
var template = response.data,
printScope = scope,
element = $compile($("<div>" + template + "</div>"))(printScope),
renderAndPrintPromise = $q.defer(),
waitForRenderAndPrint = function() {
return printScope.$$phase || $http.pendingRequests.length ? $timeout(waitForRenderAndPrint) : printHtml(element.html()).then(function() {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted = !1, afterPrint && afterPrint(), renderAndPrintPromise.resolve()
}), renderAndPrintPromise.promise
return {
print: print,
printFromScope: printFromScope
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("nonBlank", function() {
return function($scope, element, attrs) {
var addNonBlankAttrs = function() {
required: "required"
removeNonBlankAttrs = function() {
return attrs.nonBlank ? void $scope.$watch(attrs.nonBlank, function(value) {
return value ? addNonBlankAttrs() : removeNonBlankAttrs()
}) : addNonBlankAttrs(element)
}).directive("datepicker", function() {
var link = function($scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
var maxDate = attrs.maxDate,
minDate = attrs.minDate || "-120y",
format = attrs.dateFormat || "dd-mm-yy";
changeYear: !0,
changeMonth: !0,
maxDate: maxDate,
minDate: minDate,
yearRange: "c-120:c+120",
dateFormat: format,
onSelect: function(dateText) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: link
}).directive("myAutocomplete", ["$parse", function($parse) {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var source = ($parse(attrs.ngModel), scope.source()),
responseMap = scope.responseMap(),
onSelect = scope.onSelect();
autofocus: !0,
minLength: 2,
source: function(request, response) {
source(attrs.id, request.term, attrs.itemType).then(function(data) {
var results = responseMap ? responseMap(data.data) : data.data;
select: function(event, ui) {
return scope.$apply(function(scope) {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ui.item.value), scope.$eval(attrs.ngChange), null != onSelect && onSelect(ui.item)
}), !0
search: function(event) {
var searchTerm = $.trim(element.val());
searchTerm.length < 2 && event.preventDefault()
return {
link: link,
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
source: "&",
responseMap: "&",
onSelect: "&"
}]).directive("bmForm", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
var link = function(scope, elem, attrs) {
$timeout(function() {
$(elem).unbind("submit").submit(function(e) {
var formScope = scope.$parent,
formName = attrs.name;
e.preventDefault(), scope.autofillable && $(elem).find("input").trigger("change"), formScope[formName].$valid ? (formScope.$apply(attrs.ngSubmit), $(elem).removeClass("submitted-with-error")) : $(elem).addClass("submitted-with-error")
}, 0)
return {
link: link,
require: "form",
scope: {
autofillable: "="
}]).directive("patternValidate", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
return function($scope, element, attrs) {
var addPatternToElement = function() {
$scope.fieldValidation && $scope.fieldValidation[attrs.id] && element.attr({
pattern: $scope.fieldValidation[attrs.id].pattern,
title: $scope.fieldValidation[attrs.id].errorMessage,
type: "text"
}]).directive("validateOn", function() {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var validationMessage = attrs.validationMessage || "Please enter a valid detail",
setValidity = function(value) {
var valid = !!value;
ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("blank", valid), element[0].setCustomValidity(valid ? "" : validationMessage)
scope.$watch(attrs.validateOn, setValidity, !0)
return {
link: link,
require: "ngModel"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("bahmniAutocomplete", ["$translate", function($translate) {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var source = scope.source(),
responseMap = scope.responseMap && scope.responseMap(),
onSelect = scope.onSelect(),
onEdit = scope.onEdit && scope.onEdit(),
minLength = scope.minLength || 2,
formElement = element[0],
validationMessage = scope.validationMessage || $translate.instant("SELECT_VALUE_FROM_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE"),
validateIfNeeded = function(value) {
scope.strictSelect && (scope.isInvalid = value !== scope.selectedValue, _.isEmpty(value) && (scope.isInvalid = !1))
scope.$watch("initialValue", function() {
scope.initialValue && (scope.selectedValue = scope.initialValue, scope.isInvalid = !1)
}), element.autocomplete({
autofocus: !0,
minLength: minLength,
source: function(request, response) {
elementId: attrs.id,
term: request.term,
elementType: attrs.type
}).then(function(data) {
var results = responseMap ? responseMap(data) : data;
select: function(event, ui) {
return scope.selectedValue = ui.item.value, ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ui.item.value), null != onSelect && onSelect(ui.item), validateIfNeeded(ui.item.value), scope.blurOnSelect && element.blur(), scope.$apply(), scope.$eval(attrs.ngDisabled), scope.$apply(), !0
search: function(event, ui) {
null != onEdit && onEdit(ui.item);
var searchTerm = $.trim(element.val());
validateIfNeeded(searchTerm), searchTerm.length < minLength && event.preventDefault()
var changeHanlder = function(e) {
keyUpHandler = function(e) {
validateIfNeeded(element.val()), scope.$apply()
element.on("change", changeHanlder), element.on("keyup", keyUpHandler), scope.$watch("isInvalid", function() {
ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("selection", !scope.isInvalid), formElement.setCustomValidity(scope.isInvalid ? validationMessage : "")
}), scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
element.off("change", changeHanlder), element.off("keyup", keyUpHandler)
return {
link: link,
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
source: "&",
responseMap: "&?",
onSelect: "&",
onEdit: "&?",
minLength: "=?",
blurOnSelect: "=?",
strictSelect: "=?",
validationMessage: "@",
isInvalid: "=?",
initialValue: "=?"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("bmPopOver", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.targetElements = [];
var hideTargetElements = function() {
$scope.targetElements.forEach(function(el) {
showTargetElements = function() {
$scope.targetElements.forEach(function(el) {
this.registerTriggerElement = function(triggerElement) {
$scope.triggerElement = triggerElement;
var docClickHandler = function() {
$scope.autoclose && (hideTargetElements(), $scope.isTargetOpen = !1, $(document).off("click", docClickHandler))
$scope.triggerElement.on("click", function(event) {
$scope.isTargetOpen ? ($scope.isTargetOpen = !1, hideTargetElements(0), $(document).off("click", docClickHandler)) : ($scope.isTargetOpen = !0, showTargetElements(), $(document).on("click", docClickHandler), event.stopImmediatePropagation())
}), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
$(document).off("click", docClickHandler)
}, this.registerTargetElement = function(targetElement) {
targetElement.hide(), $scope.targetElements.push(targetElement)
var hideOrShowTargetElements = function() {
$scope.isTargetOpen && ($scope.isTargetOpen = !1, hideTargetElements(0))
$(document).on("click", ".reg-wrapper", hideOrShowTargetElements), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
$(document).off("click", ".reg-wrapper", hideOrShowTargetElements)
return {
restrict: "A",
controller: controller,
scope: {
autoclose: "="
}).directive("bmPopOverTarget", function() {
var link = function($scope, element, attrs, popOverController) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "^bmPopOver",
link: link
}).directive("bmPopOverTrigger", function() {
var link = function($scope, element, attrs, popOverController) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "^bmPopOver",
link: link
function() {
var constructSearchResult = function(concept, searchString) {
var matchingName = null,
conceptName = concept.name;
if (!_.includes(_.toLower(conceptName), _.toLower(searchString))) {
var synonyms = _.map(concept.names, "name");
matchingName = _.find(synonyms, function(name) {
return name !== conceptName && name.search(new RegExp(searchString, "i")) !== -1
return {
label: matchingName ? matchingName + " => " + conceptName : conceptName,
value: conceptName,
concept: concept,
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: conceptName
searchWithDefaultConcept = function(searchMethod, request, response) {
var searchTerm = _.toLower(request.term.trim()),
isMatching = function(answer) {
var conceptNameFound = _.find(answer.names, function(name) {
return _.includes(_.toLower(name.name), searchTerm)
conceptDrugNameFound = _.includes(_.toLower(answer.name), searchTerm);
return conceptNameFound || conceptDrugNameFound
responseMap = _.partial(constructSearchResult, _, searchTerm);
searchMethod().then(_.partial(_.filter, _, isMatching)).then(_.partial(_.map, _, responseMap)).then(response)
searchWithGivenConcept = function(searchMethod, request, response) {
var searchTerm = request.term.trim(),
responseMap = _.partial(constructSearchResult, _, searchTerm);
searchMethod().then(_.partial(_.map, _, responseMap)).then(response)
toBeInjected = ["$parse", "$http", "conceptService"],
conceptAutocomplete = function($parse, $http, conceptService) {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var minLength = scope.minLength || 2,
previousValue = scope.previousValue,
validator = function(searchTerm) {
if (scope.strictSelect) return scope.illegalValue || !_.isEmpty(searchTerm) && searchTerm !== previousValue ? void element.addClass("illegalValue") : void element.removeClass("illegalValue")
autofocus: !0,
minLength: minLength,
source: function(request, response) {
var searchMethod;
!scope.answersConceptName && scope.defaultConcept ? (searchMethod = _.partial(conceptService.getAnswers, scope.defaultConcept), searchWithDefaultConcept(searchMethod, request, response)) : (searchMethod = _.partial(conceptService.getAnswersForConceptName, {
term: request.term,
answersConceptName: scope.answersConceptName
}), searchWithGivenConcept(searchMethod, request, response))
select: function(event, ui) {
return scope.$apply(function(scope) {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ui.item), scope.blurOnSelect && element.blur(), previousValue = ui.item.value, validator(previousValue), scope.$eval(attrs.ngChange)
}), !0
search: function(event) {
var searchTerm = $.trim(element.val());
searchTerm.length < minLength && event.preventDefault(), previousValue = null
var blurHandler = function() {
var searchTerm = $.trim(element.val());
element.on("blur", blurHandler), scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
element.off("blur", blurHandler)
return {
link: link,
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
illegalValue: "=",
defaultConcept: "=",
answersConceptName: "=",
minLength: "=",
blurOnSelect: "=",
strictSelect: "=?",
previousValue: "="
conceptAutocomplete.$inject = toBeInjected, angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("conceptAutocomplete", conceptAutocomplete)
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("datetimepicker", function() {
var link = function($scope) {
$scope.allowFutureDates || ($scope.maxDate = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateTimeFormatter.getDateWithoutTime());
var getSelectedDateStr = function() {
return null != $scope.selectedDate ? moment($scope.selectedDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : ""
getSelectedTimeStr = function() {
return null != $scope.selectedTime ? moment($scope.selectedTime).format("HH:mm") : ""
valueNotFilled = function() {
return null == $scope.selectedDate && null == $scope.selectedTime
valueCompletelyFilled = function() {
return null != $scope.selectedDate && null != $scope.selectedTime
if ($scope.updateModel = function() {
valueCompletelyFilled() ? $scope.model = getSelectedDateStr() + " " + getSelectedTimeStr() : $scope.isValid() ? $scope.model = "" : $scope.model = "Invalid Datetime"
}, $scope.isValid = function() {
return valueNotFilled() || valueCompletelyFilled()
}, $scope.model) {
var date = moment($scope.model).toDate();
$scope.selectedDate = date, $scope.selectedTime = date, $scope.updateModel()
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
scope: {
model: "=",
observation: "=",
showTime: "=",
illegalValue: "=",
allowFutureDates: "="
template: "<div><input type='date' ng-change='updateModel()' ng-class=\"{'illegalValue': illegalValue}\" ng-attr-max='{{maxDate || undefined}}' ng-model='selectedDate' ng-disabled='observation.disabled' /></div><div><input type='time' ng-change='updateModel()' ng-class= \"{'illegalValue': !isValid()}\" ng-model='selectedTime' ng-disabled='observation.disabled' /></div>"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("monthyearpicker", ["$translate", function($translate) {
var link = function($scope) {
var monthNames = $translate.instant("MONTHS");
$scope.monthNames = monthNames.split(",");
var getYearList = function() {
for (var minYear = $scope.minYear ? $scope.minYear : moment().toDate().getFullYear() - 15, maxYear = $scope.maxYear ? $scope.maxYear : moment().toDate().getFullYear() + 5, yearList = [], i = maxYear; i >= minYear; i--) yearList.push(i);
return yearList
$scope.years = getYearList();
var valueCompletelyFilled = function() {
return null != $scope.selectedMonth && null != $scope.selectedYear
valueNotFilled = function() {
return null == $scope.selectedMonth && null == $scope.selectedYear
getCompleteDate = function() {
var month = $scope.selectedMonth + 1;
return $scope.selectedYear + "-" + month + "-01"
if ($scope.updateModel = function() {
valueCompletelyFilled() ? $scope.model = getCompleteDate() : $scope.isValid() ? $scope.model = "" : $scope.model = "Invalid Date"
}, $scope.isValid = function() {
return valueNotFilled() || valueCompletelyFilled()
}, $scope.illegalMonth = function() {
return (void 0 === $scope.selectedMonth || null === $scope.selectedMonth) && null !== $scope.selectedYear && void 0 !== $scope.selectedYear
}, $scope.illegalYear = function() {
return null !== $scope.selectedMonth && void 0 !== $scope.selectedMonth && (void 0 === $scope.selectedYear || null === $scope.selectedYear)
}, $scope.model) {
var date = moment($scope.model).toDate();
$scope.selectedMonth = date.getMonth(), $scope.selectedYear = date.getFullYear()
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
scope: {
observation: "=",
minYear: "=",
maxYear: "=",
illegalValue: "=",
model: "="
template: '<span><select ng-model=\'selectedMonth\' ng-class="{\'illegalValue\': illegalMonth() || illegalValue}" ng-change="updateModel()" ng-options="monthNames.indexOf(month) as month for month in monthNames" ><option value="">{{\'CHOOSE_MONTH_KEY\' | translate}}</option>></select></span><span><select ng-model=\'selectedYear\' ng-class="{\'illegalValue\': illegalYear() || illegalValue}" ng-change="updateModel()" ng-options="year as year for year in years"><option value="">{{\'CHOOSE_YEAR_KEY\' | translate}}</option>></select></span>'
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("toggle", function() {
var link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.toggle = void 0 !== $scope.toggle && $scope.toggle, $(element).click(function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.toggle = !$scope.toggle
}), $scope.$watch("toggle", function() {
$(element).toggleClass("active", $scope.toggle)
}), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
return {
scope: {
toggle: "="
link: link
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("bmGallery", ["$location", "$rootScope", "$compile", function($location, $rootScope, $compile) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.albums = [], $scope.imagePosition = {
tag: void 0,
index: 0
}, this.image = function(record) {
var provider = record.provider;
return {
src: Bahmni.Common.Constants.documentsPath + "/" + record.imageObservation.value,
title: record.concept.name,
commentOnUpload: record.comment || record.imageObservation.comment,
date: record.imageObservation.observationDateTime,
uuid: record.imageObservation.uuid,
providerName: provider ? provider.name : null
}, this.addImageObservation = function(record, tag) {
return this.addImage(this.image(record), tag)
}, this.addImage = function(image, tag, tagOrder) {
var matchedAlbum = getMatchingAlbum(tag);
if (matchedAlbum) {
var index = image.imageIndex ? image.imageIndex : matchedAlbum.images.length;
matchedAlbum.images.splice(index, 0, image)
} else {
var newAlbum = {};
newAlbum.tag = tag, newAlbum.images = [image], $scope.albums.splice(tagOrder, 0, newAlbum)
return $scope.albums[0].images.length - 1
var getMatchingAlbum = function(tag) {
return _.find($scope.albums, function(album) {
return album.tag == tag
this.removeImage = function(image, tag, index) {
var matchedAlbum = getMatchingAlbum(tag);
matchedAlbum && matchedAlbum.images && matchedAlbum.images.splice(index, 1)
}, this.setIndex = function(tag, index) {
$scope.imagePosition.tag = tag, $scope.imagePosition.index = index
}, this.open = function() {
$compile("<div bm-gallery-pane id='gallery-pane'></div>")($scope)
return {
controller: controller,
scope: {
patient: "=",
accessImpression: "=?"
}]).directive("bmGalleryItem", function() {
var link = function($scope, element, attrs, imageGalleryController) {
var image = {
src: $scope.image.encodedValue,
title: $scope.image.concept ? $scope.image.concept.name : "",
date: $scope.image.obsDatetime,
uuid: $scope.image.obsUuid,
providerName: $scope.image.provider ? $scope.image.provider.name : "",
imageIndex: $scope.image.imageIndex,
commentOnUpload: $scope.image.comment
imageGalleryController.addImage(image, $scope.visitUuid, $scope.visitOrder), element.click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), imageGalleryController.setIndex($scope.visitUuid, $scope.index), imageGalleryController.open()
}), element.on("$destroy", function() {
imageGalleryController.removeImage(image, $scope.visitUuid, $scope.index)
return {
link: link,
scope: {
image: "=",
index: "@",
visitUuid: "=",
visitOrder: "@"
require: "^bmGallery"
}).directive("bmImageObservationGalleryItem", function() {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, imageGalleryController) {
scope.imageIndex = imageGalleryController.addImageObservation(scope.observation, "defaultTag"), element.click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), imageGalleryController.setIndex("defaultTag", scope.imageIndex), imageGalleryController.open()
return {
link: link,
scope: {
observation: "="
require: "^bmGallery"
}).directive("bmObservationGalleryItem", function() {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs, imageGalleryController) {
scope.imageObservation = new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ImageObservation(scope.observation, scope.observation.concept, scope.observation.provider), scope.imageIndex = imageGalleryController.addImageObservation(scope.imageObservation, "defaultTag"), element.click(function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), imageGalleryController.setIndex("defaultTag", scope.imageIndex), imageGalleryController.open()
return {
link: link,
scope: {
observation: "="
require: "^bmGallery"
}).directive("bmImageObservationGalleryItems", function() {
var link = function(scope, elem, attrs, imageGalleryController) {
angular.forEach(scope.list, function(record) {
imageGalleryController.addImageObservation(record, "defaultTag")
}), $(elem).click(function() {
return {
link: link,
scope: {
list: "="
require: "^bmGallery"
}).directive("bmLazyImageObservationGalleryItems", function() {
var link = function(scope, elem, attrs, imageGalleryController) {
scope.promise.then(function(response) {
angular.forEach(response, function(record) {
var index = imageGalleryController.addImageObservation(record, "defaultTag");
scope.currentObservation && scope.currentObservation.imageObservation.uuid == record.imageObservation.uuid && imageGalleryController.setIndex("defaultTag", index)
}), $(elem).click(function() {
return {
link: link,
scope: {
promise: "=",
currentObservation: "=?index"
require: "^bmGallery"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("ngConfirmClick", function() {
var link = function(scope, element, attr) {
var msg = attr.confirmMessage || "Are you sure?",
clickAction = attr.ngConfirmClick;
element.bind("click", function() {
window.confirm(msg) && scope.$apply(clickAction)
return {
restrict: "A",
link: link
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("bmShow", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
var link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.$watch("bmShow", function() {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted || $scope.bmShow ? element.removeClass("ng-hide") : element.addClass("ng-hide")
return {
scope: {
bmShow: "="
link: link
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("confirmOnExit", ["$translate", function($translate) {
return {
link: function($scope) {
var cleanUpListenerPageUnload = $scope.$on("event:pageUnload", function() {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return $translate.instant("BROWSER_CLOSE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_KEY")
$scope.$on("$destroy", cleanUpListenerPageUnload)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").filter("days", function() {
return function(startDate, endDate) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.diffInDays(startDate, endDate)
}).filter("bahmniDateTime", function() {
return function(date) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithTime(date)
}).filter("bahmniDate", function() {
return function(date) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(date)
}).filter("bahmniTime", function() {
return function(date) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatTime(date)
}).filter("bahmniDateInStrictMode", function() {
return function(date) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateInStrictMode(date)
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").filter("reverse", function() {
return function(items) {
return items && items.slice().reverse()
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").filter("thumbnail", function() {
return function(url, extension) {
if (url) return extension ? Bahmni.Common.Constants.documentsPath + "/" + url.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)$/, "$1_thumbnail." + extension) || null : Bahmni.Common.Constants.documentsPath + "/" + url.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)$/, "$1_thumbnail.$2") || null
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").filter("formatDecimalValues", function() {
return function(value) {
return value ? value.toString().replace(/.0(\s+)/g, "$1") : null
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").service("backlinkService", ["$window", function($window) {
var self = this,
urls = [];
self.reset = function() {
urls = []
}, self.setUrls = function(backLinks) {
self.reset(), angular.forEach(backLinks, function(backLink) {
}, self.addUrl = function(backLink) {
}, self.addBackUrl = function(label) {
var backLabel = label || "Back";
label: backLabel,
action: $window.history.back
}, self.getUrlByLabel = function(label) {
return urls.filter(function(url) {
return url.label === label
}, self.getAllUrls = function() {
return urls
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").service("contextChangeHandler", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
var callbacks = [],
self = this;
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function() {
}), this.reset = function() {
callbacks = []
}, this.add = function(callback) {
}, this.execute = function() {
var allow = !0,
callBackReturn = null,
errorMessage = null;
return callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
callBackReturn = callback(), allow = allow && callBackReturn.allow, _.isEmpty(errorMessage) && (errorMessage = callBackReturn.errorMessage)
}), callBackReturn && errorMessage ? {
allow: allow,
errorMessage: errorMessage
} : {
allow: allow
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").service("stateChangeSpinner", ["$rootScope", "spinner", function($rootScope, spinner) {
var showSpinner = function(event, toState) {
toState.spinnerToken = spinner.show()
hideSpinner = function(event, toState) {
this.activate = function() {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", showSpinner), $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", hideSpinner), $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", hideSpinner)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("bmBackLinks", function() {
return {
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="backLink in backLinks"><a class="back-btn" ng-if="backLink.action" accesskey="{{backLink.accessKey}}" ng-click="closeAllDialogs();backLink.action()" id="{{backLink.id}}"> <span ng-bind-html="backLink.label"></span> </a><a class="back-btn" ng-class="{\'dashboard-link\':backLink.image}" ng-if="backLink.url" accesskey="{{backLink.accessKey}}" ng-href="{{backLink.url}}" ng-click="closeAllDialogs()" id="{{backLink.id}}" title="{{backLink.title}}"> <img ng-if="backLink.image" ng-src="{{backLink.image}}" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src=\'../images/blank-user.gif\'"/><i ng-if="backLink.icon && !backLink.image" class="fa {{backLink.icon}}"></i></a><a class="back-btn" ng-if="backLink.state && !backLink.text" accesskey="{{backLink.accessKey}}" ui-sref="{{backLink.state}}" ng-click="closeAllDialogs()" id="{{backLink.id}}"><i ng-if="backLink.icon" class="fa {{backLink.icon}}"></i></a><a ng-if="backLink.text && backLink.requiredPrivilege" show-if-privilege="{{backLink.requiredPrivilege}}" accesskey="{{backLink.accessKey}}" ui-sref="{{backLink.state}}" id="{{backLink.id}}" class="back-btn-noIcon" ui-sref-active="active"><span>{{backLink.text | translate}}</span> </a><a ng-if="backLink.text && !backLink.requiredPrivilege" accesskey="{{backLink.accessKey}}" ui-sref="{{backLink.state}}" id="{{backLink.id}}" class="back-btn-noIcon" ui-sref-active="active"><span>{{backLink.text | translate}}</span> </a></li></ul>',
controller: function($scope, backlinkService) {
$scope.backLinks = backlinkService.getAllUrls(), $scope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function(event, state) {
state.data && state.data.backLinks && (backlinkService.setUrls(state.data.backLinks), $scope.backLinks = backlinkService.getAllUrls())
}), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
window.onbeforeunload = void 0
restrict: "E"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("providerDirective", function() {
var template = '<span><span ng-if=":: creatorName && providerName && (creatorName != providerName)">{{::creatorName}} {{"ON_BEHALF_OF_TRANSLATION_KEY"|translate}} </span>{{::providerName}} <span ng-if=":: providerDate"> {{::providerDate | bahmniTime}} </span></span>';
return {
restrict: "EA",
replace: !0,
scope: {
creatorName: "@",
providerName: "@",
providerDate: "=?"
template: template
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("focusOn", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
return function(scope, elem, attrs) {
Modernizr.ios || scope.$watch(attrs.focusOn, function(value) {
value && $timeout(function() {
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("scrollToObsElement", function() {
return function(scope, elem, attrs) {
if (attrs.scrollToObsElement && scope.observation.scrollToElement) {
var scrollPosition = $(elem).offset().top - window.innerHeight / 2;
if ($("#scrollOnEdit")[0]) {
var container = $("#scrollOnEdit"),
scrollTo = elem;
scrollPosition = scrollTo.offset().top + container.scrollTop() - (container.offset().top + container.offset().top / 2), container.animate({
scrollTop: scrollPosition
}, 900)
} else $(window).animate({
scrollTop: scrollPosition
}, 900);
scope.observation.scrollToElement = !1
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("dateConverter", [function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelController) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
ngModelController.$parsers.push(function(date) {
return DateUtil.parse(date)
}), ngModelController.$formatters.push(function(date) {
return DateUtil.parse(DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(date))
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("compileHtml", ["$compile", function($compile) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch(function(scope) {
return scope.$eval(attrs.compileHtml)
}, function(value) {
element.html(value), $compile(element.contents())(scope)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").controller("MessageController", ["$scope", "messagingService", function($scope, messagingService) {
$scope.messages = messagingService.messages, $scope.getMessageText = function(level) {
var string = "";
return $scope.messages[level].forEach(function(message) {
string = string.concat(message.value)
}), string
}, $scope.hideMessage = function(level) {
}, $scope.isErrorMessagePresent = function() {
return $scope.messages.error.length > 0
}, $scope.isInfoMessagePresent = function() {
return $scope.messages.info.length > 0
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").service("messagingService", ["$rootScope", "$timeout", function($rootScope, $timeout) {
this.messages = {
error: [],
info: []
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on("event:serverError", function(event, errorMessage) {
self.showMessage("error", errorMessage, "serverError")
}), this.showMessage = function(level, message, errorEvent) {
var messageObject = {
value: "",
isServerError: !1
messageObject.value = message, errorEvent ? messageObject.isServerError = !0 : "info" == level && this.createTimeout("info", 4e3);
var index = _.findIndex(this.messages[level], function(msg) {
return msg.value == messageObject.value
index >= 0 && this.messages[level].splice(index, 1), this.messages[level].push(messageObject)
}, this.createTimeout = function(level, time) {
$timeout(function() {
self.messages[level] = []
}, time, !0)
}, this.hideMessages = function(level) {
self.messages[level].length = 0
}, this.clearAll = function() {
self.messages.error = [], self.messages.info = []
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").service("confirmBox", ["$rootScope", "ngDialog", function($rootScope, ngDialog) {
var dialog, confirmBox = function(config) {
var confirmBoxScope = $rootScope.$new();
confirmBoxScope.close = function() {
ngDialog.close(dialog.id), confirmBoxScope.$destroy()
}, confirmBoxScope.scope = config.scope, confirmBoxScope.actions = config.actions, dialog = ngDialog.open({
template: "../common/ui-helper/views/confirmBox.html",
scope: confirmBoxScope,
className: config.className || "ngdialog-theme-default"
return confirmBox
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("focusOnInputErrors", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
return function(scope) {
var cleanUpListenerErrorsOnForm = scope.$on("event:errorsOnForm", function() {
$timeout(function() {
$(".illegalValue:first button").focus(), $(".illegalValue:first").focus()
}, 10, !1)
scope.$on("$destroy", cleanUpListenerErrorsOnForm)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("fixedFirstColumn", ["$interval", function($interval) {
return {
restrict: "A",
template: "<div class='table-responsive'><div ng-transclude class='table-responsive-fixedColumn' ></div></div>",
transclude: !0,
link: function($scope, $element) {
var checkIfTableLoaded = $interval(function() {
if ($element.find("table").length > 0) {
var tr = $element.find("tr");
angular.forEach(tr, function(i) {
var columns = angular.element(i).children();
if (!(columns.length < 1)) {
var column0 = columns[0],
column1 = columns[1],
height0 = column0.offsetHeight,
height1 = column1 ? column1.offsetHeight : 0,
height = Math.max(height0, height1);
columns[0].style.height = height + "px", i.style.height = height + "px", column1 && (column1.style.height = height + "px"), 0 !== height0 && height0 === height1 && clearInterval(checkIfTableLoaded)
}), clearInterval(checkIfTableLoaded)
}, 100, 1)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("assignHeight", function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var height;
scope.$watch(function() {
height = element[0].offsetHeight, attrs.key && (scope[attrs.key] = {
height: height
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.attributeTypes", []).directive("attributeTypes", [function() {
return {
scope: {
targetModel: "=",
attribute: "=",
fieldValidation: "=",
isAutoComplete: "&",
getAutoCompleteList: "&",
getDataResults: "&",
handleUpdate: "&",
isReadOnly: "&",
isForm: "=?"
templateUrl: "../common/attributeTypes/views/attributeInformation.html",
restrict: "E",
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.getAutoCompleteList = $scope.getAutoCompleteList(), $scope.getDataResults = $scope.getDataResults(), $scope.isAutoComplete = $scope.isAutoComplete() || function() {
return !1
}, $scope.isReadOnly = $scope.isReadOnly() || function() {
return !1
}, $scope.handleUpdate = $scope.handleUpdate() || function() {
return !1
}, $scope.appendConceptNameToModel = function(attribute) {
var attributeValueConceptType = $scope.targetModel[attribute.name],
concept = _.find(attribute.answers, function(answer) {
return answer.conceptId === attributeValueConceptType.conceptUuid
attributeValueConceptType.value = concept && concept.fullySpecifiedName
}]), Bahmni.Common.Domain.AttributeTypeMapper = function() {
function AttributeTypeMapper() {}
return AttributeTypeMapper.prototype.mapFromOpenmrsAttributeTypes = function(mrsAttributeTypes, mandatoryAttributes, attributesConfig) {
var attributeTypes = [];
return angular.forEach(mrsAttributeTypes, function(mrsAttributeType) {
var isRequired = function() {
var element = _.find(mandatoryAttributes, function(mandatoryAttribute) {
return mandatoryAttribute == mrsAttributeType.name
return !!element
attributeType = {
uuid: mrsAttributeType.uuid,
sortWeight: mrsAttributeType.sortWeight,
name: mrsAttributeType.name,
fullySpecifiedName: mrsAttributeType.name,
description: mrsAttributeType.description || mrsAttributeType.name,
format: mrsAttributeType.format || mrsAttributeType.datatypeClassname,
answers: [],
required: isRequired(),
concept: mrsAttributeType.concept || {},
excludeFrom: attributesConfig && attributesConfig[mrsAttributeType.name] && attributesConfig[mrsAttributeType.name].excludeFrom || []
attributeType.concept.dataType = attributeType.concept.datatype && attributeType.concept.datatype.name, mrsAttributeType.concept && mrsAttributeType.concept.answers && angular.forEach(mrsAttributeType.concept.answers, function(mrsAnswer) {
var displayName = mrsAnswer.display,
fullySpecifiedName = mrsAnswer.display;
mrsAnswer.names && 2 == mrsAnswer.names.length && "FULLY_SPECIFIED" == mrsAnswer.name.conceptNameType && (mrsAnswer.names[0].display == displayName ? (displayName = mrsAnswer.names[1].display, fullySpecifiedName = mrsAnswer.names[0].display) : (displayName = mrsAnswer.names[0].display, fullySpecifiedName = mrsAnswer.names[1].display)), attributeType.answers.push({
fullySpecifiedName: fullySpecifiedName,
description: displayName,
conceptId: mrsAnswer.uuid
}), "org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.RegexValidatedTextDatatype" == attributeType.format && (attributeType.pattern = mrsAttributeType.datatypeConfig), attributeTypes.push(attributeType)
}), {
attributeTypes: attributeTypes
}, AttributeTypeMapper
}(), Bahmni.Common.Domain.AttributeFormatter = function() {
function AttributeFormatter() {}
AttributeFormatter.prototype.getMrsAttributes = function(model, attributeTypes) {
return attributeTypes.map(function(result) {
var attribute = {
attributeType: {
uuid: result.uuid
return _.isEmpty(model) || setAttributeValue(result, attribute, model[result.name]), attribute
}, AttributeFormatter.prototype.getMrsAttributesForUpdate = function(model, attributeTypes, attributes) {
return _.filter(AttributeFormatter.prototype.getMrsAttributes(model, attributeTypes), function(mrsAttribute) {
var attribute = _.find(attributes, function(attribute) {
return mrsAttribute.attributeType.uuid === attribute.attributeType.uuid
return attribute && !attribute.voided && (mrsAttribute.uuid = attribute.uuid), isAttributeChanged(mrsAttribute)
}, AttributeFormatter.prototype.removeUnfilledAttributes = function(formattedAttributes) {
return _.filter(formattedAttributes, isAttributeChanged)
var isAttributeChanged = function(attribute) {
return attribute.value || attribute.uuid
setAttributeValue = function(attributeType, attr, value) {
if ("" === value || null === value || void 0 === value || null === value.conceptUuid) attr.voided = !0;
else if ("org.openmrs.Concept" === attributeType.format) {
var attrDescription = _.find(attributeType.answers, function(answer) {
if (answer.conceptId === value.conceptUuid) return !0
attr.value = void 0 != attrDescription ? attrDescription.description : null, attr.hydratedObject = value.conceptUuid
} else if ("org.openmrs.util.AttributableDate" == attributeType.format || "org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.DateDatatype" == attributeType.format) {
var mnt = moment(value);
attr.value = mnt.format("YYYY-MM-DD")
} else attr.value = value.toString()
return AttributeFormatter
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.ConceptSet = Bahmni.ConceptSet || {}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet", ["bahmni.common.uiHelper", "ui.select2", "pasvaz.bindonce", "ngSanitize", "ngTagsInput"]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").controller("ConceptSetGroupController", ["$scope", "contextChangeHandler", "spinner", "messagingService", "conceptSetService", "$rootScope", "sessionService", "encounterService", "treatmentConfig", "retrospectiveEntryService", "userService", "conceptSetUiConfigService", "$timeout", "clinicalAppConfigService", "$stateParams", "$translate", function($scope, contextChangeHandler, spinner, messagingService, conceptSetService, $rootScope, sessionService, encounterService, treatmentConfig, retrospectiveEntryService, userService, conceptSetUiConfigService, $timeout, clinicalAppConfigService, $stateParams, $translate) {
var conceptSetUIConfig = conceptSetUiConfigService.getConfig(),
init = function() {
$scope.validationHandler = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetGroupPanelViewValidationHandler($scope.allTemplates), contextChangeHandler.add($scope.validationHandler.validate)
$scope.toggleSideBar = function() {
$rootScope.showLeftpanelToggle = !$rootScope.showLeftpanelToggle
}, $scope.showLeftpanelToggle = function() {
return $rootScope.showLeftpanelToggle
}, $scope.togglePref = function(conceptSet, conceptName) {
$rootScope.currentUser.toggleFavoriteObsTemplate(conceptName), spinner.forPromise(userService.savePreferences())
}, $scope.getNormalized = function(conceptName) {
return conceptName.replace(/['\.\s\(\)\/,\\]+/g, "_")
}, $scope.showPreviousButton = function(conceptSetName) {
return conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName] && conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName].showPreviousButton
}, $scope.showPrevious = function(conceptSetName, event) {
event.stopPropagation(), $timeout(function() {
$scope.$broadcast("event:showPrevious" + conceptSetName)
}, $scope.isInEditEncounterMode = function() {
return void 0 !== $stateParams.encounterUuid && "active" !== $stateParams.encounterUuid
}, $scope.computeField = function(conceptSet, event) {
event.stopPropagation(), $scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.fire();
var defaultRetrospectiveVisitType = clinicalAppConfigService.getVisitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries(),
encounterData = (new Bahmni.Clinical.EncounterTransactionMapper).map(angular.copy($scope.consultation), $scope.patient, sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid(), retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry(), defaultRetrospectiveVisitType, $scope.isInEditEncounterMode());
encounterData = encounterService.buildEncounter(encounterData), encounterData.drugOrders = [];
var conceptSetData = {
name: conceptSet.conceptName,
uuid: conceptSet.uuid
data = {
encounterModifierObservations: encounterData.observations,
drugOrders: encounterData.drugOrders,
conceptSetData: conceptSetData,
patientUuid: encounterData.patientUuid,
encounterDateTime: encounterData.encounterDateTime
spinner.forPromise(treatmentConfig().then(function(treatmentConfig) {
return $scope.treatmentConfiguration = treatmentConfig, conceptSetService.getComputedValue(data)
}).then(function(response) {
response = response.data, copyValues($scope.consultation.observations, response.encounterModifierObservations), $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTreatments = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTreatments || [], response.drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
$scope.consultation.newlyAddedTreatments.push(Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, $scope.treatmentConfiguration))
}, $scope.canRemove = function(index) {
var observations = $scope.allTemplates[index].observations;
return !(void 0 !== observations && !_.isEmpty(observations)) || void 0 === observations[0].uuid
}, $scope.clone = function(index) {
var clonedObj = $scope.allTemplates[index].clone();
$scope.allTemplates.splice(index + 1, 0, clonedObj), $.scrollTo("#concept-set-" + (index + 1), 200, {
offset: {
top: -400
}, $scope.clonePanelConceptSet = function(conceptSet) {
var index = _.findIndex($scope.allTemplates, conceptSet);
messagingService.showMessage("info", $translate.instant("CLINICAL_TEMPLATE_ADDED_SUCCESS_KEY", {
label: $scope.allTemplates[index].label
})), $scope.clone(index), $scope.showLeftPanelConceptSet($scope.allTemplates[index + 1])
}, $scope.isClonedSection = function(conceptSetTemplate, allTemplates) {
if (allTemplates) {
var index = allTemplates.indexOf(conceptSetTemplate);
return index > 0 && allTemplates[index].label == allTemplates[index - 1].label
return !1
}, $scope.isLastClonedSection = function(conceptSetTemplate) {
var index = _.findIndex($scope.allTemplates, conceptSetTemplate);
return !(!$scope.allTemplates || index != $scope.allTemplates.length - 1 && $scope.allTemplates[index].label == $scope.allTemplates[index + 1].label)
}, $scope.remove = function(index) {
var label = $scope.allTemplates[index].label,
currentTemplate = $scope.allTemplates[index],
anotherTemplate = _.find($scope.allTemplates, function(template) {
return template.label == currentTemplate.label && template !== currentTemplate
if (anotherTemplate) $scope.allTemplates.splice(index, 1);
else {
var clonedObj = $scope.allTemplates[index].clone();
$scope.allTemplates[index] = clonedObj, $scope.allTemplates[index].isAdded = !1, $scope.allTemplates[index].isOpen = !1, $scope.allTemplates[index].klass = "", $scope.allTemplates[index].isLoaded = !1
$scope.leftPanelConceptSet = "", messagingService.showMessage("info", $translate.instant("CLINICAL_TEMPLATE_REMOVED_SUCCESS_KEY", {
label: label
}, $scope.openActiveForm = function(conceptSet) {
return conceptSet && "active" == conceptSet.klass && conceptSet != $scope.leftPanelConceptSet && $scope.showLeftPanelConceptSet(conceptSet), conceptSet.klass
var copyValues = function(existingObservations, modifiedObservations) {
existingObservations.forEach(function(observation, index) {
observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length > 0 ? copyValues(observation.groupMembers, modifiedObservations[index].groupMembers) : observation.value = modifiedObservations[index].value
collapseExistingActiveSection = function(section) {
section && (section.klass = "", section.isOpen = !1, section.isLoaded = !1)
$scope.showLeftPanelConceptSet = function(selectedConceptSet) {
collapseExistingActiveSection($scope.leftPanelConceptSet), $scope.leftPanelConceptSet = selectedConceptSet, $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.isOpen = !0, $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.isLoaded = !0, $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.klass = "active", $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.atLeastOneValueIsSet = selectedConceptSet.hasSomeValue(), $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.isAdded = !0, $scope.consultation.lastvisited = selectedConceptSet.id || selectedConceptSet.formUuid, $(window).scrollTop(0)
}, $scope.focusOnErrors = function() {
var errorMessage = $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.errorMessage ? $scope.leftPanelConceptSet.errorMessage : "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate }}";
messagingService.showMessage("error", errorMessage), $scope.$parent.$parent.$broadcast("event:errorsOnForm")
}, $scope.isFormTemplate = function(data) {
return data.formUuid
}, init()
}]).directive("conceptSetGroup", function() {
return {
restrict: "EA",
scope: {
conceptSetGroupExtensionId: "=?",
observations: "=",
allTemplates: "=",
context: "=",
autoScrollEnabled: "=",
patient: "=",
consultation: "="
controller: "ConceptSetGroupController",
templateUrl: "../common/concept-set/views/conceptSetGroup.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").controller("multiSelectObservationSearchController", ["$scope", "conceptSetService", function($scope, conceptSetService) {
var possibleAnswers = [],
unselectedValues = [];
$scope.values = [];
var init = function() {
var selectedValues = _.map(_.values($scope.observation.selectedObs), "value");
_.remove(selectedValues, _.isUndefined), selectedValues.forEach(function(observation) {
label: observation.name,
name: observation.name
var configuredConceptSetName = $scope.observation.getConceptUIConfig().answersConceptName;
_.isUndefined(configuredConceptSetName) ? (possibleAnswers = $scope.observation.getPossibleAnswers(), unselectedValues = _.xorBy(possibleAnswers, selectedValues, "uuid")) : conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: configuredConceptSetName,
v: "bahmni"
}).then(function(response) {
possibleAnswers = _.isEmpty(response.data.results) ? [] : response.data.results[0].answers, unselectedValues = _.xorBy(possibleAnswers, $scope.values, "uuid")
$scope.search = function(query) {
var matchingAnswers = [];
return _.forEach(unselectedValues, function(answer) {
if ("object" != typeof answer.name && answer.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) answer.label = answer.name, matchingAnswers.push(answer);
else if ("object" == typeof answer.name && answer.name.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) answer.name = answer.name.name, answer.label = answer.name, matchingAnswers.push(answer);
else {
var synonyms = _.map(answer.names, "name");
_.find(synonyms, function(name) {
name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1 && (answer.label = name + " => " + answer.name, matchingAnswers.push(answer))
}), _.uniqBy(matchingAnswers, "uuid")
}, $scope.addItem = function(item) {
unselectedValues = _.remove(unselectedValues, function(value) {
return value.uuid !== item.uuid
}), $scope.observation.toggleSelection(item)
}, $scope.removeItem = function(item) {
unselectedValues.push(item), $scope.observation.toggleSelection(item)
}, $scope.setLabel = function(answer) {
return answer.label = answer.name, !0
}, $scope.removeFreeTextItem = function() {
var value = $("input.input").val();
_.isEmpty($scope.search(value)) && $("input.input").val("")
}, init()
}]).config(["tagsInputConfigProvider", function(tagsInputConfigProvider) {
tagsInputConfigProvider.setDefaults("tagsInput", {
placeholder: ""
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("conceptSet", ["contextChangeHandler", "appService", "observationsService", "messagingService", "conceptSetService", "conceptSetUiConfigService", "spinner", function(contextChangeHandler, appService, observationsService, messagingService, conceptSetService, conceptSetUiConfigService, spinner) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var conceptSetName = $scope.conceptSetName,
ObservationUtil = Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationUtil,
conceptSetUIConfig = conceptSetUiConfigService.getConfig(),
observationMapper = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationMapper,
validationHandler = $scope.validationHandler() || contextChangeHandler,
id = "#" + $scope.sectionId;
$scope.atLeastOneValueIsSet = $scope.atLeastOneValueIsSet || !1, $scope.conceptSetRequired = !1, $scope.showTitleValue = $scope.showTitle(), $scope.numberOfVisits = conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName] && conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName].numberOfVisits ? conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName].numberOfVisits : null, $scope.hideAbnormalButton = conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName] && conceptSetUIConfig[conceptSetName].hideAbnormalButton;
var focusFirstObs = function() {
if ($scope.conceptSetFocused && $scope.rootObservation.groupMembers && $scope.rootObservation.groupMembers.length > 0) {
var firstObs = _.find($scope.rootObservation.groupMembers, function(obs) {
return obs.isFormElement && obs.isFormElement()
firstObs && (firstObs.isFocused = !0)
updateObservationsOnRootScope = function() {
if ($scope.rootObservation) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.observations.length; i++)
if ($scope.observations[i].concept.uuid === $scope.rootObservation.concept.uuid) return void($scope.observations[i] = $scope.rootObservation);
getObservationsOfCurrentTemplate = function() {
return _.filter($scope.observations, function(observation) {
return _.toLower(observation.conceptSetName) === _.toLower($scope.rootObservation.concept.name)
getDefaults = function() {
var conceptSetUI = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI");
if (conceptSetUI && conceptSetUI.defaults) return conceptSetUI.defaults || {}
getCodedAnswerWithDefaultAnswerString = function(defaults, groupMember) {
var defaultCodedAnswer, possibleAnswers = groupMember.possibleAnswers,
defaultAnswer = defaults[groupMember.concept.name];
return defaultAnswer instanceof Array ? (defaultCodedAnswer = [], _.each(defaultAnswer, function(answer) {
defaultCodedAnswer.push(_.find(possibleAnswers, {
displayString: answer
})) : defaultCodedAnswer = _.find(possibleAnswers, {
displayString: defaultAnswer
}), defaultCodedAnswer
setDefaultsForGroupMembers = function(groupMembers, defaults) {
defaults && _.each(groupMembers, function(groupMember) {
var conceptFullName = groupMember.concept.name,
present = _.includes(_.keys(defaults), conceptFullName);
present && void 0 == groupMember.value && ("Coded" == groupMember.concept.dataType ? setDefaultsForCodedObservations(groupMember, defaults) : groupMember.value = defaults[conceptFullName]), groupMember.groupMembers && groupMember.groupMembers.length > 0 && (setDefaultsForGroupMembers(groupMember.groupMembers, defaults), groupMember instanceof Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode && defaults[groupMember.label] && groupMember.abnormalObs && void 0 == groupMember.abnormalObs.value && groupMember.onValueChanged(groupMember.value))
setDefaultsForCodedObservations = function(observation, defaults) {
var defaultCodedAnswer = getCodedAnswerWithDefaultAnswerString(defaults, observation);
observation.isMultiSelect ? observation.hasValue() || _.each(defaultCodedAnswer, function(answer) {
}) : defaultCodedAnswer instanceof Array || (observation.value = defaultCodedAnswer)
getFlattenedObsValues = function(flattenedObs) {
return _.reduce(flattenedObs, function(flattenedObsValues, obs) {
if (void 0 == flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|" + obs.uniqueId])
if (obs.isMultiSelect) {
var selectedObsConceptNames = [];
_.each(obs.selectedObs, function(observation) {
observation.voided || selectedObsConceptNames.push(observation.value.name), observation.voided || selectedObsConceptNames.push(observation.value.name)
}), flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|" + obs.uniqueId] = selectedObsConceptNames
} else if (obs.conceptUIConfig.multiSelect) {
var alreadyProcessedMultiSelect = [];
_.each(_.keys(flattenedObsValues), function(eachObsKey) {
eachObsKey.split("|")[0] == obs.concept.name && alreadyProcessedMultiSelect.push(eachObsKey)
}), alreadyProcessedMultiSelect.length < 2 && (flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|" + obs.uniqueId] = flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|undefined"])
} else obs.value instanceof Object ? flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|" + obs.uniqueId] = obs.value.name instanceof Object ? obs.value.name.name : obs.value.name : flattenedObsValues[obs.concept.name + "|" + obs.uniqueId] = obs.value;
return flattenedObsValues
}, {})
clearFieldValuesOnDisabling = function(obs) {
if (obs.comment = void 0, obs.value || obs.isBoolean) obs.value = void 0;
else if (obs.isMultiSelect)
for (var key in obs.selectedObs) obs.selectedObs[key].voided || obs.toggleSelection(obs.selectedObs[key].value)
setObservationState = function(obsArray, disable, error, hide) {
_.isEmpty(obsArray) || _.each(obsArray, function(obs) {
obs.disabled = disable || hide, obs.error = error, obs.hide = hide, (hide || obs.disabled) && clearFieldValuesOnDisabling(obs), obs.groupMembers && _.each(obs.groupMembers, function(groupMember) {
groupMember && setObservationState([groupMember], disable, error, hide)
processConditions = function(flattenedObs, fields, disable, error, hide) {
_.each(fields, function(field) {
var clonedObsInSameGroup, matchingObsArray = [];
flattenedObs.forEach(function(obs) {
0 != clonedObsInSameGroup && obs.concept.name == field ? (matchingObsArray.push(obs), clonedObsInSameGroup = !0) : clonedObsInSameGroup && obs.concept.name != field && (clonedObsInSameGroup = !1)
}), _.isEmpty(matchingObsArray) ? messagingService.showMessage("error", "No element found with name : " + field) : setObservationState(matchingObsArray, disable, error, hide)
runFormConditionForObs = function(enableCase, formName, formCondition, conceptName, flattenedObs) {
var conceptSetObsValues = getFlattenedObsValues(flattenedObs);
_.each(_.keys(conceptSetObsValues), function(eachObsKey) {
if (eachObsKey.split("|")[0] == conceptName && "undefined" != eachObsKey.split("|")[1]) {
var valueMap = _.reduce(conceptSetObsValues, function(conceptSetValueMap, obsValue, conceptName) {
return conceptSetValueMap[conceptName.split("|")[0]] = obsValue, conceptSetValueMap
}, {}),
conditions = formCondition(formName, valueMap, $scope.patient);
_.isUndefined(conditions) || (conditions.error && !_.isEmpty(conditions.error) ? (messagingService.showMessage("error", conditions.error), processConditions(flattenedObs, [conceptName], !1, !0, !1)) : enableCase && processConditions(flattenedObs, [conceptName], !1, !1, !1), processConditions(flattenedObs, conditions.disable, !0), processConditions(flattenedObs, conditions.enable, !1), processConditions(flattenedObs, conditions.show, !1, void 0, !1), processConditions(flattenedObs, conditions.hide, !1, void 0, !0), _.each(conditions.enable, function(subConditionConceptName) {
var conditionFn = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[subConditionConceptName];
null != conditionFn && runFormConditionForObs(!0, formName, conditionFn, subConditionConceptName, flattenedObs)
}), _.each(conditions.disable, function(subConditionConceptName) {
var conditionFn = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[subConditionConceptName];
null != conditionFn && _.each(flattenedObs, function(obs) {
obs.concept.name == subConditionConceptName && runFormConditionForObs(!1, formName, conditionFn, subConditionConceptName, flattenedObs)
}), _.each(conditions.show, function(subConditionConceptName) {
var conditionFn = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[subConditionConceptName];
conditionFn && runFormConditionForObs(!0, formName, conditionFn, subConditionConceptName, flattenedObs)
}), _.each(conditions.hide, function(subConditionConceptName) {
var conditionFn = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[subConditionConceptName];
conditionFn && _.each(flattenedObs, function(obs) {
obs.concept.name == subConditionConceptName && runFormConditionForObs(!1, formName, conditionFn, subConditionConceptName, flattenedObs)
updateFormConditions = function(observationsOfCurrentTemplate, rootObservation) {
Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && runFormConditionForAllObsRecursively(rootObservation.concept.name, rootObservation)
runFormConditionForAllObsRecursively = function(formName, rootObservation) {
_.each(rootObservation.groupMembers, function(observation) {
var conditionFn = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[observation.concept.name];
if (null != conditionFn) {
var flattenedObs = ObservationUtil.flattenObsToArray([rootObservation]);
runFormConditionForObs(!1, formName, conditionFn, observation.concept.name, flattenedObs)
observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length > 0 && runFormConditionForAllObsRecursively(formName, observation)
addDummyImage = function() {
_.each($scope.rootObservation.groupMembers, function(observation) {
addDummyImageObservationForSavedObs(observation, $scope.rootObservation)
addDummyImageObservationForSavedObs = function(observation, rootObservation) {
if (_.each(observation.groupMembers, function(childObservation) {
addDummyImageObservationForSavedObs(childObservation, observation)
}), "image" === observation.getControlType() && observation.value && rootObservation.groupMembers.indexOf(observation) === rootObservation.groupMembers.length - 1) return void rootObservation.groupMembers.push(observation.cloneNew())
init = function() {
return conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: conceptSetName,
v: "bahmni"
}).then(function(response) {
if ($scope.conceptSet = response.data.results[0], $scope.rootObservation = $scope.conceptSet ? observationMapper.map($scope.observations, $scope.conceptSet, conceptSetUIConfig) : null, $scope.rootObservation) {
$scope.rootObservation.conceptSetName = $scope.conceptSetName, focusFirstObs(), updateObservationsOnRootScope();
var groupMembers = getObservationsOfCurrentTemplate()[0].groupMembers,
defaults = getDefaults();
addDummyImage(), setDefaultsForGroupMembers(groupMembers, defaults);
var observationsOfCurrentTemplate = getObservationsOfCurrentTemplate();
updateFormConditions(observationsOfCurrentTemplate, $scope.rootObservation)
} else $scope.showEmptyConceptSetMessage = !0
})["catch"](function(error) {
messagingService.showMessage("error", error.message)
spinner.forPromise(init(), id);
var validateObservationTree = function() {
if ("undefined" == typeof $scope.rootObservation || null === $scope.rootObservation) return {
allow: !0,
errorMessage: null
$scope.atLeastOneValueIsSet = $scope.rootObservation && $scope.rootObservation.atLeastOneValueSet(), $scope.conceptSetRequired = !$scope.required || $scope.required;
var nodes = $scope.rootObservation && findInvalidNodes($scope.rootObservation.groupMembers, $scope.rootObservation);
return {
allow: !nodes.status,
errorMessage: nodes.message
findInvalidNodes = function(members, parentNode) {
var errorMessage = null,
status = members.some(function(childNode) {
if (childNode.voided) return !1;
var groupMembers = childNode.groupMembers || [];
for (var index in groupMembers) {
var information = groupMembers[index].groupMembers && groupMembers[index].groupMembers.length ? findInvalidNodes(groupMembers[index].groupMembers, groupMembers[index]) : validateChildNode(groupMembers[index], childNode);
if (information.status) return errorMessage = information.message, !0
return information = validateChildNode(childNode, parentNode), information.status ? (errorMessage = information.message, !0) : !childNode.isValid($scope.atLeastOneValueIsSet, $scope.conceptSetRequired)
return {
message: errorMessage,
status: status
validateChildNode = function(childNode, parentNode) {
var errorMessage;
if (childNode.possibleAnswers && !childNode.possibleAnswers.length) {
if ("function" == typeof childNode.isValueInAbsoluteRange && !childNode.isValueInAbsoluteRange()) return errorMessage = "The value you entered (red field) is outside the range of allowable values for that record. Please check the value.", {
message: errorMessage,
status: !0
if (childNode.isNumeric()) {
if (!childNode.isValidNumeric()) return errorMessage = "Please enter Integer value, decimal value is not allowed", {
message: errorMessage,
status: !0
if (parentNode) {
if (!childNode.isValidNumericValue() || !parentNode.isValidNumericValue()) return errorMessage = "Please enter Numeric values", {
message: errorMessage,
status: !0
} else if (!childNode.isValidNumericValue()) return errorMessage = "Please enter Numeric values", {
message: errorMessage,
status: !0
return {
status: !1
var cleanUpListenerShowPrevious = $scope.$on("event:showPrevious" + conceptSetName, function() {
return spinner.forPromise(observationsService.fetch($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.conceptSetName, null, $scope.numberOfVisits, null, !0), id).then(function(response) {
var recentObservations = ObservationUtil.flattenObsToArray(response.data),
conceptSetObservation = $scope.observations.filter(function(observation) {
return observation.conceptSetName === $scope.conceptSetName
ObservationUtil.flattenObsToArray(conceptSetObservation).forEach(function(obs) {
var correspondingRecentObs = _.filter(recentObservations, function(recentObs) {
return obs.concept.uuid === recentObs.concept.uuid
null != correspondingRecentObs && correspondingRecentObs.length > 0 && (correspondingRecentObs.sort(function(obs1, obs2) {
return new Date(obs2.encounterDateTime) - new Date(obs1.encounterDateTime)
}), obs.previous = correspondingRecentObs.map(function(previousObs) {
return {
value: Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationValueMapper.map(previousObs),
date: previousObs.observationDateTime
deregisterAddMore = $scope.$root.$on("event:addMore", function(event, observation) {
updateFormConditions([observation], observation)
deregisterObservationUpdated = $scope.$root.$on("event:observationUpdated-" + conceptSetName, function(event, conceptName, rootObservation) {
var formName = rootObservation.concept.name,
formCondition = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules && Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules[conceptName];
if (formCondition) {
var flattenedObs = ObservationUtil.flattenObsToArray([rootObservation]);
runFormConditionForObs(!0, formName, formCondition, conceptName, flattenedObs)
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
deregisterObservationUpdated(), deregisterAddMore(), cleanUpListenerShowPrevious()
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
conceptSetName: "=",
observations: "=?",
required: "=?",
showTitle: "&",
validationHandler: "&",
patient: "=",
conceptSetFocused: "=?",
collapseInnerSections: "=?",
atLeastOneValueIsSet: "=?",
sectionId: "="
templateUrl: "../common/concept-set/views/conceptSet.html",
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("formControls", ["formService", "spinner", "$timeout", "$translate", function(formService, spinner, $timeout, $translate) {
var loadedFormDetails = {},
loadedFormTranslations = {},
unMountReactContainer = function(formUuid) {
var reactContainerElement = angular.element(document.getElementById(formUuid));
reactContainerElement.on("$destroy", function() {
controller = function($scope) {
var formUuid = $scope.form.formUuid,
formVersion = $scope.form.formVersion,
formName = $scope.form.formName,
formObservations = $scope.form.observations,
collapse = $scope.form.collapseInnerSections && $scope.form.collapseInnerSections.value,
validateForm = $scope.validateForm || !1,
locale = $translate.use();
loadedFormDetails[formUuid] ? $timeout(function() {
$scope.form.component = renderWithControls(loadedFormDetails[formUuid], formObservations, formUuid, collapse, $scope.patient, validateForm, locale, loadedFormTranslations[formUuid]), unMountReactContainer($scope.form.formUuid)
}, 0, !1) : spinner.forPromise(formService.getFormDetail(formUuid, {
v: "custom:(resources:(value))"
}).then(function(response) {
var formDetailsAsString = _.get(response, "data.resources[0].value");
if (formDetailsAsString) {
var formDetails = JSON.parse(formDetailsAsString);
formDetails.version = formVersion, loadedFormDetails[formUuid] = formDetails;
var formParams = {
formName: formName,
formVersion: formVersion,
locale: locale,
formUuid: formDetails.uuid
spinner.forPromise(formService.getFormTranslations(formDetails.translationsUrl, formParams).then(function(response) {
var formTranslations = _.isEmpty(response.data) ? {} : response.data[0];
loadedFormTranslations[formUuid] = formTranslations, $scope.form.component = renderWithControls(formDetails, formObservations, formUuid, collapse, $scope.patient, validateForm, locale, formTranslations)
}, function() {
var formTranslations = {};
loadedFormTranslations[formUuid] = formTranslations, $scope.form.component = renderWithControls(formDetails, formObservations, formUuid, collapse, $scope.patient, validateForm, locale, formTranslations)
})), $scope.$watch("form.collapseInnerSections", function() {
var collapse = $scope.form.collapseInnerSections && $scope.form.collapseInnerSections.value;
loadedFormDetails[formUuid] && ($scope.form.component = renderWithControls(loadedFormDetails[formUuid], formObservations, formUuid, collapse, $scope.patient, validateForm, locale, loadedFormTranslations[formUuid]))
}), $scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
if ($scope.$parent.consultation && $scope.$parent.consultation.observationForms && $scope.form.component) {
var formObservations = $scope.form.component.getValue();
$scope.form.observations = formObservations.observations;
var hasError = formObservations.errors;
_.isEmpty(hasError) || ($scope.form.isValid = !1)
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
form: "=",
patient: "=",
validateForm: "="
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("concept", ["RecursionHelper", "spinner", "$filter", "messagingService", function(RecursionHelper, spinner, $filter, messagingService) {
var link = function(scope) {
var hideAbnormalbuttonConfig = scope.observation && scope.observation.conceptUIConfig && scope.observation.conceptUIConfig.hideAbnormalButton;
scope.now = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"), scope.showTitle = void 0 === scope.showTitle || scope.showTitle, scope.hideAbnormalButton = void 0 == hideAbnormalbuttonConfig ? scope.hideAbnormalButton : hideAbnormalbuttonConfig, scope.cloneNew = function(observation, parentObservation) {
observation.showAddMoreButton = function() {
return !1
var newObs = observation.cloneNew();
newObs.scrollToElement = !0;
var index = parentObservation.groupMembers.indexOf(observation);
parentObservation.groupMembers.splice(index + 1, 0, newObs), messagingService.showMessage("info", "A new " + observation.label + " section has been added"), scope.$root.$broadcast("event:addMore", newObs)
}, scope.removeClonedObs = function(observation, parentObservation) {
observation.voided = !0;
var lastObservationByLabel = _.findLast(parentObservation.groupMembers, function(groupMember) {
return groupMember.label === observation.label && !groupMember.voided
lastObservationByLabel.showAddMoreButton = function() {
return !0
}, observation.hidden = !0
}, scope.isClone = function(observation, parentObservation) {
if (parentObservation && parentObservation.groupMembers) {
var index = parentObservation.groupMembers.indexOf(observation);
return index > 0 && parentObservation.groupMembers[index].label == parentObservation.groupMembers[index - 1].label
return !1
}, scope.isRemoveValid = function(observation) {
return "image" != observation.getControlType() || !observation.value
}, scope.getStringValue = function(observations) {
return observations.map(function(observation) {
return observation.value + " (" + $filter("bahmniDate")(observation.date) + ")"
}).join(", ")
}, scope.toggleSection = function() {
scope.collapse = !scope.collapse
}, scope.isCollapsibleSet = function() {
return 1 == scope.showTitle
}, scope.hasPDFAsValue = function() {
return scope.observation.value && scope.observation.value.indexOf(".pdf") > 0
}, scope.$watch("collapseInnerSections", function() {
scope.collapse = scope.collapseInnerSections && scope.collapseInnerSections.value
}), scope.handleUpdate = function() {
scope.$root.$broadcast("event:observationUpdated-" + scope.conceptSetName, scope.observation.concept.name, scope.rootObservation)
}, scope.update = function(value) {
scope.getBooleanResult(scope.observation.isObservationNode) ? scope.observation.primaryObs.value = value : scope.getBooleanResult(scope.observation.isFormElement()) && (scope.observation.value = value), scope.handleUpdate()
}, scope.getBooleanResult = function(value) {
return !!value
compile = function(element) {
return RecursionHelper.compile(element, link)
return {
restrict: "E",
compile: compile,
scope: {
conceptSetName: "=",
observation: "=",
atLeastOneValueIsSet: "=",
showTitle: "=",
conceptSetRequired: "=",
rootObservation: "=",
patient: "=",
collapseInnerSections: "=",
rootConcept: "&",
hideAbnormalButton: "="
templateUrl: "../common/concept-set/views/observation.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("buttonSelect", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
observation: "=",
abnormalObs: "=?"
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
attrs.dirtyCheckFlag && (scope.hasDirtyFlag = !0)
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.isSet = function(answer) {
return $scope.observation.hasValueOf(answer)
}, $scope.select = function(answer) {
$scope.observation.toggleSelection(answer), $scope.$parent.observation && "function" == typeof $scope.$parent.observation.onValueChanged && $scope.$parent.observation.onValueChanged(), $scope.$parent.handleUpdate()
}, $scope.getAnswerDisplayName = function(answer) {
var shortName = answer.names ? _.first(answer.names.filter(function(name) {
return "SHORT" === name.conceptNameType
})) : null;
return shortName ? shortName.name : answer.displayString
templateUrl: "../common/concept-set/views/buttonSelect.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("stepper", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
require: "ngModel",
replace: !0,
scope: {
ngModel: "=",
obs: "=",
ngClass: "=",
focusMe: "="
template: '<div class="stepper clearfix"><button ng-click="decrement()" class="stepper__btn stepper__minus" ng-disabled="obs.disabled">-</button><input id="{{::obs.uniqueId}}" obs-constraints ng-model="ngModel" obs="::obs" ng-class="ngClass" focus-me="focusMe" type="text" class="stepper__field" ng-disabled="obs.disabled" /><button ng-click="increment()" class="stepper__btn stepper__plus" ng-disabled="obs.disabled">+</button></div> ',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelController) {
function updateModel(offset) {
var currValue = 0;
isNaN(ngModelController.$viewValue) ? null != scope.obs.concept.lowNormal && (currValue = scope.obs.concept.lowNormal - offset) : currValue = parseInt(ngModelController.$viewValue), ngModelController.$setViewValue(currValue + offset)
ngModelController.$render = function() {}, ngModelController.$formatters.push(function(value) {
return parseInt(value, 10)
}), ngModelController.$parsers.push(function(value) {
return parseInt(value, 10)
}), scope.increment = function() {
if (null != scope.obs.concept.hiNormal) {
var currValue = isNaN(ngModelController.$viewValue) ? 0 : ngModelController.$viewValue;
currValue < scope.obs.concept.hiNormal && updateModel(1)
} else updateModel(1)
}, scope.decrement = function() {
if (null != scope.obs.concept.lowNormal) {
var currValue = isNaN(ngModelController.$viewValue) ? 0 : ngModelController.$viewValue;
currValue > scope.obs.concept.lowNormal && updateModel(-1)
} else updateModel(-1)
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("obsConstraints", function() {
var attributesMap = {
Numeric: "number",
Date: "date",
Datetime: "datetime"
link = function($scope, element) {
var attributes = {},
obsConcept = $scope.obs.concept;
obsConcept.conceptClass == Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptDetailsClassName && (obsConcept = $scope.obs.primaryObs.concept), attributes.type = attributesMap[obsConcept.dataType] || "text", "number" === attributes.type && (attributes.step = "any"), obsConcept.hiNormal && (attributes.max = obsConcept.hiNormal), obsConcept.lowNormal && (attributes.min = obsConcept.lowNormal), "date" == attributes.type && (null != $scope.obs.conceptUIConfig && $scope.obs.conceptUIConfig.allowFutureDates || (attributes.max = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateTimeFormatter.getDateWithoutTime())), element.attr(attributes)
return {
link: link,
scope: {
obs: "="
require: "ngModel"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("duration", ["contextChangeHandler", function(contextChangeHandler) {
var link = function($scope, element, attrs, ngModelController) {
var setValue = function() {
if ($scope.unitValue && $scope.measureValue) {
var value = $scope.unitValue * $scope.measureValue;
} else ngModelController.$setViewValue(void 0)
$scope.$watch("measureValue", setValue), $scope.$watch("unitValue", setValue), $scope.$watch("disabled", function(value) {
value && ($scope.unitValue = void 0, $scope.measureValue = void 0, $scope.hours = void 0)
var illegalValueChecker = $scope.$watch("illegalValue", function(value) {
$scope.illegalDurationValue = value;
var contextChange = function() {
return {
allow: !$scope.illegalDurationValue
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
$scope.illegalDurationValue = !1, illegalValueChecker()
controller = function($scope) {
var valueAndUnit = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.convertToUnits($scope.hours);
$scope.units = valueAndUnit.allUnits, $scope.measureValue = valueAndUnit.value, $scope.unitValue = valueAndUnit.unitValueInMinutes;
var durations = Object.keys($scope.units).reverse();
$scope.displayUnits = durations.map(function(duration) {
return {
name: duration,
value: $scope.units[duration]
return {
restrict: "E",
require: "ngModel",
controller: controller,
scope: {
hours: "=ngModel",
illegalValue: "=",
disabled: "="
link: link,
template: '<span><input tabindex="1" style="float: left;" type="number" min="0" class="duration-value" ng-class="{\'illegalValue\': illegalValue}" ng-model=\'measureValue\' ng-disabled="disabled"/></span><span><select tabindex="1" ng-model=\'unitValue\' class="duration-unit" ng-class="{\'illegalValue\': illegalValue}" ng-options="displayUnit.value as displayUnit.name for displayUnit in displayUnits" ng-disabled="disabled"><option value=""></option>></select></span>'
}]), Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetGroupValidationHandler = function(conceptSetSections) {
var validations = [];
this.add = function(validation) {
}, this.validate = function() {
var errorMessage = "",
allConceptSetSectionsValid = !0;
return validations.forEach(function(validation) {
var validationReturn = validation();
_.isEmpty(errorMessage) && (errorMessage = validationReturn.errorMessage), allConceptSetSectionsValid = allConceptSetSectionsValid && validationReturn.allow
}), allConceptSetSectionsValid || conceptSetSections.filter(_.property("isLoaded")).forEach(function(conceptSetSection) {
}), {
allow: allConceptSetSectionsValid,
errorMessage: errorMessage
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetGroupPanelViewValidationHandler = function(conceptSetSections) {
this.add = function(validation) {
var conceptSetPanel = getActiveConceptSet();
1 == conceptSetPanel.length && (conceptSetPanel[0].validate = validation)
var getActiveConceptSet = function() {
return _.filter(conceptSetSections, function(conceptSet) {
return "active" === conceptSet.klass
this.validate = function() {
var errorMessage = "",
allConceptSetSectionsValid = !0;
return _.forEach(conceptSetSections, function(conceptSet) {
if (conceptSet.validate && "function" == typeof conceptSet.validate) {
var validationReturn = conceptSet.validate();
conceptSet.isValid = validationReturn.allow, conceptSet.errorMessage = validationReturn.errorMessage, "active" == conceptSet.klass && (errorMessage = validationReturn.errorMessage), allConceptSetSectionsValid = allConceptSetSectionsValid && validationReturn.allow
}), allConceptSetSectionsValid || conceptSetSections.filter(_.property("isLoaded")).forEach(function(conceptSetSection) {
}), {
allow: allConceptSetSectionsValid,
errorMessage: errorMessage
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetSection = function(extensions, user, config, observations, conceptSet) {
var self = this;
self.clone = function() {
var clonedConceptSetSection = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetSection(extensions, user, config, [], conceptSet);
return clonedConceptSetSection.isAdded = !0, clonedConceptSetSection
var init = function() {
self.observations = observations, self.options = extensions.extensionParams || {}, self.conceptName = conceptSet.name ? conceptSet.name.name : self.options.conceptName;
var conceptName = _.find(conceptSet.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}) || _.find(conceptSet.names, {
conceptNameType: "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
conceptName = conceptName ? conceptName.name : conceptName, self.label = conceptName || self.conceptName || self.options.conceptName, self.isLoaded = self.isOpen, self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !1
}, self.uuid = conceptSet.uuid, self.alwaysShow = user.isFavouriteObsTemplate(self.conceptName), self.allowAddMore = config.allowAddMore, self.id = "concept-set-" + conceptSet.uuid
getShowIfFunction = function() {
if (!self.showIfFunction) {
var showIfFunctionStrings = self.options.showIf || ["return true;"];
self.showIfFunction = new Function("context", showIfFunctionStrings.join("\n"))
return self.showIfFunction
atLeastOneValueSet = function(observation) {
return observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length > 0 ? observation.groupMembers.some(function(groupMember) {
return atLeastOneValueSet(groupMember)
}) : !(_.isUndefined(observation.value) || "" === observation.value)
self.isAvailable = function(context) {
return getShowIfFunction()(context || {})
}, self.show = function() {
self.isOpen = !0, self.isLoaded = !0
}, self.hide = function() {
self.isOpen = !1
}, self.getObservationsForConceptSection = function() {
return self.observations.filter(function(observation) {
return observation.concept.name === self.conceptName
}, self.hasSomeValue = function() {
var observations = self.getObservationsForConceptSection();
return _.some(observations, function(observation) {
return atLeastOneValueSet(observation)
}, self.showComputeButton = function() {
return config.computeDrugs === !0
}, self.toggle = function() {
self.added = !self.added, self.added && self.show()
}, self.maximizeInnerSections = function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(), self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !1
}, self.minimizeInnerSections = function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(), self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !0
}, self.toggleDisplay = function() {
self.isOpen ? self.hide() : self.show()
}, self.canToggle = function() {
return !self.hasSomeValue()
}, self.canAddMore = function() {
return 1 == self.allowAddMore
}, Object.defineProperty(self, "isOpen", {
get: function() {
return void 0 === self.open && (self.open = self.hasSomeValue()), self.open
set: function(value) {
self.open = value
}), self.isDefault = function() {
return self.options["default"]
}, Object.defineProperty(self, "isAdded", {
get: function() {
return void 0 === self.added && (self.options["default"] ? self.added = !0 : self.added = self.hasSomeValue()), self.added
set: function(value) {
self.added = value
}), init()
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.Observation = function(observation, savedObs, conceptUIConfig) {
var self = this;
angular.extend(this, observation), this.isObservation = !0, this.conceptUIConfig = conceptUIConfig[this.concept.name] || [], this.uniqueId = _.uniqueId("observation_"), this.erroneousValue = null, savedObs ? (this.uuid = savedObs.uuid, this.value = savedObs.value, this.observationDateTime = savedObs.observationDateTime, this.provider = savedObs.provider) : this.value = this.conceptUIConfig.defaultValue, Object.defineProperty(this, "autocompleteValue", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return null != this.value && "object" == typeof this.value ? this.value.name : this.value
set: function(newValue) {
this.__prevValue = this.value, this.value = newValue
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "value", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return null != self._value ? self._value : (savedObs && "object" == typeof savedObs.value && savedObs.value && (savedObs.value.displayString = savedObs.value.shortName ? savedObs.value.shortName : savedObs.value.name), savedObs ? savedObs.value : void 0)
set: function(newValue) {
self.__prevValue = this.value, self._value = newValue, newValue || (savedObs = null), self.onValueChanged()
var cloneNonTabularObs = function(oldObs) {
var newGroupMembers = [];
return oldObs.groupMembers.forEach(function(member) {
if (void 0 === member.isTabularObs) {
var clone = member.cloneNew();
clone.hidden = member.hidden, newGroupMembers.push(clone)
}), newGroupMembers
getTabularObs = function(oldObs) {
var tabularObsList = [];
return oldObs.groupMembers.forEach(function(member) {
void 0 !== member.isTabularObs && tabularObsList.push(member)
}), tabularObsList
cloneTabularObs = function(oldObs, tabularObsList) {
return tabularObsList = _.map(tabularObsList, function(tabularObs) {
var matchingObsList = _.filter(oldObs.groupMembers, function(member) {
return member.concept.name == tabularObs.concept.name
return new Bahmni.ConceptSet.TabularObservations(matchingObsList, oldObs, conceptUIConfig)
}), tabularObsList.forEach(function(tabularObs) {
}), oldObs
this.cloneNew = function() {
var oldObs = angular.copy(observation);
if (oldObs.groupMembers && oldObs.groupMembers.length > 0) {
oldObs.groupMembers = _.filter(oldObs.groupMembers, function(member) {
return !member.isMultiSelect
var newGroupMembers = cloneNonTabularObs(oldObs),
tabularObsList = getTabularObs(oldObs);
oldObs.groupMembers = newGroupMembers, _.isEmpty(tabularObsList) || (oldObs = cloneTabularObs(oldObs, tabularObsList))
new Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservations(conceptUIConfig).map(oldObs.groupMembers);
var clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.Observation(oldObs, null, conceptUIConfig);
return clone.comment = void 0, clone.disabled = this.disabled, clone
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.Observation.prototype = {
displayValue: function() {
if (!(this.possibleAnswers.length > 0)) return this.value;
for (var i = 0; i < this.possibleAnswers.length; i++)
if (this.possibleAnswers[i].uuid === this.value) return this.possibleAnswers[i].display
isGroup: function() {
return !!this.groupMembers && this.groupMembers.length > 0
isComputed: function() {
return "Computed" === this.concept.conceptClass
isComputedAndEditable: function() {
return "Computed/Editable" === this.concept.conceptClass
isNumeric: function() {
return "Numeric" === this.getDataTypeName()
isValidNumeric: function() {
return !(!this.isDecimalAllowed() && this.value && this.value.toString().indexOf(".") >= 0)
isValidNumericValue: function() {
var element = document.getElementById(this.uniqueId);
return "" !== this.value || !element || element.checkValidity()
isText: function() {
return "Text" === this.getDataTypeName()
isCoded: function() {
return "Coded" === this.getDataTypeName()
isDatetime: function() {
return "Datetime" === this.getDataTypeName()
isImage: function() {
return this.concept.conceptClass == Bahmni.Common.Constants.imageClassName
isVideo: function() {
return this.concept.conceptClass == Bahmni.Common.Constants.videoClassName
getDataTypeName: function() {
return this.concept.dataType
isDecimalAllowed: function() {
return this.concept.allowDecimal
isDateDataType: function() {
return "Date".indexOf(this.getDataTypeName()) != -1
isVoided: function() {
return void 0 !== this.voided && this.voided
getPossibleAnswers: function() {
return this.possibleAnswers
getHighAbsolute: function() {
return this.concept.hiAbsolute
getLowAbsolute: function() {
return this.concept.lowAbsolute
isHtml5InputDataType: function() {
return ["Date", "Numeric"].indexOf(this.getDataTypeName()) !== -1
isGrid: function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig.grid
isButtonRadio: function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig.buttonRadio
isComplex: function() {
return "Complex" === this.concept.dataType
isLocationRef: function() {
return this.isComplex() && "LocationObsHandler" === this.concept.handler
isProviderRef: function() {
return this.isComplex() && "ProviderObsHandler" === this.concept.handler
getControlType: function() {
return this.hidden ? "hidden" : this.conceptUIConfig.freeTextAutocomplete ? "freeTextAutocomplete" : this.isHtml5InputDataType() ? "html5InputDataType" : this.isImage() ? "image" : this.isVideo() ? "video" : this.isText() ? "text" : this.isCoded() ? this._getCodedControlType() : this.isGrid() ? "grid" : this.isDatetime() ? "datetime" : this.isLocationRef() ? "text" : this.isProviderRef() ? "text" : "unknown"
canHaveComment: function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig.disableAddNotes ? !this.conceptUIConfig.disableAddNotes : !this.isText() && !this.isImage() && !this.isVideo()
canAddMore: function() {
return 1 == this.conceptUIConfig.allowAddMore
isStepperControl: function() {
if (this.isNumeric()) return 1 == this.conceptUIConfig.stepper
isConciseText: function() {
return 1 == this.conceptUIConfig.conciseText
_getCodedControlType: function() {
var conceptUIConfig = this.conceptUIConfig;
return conceptUIConfig.autocomplete ? "autocomplete" : conceptUIConfig.dropdown ? "dropdown" : "buttonselect"
onValueChanged: function() {
this.isNumeric() && this.setErroneousValue()
setErroneousValue: function() {
if (this.hasValue()) {
var erroneousValue = this.value > (this.concept.hiAbsolute || 1 / 0) || this.value < (this.concept.lowAbsolute || 0);
this.erroneousValue = erroneousValue
} else this.erroneousValue = void 0
getInputType: function() {
return this.getDataTypeName()
atLeastOneValueSet: function() {
return this.isGroup() ? this.groupMembers.some(function(childNode) {
return childNode.atLeastOneValueSet()
}) : this.hasValue() && !this.isVoided()
hasValue: function() {
var value = this.value;
return value === !1 || (0 === value || !("" === value || !value) && (!(value instanceof Array) || value.length > 0))
hasValueOf: function(value) {
return !(!this.value || !value) && (this.value == value || this.value.uuid == value.uuid)
toggleSelection: function(answer) {
this.value && this.value.uuid === answer.uuid ? this.value = null : this.value = answer
isValidDate: function() {
if (this.isComputed()) return !0;
if (!this.hasValue()) return !0;
var date = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(this.value);
if (!this.conceptUIConfig.allowFutureDates) {
var today = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"));
if (today < date) return !1
return date.getUTCFullYear() && date.getUTCFullYear().toString().length <= 4
hasInvalidDateTime: function() {
if (this.isComputed()) return !1;
var date = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(this.value);
return !this.conceptUIConfig.allowFutureDates && moment() < date || "Invalid Datetime" === this.value
isValid: function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
if (this.isNumeric() && !this.isValidNumeric()) return !1;
if (this.error) return !1;
if (this.hidden) return !0;
if (checkRequiredFields) {
if (this.isGroup()) return this._hasValidChildren(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired);
if (conceptSetRequired && this.isRequired() && !this.hasValue()) return !1;
if (this.isRequired() && !this.hasValue()) return !1
return this._isDateDataType() ? this.isValidDate() : this._isDateTimeDataType() ? !this.hasInvalidDateTime() : !this.erroneousValue && ("autocomplete" !== this.getControlType() || (_.isEmpty(this.value) || _.isObject(this.value)))
isValueInAbsoluteRange: function() {
return !this.erroneousValue && (!this.isGroup() || this._areChildNodesInAbsoluteRange())
_isDateDataType: function() {
return "Date" === this.getDataTypeName()
_isDateTimeDataType: function() {
return "Datetime" === this.getDataTypeName()
isRequired: function() {
return this.disabled = !!this.disabled && this.disabled, this.conceptUIConfig.required === !0 && this.disabled === !1
isFormElement: function() {
return (!this.concept.set || this.isGrid()) && !this.isComputed()
_hasValidChildren: function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
return this.groupMembers.every(function(member) {
return member.isValid(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired)
_areChildNodesInAbsoluteRange: function() {
return this.groupMembers.every(function(member) {
return "function" != typeof member.isValueInAbsoluteRange || member.isValueInAbsoluteRange()
markAsNonCoded: function() {
this.markedAsNonCoded = !this.markedAsNonCoded
toggleVoidingOfImage: function() {
this.voided = !this.voided
assignAddMoreButtonID: function() {
return this.concept.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase() + "_addmore_" + this.uniqueId
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservations = function(conceptSetConfig) {
var self = this;
this.multiSelectObservationsMap = {}, this.map = function(memberOfCollection) {
memberOfCollection.forEach(function(member) {
isMultiSelectable(member.concept, conceptSetConfig) && add(member.concept, member, memberOfCollection)
}), insertMultiSelectObsInExistingOrder(memberOfCollection)
var isMultiSelectable = function(concept, conceptSetConfig) {
return conceptSetConfig[concept.name] && conceptSetConfig[concept.name].multiSelect
insertMultiSelectObsInExistingOrder = function(memberOfCollection) {
getAll().forEach(function(multiObs) {
var index = _.findIndex(memberOfCollection, function(member) {
return member.concept.name === multiObs.concept.name
memberOfCollection.splice(index, 0, multiObs)
add = function(concept, obs, memberOfCollection) {
var conceptName = concept.name.name || concept.name;
self.multiSelectObservationsMap[conceptName] = self.multiSelectObservationsMap[conceptName] || new Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservation(concept, memberOfCollection, conceptSetConfig), self.multiSelectObservationsMap[conceptName].add(obs)
getAll = function() {
return _.values(self.multiSelectObservationsMap)
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservation = function(concept, memberOfCollection, conceptSetConfig) {
var self = this;
this.label = concept.shortName || concept.name, this.isMultiSelect = !0, this.selectedObs = {}, this.concept = concept, this.concept.answers = this.concept.answers || [], this.groupMembers = [], this.provider = null, this.observationDateTime = "", this.conceptUIConfig = conceptSetConfig[this.concept.name] || {}, this.possibleAnswers = self.concept.answers.map(function(answer) {
var cloned = _.cloneDeep(answer);
return answer.name.name && (cloned.name = answer.name.name), cloned
}), this.getPossibleAnswers = function() {
return this.possibleAnswers
}, this.cloneNew = function() {
var clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservation(concept, memberOfCollection, conceptSetConfig);
return clone.disabled = this.disabled, clone
}, this.add = function(obs) {
if (obs.value) {
self.selectedObs[obs.value.name] = obs, self.provider || (self.provider = self.selectedObs[obs.value.name].provider);
var currentObservationDateTime = self.selectedObs[obs.value.name].observationDateTime;
self.observationDateTime < currentObservationDateTime && (self.observationDateTime = currentObservationDateTime)
obs.hidden = !0
}, this.isComputedAndEditable = function() {
return "Computed/Editable" === this.concept.conceptClass
}, this.hasValueOf = function(answer) {
return self.selectedObs[answer.name] && !self.selectedObs[answer.name].voided
}, this.toggleSelection = function(answer) {
self.hasValueOf(answer) ? unselectAnswer(answer) : self.selectAnswer(answer)
}, this.isFormElement = function() {
return !0
}, this.getControlType = function() {
var conceptConfig = this.getConceptUIConfig();
return this.isCoded() && 1 == conceptConfig.autocomplete && 1 == conceptConfig.multiSelect ? "autocompleteMultiSelect" : 1 == conceptConfig.autocomplete ? "autocomplete" : "buttonselect"
}, this.atLeastOneValueSet = function() {
var obsValue = _.filter(this.selectedObs, function(obs) {
return obs.value
return !_.isEmpty(obsValue)
}, this.hasValue = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(this.selectedObs)
}, this.hasNonVoidedValue = function() {
var hasNonVoidedValue = !1;
return this.hasValue() && angular.forEach(this.selectedObs, function(obs) {
obs.voided || (hasNonVoidedValue = !0)
}), hasNonVoidedValue
}, this.isValid = function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
if (this.error) return !1;
if (checkRequiredFields) {
if (conceptSetRequired && this.isRequired() && !this.hasNonVoidedValue()) return !1;
if (this.isRequired() && !this.hasNonVoidedValue()) return !1
return !0
}, this.canHaveComment = function() {
return !1
}, this.getConceptUIConfig = function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig || {}
}, this.canAddMore = function() {
return 1 == this.getConceptUIConfig().allowAddMore
}, this.isRequired = function() {
return this.disabled = !!this.disabled && this.disabled, this.getConceptUIConfig().required === !0 && this.disabled === !1
var createObsFrom = function(answer) {
var obs = newObservation(concept, answer, conceptSetConfig);
return memberOfCollection.push(obs), obs
removeObsFrom = function(answer) {
var obs = newObservation(concept, answer, conceptSetConfig);
_.remove(memberOfCollection, function(member) {
return !!member.value && obs.value.displayString == member.value.displayString
this.selectAnswer = function(answer) {
var obs = self.selectedObs[answer.name];
obs ? (obs.value = answer, obs.voided = !1) : (obs = createObsFrom(answer), self.add(obs))
var unselectAnswer = function(answer) {
var obs = self.selectedObs[answer.name];
obs && obs.uuid ? (obs.value = null, obs.voided = !0) : (removeObsFrom(answer), delete self.selectedObs[answer.name])
newObservation = function(concept, value, conceptSetConfig) {
var observation = buildObservation(concept);
return new Bahmni.ConceptSet.Observation(observation, {
value: value
}, conceptSetConfig, [])
buildObservation = function(concept) {
return {
concept: concept,
units: concept.units,
label: concept.shortName || concept.name,
possibleAnswers: self.concept.answers,
groupMembers: [],
comment: null
this.getValues = function() {
var values = [];
return _.values(self.selectedObs).forEach(function(obs) {
obs.value && values.push(obs.value.shortName || obs.value.name)
}), values
}, this.isComputed = function() {
return "Computed" === this.concept.conceptClass
}, this.getDataTypeName = function() {
return this.concept.dataType
}, this._isDateTimeDataType = function() {
return "Datetime" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this.isNumeric = function() {
return "Numeric" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this.isText = function() {
return "Text" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this.isCoded = function() {
return "Coded" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.SpecimenTypeObservation = function(observation, allSamples) {
angular.extend(this, observation), this.allSamples = allSamples, this.getPossibleAnswers = function() {
return this.allSamples
}, this.hasValueOf = function(answer) {
return observation.type && observation.type.uuid === answer.uuid
}, this.toggleSelection = function(answer) {
this.hasValueOf(answer) ? observation.type = null : observation.type = answer
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.BooleanObservation = function(observation, conceptUIConfig) {
angular.extend(this, observation), this.isBoolean = !0, this.conceptUIConfig = conceptUIConfig[this.concept.name] || {}, this.cloneNew = function() {
var clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.BooleanObservation(angular.copy(observation), conceptUIConfig);
return clone.value = void 0, clone.comment = void 0, clone.uuid = null, clone.disabled = this.disabled, clone
var possibleAnswers = [{
displayString: "OBS_BOOLEAN_YES_KEY",
value: !0
}, {
displayString: "OBS_BOOLEAN_NO_KEY",
value: !1
this.getPossibleAnswers = function() {
return possibleAnswers
}, this.hasValueOf = function(answer) {
return this.value === answer.value
}, this.toggleSelection = function(answer) {
this.value === answer.value ? this.value = null : this.value = answer.value
}, this.isFormElement = function() {
return !0
}, this.getControlType = function() {
return "buttonselect"
}, this.isRequired = function() {
return this.disabled = !!this.disabled && this.disabled, this.getConceptUIConfig().required === !0 && this.disabled === !1
}, this.isComputedAndEditable = function() {
return "Computed/Editable" === this.concept.conceptClass
}, this.atLeastOneValueSet = function() {
return void 0 != this.value
}, this.isValid = function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
if (this.error) return !1;
var notYetSet = function(value) {
return "undefined" == typeof value || null == value;
if (checkRequiredFields) {
if (conceptSetRequired && this.isRequired() && notYetSet(this.value)) return !1;
if (this.isRequired() && notYetSet(this.value)) return !1
return !0
}, this.canHaveComment = function() {
return !this.getConceptUIConfig().disableAddNotes || !this.getConceptUIConfig().disableAddNotes
}, this.getConceptUIConfig = function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig
}, this.canAddMore = function() {
return 1 == this.getConceptUIConfig().allowAddMore
}, this.isComputed = function() {
return "Computed" === this.concept.conceptClass
}, this.getDataTypeName = function() {
return this.concept.dataType
}, this.hasValue = function() {
var value = this.value;
return value === !1 || (0 === value || !("" === value || !value) && (!(value instanceof Array) || value.length > 0))
}, this.isNumeric = function() {
return "Numeric" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this.isText = function() {
return "Text" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this.isCoded = function() {
return "Coded" === this.getDataTypeName()
}, this._isDateTimeDataType = function() {
return "Datetime" === this.getDataTypeName()
function() {
var findObservationByClassName = function(groupMembers, conceptClassName) {
return _.find(groupMembers, function(member) {
return member.concept.conceptClass.name === conceptClassName || member.concept.conceptClass === conceptClassName
findObservationByConceptName = function(groupMembers, conceptName) {
return _.find(groupMembers, {
concept: {
name: conceptName
setNewObservation = function(observation, newValue) {
observation && (observation.__prevValue = observation.value, observation.value = newValue, observation.voided = !1)
voidObservation = function(observation) {
observation && (observation.uuid ? observation.voided = !0 : observation.value = void 0)
isFreeTextAutocompleteType = function(conceptUIConfig) {
return conceptUIConfig.autocomplete && conceptUIConfig.nonCodedConceptName && conceptUIConfig.codedConceptName
Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode = function(observation, savedObs, conceptUIConfig, concept) {
angular.extend(this, observation), this.conceptUIConfig = conceptUIConfig[concept.name.name] || !_.isEmpty(concept.setMembers) && conceptUIConfig[concept.setMembers[0].name.name] || {}, this.cloneNew = function() {
var oldObs = angular.copy(observation);
oldObs.groupMembers = _.map(oldObs.groupMembers, function(member) {
return member.cloneNew()
var clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode(oldObs, null, conceptUIConfig, concept);
return clone.comment = void 0, clone
var getPrimaryObservationValue = function() {
return this.primaryObs && _.get(this, "primaryObs.value.name") || _.get(this, "primaryObs.value")
setFreeTextPrimaryObservationValue = function(newValue) {
var codedObservation = findObservationByConceptName(this.groupMembers, this.conceptUIConfig.codedConceptName),
nonCodedObservation = findObservationByConceptName(this.groupMembers, this.conceptUIConfig.nonCodedConceptName);
"object" == typeof newValue ? (setNewObservation(codedObservation, newValue), voidObservation(nonCodedObservation), this.markedAsNonCoded = !1) : (setNewObservation(nonCodedObservation, newValue), voidObservation(codedObservation)), this.onValueChanged(newValue)
setFirstObservationValue = function(newValue) {
setNewObservation(this.primaryObs, newValue), this.onValueChanged(newValue)
Object.defineProperty(this, "value", {
enumerable: !0,
get: getPrimaryObservationValue,
set: isFreeTextAutocompleteType(this.conceptUIConfig) ? setFreeTextPrimaryObservationValue : setFirstObservationValue
var getFreeTextPrimaryObservation = function() {
var isAlreadySavedObservation = function(observation) {
return _.isString(_.get(observation, "value")) && !_.get(observation, "voided")
codedConceptObservation = findObservationByConceptName(this.groupMembers, this.conceptUIConfig.codedConceptName),
nonCodedConceptObservation = findObservationByConceptName(this.groupMembers, this.conceptUIConfig.nonCodedConceptName);
if (isAlreadySavedObservation(nonCodedConceptObservation)) return nonCodedConceptObservation;
if (!codedConceptObservation) throw new Error("Configuration Error: Concept '" + this.conceptUIConfig.codedConceptName + "' is not a set member of '" + concept.name.name + "'.");
return codedConceptObservation
getGroupMembersWithoutClass = function(groupMembers, classNames) {
return _.filter(groupMembers, function(member) {
return !(_.includes(classNames, member.concept.conceptClass.name) || _.includes(classNames, member.concept.conceptClass))
getFirstObservation = function() {
var observations = getGroupMembersWithoutClass(this.groupMembers, [Bahmni.Common.Constants.abnormalConceptClassName, Bahmni.Common.Constants.unknownConceptClassName, Bahmni.Common.Constants.durationConceptClassName]);
if (_.isEmpty(observations)) return this.groupMembers[0];
var primaryObs = observations[1] && observations[1].uuid && !observations[1].voided ? observations[1] : observations[0];
return observations[0].isMultiSelect ? observations[0] : primaryObs.uuid && !primaryObs.voided ? primaryObs : !observations[1] || !observations[1].value && "" !== observations[1].value || observations[1].voided ? observations[0] : observations[1]
Object.defineProperty(this, "primaryObs", {
enumerable: !0,
get: isFreeTextAutocompleteType(this.conceptUIConfig) ? getFreeTextPrimaryObservation : getFirstObservation
}), this.isObservationNode = !0, this.uniqueId = _.uniqueId("observation_"), this.durationObs = findObservationByClassName(this.groupMembers, Bahmni.Common.Constants.durationConceptClassName), this.abnormalObs = findObservationByClassName(this.groupMembers, Bahmni.Common.Constants.abnormalConceptClassName), this.unknownObs = findObservationByClassName(this.groupMembers, Bahmni.Common.Constants.unknownConceptClassName), this.markedAsNonCoded = "Coded" !== this.primaryObs.concept.dataType && this.primaryObs.uuid, savedObs ? (this.uuid = savedObs.uuid, this.observationDateTime = savedObs.observationDateTime) : this.value = this.conceptUIConfig.defaultValue
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode.prototype = {
canAddMore: function() {
return 1 == this.conceptUIConfig.allowAddMore
isStepperControl: function() {
return !!this.isNumeric() && 1 == this.conceptUIConfig.stepper
getPossibleAnswers: function() {
return this.primaryObs.concept.answers
getCodedConcept: function() {
return findObservationByConceptName(this.groupMembers, this.conceptUIConfig.codedConceptName).concept
onValueChanged: function() {
!this.primaryObs.hasValue() && this.abnormalObs && (this.abnormalObs.value = void 0, this.abnormalObs.erroneousValue = void 0), this.primaryObs.isNumeric() && this.primaryObs.hasValue() && this.abnormalObs && this.setAbnormal(), this.primaryObs.observationDateTime = null, this.unknownObs && this.setUnknown()
setAbnormal: function() {
if (this.primaryObs.hasValue()) {
var erroneousValue = this.value > (this.primaryObs.concept.hiAbsolute || 1 / 0) || this.value < (this.primaryObs.concept.lowAbsolute || 0),
valueInRange = this.value <= (this.primaryObs.concept.hiNormal || 1 / 0) && this.value >= (this.primaryObs.concept.lowNormal || 0);
this.abnormalObs.value = !valueInRange, this.abnormalObs.erroneousValue = erroneousValue
} else this.abnormalObs.value = void 0, this.abnormalObs.erroneousValue = void 0
setUnknown: function() {
this.primaryObs.atLeastOneValueSet() && this.primaryObs.hasValue() ? this.unknownObs.value = !1 : 0 == this.unknownObs.value && (this.unknownObs.value = void 0)
displayValue: function() {
if (!(this.possibleAnswers.length > 0)) return this.value;
for (var i = 0; i < this.possibleAnswers.length; i++)
if (this.possibleAnswers[i].uuid === this.value) return this.possibleAnswers[i].display
isGroup: function() {
return !1
getControlType: function() {
return isFreeTextAutocompleteType(this.conceptUIConfig) ? "freeTextAutocomplete" : this.conceptUIConfig.autocomplete ? "autocomplete" : this.isHtml5InputDataType() ? "html5InputDataType" : this.primaryObs.isText() ? "text" : this.conceptUIConfig.dropdown ? "dropdown" : "buttonselect"
isHtml5InputDataType: function() {
return ["Date", "Numeric", "Datetime"].indexOf(this.primaryObs.getDataTypeName()) != -1
_isDateTimeDataType: function() {
return "Datetime" === this.primaryObs.getDataTypeName()
isComputed: function() {
return this.primaryObs.isComputed()
isConciseText: function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig.conciseText === !0
isComputedAndEditable: function() {
return "Computed/Editable" === this.concept.conceptClass
atLeastOneValueSet: function() {
return this.primaryObs.hasValue()
doesNotHaveDuration: function() {
return !(!this.durationObs || !this.conceptUIConfig.durationRequired) && (!this.durationObs.value || this.durationObs.value < 0)
isValid: function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
if (this.isNumeric() && (!this.isValidNumeric() || !this.isValidNumericValue())) return !1;
if (this.isGroup()) return this._hasValidChildren(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired);
if (checkRequiredFields) {
if (conceptSetRequired && this.isRequired() && !this.primaryObs.hasValue()) return !1;
if (this.isRequired() && !this.primaryObs.hasValue()) return !1;
if ("freeTextAutocomplete" === this.getControlType()) return this.isValidFreeTextAutocomplete()
return "Date" === this.primaryObs.getDataTypeName() ? this.primaryObs.isValidDate() : (!this.primaryObs.hasValue() || !this.doesNotHaveDuration()) && ((!this.abnormalObs || !this.abnormalObs.erroneousValue) && (this.primaryObs.hasValue() && this.primaryObs._isDateTimeDataType() ? !this.hasInvalidDateTime() : "autocomplete" === this.getControlType() ? _.isEmpty(this.primaryObs.value) || _.isObject(this.primaryObs.value) : !this.primaryObs.hasValue() || !this.primaryObs.erroneousValue))
isValueInAbsoluteRange: function() {
return !(this.abnormalObs && this.abnormalObs.erroneousValue)
isValidFreeTextAutocomplete: function() {
return !("Coded" !== this.primaryObs.concept.dataType && !this.markedAsNonCoded && this.primaryObs.value)
isRequired: function() {
return this.disabled = !!this.disabled && this.disabled, this.conceptUIConfig.required === !0 && this.disabled === !1
isDurationRequired: function() {
return !!this.conceptUIConfig.durationRequired && !!this.primaryObs.value
isNumeric: function() {
return "Numeric" === this.primaryObs.getDataTypeName()
isDecimalAllowed: function() {
return this.primaryObs.concept.allowDecimal
isValidNumeric: function() {
return !(!this.isDecimalAllowed() && this.value && this.value.toString().indexOf(".") >= 0)
isValidNumericValue: function() {
var element = document.getElementById(this.uniqueId);
return "" !== this.value || !element || element.checkValidity()
_hasValidChildren: function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
return this.groupMembers.every(function(member) {
return member.isValid(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired)
markAsNonCoded: function() {
this.markedAsNonCoded = !this.markedAsNonCoded
toggleAbnormal: function() {
this.abnormalObs.value = !this.abnormalObs.value
toggleUnknown: function() {
this.unknownObs.value ? this.unknownObs.value = void 0 : this.unknownObs.value = !0
assignAddMoreButtonID: function() {
return this.concept.name.split(" ").join("_").toLowerCase() + "_addmore_" + this.uniqueId
canHaveComment: function() {
return !this.conceptUIConfig.disableAddNotes || !this.conceptUIConfig.disableAddNotes
hasInvalidDateTime: function() {
if (this.isComputed()) return !1;
var date = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(this.value);
return !this.conceptUIConfig.allowFutureDates && moment() < date || "Invalid Datetime" === this.value
}(), Bahmni.ConceptSet.TabularObservations = function(obsGroups, parentObs, conceptUIConfig) {
this.parentObs = parentObs, this.concept = obsGroups[0] && obsGroups[0].concept, this.label = obsGroups[0] && obsGroups[0].label, this.conceptUIConfig = conceptUIConfig[this.concept.name] || {}, this.isTabularObs = !0, this.rows = _.map(obsGroups, function(group) {
return new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationRow(group, conceptUIConfig)
}), this.columns = _.map(obsGroups[0].groupMembers, function(group) {
return group.concept
}), this.cloneNew = function() {
var old = this,
clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.TabularObservations(angular.copy(obsGroups), parentObs, conceptUIConfig);
return clone.rows = _.map(old.rows, function(row) {
return row.cloneNew()
}), clone.disabled = this.disabled, clone
}, this.addNew = function(row) {
var newRow = row.cloneNew();
this.rows.push(newRow), this.parentObs.groupMembers.push(newRow.obsGroup)
}, this.remove = function(row) {
row["void"](), this.rows.splice(this.rows.indexOf(row), 1), 0 == this.rows.length && this.addNew(row)
}, this.isFormElement = function() {
return !1
}, this.getControlType = function() {
return "tabular"
}, this.isValid = function(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired) {
return _.every(this.rows, function(observationRow) {
return _.every(observationRow.cells, function(conceptSetObservation) {
return conceptSetObservation.isValid(checkRequiredFields, conceptSetRequired)
}, this.getConceptUIConfig = function() {
return this.conceptUIConfig || {}
}, this.canAddMore = function() {
return 1 == this.getConceptUIConfig().allowAddMore
}, this.atLeastOneValueSet = function() {
return this.rows.some(function(childNode) {
return childNode.obsGroup.atLeastOneValueSet()
}, this.isNumeric = function() {
return "Numeric" === this.concept.dataType
}, this.isValidNumericValue = function() {
var element = document.getElementById(this.uniqueId);
return "" !== this.value || !element || element.checkValidity()
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationRow = function(obsGroup, conceptUIConfig) {
this.obsGroup = obsGroup, this.concept = obsGroup.concept, this.cells = obsGroup.groupMembers, this["void"] = function() {
this.obsGroup.voided = !0
}, this.cloneNew = function() {
var newObsGroup = this.obsGroup.cloneNew();
newObsGroup.hidden = !0;
var clone = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationRow(newObsGroup, conceptUIConfig);
return clone.disabled = this.disabled, clone
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.CustomRepresentationBuilder = {
build: function(fields, childPropertyName, numberOfLevels) {
for (var childPropertyRep = childPropertyName + ":{{entity_fileds}}", singleEntityString = "(" + fields.concat(childPropertyRep).join(",") + ")", customRepresentation = singleEntityString, i = 0; i < numberOfLevels; i++) customRepresentation = customRepresentation.replace("{{entity_fileds}}", singleEntityString);
return customRepresentation = customRepresentation.replace("," + childPropertyRep, "")
}, Bahmni.ObservationForm = function(formUuid, user, formName, formVersion, observations, extension) {
function hide() {
self.isOpen = !1
function show() {
self.isOpen = !0
var self = this,
init = function() {
self.formUuid = formUuid, self.formVersion = formVersion, self.formName = formName, self.label = formName, self.conceptName = formName, self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !1
}, self.alwaysShow = user.isFavouriteObsTemplate(self.conceptName), self.observations = [], _.each(observations, function(observation) {
var observationFormField = observation.formFieldPath ? observation.formFieldPath.split("/")[0].split(".") : null;
observationFormField && observationFormField[0] === formName && observationFormField[1] === formVersion && self.observations.push(observation)
}), self.isOpen = self.observations.length > 0, self.id = "concept-set-" + formUuid, self.options = extension ? extension.extensionParams || {} : {}
self.toggleDisplay = function() {
self.isOpen ? hide() : show()
}, self.clone = function() {
var clonedObservationFormSection = new Bahmni.ObservationForm(self.formUuid, user, self.formName, self.formVersion, []);
return clonedObservationFormSection.isOpen = !0, clonedObservationFormSection
}, self.isAvailable = function(context) {
return !0
}, self.show = function() {
self.isOpen = !0, self.isLoaded = !0
}, self.toggle = function() {
self.added = !self.added, self.added && self.show()
}, self.hasSomeValue = function() {
var observations = self.getObservationsForConceptSection();
return _.some(observations, function(observation) {
return atLeastOneValueSet(observation)
}, self.getObservationsForConceptSection = function() {
return self.observations.filter(function(observation) {
return observation.formFieldPath.split(".")[0] === self.formName
var atLeastOneValueSet = function(observation) {
return observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length > 0 ? observation.groupMembers.some(function(groupMember) {
return atLeastOneValueSet(groupMember)
}) : !(_.isUndefined(observation.value) || "" === observation.value)
self.isDefault = function() {
return !1
}, Object.defineProperty(self, "isAdded", {
get: function() {
return self.hasSomeValue() && (self.added = !0), self.added
set: function(value) {
self.added = value
}), self.maximizeInnerSections = function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(), self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !1
}, self.minimizeInnerSections = function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(), self.collapseInnerSections = {
value: !0
}, init()
}, Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationMapper = function() {
function mapTabularObs(mappedGroupMembers, concept, obs, conceptSetConfig) {
var tabularObsGroups = _.filter(mappedGroupMembers, function(member) {
return conceptSetConfig[member.concept.name] && conceptSetConfig[member.concept.name].isTabular
if (tabularObsGroups.length > 0) {
var array = _.map(concept.setMembers, function(member) {
return member.name.name
tabularObsGroups.forEach(function(group) {
group.hidden = !0
var groupedObsGroups = _.groupBy(tabularObsGroups, function(group) {
return group.concept.name
_.values(groupedObsGroups).forEach(function(groups) {
var tabularObservations = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.TabularObservations(groups, obs, conceptSetConfig);
var sortedGroupMembers = _.sortBy(obs.groupMembers, function(observation) {
return array.indexOf(observation.concept.name)
obs.groupMembers.length = 0, obs.groupMembers.push.apply(obs.groupMembers, sortedGroupMembers)
function buildObservation(concept, savedObs, mappedGroupMembers) {
var comment = savedObs ? savedObs.comment : null;
return {
concept: conceptMapper.map(concept),
units: concept.units,
label: getLabel(concept),
possibleAnswers: concept.answers,
groupMembers: mappedGroupMembers,
comment: comment,
showAddMoreButton: showAddMoreButton
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper,
self = this;
this.getObservationsForView = function(observations, conceptSetConfig) {
return internalMapForDisplay(observations, conceptSetConfig)
var internalMapForDisplay = function(observations, conceptSetConfig) {
var observationsForDisplay = [];
return _.forEach(observations, function(savedObs) {
if (!savedObs.concept.conceptClass || savedObs.concept.conceptClass !== Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptDetailsClassName && savedObs.concept.conceptClass.name !== Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptDetailsClassName)
if (savedObs.concept.set)
if (conceptSetConfig[savedObs.concept.name] && conceptSetConfig[savedObs.concept.name].grid) savedObs.value = self.getGridObservationDisplayValue(savedObs), observationsForDisplay = observationsForDisplay.concat(createObservationForDisplay(savedObs, savedObs.concept));
else {
var groupMemberObservationsForDisplay = internalMapForDisplay(savedObs.groupMembers, conceptSetConfig);
observationsForDisplay = observationsForDisplay.concat(groupMemberObservationsForDisplay)
else {
var obsToDisplay = null;
if (savedObs.isMultiSelect) obsToDisplay = savedObs;
else if (!savedObs.hidden) {
var observation = newObservation(savedObs.concept, savedObs, []);
obsToDisplay = createObservationForDisplay(observation, observation.concept)
obsToDisplay && observationsForDisplay.push(obsToDisplay)
} else {
var observationNode = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode(savedObs, savedObs, [], savedObs.concept),
obsToDisplay = createObservationForDisplay(observationNode, observationNode.primaryObs.concept);
obsToDisplay && observationsForDisplay.push(obsToDisplay)
}), observationsForDisplay
this.map = function(observations, rootConcept, conceptSetConfig) {
var savedObs = findInSavedObservation(rootConcept, observations)[0];
return mapObservation(rootConcept, savedObs, conceptSetConfig || {})
var findInSavedObservation = function(concept, observations) {
return _.filter(observations, function(obs) {
return obs && obs.concept && concept.uuid === obs.concept.uuid
mapObservation = function(concept, savedObs, conceptSetConfig) {
var obs = null;
if (savedObs && (savedObs.isObservation || savedObs.isObservationNode)) return savedObs;
var mappedGroupMembers = concept && concept.set ? mapObservationGroupMembers(savedObs ? savedObs.groupMembers : [], concept, conceptSetConfig) : [];
return concept.conceptClass.name === Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptDetailsClassName ? obs = newObservationNode(concept, savedObs, conceptSetConfig, mappedGroupMembers) : (obs = newObservation(concept, savedObs, conceptSetConfig, mappedGroupMembers), new Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservations(conceptSetConfig).map(mappedGroupMembers)), mapTabularObs(mappedGroupMembers, concept, obs, conceptSetConfig), obs
mapObservationGroupMembers = function(observations, parentConcept, conceptSetConfig) {
var observationGroupMembers = [],
conceptSetMembers = parentConcept.setMembers;
return conceptSetMembers.forEach(function(memberConcept) {
for (var savedObservations = findInSavedObservation(memberConcept, observations), configForConcept = conceptSetConfig[memberConcept.name.name] || {}, numberOfNodes = configForConcept.multiple || 1, i = savedObservations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) observationGroupMembers.push(mapObservation(memberConcept, savedObservations[i], conceptSetConfig));
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfNodes - savedObservations.length; i++) observationGroupMembers.push(mapObservation(memberConcept, null, conceptSetConfig))
}), observationGroupMembers
getDatatype = function(concept) {
return concept.dataType ? concept.dataType : concept.datatype && concept.datatype.name
newObservation = function(concept, savedObs, conceptSetConfig, mappedGroupMembers) {
var observation = buildObservation(concept, savedObs, mappedGroupMembers),
obs = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.Observation(observation, savedObs, conceptSetConfig, mappedGroupMembers);
return "Boolean" == getDatatype(concept) && (obs = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.BooleanObservation(obs, conceptSetConfig)), obs
newObservationNode = function(concept, savedObsNode, conceptSetConfig, mappedGroupMembers) {
var observation = buildObservation(concept, savedObsNode, mappedGroupMembers);
return new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationNode(observation, savedObsNode, conceptSetConfig, concept)
showAddMoreButton = function(rootObservation) {
var observation = this,
lastObservationByLabel = _.findLast(rootObservation.groupMembers, {
label: observation.label
return lastObservationByLabel.uuid === observation.uuid
createObservationForDisplay = function(observation, concept) {
if (null != observation.value) {
var observationValue = getObservationDisplayValue(observation);
return observationValue = observation.durationObs ? observationValue + " " + getDurationDisplayValue(observation.durationObs) : observationValue, {
value: observationValue,
abnormalObs: observation.abnormalObs,
duration: observation.durationObs,
provider: observation.provider,
label: getLabel(observation.concept),
observationDateTime: observation.observationDateTime,
concept: concept,
comment: observation.comment,
uuid: observation.uuid
getObservationDisplayValue = function(observation) {
if (observation.isBoolean || "Boolean" === observation.type) return observation.value === !0 ? "Yes" : "No";
if (!observation.value) return "";
if ("object" == typeof observation.value.name) {
var valueConcept = conceptMapper.map(observation.value);
return valueConcept.shortName || valueConcept.name
return observation.value.shortName || observation.value.name || observation.value
getDurationDisplayValue = function(duration) {
var durationForDisplay = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.convertToUnits(duration.value);
return durationForDisplay.value && durationForDisplay.unitName ? "since " + durationForDisplay.value + " " + durationForDisplay.unitName : ""
this.getGridObservationDisplayValue = function(observation) {
var memberValues = _.compact(_.map(observation.groupMembers, function(member) {
return getObservationDisplayValue(member)
return memberValues.join(", ")
var getLabel = function(concept) {
var mappedConcept = conceptMapper.map(concept);
return mappedConcept.shortName || mappedConcept.name
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").factory("conceptService", ["$q", "$http", function($q, $http) {
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper,
mapConceptOrGetDrug = function(conceptAnswer) {
return conceptAnswer.concept && conceptMapper.map(conceptAnswer.concept) || conceptAnswer.drug
getAnswersForConceptName = function(request) {
var params = {
q: request.term,
question: request.answersConceptName,
v: "custom:(concept:(uuid,name:(display,uuid,name,conceptNameType),names:(display,uuid,name,conceptNameType)),drug:(uuid,name,display))",
s: "byQuestion"
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniConceptAnswerUrl, {
params: params
}).then(_.partial(_.get, _, "data.results")).then(function(conceptAnswers) {
return _(conceptAnswers).map(mapConceptOrGetDrug).uniqBy("uuid").value()
getAnswers = function(defaultConcept) {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
response = _(defaultConcept.answers).uniqBy("uuid").map(conceptMapper.map).value();
return deferred.resolve(response), deferred.promise
return {
getAnswersForConceptName: getAnswersForConceptName,
getAnswers: getAnswers
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").factory("conceptSetUiConfigService", ["$http", "$q", "appService", function($http, $q, appService) {
var setConceptUuidInsteadOfName = function(config, conceptNameField, uuidField) {
var conceptName = config[conceptNameField];
if (null != conceptName) return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.conceptSearchByFullNameUrl, {
params: {
name: conceptName,
v: "custom:(uuid,name)"
}).then(function(response) {
var concept = response.data.results.filter(function(c) {
return c.name.name === conceptName
concept.length > 0 && (config[uuidField] = concept[0].uuid)
setExtraData = function(config) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(config).forEach(function(conceptConfigKey) {
var conceptConfig = config[conceptConfigKey];
conceptConfig.freeTextAutocomplete instanceof Object && (setConceptUuidInsteadOfName(conceptConfig.freeTextAutocomplete, "codedConceptName", "codedConceptUuid"), setConceptUuidInsteadOfName(conceptConfig.freeTextAutocomplete, "conceptSetName", "conceptSetUuid"))
getConfig = function() {
var config = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI") || {};
return setExtraData(config), config
return {
getConfig: getConfig
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.conceptSet").directive("imageUpload", ["visitDocumentService", "messagingService", "spinner", function(visitDocumentService, messagingService, spinner) {
var link = function(scope, element) {
element.bind("change", function() {
var file = element[0].files[0],
reader = new FileReader;
reader.onload = function(event) {
var image = event.target.result,
fileType = scope.fileType || visitDocumentService.getFileType(file.type);
"not_supported" !== fileType ? spinner.forPromise(visitDocumentService.saveFile(image, scope.patientUuid, void 0, file.name, fileType).then(function(response) {
scope.url = response.data.url, element.val(null), "video" !== fileType && (scope.observation.conceptUIConfig.required = !1, cloneNew(scope.observation, scope.rootObservation))
})) : (messagingService.showMessage("error", "File type is not supported"), scope.$$phase || scope.$apply())
}, reader.readAsDataURL(file)
var cloneNew = function(observation, parentObservation) {
var newObs = observation.cloneNew();
newObs.scrollToElement = !0;
var index = parentObservation.groupMembers.indexOf(observation);
parentObservation.groupMembers.splice(index + 1, 0, newObs), messagingService.showMessage("info", "A new " + observation.label + " section has been added"), scope.$root.$broadcast("event:addMore", newObs)
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
url: "=ngModel",
patientUuid: "=",
fileType: "=",
observation: "=",
rootObservation: "="
link: link
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.Logging = Bahmni.Common.Logging || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.logging", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.logging").config(["$provide", function($provide) {
$provide.decorator("$exceptionHandler", function($delegate, $injector, $window, $log) {
var logError = function(exception, cause) {
try {
var messagingService = $injector.get("messagingService"),
loggingService = $injector.get("loggingService"),
errorMessage = exception.toString(),
stackTrace = printStackTrace({
e: exception
errorDetails = {
timestamp: new Date,
browser: $window.navigator.userAgent,
errorUrl: $window.location.href,
errorMessage: errorMessage,
stackTrace: stackTrace,
cause: cause || ""
loggingService.log(errorDetails), messagingService.showMessage("error", errorMessage), exposeException(errorDetails)
} catch (loggingError) {
$log.warn("Error logging failed"), $log.log(loggingError)
exposeException = function(exceptionDetails) {
window.angular_exception = window.angular_exception || [], window.angular_exception.push(exceptionDetails)
return function(exception, cause) {
$delegate(exception, cause), logError(exception, cause)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.Obs = Bahmni.Common.Obs || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.obs", []), Bahmni.Common.Obs.Observation = function() {
var Observation = function(obs, conceptConfig) {
angular.extend(this, obs), this.concept = obs.concept, this.conceptConfig = conceptConfig
return Observation.prototype = {
isFormElement: function() {
return this.groupMembers && this.groupMembers.length <= 0
isImageConcept: function() {
return "Image" === this.concept.conceptClass
isVideoConcept: function() {
return "Video" === this.concept.conceptClass
hasPDFAsValue: function() {
return this.value.indexOf(".pdf") > 0
isComplexConcept: function() {
return "Complex" === this.concept.dataType
getComplexDataType: function() {
return this.complexData ? this.complexData.dataType : null
isLocationRef: function() {
return this.isComplexConcept() && "Location" === this.getComplexDataType()
isProviderRef: function() {
return this.isComplexConcept() && "Provider" === this.getComplexDataType()
getDisplayValue: function() {
var value;
if ("Boolean" === this.type || this.concept && "Boolean" === this.concept.dataType) return this.value === !0 ? "OBS_BOOLEAN_YES_KEY" : "OBS_BOOLEAN_NO_KEY";
if ("Datetime" === this.type || this.concept && "Datetime" === this.concept.dataType) {
var date = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseDatetime(this.value);
return null != date ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithTime(date) : ""
if (this.conceptConfig && this.conceptConfig.displayMonthAndYear && (value = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateInMonthsAndYears(this.value), null != value)) return value;
if ("Date" === this.type || this.concept && "Date" === this.concept.dataType) return this.value ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(this.value) : "";
if (this.isLocationRef()) return this.complexData.display;
if (this.isProviderRef()) return this.complexData.display;
value = this.value;
var displayValue = value && (value.shortName || value.name && (value.name.name || value.name) || value);
return this.duration && (displayValue = displayValue + " " + this.getDurationDisplayValue()), displayValue
getDurationDisplayValue: function() {
var durationForDisplay = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.convertToUnits(this.duration);
return "since " + durationForDisplay.value + " " + durationForDisplay.unitName
}, Observation
}(), Bahmni.Common.Obs.MultiSelectObservation = function() {
var MultiSelectObservation = function(groupMembers, conceptConfig) {
this.type = "multiSelect", this.concept = groupMembers[0].concept, this.encounterDateTime = groupMembers[0].encounterDateTime, this.groupMembers = groupMembers, this.conceptConfig = conceptConfig, this.observationDateTime = getLatestObservationDateTime(this.groupMembers), this.providers = groupMembers[0].providers, this.creatorName = groupMembers[0].creatorName
getLatestObservationDateTime = function(groupMembers) {
var latestObservationDateTime = groupMembers[0].observationDateTime;
return groupMembers.forEach(function(member) {
latestObservationDateTime = latestObservationDateTime < member.observationDateTime ? member.observationDateTime : latestObservationDateTime
}), latestObservationDateTime
return MultiSelectObservation.prototype = {
isFormElement: function() {
return !0
getDisplayValue: function() {
var getName = Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationValueMapper.getNameFor.Object;
return _.map(this.groupMembers, getName).join(", ")
}, MultiSelectObservation
}(), Bahmni.Common.Obs.GridObservation = function() {
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper,
GridObservation = function(obs, conceptConfig) {
angular.extend(this, obs), this.type = "grid", this.conceptConfig = conceptConfig
getObservationDisplayValue = function(observation) {
if (observation.isBoolean || "Boolean" === observation.type) return observation.value === !0 ? "OBS_BOOLEAN_YES_KEY" : "OBS_BOOLEAN_NO_KEY";
if (!observation.value) return "";
if ("object" == typeof observation.value.name) {
var valueConcept = conceptMapper.map(observation.value);
return valueConcept.shortName || valueConcept.name
return observation.value.shortName || observation.value.name || observation.value
return GridObservation.prototype = {
isFormElement: function() {
return !0
getDisplayValue: function() {
var gridObservationDisplayValue = _.compact(_.map(this.groupMembers, function(member) {
return getObservationDisplayValue(member)
})).join(", ");
return gridObservationDisplayValue || this.value
}, GridObservation
}(), Bahmni.Common.Obs.ImageObservation = function(observation, concept, provider) {
this.concept = concept, this.imageObservation = observation, this.dateTime = observation.observationDateTime, this.provider = provider
}, Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper = function() {
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper;
this.map = function(bahmniObservations, allConceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime) {
var mappedObservations = mapObservations(bahmniObservations, allConceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime);
return mapUIObservations(mappedObservations, allConceptsConfig)
var mapObservations = function(bahmniObservations, allConceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime) {
var mappedObservations = [];
return bahmniObservations = dontSortByObsDateTime ? _.flatten(bahmniObservations) : Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationUtil.sortSameConceptsWithObsDateTime(bahmniObservations), $.each(bahmniObservations, function(i, bahmniObservation) {
var conceptConfig = allConceptsConfig[bahmniObservation.concept.name] || [],
observation = new Bahmni.Common.Obs.Observation(bahmniObservation, conceptConfig);
observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length >= 0 && (observation.groupMembers = mapObservations(observation.groupMembers, allConceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime)), mappedObservations.push(observation)
}), mappedObservations
mapUIObservations = function(observations, allConceptsConfig) {
var groupedObservations = _.groupBy(observations, function(observation) {
return observation.concept.name
mappedObservations = [];
return $.each(groupedObservations, function(i, obsGroup) {
var conceptConfig = allConceptsConfig[obsGroup[0].concept.name] || [];
if (conceptConfig.multiSelect) {
var multiSelectObservations = {};
$.each(obsGroup, function(i, observation) {
if (multiSelectObservations[observation.encounterDateTime]) multiSelectObservations[observation.encounterDateTime].push(observation);
else {
var observations = [];
observations.push(observation), multiSelectObservations[observation.encounterDateTime] = observations
}), $.each(multiSelectObservations, function(i, observations) {
mappedObservations.push(new Bahmni.Common.Obs.MultiSelectObservation(observations, conceptConfig))
} else conceptConfig.grid ? mappedObservations.push(new Bahmni.Common.Obs.GridObservation(obsGroup[0], conceptConfig)) : $.each(obsGroup, function(i, obs) {
obs.groupMembers = mapUIObservations(obs.groupMembers, allConceptsConfig), mappedObservations.push(obs)
}), mappedObservations
this.getGridObservationDisplayValue = function(observationTemplate) {
var memberValues = _.compact(_.map(observationTemplate.bahmniObservations, function(observation) {
return getObservationDisplayValue(observation)
return memberValues.join(", ")
var getObservationDisplayValue = function(observation) {
if (observation.isBoolean || "Boolean" === observation.type) return observation.value === !0 ? "Yes" : "No";
if (!observation.value) return "";
if ("object" == typeof observation.value.name) {
var valueConcept = conceptMapper.map(observation.value);
return valueConcept.shortName || valueConcept.name
return observation.value.shortName || observation.value.name || observation.value
}, Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationUtil = function() {
var sortSameConceptsWithObsDateTime = function(observation) {
for (var sortedObservations = [], i = 0; i < observation.length; i++)
if (i !== observation.length - 1)
if (observation[i].conceptUuid !== observation[i + 1].conceptUuid) sortedObservations.push(observation[i]);
else {
var sameConceptsSubArray = [],
j = i + 1;
for (sameConceptsSubArray.push(observation[i]); j < observation.length && observation[i].conceptUuid === observation[j].conceptUuid;) sameConceptsSubArray.push(observation[j++]);
sameConceptsSubArray = _.sortBy(sameConceptsSubArray, "observationDateTime"), sortedObservations.push(sameConceptsSubArray), i = j - 1
else sortedObservations.push(observation[i]);
return _.flatten(sortedObservations)
getValue = function(observation) {
if (observation.selectedObs) return observation.getValues();
var obsValue;
return obsValue = observation.value && observation.value.name && observation.value.name.name ? observation.value.name.name : observation.value && observation.value.name && !observation.value.name.name ? observation.value.name : observation.value, void 0 === obsValue || null === obsValue ? obsValue : obsValue.displayString || obsValue
collect = function(flattenedObservations, key, value) {
void 0 != value && (flattenedObservations[key] = flattenedObservations[key] ? _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union([flattenedObservations[key]], [value]))) : value)
findLeafObservations = function(flattenedObservations, observation) {
_.isEmpty(observation.groupMembers) ? collect(flattenedObservations, observation.concept.name, getValue(observation)) : _.each(observation.groupMembers, function(member) {
findLeafObservations(flattenedObservations, member)
flatten = function(observation) {
var flattenedObservation = {};
return _.isEmpty(observation) || findLeafObservations(flattenedObservation, observation), flattenedObservation
flattenObsToArray = function(observations) {
var flattened = [];
return flattened.push.apply(flattened, observations), observations.forEach(function(obs) {
obs.groupMembers && obs.groupMembers.length > 0 && flattened.push.apply(flattened, flattenObsToArray(obs.groupMembers))
}), flattened
return {
sortSameConceptsWithObsDateTime: sortSameConceptsWithObsDateTime,
flatten: flatten,
flattenObsToArray: flattenObsToArray
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.obs").directive("showObservation", ["ngDialog", function(ngDialog) {
var controller = function($scope, $rootScope, $filter) {
$scope.toggle = function(observation) {
observation.showDetails = !observation.showDetails
}, $scope.print = $rootScope.isBeingPrinted || !1, $scope.dateString = function(observation) {
var filterName;
if ($scope.showDate && $scope.showTime) filterName = "bahmniDateTime";
else {
if ($scope.showDate || !$scope.showTime && void 0 !== $scope.showTime) return null;
filterName = "bahmniTime"
return $filter(filterName)(observation.observationDateTime)
}, $scope.openVideoInPopup = function(observation) {
template: "../common/obs/views/showVideo.html",
closeByDocument: !1,
className: "ngdialog-theme-default",
showClose: !0,
data: {
observation: observation
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
observation: "=?",
patient: "=",
showDate: "=?",
showTime: "=?",
showDetailsButton: "=?"
controller: controller,
template: "<ng-include src=\"'../common/obs/views/showObservation.html'\" />"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.obs").directive("editObservation", ["$q", "spinner", "$state", "$rootScope", "ngDialog", "messagingService", "encounterService", "configurations", "contextChangeHandler", "auditLogService", function($q, spinner, $state, $rootScope, ngDialog, messagingService, encounterService, configurations, contextChangeHandler, auditLogService) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var ObservationUtil = Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationUtil,
findEditableObs = function(observations) {
return _.find(observations, function(obs) {
return obs.uuid === $scope.observation.uuid
shouldEditSpecificObservation = function() {
return !!$scope.observation.uuid
contextChange = function() {
return contextChangeHandler.execute()
init = function() {
var consultationMapper = new Bahmni.ConsultationMapper(configurations.dosageFrequencyConfig(), configurations.dosageInstructionConfig(), configurations.consultationNoteConcept(), configurations.labOrderNotesConcept());
return encounterService.findByEncounterUuid($scope.observation.encounterUuid).then(function(reponse) {
var encounterTransaction = reponse.data;
if ($scope.encounter = consultationMapper.map(encounterTransaction), $scope.editableObservations = [], shouldEditSpecificObservation()) {
var editableObs = findEditableObs(ObservationUtil.flattenObsToArray($scope.encounter.observations));
editableObs ? $scope.editableObservations.push(editableObs) : messagingService.showMessage("error", "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_EDIT_ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate}}")
} else $scope.editableObservations = $scope.encounter.observations;
$scope.patient = {
uuid: $scope.encounter.patientUuid
var isFormValid = function() {
var contxChange = contextChange(),
shouldAllow = contxChange.allow;
if (!shouldAllow) {
var errorMessage = contxChange.errorMessage ? contxChange.errorMessage : "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate }}";
messagingService.showMessage("error", errorMessage)
return shouldAllow
$scope.$parent.resetContextChangeHandler = function() {
}, $scope.save = function() {
if (!isFormValid()) return void $scope.$parent.$parent.$broadcast("event:errorsOnForm");
$scope.$parent.shouldPromptBeforeClose = !1, $scope.$parent.shouldPromptBrowserReload = !1;
var updateEditedObservation = function(observations) {
return _.map(observations, function(obs) {
return obs.uuid == $scope.editableObservations[0].uuid ? $scope.editableObservations[0] : (obs.groupMembers = updateEditedObservation(obs.groupMembers), obs)
getEditedObservation = function(observations) {
return _.find(observations, function(obs) {
return obs.uuid == $scope.editableObservations[0].uuid || getEditedObservation(obs.groupMembers)
if (shouldEditSpecificObservation()) {
var allObservations = updateEditedObservation($scope.encounter.observations);
$scope.encounter.observations = [getEditedObservation(allObservations)]
$scope.encounter.observations = (new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationFilter).filter($scope.encounter.observations), $scope.encounter.orders = addOrdersToEncounter(), $scope.encounter.extensions = {};
var createPromise = encounterService.create($scope.encounter);
spinner.forPromise(createPromise).then(function(savedResponse) {
var messageParams = {
encounterUuid: savedResponse.data.encounterUuid,
encounterType: savedResponse.data.encounterType
auditLogService.log($scope.patient.uuid, "EDIT_ENCOUNTER", messageParams, "MODULE_LABEL_CLINICAL_KEY"), $rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !1, $state.go($state.current, {}, {
reload: !0
}), ngDialog.close(), messagingService.showMessage("info", "{{'CLINICAL_SAVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate}}")
var addOrdersToEncounter = function() {
var modifiedOrders = _.filter($scope.encounter.orders, function(order) {
return order.hasBeenModified || order.isDiscontinued || !order.uuid
tempOrders = modifiedOrders.map(function(order) {
return order.hasBeenModified && !order.isDiscontinued ? Bahmni.Clinical.Order.revise(order) : order.isDiscontinued ? Bahmni.Clinical.Order.discontinue(order) : {
uuid: order.uuid,
concept: {
name: order.concept.name,
uuid: order.concept.uuid
commentToFulfiller: order.commentToFulfiller
return tempOrders
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
observation: "=",
conceptSetName: "@",
conceptDisplayName: "@"
controller: controller,
template: "<ng-include src=\"'../common/obs/views/editObservation.html'\" />"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("autoScroll", ["$location", "$anchorScroll", "$timeout", function($location, $anchorScroll, $timeout) {
var heightOfNavigationBar = 55;
return {
scope: {
autoScrollEnabled: "="
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
$timeout(function() {
scope.autoScrollEnabled && $("body").animate({
scrollTop: $("#" + attrs.autoScroll).offset().top - heightOfNavigationBar
}, 500)
}), scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
$timeout.cancel(), $("body").animate({
scrollTop: -1 * heightOfNavigationBar
}, 0)
}]), Bahmni.Common.DocumentImage = function(data) {
angular.extend(this, data), this.title = this.getTitle(), this.thumbnail = this.getThumbnail()
}, Bahmni.Common.DocumentImage.prototype = {
getTitle: function() {
var titleComponents = [];
return this.concept && titleComponents.push(this.concept.name), this.obsDatetime && titleComponents.push(moment(this.obsDatetime).format(Bahmni.Common.Constants.dateDisplayFormat)), titleComponents.join(", ")
getThumbnail: function() {
var src = this.src || this.encodedValue;
return src && src.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)$/, "$1_thumbnail.$2") || null
}, Bahmni.Common.VisitSummary = function(visitSummary) {
angular.extend(this, visitSummary), this.isAdmitted = function() {
return !(!this.admissionDetails || !this.admissionDetails.uuid)
}, this.isDischarged = function() {
return !(!this.dischargeDetails || !this.dischargeDetails.uuid)
}, this.getAdmissionEncounterUuid = function() {
return this.isAdmitted() ? this.admissionDetails.uuid : void 0
}, this.getDischargeEncounterUuid = function() {
return this.isDischarged() ? this.dischargeDetails.uuid : void 0
}, this.hasBeenAdmitted = function() {
return this.isAdmitted() && !this.isDischarged()
var debugUiRouter = function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, toState, toParams) {
console.log("$stateChangeStart to " + toState.to + "- fired when the transition begins. toState,toParams : \n", toState, toParams)
}), $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", function() {
console.log("$stateChangeError - fired when an error occurs during transition."), console.log(arguments)
}), $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function(event, toState) {
console.log("$stateChangeSuccess to " + toState.name + "- fired once the state transition is complete.")
}), $rootScope.$on("$viewContentLoaded", function(event) {
console.log("$viewContentLoaded - fired after dom rendered", event)
}), $rootScope.$on("$stateNotFound", function(event, unfoundState, fromState, fromParams) {
console.log("$stateNotFound " + unfoundState.to + " - fired when a state cannot be found by its name."), console.log(unfoundState, fromState, fromParams)
angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("singleClick", function() {
var ignoreClick = !1,
link = function(scope, element) {
var clickHandler = function() {
ignoreClick || (ignoreClick = !0, scope.singleClick()["finally"](function() {
ignoreClick = !1
element.on("click", clickHandler), scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
element.off("click", clickHandler)
return {
scope: {
singleClick: "&"
restrict: "A",
link: link
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uiHelper").directive("singleSubmit", function() {
var ignoreSubmit = !1,
link = function(scope, element) {
var submitHandler = function() {
ignoreSubmit || (ignoreSubmit = !0, scope.singleSubmit()["finally"](function() {
ignoreSubmit = !1
element.on("submit", submitHandler), scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
element.off("submit", submitHandler)
return {
scope: {
singleSubmit: "&"
restrict: "A",
link: link
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol", []);
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Observation = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Observation || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation", ["bahmni.common.conceptSet", "pascalprecht.translate"]), Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Observation.GroupingFunctions = function() {
var self = this,
observationGroupingFunction = function(obs) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateTimeWithoutSeconds(obs.encounterDateTime)
return self.groupByEncounterDate = function(bahmniObservations) {
var obsArray = [];
bahmniObservations = _.groupBy(bahmniObservations, observationGroupingFunction);
var sortWithInAConceptDateCombination = function(anObs, challengerObs) {
return anObs.encounterDateTime < challengerObs.encounterDateTime ? 1 : anObs.encounterDateTime > challengerObs.encounterDateTime ? -1 : anObs.conceptSortWeight < challengerObs.conceptSortWeight ? -1 : anObs.conceptSortWeight > challengerObs.conceptSortWeight ? 1 : 0
for (var obsKey in bahmniObservations) {
var dateTime = obsKey,
anObs = {
key: dateTime,
value: bahmniObservations[dateTime].sort(sortWithInAConceptDateCombination),
date: dateTime
return _.sortBy(obsArray, "date").reverse()
}, self.persistOrderOfConceptNames = function(bahmniObservations) {
var obsArray = [];
for (var obsKey in bahmniObservations) {
var anObs = {
key: obsKey,
value: [bahmniObservations[obsKey]],
date: bahmniObservations[obsKey].encounterDateTime
return obsArray
}, self
}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation").service("formHierarchyService", ["formService", function(formService) {
var self = this;
self.build = function(observations) {
var obs = self.preProcessMultipleSelectObsToObs(observations);
obs = self.createDummyObsGroupForObservationsForForm(obs), self.createDummyObsGroupForSectionsForForm(obs)
}, self.preProcessMultipleSelectObsToObs = function(observations) {
return _.forEach(observations, function(obs) {
_.forEach(obs.value, function(value, index) {
"multiSelect" == value.type && (obs.value.push(value.groupMembers[0]), obs.value.splice(index, 1))
}), observations
}, self.createDummyObsGroupForObservationsForForm = function(observations) {
return _.forEach(observations, function(obs) {
var newValues = [];
_.forEach(obs.value, function(value) {
if (!value.formFieldPath) return void newValues.push(value);
var dummyObsGroup = {
groupMembers: [],
concept: {
shortName: "",
conceptClass: null
encounterUuid: ""
dummyObsGroup.concept.shortName = value.formFieldPath.split(".")[0], dummyObsGroup.encounterUuid = value.encounterUuid;
var previousDummyObsGroupFound;
_.forEach(newValues, function(newValue) {
dummyObsGroup.concept.shortName == newValue.concept.shortName && (newValue.groupMembers.push(value), previousDummyObsGroupFound = !0)
}), previousDummyObsGroupFound || (dummyObsGroup.groupMembers.push(value), newValues.push(dummyObsGroup))
}), obs.value = newValues
}), observations
}, self.getFormVersion = function(members) {
var formVersion;
return _.forEach(members, function(member) {
if (member.formFieldPath) return formVersion = member.formFieldPath.split(".")[1].split("/")[0], !1
}), formVersion
}, self.getMemberFromFormByFormFieldPath = function(members, id) {
return _.filter(members, function(member) {
return member.formFieldPath.split(".")[1].split("/")[1].split("-")[0] == id
}, self.getFormByFormName = function(formList, formName, formVersion) {
return _.find(formList, function(form) {
return form.name == formName && form.version == formVersion
}, self.parseSection = function(members, controls, value) {
var sectionIsEmpty = !0;
return _.forEach(controls, function(control) {
var dummyObsGroup = {
groupMembers: [],
concept: {
shortName: "",
conceptClass: null
if ("section" == control.type) dummyObsGroup.concept.shortName = control.label.value, value.groupMembers.push(dummyObsGroup), self.parseSection(members, control.controls, dummyObsGroup) ? sectionIsEmpty = !1 : value.groupMembers.pop();
else {
var member = self.getMemberFromFormByFormFieldPath(members, control.id);
0 != member.length && (0 != member[0].formFieldPath.split("-")[1] && _.reverse(member), _.map(member, function(m) {
}), sectionIsEmpty = !1)
}), sectionIsEmpty ? null : value
}, self.createSectionForSingleForm = function(obsFromSameForm, formDetails) {
var members = obsFromSameForm.groupMembers.slice();
return obsFromSameForm.groupMembers.splice(0, obsFromSameForm.groupMembers.length), self.parseSection(members, formDetails.controls, obsFromSameForm)
}, self.createDummyObsGroupForSectionsForForm = function(bahmniObservations) {
_.isEmpty(bahmniObservations) || formService.getAllForms().then(function(response) {
var allForms = response.data;
_.forEach(bahmniObservations, function(observation) {
var forms = [];
_.forEach(observation.value, function(form) {
if (form.concept.conceptClass) return void forms.push(form);
var observationForm = self.getFormByFormName(allForms, form.concept.shortName, self.getFormVersion(form.groupMembers));
observationForm && formService.getFormDetail(observationForm.uuid, {
v: "custom:(resources:(value))"
}).then(function(response) {
var formDetailsAsString = _.get(response, "data.resources[0].value");
if (formDetailsAsString) {
var formDetails = JSON.parse(formDetailsAsString);
forms.push(self.createSectionForSingleForm(form, formDetails))
observation.value = forms
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation").directive("bahmniObservation", ["observationsService", "appService", "$q", "spinner", "$rootScope", "formHierarchyService", "$translate", function(observationsService, appService, $q, spinner, $rootScope, formHierarchyService, $translate) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.print = $rootScope.isBeingPrinted || !1, $scope.showGroupDateTime = $scope.config.showGroupDateTime !== !1;
var mapObservation = function(observations) {
var conceptsConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI") || {};
observations = (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).map(observations, conceptsConfig), $scope.config.conceptNames && (observations = _.filter(observations, function(observation) {
return _.some($scope.config.conceptNames, function(conceptName) {
return _.toLower(conceptName) === _.toLower(_.get(observation, "concept.name"))
})), $scope.config.persistOrderOfConcepts ? $scope.bahmniObservations = (new Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Observation.GroupingFunctions).persistOrderOfConceptNames(observations) : $scope.bahmniObservations = (new Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Observation.GroupingFunctions).groupByEncounterDate(observations), _.isEmpty($scope.bahmniObservations) ? ($scope.noObsMessage = $translate.instant(Bahmni.Common.Constants.messageForNoObservation), $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event")) : $scope.showGroupDateTime ? $scope.bahmniObservations[0].isOpen = !0 : _.forEach($scope.bahmniObservations, function(bahmniObs) {
bahmniObs.isOpen = !0
var formObservations = _.filter(observations, function(obs) {
return obs.formFieldPath
formObservations.length > 0 && formHierarchyService.build($scope.bahmniObservations)
fetchObservations = function() {
if ($scope.observations) mapObservation($scope.observations, $scope.config), $scope.isFulfilmentDisplayControl = !0;
else if ($scope.config.observationUuid) $scope.initialization = observationsService.getByUuid($scope.config.observationUuid).then(function(response) {
mapObservation([response.data], $scope.config)
else if ($scope.config.encounterUuid) {
var fetchForEncounter = observationsService.fetchForEncounter($scope.config.encounterUuid, $scope.config.conceptNames);
$scope.initialization = fetchForEncounter.then(function(response) {
mapObservation(response.data, $scope.config)
} else $scope.enrollment ? $scope.initialization = observationsService.fetchForPatientProgram($scope.enrollment, $scope.config.conceptNames, $scope.config.scope, $scope.config.obsIgnoreList).then(function(response) {
mapObservation(response.data, $scope.config)
}) : $scope.initialization = observationsService.fetch($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.config.conceptNames, $scope.config.scope, $scope.config.numberOfVisits, $scope.visitUuid, $scope.config.obsIgnoreList, null).then(function(response) {
mapObservation(response.data, $scope.config)
$scope.toggle = function(element) {
element.isOpen = !element.isOpen
}, $scope.isClickable = function() {
return $scope.isOnDashboard && $scope.section.expandedViewConfig && ($scope.section.expandedViewConfig.pivotTable || $scope.section.expandedViewConfig.observationGraph)
}, fetchObservations(), $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
section: $scope.section
link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.initialization && spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/observation/views/observationDisplayControl.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
visitUuid: "@",
section: "=?",
config: "=",
title: "=sectionTitle",
isOnDashboard: "=?",
observations: "=?",
message: "=?",
enrollment: "=?"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation").controller("AllObservationDetailsController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section, $scope.config = $scope.ngDialogData.section ? $scope.ngDialogData.section.expandedViewConfig : {}
}]), Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Prescription = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Prescription || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.prescription", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.prescription").directive("prescription", ["treatmentService", "treatmentConfig", "$q", function(treatmentService, treatmentConfig, $q) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$q.all([treatmentConfig(), treatmentService.getPrescribedAndActiveDrugOrders($scope.patient.uuid, 1, !1, [$scope.visitUuid], "", "", "")]).then(function(results) {
var treatmentConfig = results[0],
drugOrderResponse = results[1].data,
createDrugOrderViewModel = function(drugOrder) {
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, treatmentConfig)
for (var key in drugOrderResponse) drugOrderResponse[key] = drugOrderResponse[key].map(createDrugOrderViewModel);
var drugUtil = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util,
orderGroupOrders = _.groupBy(drugOrderResponse.visitDrugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.orderGroupUuid ? "orderGroupOrders" : "drugOrders"
drugOrdersSorted = drugUtil.sortDrugOrders(orderGroupOrders.drugOrders);
$scope.drugOrders = _(orderGroupOrders.orderGroupOrders).concat(drugOrdersSorted).uniqBy("uuid").value()
return {
restrict: "EA",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/prescription/views/prescription.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
visitDate: "=",
visitUuid: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PivotTable = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PivotTable || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pivottable", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pivottable").directive("pivotTable", ["$rootScope", "$filter", "$stateParams", "spinner", "pivotTableService", "appService", "conceptSetUiConfigService", "$interval", function($rootScope, $filter, $stateParams, spinner, pivotTableService, appService, conceptSetUiConfigService, $interval) {
return {
scope: {
patientUuid: "=",
diseaseName: "=",
displayName: "=",
config: "=",
visitUuid: "=",
status: "=?"
link: function(scope, element) {
var tablescroll;
if (scope.config) {
scope.groupBy = scope.config.groupBy || "visits", scope.groupByEncounters = "encounters" === scope.groupBy, scope.groupByVisits = "visits" === scope.groupBy, scope.getOnlyDate = function(startdate) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(startdate)
}, scope.getOnlyTime = function(startDate) {
return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatTime(startDate)
}, scope.isLonger = function(value) {
return !!value && value.length > 13
}, scope.getColumnValue = function(value, conceptName) {
return conceptName && conceptSetUiConfigService.getConfig()[conceptName] && 1 == conceptSetUiConfigService.getConfig()[conceptName].displayMonthAndYear ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateInMonthsAndYears(value) : scope.isLonger(value) ? value.substring(0, 10) + "..." : value
}, scope.scrollLeft = function() {
return $("table.pivot-table tbody").animate({
scrollLeft: 0
}), !1
}, scope.scrollRight = function() {
return $("table.pivot-table tbody").animate({
scrollLeft: tablescroll
}), !1
var programConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program") || {},
startDate = null,
endDate = null;
programConfig.showDetailsWithinDateRange && (startDate = $stateParams.dateEnrolled, endDate = $stateParams.dateCompleted);
var checkIfPivotTableLoaded = $interval(function() {
$("table.pivot-table tbody tr").length > 11 ? ($("table.pivot-table tbody").animate({
scrollLeft: "20000px"
}, 500), tablescroll = $("table.pivot-table tbody").scrollLeft(), clearInterval(checkIfPivotTableLoaded)) : $("table.pivot-table tbody tr").length < 12 && ($(".btn-scroll-right, .btn-scroll-left").attr("disabled", !0), clearInterval(checkIfPivotTableLoaded))
}, 1e3, 2),
pivotDataPromise = pivotTableService.getPivotTableFor(scope.patientUuid, scope.config, scope.visitUuid, startDate, endDate);
spinner.forPromise(pivotDataPromise, element), pivotDataPromise.then(function(response) {
var concepts = _.map(response.data.conceptDetails, function(conceptDetail) {
return {
name: conceptDetail.fullName,
shortName: conceptDetail.name,
lowNormal: conceptDetail.lowNormal,
hiNormal: conceptDetail.hiNormal,
units: conceptDetail.units
tabluarDataInAscOrderByDate = _(response.data.tabularData).toPairs().sortBy(0).fromPairs().value();
scope.result = {
concepts: concepts,
tabularData: tabluarDataInAscOrderByDate
}, scope.hasData = !_.isEmpty(scope.result.tabularData), scope.status = scope.status || {}, scope.status.data = scope.hasData
}), scope.showOnPrint = !$rootScope.isBeingPrinted
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/pivottable/views/pivotTable.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pivottable").service("pivotTableService", ["$http", function($http) {
this.getPivotTableFor = function(patientUuid, diseaseSummaryConfig, visitUuid, startDate, endDate) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.diseaseSummaryPivotUrl, {
params: {
patientUuid: patientUuid,
visit: visitUuid,
numberOfVisits: diseaseSummaryConfig.numberOfVisits,
initialCount: diseaseSummaryConfig.initialCount,
latestCount: diseaseSummaryConfig.latestCount,
obsConcepts: diseaseSummaryConfig.obsConcepts,
drugConcepts: diseaseSummaryConfig.drugConcepts,
labConcepts: diseaseSummaryConfig.labConcepts,
groupBy: diseaseSummaryConfig.groupBy,
startDate: Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(startDate),
endDate: Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(endDate)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Disposition = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Disposition || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.disposition", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.disposition").directive("disposition", ["dispositionService", "spinner", function(dispositionService, spinner) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var fetchDispositionByPatient = function(patientUuid, numOfVisits) {
return dispositionService.getDispositionByPatient(patientUuid, numOfVisits).then(handleDispositionResponse)
handleDispositionResponse = function(response) {
$scope.dispositions = response.data, _.isEmpty($scope.dispositions) && ($scope.noDispositionsMessage = Bahmni.Common.Constants.messageForNoDisposition, $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"))
fetchDispositionsByVisit = function(visitUuid) {
return dispositionService.getDispositionByVisit(visitUuid).then(handleDispositionResponse)
$scope.getNotes = function(disposition) {
return disposition.additionalObs[0] && disposition.additionalObs[0].value ? disposition.additionalObs[0].value : ""
}, $scope.showDetailsButton = function(disposition) {
return !$scope.getNotes(disposition) && $scope.params.showDetailsButton
}, $scope.toggle = function(element) {
return $scope.showDetailsButton(element) ? element.show = !element.show : element.show = !0, !1
}, $scope.visitUuid ? $scope.fetchDispositionPromise = fetchDispositionsByVisit($scope.visitUuid) : $scope.params.numberOfVisits && $scope.patientUuid && ($scope.fetchDispositionPromise = fetchDispositionByPatient($scope.patientUuid, $scope.params.numberOfVisits))
link = function(scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise(scope.fetchDispositionPromise, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/disposition/views/disposition.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
patientUuid: "=?",
visitUuid: "=?"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.conditionsList", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.conditionsList").directive("conditionsList", ["conditionsService", "ngDialog", function(conditionsService, ngDialog) {
var controller = function($scope) {
return $scope.statuses = ["ACTIVE", "HISTORY_OF"], $scope.openSummaryDialog = function() {
template: "../common/displaycontrols/conditionsList/views/conditionsList.html",
className: "ngdialog-theme-default ng-dialog-all-details-page",
data: {
conditions: $scope.conditions
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.hideTitle = !0, $scope.statuses = ["ACTIVE", "HISTORY_OF", "INACTIVE"], $scope.conditions = $scope.ngDialogData.conditions
}, conditionsService.getConditions($scope.patient.uuid).then(function(conditions) {
$scope.conditions = conditions
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/conditionsList/views/conditionsList.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
patient: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.dashboard", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.dashboard").directive("dashboardSection", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.$on("no-data-present-event", function() {
$scope.section.isDataAvailable = !$scope.section.hideEmptyDisplayControl
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/dashboard/views/dashboardSection.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.dashboard").directive("dashboard", [function() {
var controller = function($scope, $filter) {
var init = function() {
$scope.dashboard = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.create($scope.config || {}, $filter)
checkDisplayType = function(sections, typeToCheck, index) {
return sections[index] && sections[index].displayType && sections[index].displayType === typeToCheck
isDisplayTypeWrong = function(sections) {
var allDisplayTypes = ["Full-Page", "LAYOUT_75_25", "LAYOUT_25_75", "Half-Page"];
return allDisplayTypes.indexOf(sections[0].displayType) <= -1
$scope.isFullPageSection = function(sections) {
return checkDisplayType(sections, "Full-Page", 0)
}, $scope.hasThreeFourthPageSection = function(sections, index) {
return checkDisplayType(sections, "LAYOUT_75_25", index)
}, $scope.isOneFourthPageSection = function(sections) {
return checkDisplayType(sections, "LAYOUT_25_75", 0)
}, $scope.isHalfPageSection = function(sections) {
return sections[0] && (checkDisplayType(sections, "Half-Page", 0) || isDisplayTypeWrong(sections) || !sections[0].displayType)
}, $scope.containsThreeFourthPageSection = function(sections) {
var hasThreeFourthSection = this.hasThreeFourthPageSection(sections, 0) || this.hasThreeFourthPageSection(sections, 1);
return 1 == sections.length ? this.hasThreeFourthPageSection(sections, 0) : hasThreeFourthSection
}, $scope.filterOdd = function(index) {
return function() {
return index++ % 2 === 0
}, $scope.filterEven = function(index) {
return function() {
return index++ % 2 === 1
var unbindWatch = $scope.$watch("config", init);
$scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", unbindWatch)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/dashboard/views/dashboard.html",
scope: {
config: "=",
patient: "=",
diseaseTemplates: "=",
sectionGroups: "=",
visitHistory: "=",
activeVisitUuid: "=",
visitSummary: "=",
enrollment: "="
}]), Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard = function(config, $filter) {
(config.startDate || config.endDate) && _.each(config.sections, function(section) {
section.startDate = config.startDate, section.endDate = config.endDate
var _sections = _.sortBy(_.map(config.sections, function(section) {
return Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.Section.create(section, $filter)
}), function(section) {
return section.displayOrder
this.getSectionByType = function(name) {
return _.find(_sections, function(section) {
return section.type === name
}) || {}
}, this.getSections = function(diseaseTemplates) {
var sections = _.filter(_sections, function(section) {
return "diseaseTemplate" !== section.type || _.find(diseaseTemplates, function(diseaseTemplate) {
return diseaseTemplate.name === section.templateName && diseaseTemplate.obsTemplates.length > 0
return this.groupSectionsByType(sections)
}, this.groupSectionsByType = function(sections) {
var sectionGroups = [
for (var sectionId in sections) {
var section = sections[sectionId],
nextSection = sectionId < sections.length ? sections[++sectionId] : null,
lastElement = sectionGroups.length - 1;
this.isFullPageSection(section) ? (_.isEmpty(sectionGroups[lastElement]) && sectionGroups.pop(), sectionGroups.push([section]), sectionGroups.push([])) : sectionGroups = this.groupSectionsIfNotFullPage(section, sectionGroups, lastElement, nextSection)
return sectionGroups
}, this.isFullPageSection = function(section) {
return this.checkDisplayType(section, "Full-Page")
}, this.isThreeFourthPageSection = function(section) {
return this.checkDisplayType(section, "LAYOUT_75_25")
}, this.isOneFourthPageSection = function(section) {
return this.checkDisplayType(section, "LAYOUT_25_75")
}, this.isHalfPageSection = function(section) {
return this.checkDisplayType(section, "Half-Page") || this.isDisplayTypeWrong(section) || !section.displayType
}, this.isDisplayTypeWrong = function(section) {
var allDisplayTypes = ["Full-Page", "LAYOUT_75_25", "LAYOUT_25_75", "Half-Page"];
return allDisplayTypes.indexOf(section.displayType) <= -1
}, this.checkDisplayType = function(section, typeToCheck) {
return section && section.displayType && section.displayType === typeToCheck
}, this.groupSectionsIfNotFullPage = function(section, sectionGroups, lastElement, nextSection) {
var lastSection = sectionGroups[lastElement],
lastSectionIndex = _.isEmpty(lastSection) ? 0 : lastSection.length - 1;
return sectionGroups = this.isThreeFourthPageSection(section) ? this.groupThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups) : this.isOneFourthPageSection(section) ? this.groupOneFourthPageSection(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups, nextSection) : this.groupHalfPageSection(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups)
}, this.groupThreeFourthPageSection = function(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups) {
var lastSectionLength = lastSection.length,
isLastSectionOneFourth = 1 == lastSectionLength && this.isOneFourthPageSection(lastSection[lastSectionIndex]);
return _.isEmpty(lastSection) || isLastSectionOneFourth ? sectionGroups[lastElement].push(section) : sectionGroups.push([section]), sectionGroups
}, this.groupOneFourthPageSection = function(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups, nextSection) {
return this.addOneFourthElementToLastSection(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, nextSection) ? sectionGroups[lastElement].push(section) : sectionGroups.push([section]), sectionGroups
}, this.addOneFourthElementToLastSection = function(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, nextSection) {
var lastSectionLength = lastSection.length,
isNextSectionThreeFourth = !!nextSection && this.isThreeFourthPageSection(nextSection),
isLastSectionNotThreeFourth = !this.isThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection[lastSectionIndex]) && !this.isThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection[0]);
return lastSection.length <= 1 && (this.isThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection[0]) || !isNextSectionThreeFourth) || lastSectionLength >= 2 && isLastSectionNotThreeFourth && !isNextSectionThreeFourth
}, this.groupHalfPageSection = function(lastSection, lastElement, lastSectionIndex, section, sectionGroups) {
var lastSectionLength = lastSection.length,
isLastSectionNotThreeFourth = !this.isThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection[lastSectionIndex]) && !this.isThreeFourthPageSection(lastSection[0]);
return _.isEmpty(lastSection) || lastSectionLength > 2 || isLastSectionNotThreeFourth ? sectionGroups[lastElement].push(section) : sectionGroups.push([section]), sectionGroups
}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.create = function(config, $filter) {
return new Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard(config, $filter)
function() {
var OBSERVATION_SECTION_URL = "../common/displaycontrols/dashboard/views/sections/observationSection.html",
COMMON_DISPLAY_CONTROL_URL = "../common/displaycontrols/dashboard/views/sections/SECTION_NAME.html",
CLINICAL_DISPLAY_CONTROL_URL = "../clinical/dashboard/views/dashboardSections/SECTION_NAME.html",
commonDisplayControlNames = ["admissionDetails", "bacteriologyResultsControl", "chronicTreatmentChart", "custom", "diagnosis", "disposition", "drugOrderDetails", "forms", "observationGraph", "obsToObsFlowSheet", "pacsOrders", "patientInformation", "conditionsList"],
getViewUrl = function(section) {
if (section.isObservation) return OBSERVATION_SECTION_URL;
var isCommonDisplayControl = _.includes(commonDisplayControlNames, section.type);
return isCommonDisplayControl ? COMMON_DISPLAY_CONTROL_URL.replace("SECTION_NAME", section.type) : CLINICAL_DISPLAY_CONTROL_URL.replace("SECTION_NAME", section.type)
getId = function(section, $filter) {
if ("custom" !== section.type) {
var key = section.translationKey || section.title;
return !_.isUndefined($filter) && key ? $filter("titleTranslate")(key).toValidId() : key
Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.Section = function(section, $filter) {
angular.extend(this, section), this.displayOrder = section.displayOrder, this.data = section.data || {}, this.isObservation = !!section.isObservation, this.patientAttributes = section.patientAttributes || [], this.viewName = getViewUrl(this), this.hideEmptyDisplayControl = void 0 != section.hideEmptyDisplayControl && section.hideEmptyDisplayControl, this.isDataAvailable = !0, this.id = getId(this, $filter)
}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.Section.create = function(section, $filter) {
return new Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.Section(section, $filter)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PatientProfile = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PatientProfile || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.patientprofile", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.patientprofile").filter("titleCase", function() {
return function(input) {
return input = input || "", input.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt) {
return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase()
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.patientprofile").filter("booleanFilter", function() {
return function(value) {
return value === !0 ? "Yes" : value === !1 ? "No" : value
function() {
var getAddress = function($scope) {
var patient = $scope.patient,
address = [];
return void 0 != $scope.config.addressFields && 0 != $scope.config.addressFields.length ? $scope.config.addressFields.forEach(function(addressField) {
patient.address[addressField] && address.push(patient.address[addressField])
}) : _.includes($scope.config, "cityVillage") || address.push(patient.address.cityVillage), address.join(", ")
getPatientAttributeTypes = function($scope) {
var patient = $scope.patient;
$scope.config.hasOwnProperty("ageLimit") && patient.age >= $scope.config.ageLimit && (patient.ageText = patient.age.toString() + " <span> years </span>");
var patientAttributeTypes = [patient.genderText, patient.ageText];
return patient.bloodGroupText && patientAttributeTypes.push(patient.bloodGroupText), patientAttributeTypes.join(", ")
isAdmitted = function(admissionStatus) {
return "Admitted" === _.get(admissionStatus, "value")
angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.patientprofile").directive("patientProfile", ["patientService", "spinner", "$sce", "$rootScope", "$stateParams", "$window", "$translate", "configurations", "$q", "visitService", function(patientService, spinner, $sce, $rootScope, $stateParams, $window, $translate, configurations, $q, visitService) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.isProviderRelationship = function(relationship) {
return _.includes($rootScope.relationshipTypeMap.provider, relationship.relationshipType.aIsToB)
}, $scope.openPatientDashboard = function(patientUuid) {
var configName = $stateParams.configName || Bahmni.Common.Constants.defaultExtensionName;
$window.open("../clinical/#/" + configName + "/patient/" + patientUuid + "/dashboard")
var assignPatientDetails = function() {
var patientMapper = new Bahmni.PatientMapper(configurations.patientConfig(), $rootScope, $translate);
return patientService.getPatient($scope.patientUuid).then(function(response) {
var openMrsPatient = response.data;
$scope.patient = patientMapper.map(openMrsPatient)
assignRelationshipDetails = function() {
return patientService.getRelationships($scope.patientUuid).then(function(response) {
$scope.relationships = response.data.results
assignAdmissionDetails = function() {
var REP = "custom:(attributes:(value,attributeType:(display,name)))",
return visitService.getVisit($scope.visitUuid, REP).then(function(response) {
var attributes = response.data.attributes,
admissionStatus = _.find(attributes, {
attributeType: {
$scope.hasBeenAdmitted = isAdmitted(admissionStatus)
setHasBeenAdmittedOnVisitUuidChange = function() {
$scope.$watch("visitUuid", function(visitUuid) {
_.isEmpty(visitUuid) || assignAdmissionDetails()
setDirectiveAsReady = function() {
$scope.isDirectiveReady = !0
onDirectiveReady = function() {
$scope.addressLine = getAddress($scope), $scope.patientAttributeTypes = $sce.trustAsHtml(getPatientAttributeTypes($scope)), $scope.showBirthDate = $scope.config.showDOB !== !1, $scope.showBirthDate = $scope.showBirthDate && !!$scope.patient.birthdate
initPromise = $q.all([assignPatientDetails(), assignRelationshipDetails()]);
initPromise.then(onDirectiveReady), initPromise.then(setHasBeenAdmittedOnVisitUuidChange), initPromise.then(setDirectiveAsReady), $scope.initialization = initPromise
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
scope: {
patientUuid: "@",
visitUuid: "@",
config: "="
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/patientprofile/views/patientProfile.html"
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.documents", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.documents").directive("bmDocuments", ["encounterService", "spinner", "configurations", function(encounterService, spinner, configurations) {
var controller = function($scope, $filter) {
var encounterTypeUuid = configurations.encounterConfig().getEncounterTypeUuid($scope.encounterType);
$scope.initialization = function() {
return encounterService.getEncountersForEncounterType($scope.patient.uuid, encounterTypeUuid).then(function(response) {
$scope.records = (new Bahmni.Clinical.PatientFileObservationsMapper).map(response.data.results), $scope.config.visitUuids && ($scope.records = _.filter($scope.records, function(record) {
return $scope.config.visitUuids.indexOf(record.visitUuid) != -1
})), $scope.recordGroups = (new Bahmni.Clinical.RecordsMapper).map($scope.records), $scope.isDataPresent = function() {
return 0 != $scope.recordGroups.length || ($scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"), !1)
}, $scope.shouldShowActiveVisitStar = function(records) {
return (!$scope.config.visitUuids || 1 !== $scope.config.visitUuids.length) && _.some(records, function(record) {
return !record.visitStopDate
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization(), element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
scope: {
patient: "=",
config: "=",
encounterType: "="
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/documents/views/bmDocuments.html"
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.navigationLinks = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.navigationLinks || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.navigationlinks", ["ui.router", "ui.router.util"]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.navigationlinks").directive("navigationLinks", ["$state", "appService", function($state, appService) {
var controller = function($scope) {
(!$scope.params.showLinks && !$scope.params.customLinks || $scope.params.showLinks && $scope.params.customLinks && 0 == $scope.params.showLinks.length && 0 == $scope.params.customLinks.length) && ($scope.noNavigationLinksMessage = Bahmni.Common.Constants.noNavigationLinksMessage), $scope.standardLinks = [{
name: "home",
translationKey: "HOME_DASHBOARD_KEY",
url: "../home/#/dashboard"
}, {
name: "visit",
url: "../clinical/#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard/visit/{{visitUuid}}/?encounterUuid=active",
translationKey: "PATIENT_VISIT_PAGE_KEY"
}, {
name: "inpatient",
translationKey: "PATIENT_ADT_PAGE_KEY",
url: "../adt/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/"
}, {
name: "enrolment",
url: "../clinical/#/programs/patient/{{patientUuid}}/consultationContext"
}, {
name: "visitAttribute",
url: "../registration/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit"
}, {
name: "registration",
url: "../registration/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}"
var filterLinks = function(links, showLinks) {
var linksSpecifiedInShowLinks = function() {
return _.filter(links, function(link) {
return showLinks.indexOf(link.name) > -1
return showLinks && linksSpecifiedInShowLinks()
$scope.getLinks = function() {
return _.union(filterLinks($scope.standardLinks, $scope.params.showLinks), $scope.params.customLinks)
}, $scope.getUrl = function(link) {
var url = getFormattedURL(link);
window.open(url, link.title)
}, $scope.showUrl = function(link) {
var isPropertyNotPresentInLinkParams, params = getParamsToBeReplaced(link.url);
for (var i in params) {
var property = params[i];
if (isPropertyNotPresentInLinkParams = _.isEmpty($scope.linkParams[property])) return !1
return !0
var getFormattedURL = function(link) {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().formatUrl(link.url, $scope.linkParams)
getParamsToBeReplaced = function(link) {
var pattern = /{{([^}]*)}}/g,
matches = link.match(pattern),
params = [];
return matches && matches.forEach(function(el) {
var key = el.replace("{{", "").replace("}}", "");
}), params
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/navigationlinks/views/navigationLinks.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
linkParams: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PacsOrders = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.PacsOrders || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pacsOrders", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pacsOrders").directive("pacsOrders", ["orderService", "orderTypeService", "spinner", "messagingService", "$window", function(orderService, orderTypeService, spinner, messagingService, $window) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.orderTypeUuid = orderTypeService.getOrderTypeUuid($scope.orderType);
var includeAllObs = !0,
getOrders = function() {
var params = {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
orderTypeUuid: $scope.orderTypeUuid,
conceptNames: $scope.config.conceptNames,
includeObs: includeAllObs,
numberOfVisits: $scope.config.numberOfVisits,
obsIgnoreList: $scope.config.obsIgnoreList,
visitUuid: $scope.visitUuid,
orderUuid: $scope.orderUuid
return orderService.getOrders(params).then(function(response) {
$scope.bahmniOrders = response.data, _.each($scope.bahmniOrders, function(order) {
order.pacsImageUrl = ($scope.config.pacsImageUrl || "").replace("{{patientID}}", $scope.patient.identifier).replace("{{orderNumber}}", order.orderNumber)
init = function() {
return getOrders().then(function() {
_.isEmpty($scope.bahmniOrders) && ($scope.noOrdersMessage = $scope.orderType, $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"))
$scope.getUrl = function(orderNumber) {
var pacsImageTemplate = $scope.config.pacsImageUrl || "";
return pacsImageTemplate.replace("{{patientID}}", $scope.patient.identifier).replace("{{orderNumber}}", orderNumber)
}, $scope.getLabel = function(bahmniOrder) {
return bahmniOrder.concept.shortName || bahmniOrder.concept.name
}, $scope.openImage = function(bahmniOrder) {
var url = bahmniOrder.pacsImageUrl;
type: "HEAD",
url: url,
async: !1
}).then(function() {
$window.open(url, "_blank")
}, function() {
messagingService.showMessage("info", "No image available yet for order: " + $scope.getLabel(bahmniOrder))
}, $scope.initialization = init()
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/pacsOrders/views/pacsOrders.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
section: "=",
orderType: "=",
orderUuid: "=",
config: "=",
visitUuid: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Custom = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Custom || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.custom", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.custom").directive("customDisplayControl", [function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
template: '<div compile-html="config.template"></div>',
scope: {
patient: "=",
visitUuid: "=",
section: "=",
config: "=",
enrollment: "=",
params: "=",
visitSummary: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.UIControls = Bahmni.Common.UIControls || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols", []);
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.UIControls = Bahmni.Common.UIControls || {}, Bahmni.Common.UIControls.ProgramManagement = Bahmni.Common.UIControls.ProgramManagement || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment").controller("ManageProgramController", ["$scope", "retrospectiveEntryService", "$window", "programService", "spinner", "messagingService", "$stateParams", "$q", "confirmBox", function($scope, retrospectiveEntryService, $window, programService, spinner, messagingService, $stateParams, $q, confirmBox) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
$scope.programSelected = {}, $scope.workflowStateSelected = {}, $scope.allPrograms = [], $scope.programWorkflowStates = [], $scope.workflowStatesWithoutCurrentState = [], $scope.outComesForProgram = [], $scope.configName = $stateParams.configName, $scope.today = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.now());
var id = "#programEnrollmentContainer",
updateActiveProgramsList = function() {
spinner.forPromise(programService.getPatientPrograms($scope.patient.uuid).then(function(programs) {
$scope.activePrograms = programs.activePrograms, _.each($scope.activePrograms, function(patientProgram) {
}), $scope.activePrograms.showProgramSection = !0, $scope.endedPrograms = programs.endedPrograms, $scope.endedPrograms.showProgramSection = !0
}).then(function() {
}), id)
populateDefaultSelectedState = function(patientProgram) {
var activePatientProgramState = getActivePatientProgramState(patientProgram.states);
patientProgram.selectedState = activePatientProgramState ? activePatientProgramState.state : null
formatProgramDates = function() {
_.each($scope.activePrograms, function(activeProgram) {
activeProgram.fromDate = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(activeProgram.dateEnrolled), activeProgram.toDate = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(activeProgram.dateCompleted)
}), _.each($scope.endedPrograms, function(endedProgram) {
endedProgram.fromDate = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(endedProgram.dateEnrolled), endedProgram.toDate = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(endedProgram.dateCompleted)
getCurrentDate = function() {
var retrospectiveDate = retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveDate();
return DateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(retrospectiveDate)
init = function() {
spinner.forPromise(programService.getAllPrograms().then(function(programs) {
$scope.allPrograms = programs, $scope.allPrograms.showProgramSection = !0
}), id), spinner.forPromise(programService.getProgramAttributeTypes().then(function(programAttributeTypes) {
$scope.programAttributeTypes = programAttributeTypes
}), id), $scope.programSelected = null, $scope.patientProgramAttributes = {}, $scope.programEnrollmentDate = null, updateActiveProgramsList()
successCallback = function() {
messagingService.showMessage("info", "CLINICAL_SAVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY"), $scope.programSelected = null, $scope.workflowStateSelected = null, $scope.patientProgramAttributes = {}, $scope.programEnrollmentDate = null, updateActiveProgramsList(), $scope.patientProgram && ($scope.patientProgram.editing = !1)
failureCallback = function(error) {
var fieldErrorMsg = findFieldErrorIfAny(error),
errorMsg = _.isUndefined(fieldErrorMsg) ? "Failed to Save" : fieldErrorMsg;
messagingService.showMessage("error", errorMsg)
findFieldErrorIfAny = function(error) {
var stateFieldError = objectDeepFind(error, "data.error.fieldErrors.states"),
errorField = stateFieldError && stateFieldError[0];
return errorField && errorField.message
objectDeepFind = function(obj, path) {
if (!_.isUndefined(obj)) {
var i, paths = path.split("."),
current = obj;
for (i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
if (void 0 == current[paths[i]]) return;
current = current[paths[i]]
return current
isThePatientAlreadyEnrolled = function() {
return _.map($scope.activePrograms, function(program) {
return program.program.uuid
}).indexOf($scope.programSelected.uuid) > -1
isProgramSelected = function() {
return $scope.programSelected && $scope.programSelected.uuid
$scope.hasPatientEnrolledToSomePrograms = function() {
return !_.isEmpty($scope.activePrograms)
}, $scope.hasPatientAnyPastPrograms = function() {
return !_.isEmpty($scope.endedPrograms)
}, $scope.enrollPatient = function() {
if (!isProgramSelected()) return messagingService.showMessage("error", "PROGRAM_MANAGEMENT_SELECT_PROGRAM_MESSAGE_KEY"), $q.when({});
if (isThePatientAlreadyEnrolled()) return messagingService.showMessage("error", "PROGRAM_MANAGEMENT_ALREADY_ENROLLED_PROGRAM_MESSAGE_KEY"), $q.when({});
var stateUuid = $scope.workflowStateSelected && $scope.workflowStateSelected.uuid ? $scope.workflowStateSelected.uuid : null;
return spinner.forPromise(programService.enrollPatientToAProgram($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.programSelected.uuid, $scope.programEnrollmentDate, stateUuid, $scope.patientProgramAttributes, $scope.programAttributeTypes).then(successCallback, failureCallback))
var isProgramStateChanged = function(patientProgram, activePatientProgramState) {
return !(!_.isEmpty(activePatientProgramState) || void 0 == patientProgram.selectedState) || patientProgram.selectedState && patientProgram.selectedState.uuid != activePatientProgramState.state.uuid
isOutcomeSelected = function(patientProgram) {
return !_.isEmpty(objectDeepFind(patientProgram, "outcomeData.uuid"))
getActivePatientProgramState = function(states) {
return _.find(states, function(state) {
return null == state.endDate && !state.voided
$scope.updatePatientProgram = function(patientProgram) {
$scope.patientProgram = patientProgram;
var activePatientProgramState = getActivePatientProgramState(patientProgram.states),
activeStateDate = activePatientProgramState ? DateUtil.parse(activePatientProgramState.startDate) : null,
dateCompleted = null;
if (isProgramStateChanged(patientProgram, activePatientProgramState)) {
var startDate = getCurrentDate();
if (activePatientProgramState && DateUtil.isBeforeDate(startDate, activeStateDate)) return void messagingService.showMessage("error", "PROGRAM_MANAGEMENT_STATE_CANT_START_BEFORE_KEY (" + DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(activeStateDate) + ")");
state: {
uuid: patientProgram.selectedState.uuid
startDate: startDate
return isOutcomeSelected(patientProgram) && (dateCompleted = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(getCurrentDate()), activePatientProgramState && DateUtil.isBeforeDate(dateCompleted, activeStateDate)) ? void messagingService.showMessage("error", "PROGRAM_MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM_CANT_END_BEFORE_KEY (" + DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(activeStateDate) + ")") : void spinner.forPromise(programService.updatePatientProgram(patientProgram, $scope.programAttributeTypes, dateCompleted).then(successCallback, failureCallback))
var voidPatientProgram = function(patientProgram, closeConfirmBox) {
patientProgram.voided = !0;
var promise = programService.updatePatientProgram(patientProgram, $scope.programAttributeTypes).then(successCallback, failureCallback).then(closeConfirmBox);
unVoidPatientProgram = function(patientProgram, closeConfirmBox) {
delete patientProgram.voidReason, delete patientProgram.voided, patientProgram.deleting = !1, closeConfirmBox()
$scope.confirmDeletion = function(patientProgram) {
var scope = {};
scope.message = "Are you sure, you want to delete " + patientProgram.display + "?", scope.cancel = _.partial(unVoidPatientProgram, patientProgram, _), scope["delete"] = _.partial(voidPatientProgram, patientProgram, _), confirmBox({
scope: scope,
actions: [{
name: "cancel",
display: "cancel"
}, {
name: "delete",
display: "delete"
className: "ngdialog-theme-default delete-program-popup"
}, $scope.toggleDelete = function(program) {
program.deleting = !program.deleting
}, $scope.toggleEdit = function(program) {
$scope.tempProgram = angular.copy(program), program.editing = !program.editing
}, $scope.cancelChange = function(program) {
populateDefaultSelectedState(program), program.patientProgramAttributes = $scope.tempProgram.patientProgramAttributes, program.editing = !program.editing
}, $scope.setWorkflowStates = function(program) {
$scope.patientProgramAttributes = {}, $scope.programWorkflowStates = $scope.getStates(program)
}, $scope.getStates = function(program) {
var states = [];
return program && program.allWorkflows && program.allWorkflows.length && program.allWorkflows[0].states.length && (states = program.allWorkflows[0].states), states
}, $scope.canRemovePatientState = function(state) {
return null == state.endDate
}, $scope.removePatientState = function(patientProgram) {
var currProgramState = getActivePatientProgramState(patientProgram.states),
currProgramStateUuid = objectDeepFind(currProgramState, "uuid");
spinner.forPromise(programService.deletePatientState(patientProgram.uuid, currProgramStateUuid).then(successCallback, failureCallback))
}, $scope.hasStates = function(program) {
return program && !_.isEmpty(program.allWorkflows) && !_.isEmpty($scope.programWorkflowStates)
}, $scope.hasProgramWorkflowStates = function(patientProgram) {
return !_.isEmpty($scope.getStates(patientProgram.program))
}, $scope.hasOutcomes = function(program) {
return program.outcomesConcept && !_.isEmpty(program.outcomesConcept.setMembers)
}, $scope.getCurrentStateDisplayName = function(program) {
var currentState = getActivePatientProgramState(program.states);
return _.get(currentState, "state.concept.display")
}, $scope.getMaxAllowedDate = function(states) {
var minStartDate = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(new Date);
if (states && angular.isArray(states))
for (var stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < states.length; stateIndex++) states[stateIndex].startDate < minStartDate && (minStartDate = states[stateIndex].startDate);
return minStartDate
}, $scope.isIncluded = function(attribute) {
return !($scope.programSelected && _.includes(attribute.excludeFrom, $scope.programSelected.name))
}, init()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment").service("programHelper", ["appService", function(appService) {
function shouldDisplayAllAttributes(programDisplayControlConfig) {
return programDisplayControlConfig && void 0 == programDisplayControlConfig.programAttributes || void 0 == programDisplayControlConfig
var self = this,
programConfiguration = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("program") && appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("program").value,
isAttributeRequired = function(attribute) {
var attributeName = attribute.attributeType.display;
return programConfiguration && programConfiguration[attributeName] && programConfiguration[attributeName].required
this.filterRetiredPrograms = function(programs) {
return _.filter(programs, function(program) {
return !program.retired
}, this.filterRetiredWorkflowsAndStates = function(workflows) {
var allWorkflows = _.filter(workflows, function(workflow) {
return !workflow.retired
return _.forEach(allWorkflows, function(workflow) {
workflow.states = _.filter(workflow.states, function(state) {
return !state.retired
}), allWorkflows
}, this.filterRetiredOutcomes = function(outcomes) {
return _.filter(outcomes, function(outcome) {
return !outcome.retired
var mapAttributes = function(attribute) {
attribute.name = attribute.attributeType.description ? attribute.attributeType.description : attribute.name, attribute.value = attribute.value, attribute.required = isAttributeRequired(attribute)
mapPrograms = function(program) {
program.dateEnrolled = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseServerDateToDate(program.dateEnrolled), program.dateCompleted = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseServerDateToDate(program.dateCompleted), program.program.allWorkflows = self.filterRetiredWorkflowsAndStates(program.program.allWorkflows), _.forEach(program.attributes, function(attribute) {
this.filterProgramAttributes = function(patientPrograms, programAttributeTypes) {
var programDisplayControlConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("programDisplayControl"),
config = programDisplayControlConfig ? programDisplayControlConfig.programAttributes : [],
configAttrList = [];
return configAttrList = shouldDisplayAllAttributes(programDisplayControlConfig) ? programAttributeTypes : programAttributeTypes.filter(function(each) {
return config && config.indexOf(each.name) !== -1
}), _.isEmpty(configAttrList) ? patientPrograms.map(function(patientProgram) {
return patientProgram.attributes = [], patientProgram
}) : (patientPrograms.forEach(function(program) {
var attrsToBeDisplayed = [];
configAttrList.forEach(function(configAttr) {
var attr = _.find(program.attributes, function(progAttr) {
return progAttr.attributeType.display === configAttr.name
attr = attr ? attr : {
value: ""
}, attr.attributeType = configAttr, attr.attributeType.display = configAttr.name, attrsToBeDisplayed.push(attr)
}), program.attributes = attrsToBeDisplayed
}), patientPrograms)
}, this.groupPrograms = function(patientPrograms) {
var activePrograms = [],
endedPrograms = [],
groupedPrograms = {};
if (patientPrograms) {
var filteredPrograms = this.filterRetiredPrograms(patientPrograms);
_.forEach(filteredPrograms, function(program) {
mapPrograms(program), program.dateCompleted ? endedPrograms.push(program) : activePrograms.push(program)
}), groupedPrograms.activePrograms = _.sortBy(activePrograms, function(program) {
return moment(program.dateEnrolled).toDate()
}).reverse(), groupedPrograms.endedPrograms = _.sortBy(endedPrograms, function(program) {
return moment(program.dateCompleted).toDate()
return groupedPrograms
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment").directive("managePrograms", function() {
return {
templateUrl: "../common/uicontrols/programmanagement/views/programEnrollment.html",
controller: "ManageProgramController",
scope: {
patient: "="
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment").controller("ProgramAttributesController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
var program = $scope.patientProgram.program;
$scope.getProgramAttributesMap = function() {
var programAttributesMap = {},
programAttributes = $scope.patientProgram.attributes;
return _.forEach($scope.programAttributeTypes, function(programAttributeType) {
var programAttribute = getProgramAttributeByType(programAttributes, programAttributeType);
void 0 == programAttribute || programAttribute.voided || (programAttributesMap[programAttributeType.name] = programAttribute.value, isCodedConceptFormat(programAttributeType.format) ? programAttributesMap[programAttributeType.name] = programAttribute.value && programAttribute.value.uuid : isDateFormat(programAttributeType.format) && (programAttributesMap[programAttributeType.name] = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseServerDateToDate(programAttributesMap[programAttributeType.name])))
}), programAttributesMap
}, $scope.getValueForAttributeType = function(attributeType) {
var programAttributesMap = $scope.patientProgram.patientProgramAttributes;
if (isDateFormat(attributeType.format)) return programAttributesMap[attributeType.name] ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(programAttributesMap[attributeType.name]) : "";
if (isCodedConceptFormat(attributeType.format)) {
var mrsAnswer = _.find(attributeType.answers, function(answer) {
return answer.conceptId == programAttributesMap[attributeType.name]
return mrsAnswer ? mrsAnswer.description : ""
return programAttributesMap[attributeType.name]
}, $scope.isIncluded = function(attribute) {
return !(program && _.includes(attribute.excludeFrom, program.name))
var getProgramAttributeByType = function(programAttributes, attributeType) {
return _.find(programAttributes, function(programAttribute) {
return programAttribute.attributeType.uuid == attributeType.uuid
isDateFormat = function(format) {
return "org.openmrs.util.AttributableDate" == format || "org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.DateDatatype" == format
isCodedConceptFormat = function(format) {
return "org.bahmni.module.bahmnicore.customdatatype.datatype.CodedConceptDatatype" == format
$scope.patientProgram.patientProgramAttributes = $scope.getProgramAttributesMap()
}]).directive("programAttributes", function() {
return {
controller: "ProgramAttributesController",
templateUrl: "../common/uicontrols/programmanagement/views/programAttributes.html",
scope: {
patientProgram: "=",
programAttributeTypes: "="
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment").directive("timeline", ["$timeout", function($timeout) {
var link = function($scope, $element) {
$timeout(function() {
var dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
data = getDataModel($scope.program),
svg = d3.select($element[0]).select(".timeline-view").append("svg"),
elementDimension = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
sortedDates = _.map(data.states, "date"),
xMin = 0,
xMax = elementDimension.width - 15,
endDate = $scope.program.dateCompleted ? dateUtil.parse($scope.program.dateCompleted) : new Date,
dateFormatter = d3.time.format("%_d %b%y"),
timeScale = d3.time.scale().domain([sortedDates[0], endDate]).range([xMin, xMax]),
states = svg.selectAll(".states").data(data.states),
stateGroup = states.enter().append("g").classed("states", !0),
tooltipEl = d3.select($element[0]).select(".tool-tip"),
showTooltip = function(d) {
var eventEl = this;
tooltipEl.html(function() {
return dateFormatter(d.date) + " | " + d.state
}).style("left", function() {
var tooltipWidth = $(this).width(),
eventX = eventEl.getBBox().x,
posX = eventX + tooltipWidth > elementDimension.width ? elementDimension.width - tooltipWidth : eventX;
return posX + "px"
}).style("visibility", "visible")
stateGroup.append("rect").classed("label-bg", !0), stateGroup.append("text").classed("label", !0), stateGroup.append("rect").classed("date-bg", !0), stateGroup.append("line").classed("date-line", !0), stateGroup.append("text").classed("date", !0);
var stateBar = {
y: 5,
height: 23,
textPaddingX: 6
dateBar = {
y: 30,
height: 30,
xPadding: -4,
textPaddingY: 53
dateTick = {
y: 0,
height: 40
states.select(".label-bg").attr("x", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date)
}).attr("y", stateBar.y).attr("height", stateBar.height).attr("width", function(d) {
return xMax - timeScale(d.date)
}), states.select(".label").attr("x", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date) + stateBar.textPaddingX
}).attr("y", stateBar.y + .7 * stateBar.height).text(function(d) {
return d.state
}), states.select(".date-bg").attr("x", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date) + dateBar.xPadding
}).attr("y", dateBar.y).attr("height", dateBar.height).attr("width", xMax), states.select(".date-line").attr("x1", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date)
}).attr("y1", dateTick.y).attr("x2", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date)
}).attr("y2", dateTick.y + dateTick.height), states.select(".date").attr("x", function(d) {
return timeScale(d.date)
}).attr("y", dateBar.textPaddingY).text(function(d) {
return dateFormatter(d.date)
}), states.select(".label-bg").on("mouseenter", showTooltip), states.select(".label-bg").on("click", showTooltip), states.select(".label-bg").on("mouseout", function() {
tooltipEl.style("visibility", "hidden")
}), data.completed || _.isEmpty(data.states) || svg.append("polygon").attr("points", xMax + "," + stateBar.y + " " + (xMax + 12) + "," + (stateBar.y + stateBar.height / 2) + " " + (xMax - 1) + "," + (stateBar.y + stateBar.height))
}, 0)
getActiveProgramStates = function(patientProgram) {
return _.reject(patientProgram.states, function(st) {
return st.voided
getDataModel = function(program) {
var states = _.sortBy(_.map(getActiveProgramStates(program), function(stateObject) {
return {
state: stateObject.state.concept.display,
date: moment(stateObject.startDate).toDate()
}), "date"),
completed = isProgramCompleted(program);
return {
states: states,
completed: completed
isProgramCompleted = function(program) {
return !_.isEmpty(program.dateCompleted)
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "../common/uicontrols/programmanagement/views/timeline.html",
link: link,
scope: {
program: "="
}]), Bahmni.Common.Domain.PatientProgramMapper = function() {
this.map = function(patientProgram, programAttributeTypes, dateCompleted) {
var attributeFormatter = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.AttributeFormatter;
return {
dateEnrolled: moment(Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(patientProgram.dateEnrolled)).format(Bahmni.Common.Constants.ServerDateTimeFormat),
states: patientProgram.states,
uuid: patientProgram.uuid,
dateCompleted: dateCompleted ? moment(dateCompleted).format(Bahmni.Common.Constants.ServerDateTimeFormat) : null,
outcome: patientProgram.outcomeData ? patientProgram.outcomeData.uuid : null,
attributes: attributeFormatter.getMrsAttributesForUpdate(patientProgram.patientProgramAttributes, programAttributeTypes, patientProgram.attributes),
voided: !!patientProgram.voided,
voidReason: patientProgram.voidReason
function() {
var constructSearchResult = function(concept) {
var conceptName = concept.shortName || concept.name.name || concept.name;
return {
label: conceptName,
value: conceptName,
concept: concept,
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: conceptName
find = function(allAnswers, savedAnswer) {
return _.find(allAnswers, function(answer) {
return savedAnswer && savedAnswer.uuid === answer.concept.uuid
toBeInjected = ["conceptService"],
conceptDropdown = function(conceptService) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.onChange = $scope.onChange();
var response = function(answers) {
$scope.answers = answers, $scope.selectedAnswer = find(answers, $scope.selectedAnswer)
return !$scope.answersConceptName && $scope.defaultConcept ? void conceptService.getAnswers($scope.defaultConcept).then(function(results) {
return _.map(results, constructSearchResult)
}).then(response) : void conceptService.getAnswersForConceptName({
answersConceptName: $scope.answersConceptName
}).then(function(results) {
return _.map(results, constructSearchResult)
return {
controller: controller,
restrict: "E",
scope: {
selectedAnswer: "=model",
answersConceptName: "=?",
defaultConcept: "=",
onChange: "&",
onInvalidClass: "@",
isValid: "=",
ngDisabled: "="
templateUrl: "../common/uicontrols/concept-dropdown/views/conceptDropdown.html"
conceptDropdown.$inject = toBeInjected, angular.module("bahmni.common.uicontrols").directive("conceptDropdown", conceptDropdown)
}(), angular.module("bahmni.common.domain").factory("programService", ["$http", "programHelper", "appService", function($http, programHelper, appService) {
var PatientProgramMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.PatientProgramMapper,
getAllPrograms = function() {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.programUrl, {
params: {
v: "default"
}).then(function(response) {
var allPrograms = programHelper.filterRetiredPrograms(response.data.results);
return _.forEach(allPrograms, function(program) {
program.allWorkflows = programHelper.filterRetiredWorkflowsAndStates(program.allWorkflows), program.outcomesConcept && (program.outcomesConcept.setMembers = programHelper.filterRetiredOutcomes(program.outcomesConcept.setMembers))
}), allPrograms
enrollPatientToAProgram = function(patientUuid, programUuid, dateEnrolled, stateUuid, patientProgramAttributes, programAttributeTypes) {
var attributeFormatter = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.AttributeFormatter,
req = {
url: Bahmni.Common.Constants.programEnrollPatientUrl,
content: {
patient: patientUuid,
program: programUuid,
dateEnrolled: moment(dateEnrolled).format(Bahmni.Common.Constants.ServerDateTimeFormat),
attributes: attributeFormatter.removeUnfilledAttributes(attributeFormatter.getMrsAttributes(patientProgramAttributes, programAttributeTypes || []))
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
return _.isEmpty(stateUuid) || (req.content.states = [{
state: stateUuid,
startDate: moment(dateEnrolled).format(Bahmni.Common.Constants.ServerDateTimeFormat)
}]), $http.post(req.url, req.content, req.headers)
getPatientPrograms = function(patientUuid, filterAttributesForProgramDisplayControl, patientProgramUuid) {
var params = {
v: "full",
patientProgramUuid: patientProgramUuid,
patient: patientUuid
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.programEnrollPatientUrl, {
params: params
}).then(function(response) {
var patientPrograms = response.data.results;
return getProgramAttributeTypes().then(function(programAttributeTypes) {
return filterAttributesForProgramDisplayControl && (patientPrograms = programHelper.filterProgramAttributes(response.data.results, programAttributeTypes)), programHelper.groupPrograms(patientPrograms)
savePatientProgram = function(patientProgramUuid, content) {
var req = {
url: Bahmni.Common.Constants.programEnrollPatientUrl + "/" + patientProgramUuid,
content: content,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
return $http.post(req.url, req.content, req.headers)
deletePatientState = function(patientProgramUuid, patientStateUuid) {
var req = {
url: Bahmni.Common.Constants.programStateDeletionUrl + "/" + patientProgramUuid + "/state/" + patientStateUuid,
content: {
"!purge": "",
reason: "User deleted the state."
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
return $http["delete"](req.url, req.content, req.headers)
getProgramAttributeTypes = function() {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.programAttributeTypes, {
params: {
v: "custom:(uuid,name,description,datatypeClassname,datatypeConfig,concept)"
}).then(function(response) {
var programAttributesConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program"),
mandatoryProgramAttributes = [];
for (var attributeName in programAttributesConfig) programAttributesConfig[attributeName].required && mandatoryProgramAttributes.push(attributeName);
return (new Bahmni.Common.Domain.AttributeTypeMapper).mapFromOpenmrsAttributeTypes(response.data.results, mandatoryProgramAttributes, programAttributesConfig).attributeTypes
updatePatientProgram = function(patientProgram, programAttributeTypes, dateCompleted) {
return savePatientProgram(patientProgram.uuid, PatientProgramMapper.map(patientProgram, programAttributeTypes, dateCompleted))
getProgramStateConfig = function() {
var config = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("programDisplayControl");
return !!config && config.showProgramStateInTimeline
getEnrollmentInfoFor = function(patientUuid, representation) {
var params = {
patient: patientUuid,
v: representation
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.programEnrollPatientUrl, {
params: params
}).then(function(response) {
return response.data.results
return {
getAllPrograms: getAllPrograms,
enrollPatientToAProgram: enrollPatientToAProgram,
getPatientPrograms: getPatientPrograms,
savePatientProgram: savePatientProgram,
updatePatientProgram: updatePatientProgram,
deletePatientState: deletePatientState,
getProgramAttributeTypes: getProgramAttributeTypes,
getProgramStateConfig: getProgramStateConfig,
getEnrollmentInfoFor: getEnrollmentInfoFor
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Clinical = Bahmni.Clinical || {}, Bahmni.Clinical.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Clinical.DisplayControl || {}, angular.module("bahmni.clinical", ["bahmni.common.config", "bahmni.common.domain", "bahmni.common.conceptSet", "bahmni.common.uiHelper", "bahmni.common.gallery", "bahmni.common.logging"]), Bahmni.Clinical.ResultGrouper = function() {}, Bahmni.Clinical.ResultGrouper.prototype.group = function(inputArray, groupKeyFunction, nameForGroupedValue, nameForKey) {
var result = [],
arrayInObjectForm = {};
return nameForKey = nameForKey || "key", nameForGroupedValue = nameForGroupedValue || "values", inputArray.forEach(function(obj) {
arrayInObjectForm[groupKeyFunction(obj)] ? arrayInObjectForm[groupKeyFunction(obj)].values.push(obj) : arrayInObjectForm[groupKeyFunction(obj)] = {
values: [obj]
}), angular.forEach(arrayInObjectForm, function(item, key) {
var group = {};
group[nameForKey] = key, group[nameForGroupedValue] = item.values, result.push(group)
}), result
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder = function() {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
DrugOrder = function(drugOrderData) {
angular.extend(this, drugOrderData)
return DrugOrder.create = function(drugOrderData) {
return new DrugOrder(drugOrderData)
}, DrugOrder.createFromUIObject = function(drugOrderData) {
var dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
getDosingInstructions = function(drugOrderData) {
var dosingInstructions = {};
return dosingInstructions.instructions = drugOrderData.instructions && drugOrderData.instructions, dosingInstructions.additionalInstructions = drugOrderData.additionalInstructions, drugOrderData.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable ? (dosingInstructions.morningDose = drugOrderData.variableDosingType.morningDose, dosingInstructions.afternoonDose = drugOrderData.variableDosingType.afternoonDose, dosingInstructions.eveningDose = drugOrderData.variableDosingType.eveningDose, drugOrderData["continue"] ? dosingInstructions["continue"] = !0 : dosingInstructions["continue"] = !1) : drugOrderData["continue"] ? dosingInstructions["continue"] = !0 : dosingInstructions["continue"] = !1, JSON.stringify(dosingInstructions)
frequency = drugOrderData.isUniformDosingType() && !drugOrderData.isCurrentDosingTypeEmpty() && drugOrderData.uniformDosingType.frequency,
route = drugOrderData.route,
drugOrder = new DrugOrder({
careSetting: "OUTPATIENT",
drug: drugOrderData.drug,
drugNonCoded: drugOrderData.drugNonCoded,
orderType: "Drug Order",
dosingInstructionType: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.flexibleDosingInstructionsClass,
dosingInstructions: {
dose: drugOrderData.uniformDosingType.dose,
doseUnits: drugOrderData.doseUnits,
route: route,
frequency: frequency,
asNeeded: drugOrderData.asNeeded,
administrationInstructions: getDosingInstructions(drugOrderData),
quantity: drugOrderData.quantity,
quantityUnits: drugOrderData.quantityUnit,
numberOfRefills: 0
duration: drugOrderData.duration,
durationUnits: drugOrderData.durationUnit,
scheduledDate: dateUtil.parse(drugOrderData.scheduledDate),
autoExpireDate: dateUtil.parse(drugOrderData.autoExpireDate),
previousOrderUuid: drugOrderData.previousOrderUuid,
action: drugOrderData.action,
orderReasonConcept: drugOrderData.orderReasonConcept,
orderReasonText: drugOrderData.orderReasonText,
dateStopped: dateUtil.parse(drugOrderData.dateStopped),
concept: drugOrderData.concept,
sortWeight: drugOrderData.sortWeight,
orderGroup: {
uuid: drugOrderData.orderGroupUuid,
orderSet: {
uuid: drugOrderData.orderSetUuid
return drugOrder.dosingInstructions.quantityUnits || (drugOrder.dosingInstructions.quantityUnits = "Unit(s)"), drugOrder
}, DrugOrder.prototype = {
isActiveOnDate: function(date) {
return date >= DateUtil.getDate(this.effectiveStartDate) && date <= DateUtil.getDate(this.effectiveStopDate)
getStatusOnDate: function(date) {
return DateUtil.isSameDate(this.dateStopped, date) ? "stopped" : this.isActiveOnDate(date) ? "active" : "inactive"
isActive: function() {
return this.isActiveOnDate(DateUtil.today())
}, DrugOrder
var constructDrugNameDisplay = function(drug) {
if (!_.isEmpty(drug)) return drug.name + " (" + drug.form + ")"
Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel = function(config, proto, encounterDate) {
angular.copy(proto, this);
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
self = this;
config = config || {};
var inputOptionsConfig = config.inputOptionsConfig || {},
drugFormDefaults = inputOptionsConfig.drugFormDefaults || {},
durationUnits = config.durationUnits || [],
now = DateUtil.now(),
today = function() {
return DateUtil.parse(self.encounterDate)
Object.defineProperty(this, "effectiveStartDate", {
get: function() {
return self._effectiveStartDate
set: function(value) {
self._effectiveStartDate = value, DateUtil.parse(value) > today() ? self.scheduledDate = self._effectiveStartDate : self.scheduledDate = null
enumerable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(this, "doseUnits", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return this.isUniformDosingType() ? this.uniformDosingType.doseUnits : this.isVariableDosingType() ? this.variableDosingType.doseUnits : null
set: function(value) {
this.isUniformDosingType() ? this.uniformDosingType.doseUnits = value : this.isVariableDosingType() && (this.variableDosingType.doseUnits = value)
var getDosingType = function() {
return self.isUniformDosingType() ? self.uniformDosingType : self.variableDosingType
destructureReal = function(number) {
var mantissa = parseFloat((number - Math.floor(number)).toFixed(2)),
abscissa = Math.ceil(number - mantissa),
result = _.result(_.find(config.getDoseFractions(), function(item) {
return item.value === mantissa
}), "label"),
response = {
dose: number,
fraction: null
return result && (response.dose = abscissa, response.fraction = {
label: result,
value: mantissa
}), response
if (this.encounterDate = encounterDate ? encounterDate : now, this.asNeeded = this.asNeeded || !1, this.route = this.route || void 0, this.durationUnit = this.durationUnit || inputOptionsConfig.defaultDurationUnit, this.simpleDrugForm = this.simpleDrugForm || inputOptionsConfig.simpleDrugForm || !1, this.instructions = this.instructions || inputOptionsConfig.defaultInstructions, this.autoExpireDate = this.autoExpireDate || void 0, this.frequencyType = this.frequencyType || Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform, this.uniformDosingType = this.uniformDosingType || {}, this.uniformDosingType.dose && config.getDoseFractions && !_.isEmpty(config.getDoseFractions())) {
var destructredNumber = destructureReal(this.uniformDosingType.dose);
this.uniformDosingType.dose = 0 === destructredNumber.dose ? "" : destructredNumber.dose, destructredNumber.fraction && (this.uniformDosingType.doseFraction = destructredNumber.fraction)
this.variableDosingType = this.variableDosingType || {}, this.durationInDays = this.durationInDays || 0, this.isDiscontinuedAllowed = this.isDiscontinuedAllowed || !0, this.isEditAllowed = this.isEditAllowed || !0, this.quantityEnteredViaEdit = this.quantityEnteredViaEdit || !1, this.quantityEnteredManually = this.quantityEnteredManually || !1, this.quantityUnitEnteredManually = this.quantityUnitEnteredManually || !1, this.isBeingEdited = this.isBeingEdited || !1, this.orderAttributes = [], this.isNonCodedDrug = this.isNonCodedDrug || !1, this.isDurationRequired = !inputOptionsConfig.duration || 0 != inputOptionsConfig.duration.required, inputOptionsConfig.defaultStartDate !== !1 || this.effectiveStartDate ? this.effectiveStartDate = this.effectiveStartDate || this.encounterDate : this.effectiveStartDate = null, this.isUniformFrequency = !1, this.variableDosingType.morningDose = this.variableDosingType.morningDose || 0, this.variableDosingType.afternoonDose = this.variableDosingType.afternoonDose || 0, this.variableDosingType.eveningDose = this.variableDosingType.eveningDose || 0, this.showExtraInfo = !1, this.overlappingScheduledWith = function(otherDrugOrder) {
var dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
return !otherDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate && !this.effectiveStopDate || (otherDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate ? this.effectiveStopDate ? dateUtil.diffInSeconds(this.effectiveStartDate, otherDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate) <= 0 && dateUtil.diffInSeconds(this.effectiveStopDate, otherDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) > -1 : dateUtil.diffInSeconds(this.effectiveStartDate, otherDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) > -1 && dateUtil.diffInSeconds(this.effectiveStartDate, otherDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate) < 1 : dateUtil.diffInSeconds(this.effectiveStopDate, otherDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) > -1)
var morphToMixedFraction = function(number) {
var mantissa = parseFloat((number - Math.floor(number)).toFixed(2)),
abscissa = Math.ceil(number - mantissa);
if (!config.getDoseFractions || _.isEmpty(config.getDoseFractions()) || 0 === mantissa) return number;
var result = _.result(_.find(config.getDoseFractions(), function(item) {
return item.value === mantissa
}), "label");
return result ? abscissa ? "" + abscissa + result : "" + result : number
simpleDoseAndFrequency = function() {
var doseAndUnits, uniformDosingType = self.uniformDosingType,
mantissa = self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction ? self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction.value : 0,
dose = uniformDosingType.dose ? uniformDosingType.dose : 0;
return (uniformDosingType.dose || mantissa) && (doseAndUnits = blankIfFalsy(morphToMixedFraction(parseFloat(dose) + mantissa)) + " " + blankIfFalsy(self.doseUnits)), addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(doseAndUnits), ", ") + addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(uniformDosingType.frequency), ", ")
numberBasedDoseAndFrequency = function() {
var variableDosingType = self.variableDosingType,
variableDosingString = addDelimiter(morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.morningDose || 0) + "-" + morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.afternoonDose || 0) + "-" + morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.eveningDose || 0), " ");
if (!self.isVariableDoseEmpty(variableDosingType)) return addDelimiter((variableDosingString + blankIfFalsy(self.doseUnits)).trim(), ", ")
this.isVariableDoseEmpty = function(variableDosingType) {
return !variableDosingType.morningDose && !variableDosingType.afternoonDose && !variableDosingType.eveningDose
var asNeeded = function(asNeeded) {
return asNeeded && config.translate ? config.translate(null, "MEDICATION_AS_NEEDED") : asNeeded ? "sos" : ""
blankIfFalsy = function(value) {
return value ? value.toString().trim() : ""
getDoseAndFrequency = function() {
return self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform ? simpleDoseAndFrequency() : numberBasedDoseAndFrequency()
addDelimiter = function(item, delimiter) {
return item && item.length > 0 ? item + delimiter : item
getInstructions = function() {
if (self.instructions !== Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.asDirectedInstruction) return self.instructions
getOtherDescription = function(withRoute, withDuration) {
var otherDescription = addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(getInstructions()), ", ") + addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(asNeeded(self.asNeeded)), ", ");
return withRoute ? otherDescription += addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(self.route), " - ") : (otherDescription = otherDescription.substring(0, otherDescription.length - 2), otherDescription = addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(otherDescription), " - ")), withDuration && self.duration && 0 != self.duration && (otherDescription = otherDescription + addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(self.duration), " ") + addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(self.durationUnit), ", ")), otherDescription = otherDescription.substring(0, otherDescription.length - 2)
this.getDoseInformation = function() {
return getDoseAndFrequency()
}, this.getDisplayName = function() {
return this.drugNameDisplay ? this.drugNameDisplay : constructDrugNameDisplay(this.drug)
}, this.getDrugOrderName = function(showDrugForm) {
return showDrugForm ? this.getDisplayName() : self.drugNonCoded ? self.drugNonCoded : self.drug.name
}, this.getDescription = function() {
return addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(getDoseAndFrequency()), " ") + getOtherDescription(!0, !0)
}, this.getDescriptionWithoutRoute = function() {
return addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(getDoseAndFrequency()), " ") + getOtherDescription(!1, !0)
}, this.getDescriptionWithoutRouteAndDuration = function() {
var otherDescription = getOtherDescription(!1, !1),
description = addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(getDoseAndFrequency()), " ");
return otherDescription ? description + otherDescription : description.substring(0, description.length - 2)
}, this.getDescriptionWithoutDuration = function() {
var otherDescription = getOtherDescription(!0, !1),
description = addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(getDoseAndFrequency()), " ");
return otherDescription ? description + otherDescription : description.substring(0, description.length - 2)
}, this.getDescriptionWithQuantity = function() {
var description = self.getDescription(),
qtywithUnit = self.getQuantityWithUnit();
return _.isEmpty(qtywithUnit) ? description : addDelimiter(description, "(") + addDelimiter(qtywithUnit, ")")
}, this.getQuantityWithUnit = function() {
return this.simpleDrugForm === !0 || 0 === self.quantity ? "" : addDelimiter(blankIfFalsy(self.quantity), " ") + blankIfFalsy(quantityUnitsFrom(self.quantityUnit))
var getFrequencyPerDay = function() {
var frequency = self.isUniformDosingType() && _.find(config.frequencies, function(frequency) {
return self.uniformDosingType.frequency && frequency.name === self.uniformDosingType.frequency
return frequency && frequency.frequencyPerDay
findAnElement = function(array, element) {
var found = _.find(array, function(arrayElement) {
return arrayElement.name === element
return found ? element : void 0
getDoseUnits = function(doseUnit) {
return findAnElement(config.doseUnits, doseUnit)
getRoute = function(route) {
return findAnElement(config.routes, route)
this.changeDrug = function(drug) {
if (this.drug = drug, drug) {
var defaults = drugFormDefaults[this.drug.form];
defaults && (this.doseUnits = getDoseUnits(defaults.doseUnits), this.route = getRoute(defaults.route))
}, this.calculateDurationUnit = function() {
if (self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform && null != self.uniformDosingType.frequency) {
var defaultDurationUnitMap = inputOptionsConfig.frequencyDefaultDurationUnitsMap || [];
defaultDurationUnitMap.forEach(function(range) {
var minFrequency = eval(range.minFrequency),
maxFrequency = eval(range.maxFrequency);
(!minFrequency || minFrequency < getFrequencyPerDay()) && (!maxFrequency || getFrequencyPerDay() <= maxFrequency) && (self.durationUnit = range.defaultDurationUnit)
}, this.setFrequencyType = function(type) {
self.frequencyType = type, self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable ? (self.uniformDosingType.doseUnits && (self.variableDosingType.doseUnits = self.uniformDosingType.doseUnits), self.uniformDosingType = {}) : (self.variableDosingType.doseUnits && (self.uniformDosingType.doseUnits = self.variableDosingType.doseUnits), self.variableDosingType = {})
}, this.toggleFrequency = function() {
this.isUniformFrequency ? (self.frequencyType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable, self.setFrequencyType(self.frequencyType), this.isUniformFrequency = !1) : (self.frequencyType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform, self.setFrequencyType(self.frequencyType), this.isUniformFrequency = !0)
}, this.toggleExtraInfo = function() {
this.showExtraInfo = !this.showExtraInfo
}, this.isCurrentDosingTypeEmpty = function() {
var dosingType = getDosingType();
return _.every(dosingType, function(element) {
return !element
}, this.isVariableDosingType = function() {
return self.isFrequencyType(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable)
}, this.isUniformDosingType = function() {
return self.isFrequencyType(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform)
}, this.isFrequencyType = function(type) {
return self.frequencyType === type
}, this.setQuantityEnteredManually = function() {
self.quantityEnteredManually = !0
}, this.setQuantityUnitEnteredManually = function() {
self.quantityUnitEnteredManually = !0
}, this.calculateDurationInDays = function() {
var durationUnitFromConfig = _.find(durationUnits, function(unit) {
return unit.name === self.durationUnit
self.durationInDays = self.duration ? self.duration * (durationUnitFromConfig && durationUnitFromConfig.factor || 1) : Number.NaN
var quantityUnitsFrom = function(doseUnit) {
return doseUnit
modifyForReverseSyncIfRequired = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.reverseSynced && (drugOrder.uniformDosingType = {}, drugOrder.quantity = void 0, drugOrder.quantityUnit = void 0, drugOrder.doseUnits = void 0, drugOrder.changeDrug(drugOrder.drug))
this.calculateQuantityAndUnit = function() {
if (self.calculateDurationInDays(), self.variableDosingType.morningDose > 0 || self.variableDosingType.afternoonDose > 0 || self.variableDosingType.eveningDose > 0 ? self.frequencyType = "variable" : self.frequencyType = "uniform", !self.quantityEnteredManually && !self.quantityEnteredViaEdit) {
if (self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform) {
var mantissa = self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction ? self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction.value : 0,
dose = self.uniformDosingType.dose ? self.uniformDosingType.dose : 0;
self.quantity = (dose + mantissa) * (self.uniformDosingType.frequency ? getFrequencyPerDay() : 0) * self.durationInDays
} else if (self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable) {
var dose = self.variableDosingType;
self.quantity = (dose.morningDose + dose.afternoonDose + dose.eveningDose) * self.durationInDays
self.quantity % 1 !== 0 && (self.quantity = self.quantity - self.quantity % 1 + 1)
self.quantityEnteredViaEdit && self.quantityUnit || self.quantityUnitEnteredManually ? self.quantityUnit = quantityUnitsFrom(self.quantityUnit) : self.quantityUnit = quantityUnitsFrom(self.doseUnits), self.quantityEnteredViaEdit = !1, self.quantityUnitEnteredViaEdit = !1
}, this.isStopped = function() {
return !!self.dateStopped
}, this.isScheduled = function() {
return !self.isDiscontinuedOrStopped() && self.scheduledDate && self.scheduledDate > today()
}, this.isActive = function() {
return !self.isDiscontinuedOrStopped() && (!self.effectiveStopDate || self.effectiveStopDate >= today())
}, this.discontinued = function() {
return self.action === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue
}, this.isDiscontinuedOrStopped = function() {
return (self.isStopped() || self.discontinued()) && void 0 === self.isMarkedForDiscontinue
var defaultQuantityUnit = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.quantityUnit || (drugOrder.quantityUnit = "Unit(s)")
this.getSpanDetails = function() {
var valueString = "- ";
return _.forEach(this.span, function(value, key) {
value && (valueString += value + " " + key + " + ")
}), valueString.substring(0, valueString.length - 3)
}, this.getDurationAndDurationUnits = function() {
return self.duration ? self.duration + " " + self.durationUnit : ""
}, this.refill = function(existingOrderStopDate) {
var newDrugOrder = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel(config, this);
newDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid = void 0, newDrugOrder.action = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions["new"], newDrugOrder.uuid = void 0, newDrugOrder.dateActivated = void 0;
var oldEffectiveStopDate = existingOrderStopDate ? new Date(existingOrderStopDate) : new Date(self.effectiveStopDate);
return newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate = oldEffectiveStopDate >= today() ? DateUtil.addSeconds(oldEffectiveStopDate, 1) : today(), newDrugOrder.calculateDurationInDays(), newDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate = DateUtil.addDays(DateUtil.parse(newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate), newDrugOrder.durationInDays), modifyForReverseSyncIfRequired(newDrugOrder), defaultQuantityUnit(newDrugOrder), newDrugOrder.orderReasonText = null, newDrugOrder.orderReasonConcept = null, newDrugOrder.orderSetUuid = self.orderSetUuid, newDrugOrder.orderGroupUuid = void 0, newDrugOrder.isNewOrderSet = !1, newDrugOrder
}, this.revise = function() {
var newDrugOrder = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel(config, this);
return newDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid = self.uuid, self.calculateDurationInDays(), newDrugOrder.previousOrderDurationInDays = self.durationInDays, newDrugOrder.action = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.revise, newDrugOrder.uuid = void 0, newDrugOrder.dateActivated = void 0, newDrugOrder.drugNameDisplay = constructDrugNameDisplay(self.drug) || self.drugNonCoded || self.concept.name, newDrugOrder.quantityEnteredViaEdit = !0, newDrugOrder.isBeingEdited = !0, newDrugOrder.orderSetUuid = self.orderSetUuid, newDrugOrder.orderGroupUuid = self.orderGroupUuid, newDrugOrder.isNewOrderSet = !1, newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate <= today() && (newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate = today()), modifyForReverseSyncIfRequired(newDrugOrder), defaultQuantityUnit(newDrugOrder), newDrugOrder
}, this.cloneForEdit = function(index, config) {
var editableDrugOrder = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel(config, this);
return editableDrugOrder.currentIndex = index, editableDrugOrder.isBeingEdited = !0, editableDrugOrder.quantityEnteredViaEdit = !0, editableDrugOrder.orderSetUuid = self.orderSetUuid, editableDrugOrder.orderGroupUuid = self.orderGroupUuid, defaultQuantityUnit(editableDrugOrder), editableDrugOrder.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable && (editableDrugOrder.isUniformFrequency = !1), editableDrugOrder
}, this.isDoseMandatory = function() {
return inputOptionsConfig.routesToMakeDoseSectionNonMandatory = inputOptionsConfig.routesToMakeDoseSectionNonMandatory || [], !(inputOptionsConfig.routesToMakeDoseSectionNonMandatory.indexOf(this.route) !== -1 || _.isEmpty(self.uniformDosingType.doseUnits) && _.isEmpty(self.variableDosingType.doseUnits))
}, this.isMantissaRequired = function() {
return this.isDoseMandatory() && this.isUniformFrequency && !this.uniformDosingType.dose;
}, this.isUniformDoseUnitRequired = function() {
return this.uniformDosingType.dose || this.uniformDosingType.doseFraction || this.isUniformFrequency && this.isDoseMandatory()
}, this.isUniformDoseRequired = function() {
return this.isUniformFrequency && this.isDoseMandatory() && !this.uniformDosingType.doseFraction
}, this.isVariableDoseRequired = function() {
if (!this.isUniformFrequency) return !!this.isDoseMandatory() || (self.variableDosingType.morningDose || self.variableDosingType.afternoonDose || self.variableDosingType.eveningDose)
}, this.loadOrderAttributes = function(drugOrderResponse) {
if (config && config.orderAttributes) {
var findOrderAttribute = function(drugOrder, orderAttribute) {
return _.find(drugOrder.orderAttributes, function(drugOrderAttribute) {
return orderAttribute.name === drugOrderAttribute.name
config.orderAttributes.forEach(function(orderAttributeInConfig) {
var orderAttributeInDrugOrder = findOrderAttribute(drugOrderResponse, orderAttributeInConfig),
existingOrderAttribute = findOrderAttribute(self, orderAttributeInConfig),
orderAttribute = existingOrderAttribute || {};
orderAttribute.name = orderAttributeInConfig.name, orderAttribute.shortName = orderAttributeInConfig.shortName, orderAttribute.conceptUuid = orderAttributeInConfig.uuid, orderAttribute.value = orderAttributeInDrugOrder && "true" === orderAttributeInDrugOrder.value, orderAttribute.obsUuid = orderAttributeInDrugOrder ? orderAttributeInDrugOrder.obsUuid : void 0, orderAttribute.encounterUuid = orderAttributeInDrugOrder ? orderAttributeInDrugOrder.encounterUuid : void 0, existingOrderAttribute || self.orderAttributes.push(orderAttribute)
}, this.getOrderAttributesAsObs = function() {
if (self.orderAttributes) {
var orderAttributesWithValues = self.orderAttributes.filter(function(orderAttribute) {
return orderAttribute.value || orderAttribute.obsUuid
return orderAttributesWithValues.map(function(orderAttribute) {
return {
uuid: orderAttribute.obsUuid,
value: !!orderAttribute.value,
orderUuid: self.uuid,
concept: {
uuid: orderAttribute.conceptUuid
}, this.loadOrderAttributes({});
var calculateUniformDose = function() {
var mantissa = self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction ? self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction.value : 0,
dose = self.uniformDosingType.dose ? self.uniformDosingType.dose : 0;
return self.uniformDosingType.doseFraction = void 0, dose || mantissa ? dose + mantissa : null
this.setUniformDoseFraction = function() {
"uniform" === self.frequencyType && (self.uniformDosingType.dose = calculateUniformDose())
}, this.getDoseAndUnits = function() {
var variableDosingType = self.variableDosingType,
variableDosingString = addDelimiter(morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.morningDose || 0) + "-" + morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.afternoonDose || 0) + "-" + morphToMixedFraction(variableDosingType.eveningDose || 0), " ");
if (self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform) {
var value = morphToMixedFraction(calculateUniformDose());
return value ? value + " " + blankIfFalsy(self.doseUnits) : ""
return (variableDosingString + blankIfFalsy(self.doseUnits)).trim()
}, this.getFrequency = function() {
return self.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform ? blankIfFalsy(self.uniformDosingType.frequency) : ""
}, this.calculateEffectiveStopDate = function() {
this.durationInDays && (this.effectiveStopDate = DateUtil.addDays(DateUtil.parse(this.effectiveStartDate), this.durationInDays))
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract = function(drugOrderResponse, config) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions = drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions || {};
var administrationInstructions = JSON.parse(drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.administrationInstructions || "{}"),
viewModel = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel(config);
return viewModel.asNeeded = !!drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.asNeeded && drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.asNeeded, viewModel.route = drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.route, drugOrderResponse.effectiveStartDate && (viewModel.effectiveStartDate = DateUtil.parse(drugOrderResponse.effectiveStartDate)), viewModel.effectiveStopDate = drugOrderResponse.effectiveStopDate, viewModel.durationUnit = drugOrderResponse.durationUnits, viewModel.scheduledDate = drugOrderResponse.effectiveStartDate, viewModel.duration = drugOrderResponse.duration, drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.frequency || drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.dose ? (viewModel.frequencyType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform, viewModel.uniformDosingType = {
dose: drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.dose,
doseUnits: drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.doseUnits,
frequency: drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.frequency
}) : administrationInstructions.morningDose || administrationInstructions.afternoonDose || administrationInstructions.eveningDose ? (viewModel.frequencyType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable, viewModel.variableDosingType = {
morningDose: administrationInstructions.morningDose,
afternoonDose: administrationInstructions.afternoonDose,
eveningDose: administrationInstructions.eveningDose,
doseUnits: drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.doseUnits
}) : (viewModel.frequencyType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.uniform, viewModel.reverseSynced = !0, viewModel.uniformDosingType = {
dose: parseFloat(administrationInstructions.dose),
doseUnits: administrationInstructions.doseUnits
}), viewModel.instructions = administrationInstructions.instructions, viewModel.additionalInstructions = administrationInstructions.additionalInstructions, viewModel.quantity = drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.quantity, viewModel.quantityUnit = drugOrderResponse.dosingInstructions.quantityUnits, viewModel.drug = drugOrderResponse.drug, viewModel.provider = drugOrderResponse.provider, viewModel.creatorName = drugOrderResponse.creatorName, viewModel.action = drugOrderResponse.action, viewModel.concept = drugOrderResponse.concept, viewModel.dateStopped = drugOrderResponse.dateStopped, viewModel.uuid = drugOrderResponse.uuid, viewModel.previousOrderUuid = drugOrderResponse.previousOrderUuid, viewModel.dateActivated = drugOrderResponse.dateActivated, viewModel.encounterUuid = drugOrderResponse.encounterUuid, drugOrderResponse.orderReasonConcept && (viewModel.orderReasonConcept = drugOrderResponse.orderReasonConcept), viewModel.orderReasonText = drugOrderResponse.orderReasonText, viewModel.orderNumber = drugOrderResponse.orderNumber && parseInt(drugOrderResponse.orderNumber.replace("ORD-", "")), viewModel.drugNonCoded = drugOrderResponse.drugNonCoded, viewModel.isNonCodedDrug = !!drugOrderResponse.drugNonCoded, viewModel.drugNameDisplay = viewModel.drugNonCoded || constructDrugNameDisplay(viewModel.drug) || _.get(viewModel, "concept.name"), config ? viewModel.loadOrderAttributes(drugOrderResponse) : viewModel.orderAttributes = drugOrderResponse.orderAttributes, viewModel.visit = drugOrderResponse.visit, viewModel.voided = drugOrderResponse.voided, viewModel.dosage = viewModel.getDoseAndUnits(), viewModel.isDrugRetired = drugOrderResponse.retired, drugOrderResponse.orderGroup && (viewModel.orderGroupUuid = drugOrderResponse.orderGroup.uuid, viewModel.orderSetUuid = drugOrderResponse.orderGroup.orderSet.uuid, viewModel.sortWeight = drugOrderResponse.sortWeight), viewModel
function() {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
Drug = function(name, orders) {
this.name = name, this.orders = orders || []
Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSchedule = function(fromDate, toDate, drugOrders) {
this.fromDate = fromDate, this.toDate = toDate, this.drugOrders = drugOrders, this.days = this.getDays(), this.drugs = this.getDrugs()
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSchedule.prototype = {
getDays: function() {
return DateUtil.createDays(this.fromDate, this.toDate)
getDrugs: function() {
var drugOrders = this.drugOrders.map(Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.create),
allOrderedDrugs = [];
return _.each(drugOrders, function(order) {
var drugAlreadyOrdered = _.find(allOrderedDrugs, order.drugNonCoded ? {
name: order.drugNonCoded
} : {
name: order.drug && order.drug.name || order.concept.name
drugAlreadyOrdered || (drugAlreadyOrdered = new Drug(order.drugNonCoded ? order.drugNonCoded : order.drug && order.drug.name || order.concept.name), allOrderedDrugs.push(drugAlreadyOrdered)), drugAlreadyOrdered.orders.push(order)
}), allOrderedDrugs
hasDrugOrders: function() {
return this.drugOrders.length > 0
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSchedule.create = function(fromDate, toDate, drugOrders) {
var drugOrdersDuringIpd = drugOrders.filter(function(drugOrder) {
var orderStartDate = DateUtil.parse(drugOrder.effectiveStartDate),
orderStopDate = DateUtil.parse(drugOrder.effectiveStopDate);
return orderStartDate < toDate && orderStopDate >= fromDate
return new this(fromDate, toDate, drugOrdersDuringIpd)
}, Drug.prototype = {
isActiveOnDate: function(date) {
return this.orders.some(function(order) {
return order.isActiveOnDate(date)
getStatusOnDate: function(date) {
var activeDrugOrders = _.filter(this.orders, function(order) {
return order.isActiveOnDate(date)
return 0 === activeDrugOrders.length ? "inactive" : _.every(activeDrugOrders, function(order) {
return "stopped" === order.getStatusOnDate(date)
}) ? "stopped" : "active"
isActive: function() {
return this.orders.some(function(order) {
return order.isActive()
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSchedule.Drug = Drug
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.Order = function() {
var Order = function(data) {
angular.extend(this, data), this.dateCreated = data.dateCreated
getName = function(test) {
var name = _.find(test.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}) || _.find(test.names, {
conceptNameType: "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
return name ? name.name : void 0
return Order.create = function(test) {
var order = new Order({
uuid: void 0,
concept: {
uuid: test.uuid,
displayName: getName(test)
return order
}, Order.revise = function(order) {
var revisedOrder = new Order({
concept: order.concept,
action: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.revise,
previousOrderUuid: order.uuid,
isDiscontinued: !1,
commentToFulfiller: order.commentToFulfiller,
urgency: order.urgency
return revisedOrder
}, Order.discontinue = function(order) {
var discontinuedOrder = new Order({
concept: order.concept,
action: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue,
previousOrderUuid: order.uuid,
commentToFulfiller: order.commentToFulfiller,
urgency: order.urgency
return discontinuedOrder
}, Order
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.TabConfig = function(tabs) {
var self = this;
this.tabs = _.filter(tabs, function(tab) {
return angular.isObject(tab)
}), this.identifierKey = null;
var initDisplayByDefaultTabs = function() {
self.visibleTabs = _.filter(self.tabs, function(tab) {
return tab.displayByDefault
init = function() {
initDisplayByDefaultTabs(), self.currentTab = self.getFirstTab(), self.currentTab && self.currentTab.translationKey && (self.identifierKey = "translationKey")
isTabClosed = function(tab) {
return !_.find(self.visibleTabs, function(visibleTab) {
return visibleTab[self.identifierKey] === tab[self.identifierKey]
this.getTab = function(id) {
return _.find(self.tabs, function(tab) {
return tab[self.identifierKey] === id
}, this.getFirstTab = function() {
return self.visibleTabs[0]
}, this.switchTab = function(tab) {
this.currentTab = tab, isTabClosed(tab) && this.visibleTabs.push(tab)
}, this.showTabs = function() {
return this.tabs.length > 1
}, this.closeTab = function(tab) {
tab.displayByDefault || (_.remove(self.visibleTabs, function(visibleTab) {
return tab[self.identifierKey] === visibleTab[self.identifierKey]
}), this.switchTab(this.getFirstTab()))
}, this.getUnOpenedTabs = function() {
return _.difference(this.tabs, this.visibleTabs)
}, this.isCurrentTab = function(tab) {
return this.currentTab && this.currentTab[self.identifierKey] === tab[self.identifierKey]
}, this.showPrint = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(this.currentTab.printing)
}, this.getPrintConfigForCurrentTab = function() {
return this.currentTab.printing
}, init()
}, Bahmni.Clinical.VisitTabConfig = function(tabs) {
var tabConfig = new Bahmni.Clinical.TabConfig(tabs);
tabConfig.identifierKey || (tabConfig.identifierKey = "title"), angular.extend(this, tabConfig), this.setVisitUuidsAndPatientUuidToTheSections = function(visitUuids, patientUuid) {
_.each(this.tabs, function(tab) {
_.each(tab.sections, function(section) {
section.config.visitUuids = visitUuids, section.config.patientUuid = patientUuid
}, Bahmni.Clinical.VisitDrugOrder = function() {
var VisitDrugOrder = function(orders, ipdOrders, orderGroup) {
this.orders = orders, this.ipdDrugSchedule = ipdOrders, this.orderGroup = orderGroup
return VisitDrugOrder.prototype = {
hasIPDDrugSchedule: function() {
return this.ipdDrugSchedule && this.ipdDrugSchedule.hasDrugOrders()
getDrugOrderGroups: function() {
return this.orderGroup
getIPDDrugs: function() {
return this.ipdDrugSchedule.drugs
}, VisitDrugOrder.create = function(encounterTransactions, admissionDate, dischargeDate) {
var nameToSort = function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.drugNonCoded ? drugOrder.drugNonCoded : drugOrder.drug.name
drugOrders = new Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper(nameToSort).map(encounterTransactions, "drugOrders"),
prescribedDrugOrders = _.map(drugOrders, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract);
return this.createFromDrugOrders(prescribedDrugOrders, admissionDate, dischargeDate)
}, VisitDrugOrder.createFromDrugOrders = function(drugOrders, admissionDate, dischargeDate) {
drugOrders = _.filter(drugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return !drugOrder.voided && drugOrder.action !== Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue
}), drugOrders = _.filter(drugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return !_.some(drugOrders, function(otherDrugOrder) {
return otherDrugOrder.action === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.revise && otherDrugOrder.encounterUuid === drugOrder.encounterUuid && otherDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid === drugOrder.uuid
var ipdOrders = null;
admissionDate && (ipdOrders = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSchedule.create(admissionDate, dischargeDate, drugOrders));
var orderGroup = (new Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper).group(drugOrders, "date");
return new this(drugOrders, ipdOrders, orderGroup)
}, VisitDrugOrder
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.ConceptWeightBasedSorter = function(allTestAndPanelsConcept) {
var sortedConcepts = allTestAndPanelsConcept ? allTestAndPanelsConcept.setMembers : [],
sortedNames = sortedConcepts.map(function(concept) {
return concept.name.name
this.sort = function(conceptHolders, nameToSort) {
return conceptHolders ? (conceptHolders.forEach(function(conceptHolder) {
var index = sortedNames.indexOf(nameToSort ? nameToSort(conceptHolder) : conceptHolder.concept.name);
conceptHolder.sortWeight = index === -1 ? 999 : index
}), _.sortBy(conceptHolders, "sortWeight")) : []
}, this.sortTestResults = function(labOrderResults) {
return labOrderResults ? (labOrderResults.forEach(function(labOrderResult) {
var index = sortedNames.indexOf(labOrderResult.orderName || labOrderResult.testName);
labOrderResult.sortWeight = index === -1 ? 999 : index, labOrderResult.isPanel && (labOrderResult.tests.forEach(function(test) {
var index = sortedNames.indexOf(test.testName);
test.sortWeight = index === -1 ? 999 : index
}), labOrderResult.tests = _.sortBy(labOrderResult.tests, "sortWeight"))
}), _.sortBy(labOrderResults, "sortWeight")) : []
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObsGroupingHelper = function(conceptSetUiConfigService) {
var conceptSetUiConfigSvc = conceptSetUiConfigService;
this.groupObservations = function(observations) {
var groupedObservationsArray = [],
obsWithoutFieldPath = _.filter(observations, function(obs) {
return !obs.formFieldPath
obsWithFieldPath = _.filter(observations, function(obs) {
return obs.formFieldPath
groupedObsByFieldPath = _.groupBy(obsWithFieldPath, function(obs) {
return obs.formFieldPath.split(".")[0]
return obsWithoutFieldPath.forEach(function(observation) {
var temp = [observation],
conceptSetName = observation.concept.shortName || observation.concept.name,
observationsByGroup = groupObservations(conceptSetName, temp);
observationsByGroup.groupMembers.length && groupedObservationsArray.push(observationsByGroup)
}), _.each(groupedObsByFieldPath, function(observations, formName) {
var observationsByGroup = groupObservations(formName, observations);
observationsByGroup.groupMembers.length && groupedObservationsArray.push(observationsByGroup)
}), groupedObservationsArray
var groupObservations = function(conceptSetName, obs) {
var observationsByGroup = {
conceptSetName: conceptSetName,
groupMembers: (new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ObservationMapper).getObservationsForView(obs, conceptSetUiConfigSvc.getConfig())
return observationsByGroup
}, Bahmni.Clinical.AccessionNotesMapper = function(encounterConfig) {
var isValidationEncounter = function(encounterTransaction) {
return encounterTransaction.encounterTypeUuid === encounterConfig.getValidationEncounterTypeUuid()
addAccessionNote = function(accessions, accessionNote) {
var accession = _.find(accessions, {
accessionUuid: accessionNote.accessionUuid
accession && (accession.accessionNotes = accession.accessionNotes || [], accession.accessionNotes.push(accessionNote))
this.map = function(encounters, accessions) {
var validationEncounters = encounters.filter(isValidationEncounter),
accessionNotes = _(validationEncounters).map("accessionNotes").flatten().value();
return accessionNotes.forEach(function(accessionNote) {
addAccessionNote(accessions, accessionNote)
}), accessions.forEach(function() {
accessions.accessionNotes = _.sortBy(accessions.accessionNotes, "dateTime").reverse()
}), accessions
}, Bahmni.Clinical.EncounterTransactionToObsMapper = function() {
this.map = function(encounterTransactions, invalidEncounterTypes, conceptSetUIConfig) {
var allObs, validObservation = function(observation) {
return !observation.voided && (!isObservationAgroup(observation) || isObservationAgroup(observation) && observation.groupMembers.some(validObservation))
setProvider = function(provider) {
var setProviderToObservation = function(observation) {
observation.provider = provider, angular.forEach(observation.groupMembers, setProviderToObservation)
return setProviderToObservation
setProviderToObservations = function(observations, provider) {
var setProviderFunction = setProvider(provider);
angular.forEach(observations, function(observation) {
createMultiSelectObs = function(obsList) {
conceptSetUIConfig && (obsList.forEach(function(obs) {
}), new Bahmni.ConceptSet.MultiSelectObservations(conceptSetUIConfig).map(obsList))
flatten = function(transactions, item) {
return transactions.reduce(function(result, transaction) {
return setProviderToObservations(transaction[item], transaction.providers[0]), createMultiSelectObs(transaction.observations), result.concat(transaction[item])
}, [])
isObservationAgroup = function(observation) {
return observation.groupMembers && observation.groupMembers.length > 0
removeInvalidGroupMembers = function(observation) {
angular.forEach(observation.groupMembers, removeInvalidGroupMembers), observation.groupMembers && (observation.groupMembers = observation.groupMembers.filter(validObservation))
removeInvalidEncounterTypes = function(encounterTransaction) {
return invalidEncounterTypes.indexOf(encounterTransaction.encounterTypeUuid) === -1
return encounterTransactions = encounterTransactions.filter(removeInvalidEncounterTypes), allObs = flatten(encounterTransactions, "observations").filter(validObservation), allObs.forEach(removeInvalidGroupMembers), allObs
}, Bahmni.Clinical.PatientFileObservationsMapper = function() {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
this.map = function(encounters) {
var conceptMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper,
observationMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationMapper,
providerMapper = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ProviderMapper,
patientFileRecords = [];
return encounters.forEach(function(encounter) {
var visitUuid = encounter.visit && encounter.visit.uuid;
encounter.obs.forEach(function(parentObservation) {
parentObservation.groupMembers.forEach(function(member) {
id: member.id,
concept: conceptMapper.map(parentObservation.concept),
imageObservation: observationMapper.map(member),
visitUuid: visitUuid,
provider: providerMapper.map(encounter.provider),
visitStartDate: encounter.visit.startDatetime,
visitStopDate: encounter.visit.stopDatetime,
comment: member.comment
}), patientFileRecords.sort(function(record1, record2) {
return record1.imageObservation.observationDateTime !== record2.imageObservation.observationDateTime ? DateUtil.parse(record1.imageObservation.observationDateTime) - DateUtil.parse(record2.imageObservation.observationDateTime) : record1.id - record2.id
}), patientFileRecords
}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper = function(nameToSort) {
this.nameToSort = nameToSort
}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper.prototype.group = function(orders, groupingParameter) {
var getGroupingFunction = function(groupingParameter) {
return "date" === groupingParameter ? function(order) {
return order.startDate ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDate(order.startDate) : Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDate(order.effectiveStartDate)
} : function(order) {
return order[groupingParameter]
groupingParameter = groupingParameter || "date";
var groupingFunction = getGroupingFunction(groupingParameter),
groupedOrders = (new Bahmni.Clinical.ResultGrouper).group(orders, groupingFunction, "orders", groupingParameter);
return "date" === groupingParameter ? groupedOrders.map(function(order) {
return {
date: Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parse(order.date),
orders: _.sortBy(order.orders, "orderNumber")
}).sort(function(first, second) {
return first.date < second.date ? 1 : -1
}) : groupedOrders.map(function(order) {
var returnObj = {};
return returnObj[groupingParameter] = order[groupingParameter], returnObj.orders = order.orders, returnObj
}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper.prototype.create = function(encounterTransactions, ordersName, filterFunction, groupingParameter, allTestAndPanels) {
filterFunction = filterFunction || function() {
return !0
var filteredOrders = this.map(encounterTransactions, ordersName, allTestAndPanels).filter(filterFunction);
return this.group(filteredOrders, groupingParameter)
}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrdersMapper.prototype.map = function(encounterTransactions, ordersName, allTestAndPanels) {
var allTestsPanelsConcept = new Bahmni.Clinical.ConceptWeightBasedSorter(allTestAndPanels),
orderObservationsMapper = new Bahmni.Clinical.OrderObservationsMapper,
setOrderProvider = function(encounter) {
encounter[ordersName].forEach(function(order) {
order.provider = encounter.providers[0], order.accessionUuid = encounter.encounterUuid, order.encounterUuid = encounter.encounterUuid, order.visitUuid = encounter.visitUuid
var flattenedOrders = _(encounterTransactions).map(ordersName).flatten().value(),
ordersWithoutVoidedOrders = flattenedOrders.filter(function(order) {
return !order.voided
allObservations = _(encounterTransactions).map("observations").flatten().value();
orderObservationsMapper.map(allObservations, ordersWithoutVoidedOrders);
var sortedOrders = allTestsPanelsConcept.sort(ordersWithoutVoidedOrders, this.nameToSort);
return sortedOrders.forEach(function(order) {
order.observations.forEach(function(obs) {
obs.groupMembers = allTestsPanelsConcept.sort(obs.groupMembers)
}), sortedOrders
}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrderObservationsMapper = function() {}, Bahmni.Clinical.OrderObservationsMapper.prototype.map = function(observations, orders) {
var makeCommentsAsAdditionalObs = function(observation) {
if (angular.forEach(observation.groupMembers, makeCommentsAsAdditionalObs), observation.groupMembers) {
var additionalObs = [],
testObservation = [];
angular.forEach(observation.groupMembers, function(obs) {
obs.concept.name === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.commentConceptName ? additionalObs.push(obs) : testObservation.push(obs)
}), observation.groupMembers = testObservation, observation.groupMembers[0] && additionalObs.length > 0 && (observation.groupMembers[0].additionalObs = additionalObs)
getObservationForOrderIfExist = function(observations, order, obs) {
angular.forEach(observations, function(observation) {
order.uuid === observation.orderUuid ? (makeCommentsAsAdditionalObs(observation), obs.push(observation)) : null === observation.orderUuid && observation.groupMembers.length > 0 && getObservationForOrderIfExist(observation.groupMembers, order, obs)
mapOrderWithObs = function(observations, order) {
var orderObservations = [];
getObservationForOrderIfExist(observations, order, orderObservations), order.observations = orderObservations
orders.forEach(function(order) {
mapOrderWithObs(observations, order)
}, angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("visitTabConfig", ["$q", "appService", function($q, appService) {
var mandatoryConfigPromise = function() {
return appService.loadMandatoryConfig(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.mandatoryVisitConfigUrl)
configPromise = function() {
return appService.loadConfig("visit.json")
this.load = function() {
return $q.all([mandatoryConfigPromise(), configPromise()]).then(function(results) {
results[0].data.sections = _.sortBy(results[0].data.sections, function(section) {
return section.displayOrder
for (var tab in results[1]) {
var sortedSections = _.sortBy(results[1][tab].sections, function(section) {
return section.displayOrder
sortedSections.length > 0 && (results[1][tab].sections = sortedSections)
var mandatoryConfig = results[0].data,
tabs = _.values(results[1]),
firstTabWithDefaultSection = _.find(tabs, function(tab) {
return tab.defaultSections
_.find(mandatoryConfig.sections, {
title: "Treatments"
}) && _.find(firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections, {
title: "Treatments"
}) && (mandatoryConfig.sections = _.filter(mandatoryConfig.sections, function(section) {
return "Treatments" !== section.title
var mandatorySections = _.map(_.values(mandatoryConfig.sections), function(item) {
return _.assign(item, _.find(_.values(firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections), ["type", item.type]))
return firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections = _.unionWith(_.values(mandatorySections), _.values(firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections), _.isEqual), firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections = _.sortBy(firstTabWithDefaultSection.sections, function(section) {
return section.displayOrder
}), new Bahmni.Clinical.VisitTabConfig(tabs)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("visitActionsService", ["printer", function(printer) {
return {
printPrescription: function(patient, visitDate, visitUuid) {
printer.print("common/views/prescriptionPrint.html", {
patient: patient,
visitDate: visitDate,
visitUuid: visitUuid
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("clinicalAppConfigService", ["appService", "urlHelper", "$stateParams", function(appService, urlHelper, $stateParams) {
this.getTreatmentActionLink = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getExtensions("org.bahmni.clinical.treatment.links", "link") || []
}, this.getAllConceptsConfig = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI") || {}
}, this.getConceptConfig = function(name) {
var config = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI") || {};
return config[name]
}, this.getObsIgnoreList = function() {
var baseObsIgnoreList = [Bahmni.Common.Constants.impressionConcept],
configuredObsIgnoreList = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("obsIgnoreList") || [];
return baseObsIgnoreList.concat(configuredObsIgnoreList)
}, this.getAllConsultationBoards = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getExtensions("org.bahmni.clinical.consultation.board", "link")
}, this.getAllConceptSetExtensions = function(conceptSetGroupName) {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getExtensions("org.bahmni.clinical.conceptSetGroup." + conceptSetGroupName, "config")
}, this.getOtherInvestigationsMap = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("otherInvestigationsMap")
}, this.getVisitPageConfig = function(configSection) {
var visitSection = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("visitPage") || {};
return configSection ? visitSection[configSection] : visitSection
}, this.getVisitConfig = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigForPage("visit")
}, this.getMedicationConfig = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigForPage("medication") || {}
}, this.getPrintConfig = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("printConfig") || {}
}, this.getConsultationBoardLink = function() {
var allBoards = this.getAllConsultationBoards(),
defaultBoard = _.find(allBoards, "default");
if ($stateParams.programUuid) {
var programParams = "?programUuid=" + $stateParams.programUuid + "&enrollment=" + $stateParams.enrollment + "&dateEnrolled=" + $stateParams.dateEnrolled + "&dateCompleted=" + $stateParams.dateCompleted;
return "/" + $stateParams.configName + urlHelper.getPatientUrl() + "/" + defaultBoard.url + programParams
return defaultBoard ? "/" + $stateParams.configName + urlHelper.getPatientUrl() + "/" + defaultBoard.url + "?encounterUuid=active" : urlHelper.getConsultationUrl()
}, this.getDefaultVisitType = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("defaultVisitType")
}, this.getVisitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("visitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries")
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("visitPaginator", ["$state", function($state) {
var link = function($scope) {
var visits = _.clone($scope.visits).reverse(),
visitIndex = _.findIndex(visits, function(visitHistoryEntry) {
return null !== $scope.currentVisitUuid && visitHistoryEntry.uuid === $scope.currentVisitUuid
$scope.visitHistoryEntry = visits[visitIndex], $scope.shouldBeShown = function() {
return $state.is("patient.dashboard.visit")
}, $scope.hasNext = function() {
return visitIndex !== -1 && visitIndex < visits.length - 1
}, $scope.hasPrevious = function() {
return visitIndex > 0
}, $scope.next = function() {
$scope.hasNext() && $scope.nextFn && $scope.nextFn()(visits[visitIndex + 1].uuid)
}, $scope.previous = function() {
$scope.hasPrevious() && $scope.previousFn && $scope.previousFn()(visits[visitIndex - 1].uuid)
return {
restrict: "EA",
scope: {
currentVisitUuid: "=",
visits: "=",
nextFn: "&",
previousFn: "&",
visitSummary: "="
link: link,
templateUrl: "common/views/visitPagination.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.services", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.services").factory("drugService", ["$http", function($http) {
var v = "custom:(uuid,strength,name,dosageForm,concept:(uuid,name,names:(name)))",
search = function(drugName, conceptUuid) {
var params = {
v: v,
q: drugName,
conceptUuid: conceptUuid,
s: "ordered"
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.drugUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: params,
withCredentials: !0
}).then(function(response) {
return response.data.results
getSetMembersOfConcept = function(conceptSetFullySpecifiedName, searchTerm) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.drugUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: {
v: v,
q: conceptSetFullySpecifiedName,
s: "byConceptSet",
searchTerm: searchTerm
withCredentials: !0
}).then(function(response) {
return response.data.results
getRegimen = function(patientUuid, patientProgramUuid, drugs) {
var params = {
patientUuid: patientUuid,
patientProgramUuid: patientProgramUuid,
drugs: drugs
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniRESTBaseURL + "/drugOGram/regimen", {
params: params,
withCredentials: !0
return {
search: search,
getRegimen: getRegimen,
getSetMembersOfConcept: getSetMembersOfConcept
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("VisitHeaderController", ["$rootScope", "$scope", "$state", "clinicalAppConfigService", "patientContext", "visitHistory", "visitConfig", "contextChangeHandler", "$location", "$stateParams", "urlHelper", function($rootScope, $scope, $state, clinicalAppConfigService, patientContext, visitHistory, visitConfig, contextChangeHandler, $location, $stateParams, urlHelper) {
$scope.patient = patientContext.patient, $scope.visitHistory = visitHistory, $scope.consultationBoardLink = clinicalAppConfigService.getConsultationBoardLink(), $scope.showControlPanel = !1, $scope.visitTabConfig = visitConfig, $scope.switchTab = function(tab) {
$scope.visitTabConfig.switchTab(tab), $rootScope.$broadcast("event:clearVisitBoard", tab)
}, $scope.gotoPatientDashboard = function() {
contextChangeHandler.execute().allow && $location.path($stateParams.configName + "/patient/" + patientContext.patient.uuid + "/dashboard")
}, $scope.openConsultation = function() {
var board = clinicalAppConfigService.getAllConsultationBoards()[0],
urlPrefix = urlHelper.getPatientUrl();
$scope.collapseControlPanel(), $rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !0;
var url = "/" + $stateParams.configName + (board.url ? urlPrefix + "/" + board.url : urlPrefix),
extensionParams = board.extensionParams,
queryParams = [];
if ($stateParams.programUuid) {
var programParams = {
programUuid: $stateParams.programUuid,
enrollment: $stateParams.enrollment
extensionParams = _.merge(programParams, extensionParams)
angular.forEach(extensionParams, function(extensionParamValue, extensionParamKey) {
queryParams.push(extensionParamKey + "=" + extensionParamValue)
}), _.isEmpty(queryParams) || (url = url + "?" + queryParams.join("&")), $location.url(url)
}, $scope.closeTab = function(tab) {
$scope.visitTabConfig.closeTab(tab), $rootScope.$broadcast("event:clearVisitBoard", tab)
}, $scope.print = function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:printVisitTab", $scope.visitTabConfig.currentTab)
}, $scope.showPrint = function() {
return $scope.visitTabConfig.showPrint()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("VisitController", ["$scope", "$state", "encounterService", "clinicalAppConfigService", "configurations", "visitSummary", "$timeout", "printer", "visitConfig", "visitHistory", "$stateParams", function($scope, $state, encounterService, clinicalAppConfigService, configurations, visitSummary, $timeout, printer, visitConfig, visitHistory, $stateParams) {
var encounterTypeUuid = configurations.encounterConfig().getPatientDocumentEncounterTypeUuid();
$scope.documentsPromise = encounterService.getEncountersForEncounterType($scope.patient.uuid, encounterTypeUuid).then(function(response) {
return (new Bahmni.Clinical.PatientFileObservationsMapper).map(response.data.results)
}), $scope.currentVisitUrl = $state.current.views["dashboard-content"].templateUrl || $state.current.views["print-content"].templateUrl, $scope.visitHistory = visitHistory, $scope.visitSummary = visitSummary, $scope.visitTabConfig = visitConfig, $scope.showTrends = !0, $scope.patientUuid = $stateParams.patientUuid, $scope.visitUuid = $stateParams.visitUuid;
var tab = $stateParams.tab;
$scope.isNumeric = function(value) {
return $.isNumeric(value)
}, $scope.toggle = function(item) {
item.show = !item.show
}, $scope.isEmpty = function(notes) {
return !notes || notes.trim().length < 2
}, $scope.testResultClass = function(line) {
var style = {};
return $scope.pendingResults(line) && (style["pending-result"] = !0), line.isSummary && (style.header = !0), style
}, $scope.pendingResults = function(line) {
return line.isSummary && !line.hasResults && "" !== line.name
}, $scope.displayDate = function(date) {
return moment(date).format("DD-MMM-YY")
}, $scope.$on("event:printVisitTab", function() {
printer.printFromScope("common/views/visitTabPrint.html", $scope)
}), $scope.$on("event:clearVisitBoard", function() {
$scope.clearBoard = !0, $timeout(function() {
$scope.clearBoard = !1
}), $scope.loadVisit = function(visitUuid) {
$state.go("patient.dashboard.visit", {
visitUuid: visitUuid
var printOnPrint = function() {
$stateParams.print && printer.printFromScope("common/views/visitTabPrint.html", $scope, function() {
getTab = function() {
if (tab)
for (var tabIndex in $scope.visitTabConfig.tabs)
if ($scope.visitTabConfig.tabs[tabIndex].title === tab) return $scope.visitTabConfig.tabs[tabIndex];
return $scope.visitTabConfig.getFirstTab()
init = function() {
$scope.visitTabConfig.setVisitUuidsAndPatientUuidToTheSections([$scope.visitUuid], $scope.patientUuid);
var tabToOpen = getTab();
$scope.visitTabConfig.switchTab(tabToOpen), printOnPrint()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientListHeaderController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$bahmniCookieStore", "providerService", "spinner", "locationService", "$window", "ngDialog", "retrospectiveEntryService", "$translate", function($scope, $rootScope, $bahmniCookieStore, providerService, spinner, locationService, $window, ngDialog, retrospectiveEntryService, $translate) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
$scope.maxStartDate = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.today());
var selectedProvider = {};
$scope.retrospectivePrivilege = Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectivePrivilege, $scope.locationPickerPrivilege = Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationPickerPrivilege, $scope.onBehalfOfPrivilege = Bahmni.Common.Constants.onBehalfOfPrivilege, $scope.selectedLocationUuid = {}, $scope.getProviderList = function() {
return function(searchAttrs) {
return providerService.search(searchAttrs.term)
}, $scope.getProviderDataResults = function(data) {
return data.data.results.map(function(providerDetails) {
return {
value: providerDetails.person ? providerDetails.person.display : providerDetails.display,
uuid: providerDetails.uuid
}, $scope.providerSelected = function() {
return function(providerData) {
selectedProvider = providerData
}, $scope.clearProvider = function(data) {
_.isEmpty(selectedProvider) || data === selectedProvider.value || ($scope.encounterProvider = "", selectedProvider = {})
}, $scope.windowReload = function() {
changeCookieData(), $window.location.reload(!1)
}, $scope.isCurrentLocation = function(location) {
return getCurrentCookieLocation().uuid === location.uuid
}, $scope.popUpHandler = function() {
$scope.dialog = ngDialog.open({
template: "consultation/views/defaultDataPopUp.html",
className: "test ngdialog-theme-default",
controller: "PatientListHeaderController"
}), $("body").addClass("show-controller-back")
}, $scope.$on("ngDialog.closed", function() {
}), $scope.closePopUp = function() {
}, $scope.getTitle = function() {
var title = [];
return getCurrentCookieLocation() && title.push($translate.instant(getCurrentCookieLocation().name)), getCurrentProvider() && getCurrentProvider().value && title.push(getCurrentProvider().value), retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveDate() && title.push(DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveDate())), title.join(",")
}, $scope.sync = function() {};
var getCurrentCookieLocation = function() {
return $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName) ? $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName) : null
getCurrentProvider = function() {
return $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName)
getLocationFor = function(uuid) {
return _.find($scope.locations, function(location) {
return location.uuid === uuid
changeCookieData = function() {
retrospectiveEntryService.resetRetrospectiveEntry($scope.date), $bahmniCookieStore.remove(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName), $bahmniCookieStore.put(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName, selectedProvider, {
path: "/",
expires: 1
var selectedLocation = getLocationFor($scope.selectedLocationUuid);
$bahmniCookieStore.remove(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName), $bahmniCookieStore.put(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName, {
name: selectedLocation.display,
uuid: selectedLocation.uuid
}, {
path: "/",
expires: 7
init = function() {
var retrospectiveDate = retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveDate();
return $scope.date = retrospectiveDate ? new Date(retrospectiveDate) : new Date($scope.maxStartDate), $scope.encounterProvider = getCurrentProvider(), selectedProvider = getCurrentProvider(), locationService.getAllByTag("Login Location").then(function(response) {
$scope.locations = response.data.results, $scope.selectedLocationUuid = getCurrentCookieLocation().uuid
return init()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("consultationContextController", ["$scope", "appService", "$stateParams", "visitHistory", function($scope, appService, $stateParams, visitHistory) {
var init = function() {
$scope.configName = $stateParams.configName;
var programConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program");
$scope.visitUuid = _.get(visitHistory, "activeVisit.uuid"), $scope.patientInfoSection = {
patientInformation: {
title: "Patient Information",
name: "patientInformation",
patientAttributes: [],
ageLimit: programConfig && programConfig.patientInformation ? programConfig.patientInformation.ageLimit : void 0,
addressFields: ["address1", "address2", "cityVillage", "countyDistrict"]
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Graph = Bahmni.Graph || {}, Bahmni.Graph.c3Chart = function() {
var dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
createReferenceClasses = function(data) {
var classes = {};
return _.each(data, function(datum) {
datum.reference && (classes[datum.name] = "reference-line")
}), classes
formatValueForDisplay = function(value, config) {
return config.displayForAge() ? Bahmni.Common.Util.AgeUtil.monthsToAgeString(value) : config.displayForObservationDateTime() ? dateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(value) : d3.round(value, 2)
createXAxisConfig = function(config) {
return {
label: {
text: config.xAxisConcept + (config.unit || ""),
position: "outer-right"
type: config.type,
tick: {
culling: {
max: 3
count: 10,
format: function(xAxisValue) {
return formatValueForDisplay(xAxisValue, config)
createYAxisConfig = function(unit) {
return {
label: {
text: unit,
position: "outer-top"
tick: {
culling: {
max: 3
format: function(y) {
return d3.round(y, 2)
show: !0
createAxisConfig = function(config, units) {
var axis = {
x: createXAxisConfig(config),
y: createYAxisConfig(units[0])
return void 0 !== units[1] && (axis.y2 = createYAxisConfig(units[1])), axis
createGridConfig = function(config) {
var grid = {
y: {
lines: []
return 1 === config.yAxisConcepts.length && (void 0 !== config.lowNormal && grid.y.lines.push({
value: config.lowNormal,
text: "low",
"class": "lowNormal"
}), void 0 !== config.hiNormal && grid.y.lines.push({
value: config.hiNormal,
text: "high",
"class": "hiNormal"
})), grid
createConfigForToolTipGroupingFix = function(config) {
var xs = {};
return config.yAxisConcepts.forEach(function(yAxisConcept) {
xs[yAxisConcept] = config.xAxisConcept
}), xs
createAxisAndPopulateAxes = function(axes, data, axisY, unit) {
unit && _.each(data, function(item) {
item.units === unit && (axes[item.name] = axisY)
createConfigForAxes = function(data, units) {
var axes = {};
return createAxisAndPopulateAxes(axes, data, "y", units[0]), createAxisAndPopulateAxes(axes, data, "y2", units[1]), axes
this.render = function(bindTo, graphWidth, config, data) {
var distinctUnits = _.uniq(_.map(data, "units"));
if (distinctUnits.length > 2) throw new Error("Cannot display line graphs with concepts that have more than 2 units");
var c3Chart, allPoints = _(data).reduce(function(accumulator, item) {
return accumulator.concat(item.values)
}, []),
c3Config = {
bindto: bindTo,
size: {
width: graphWidth
padding: {
top: 20,
right: 50
data: {
json: allPoints,
keys: {
x: config.xAxisConcept,
value: config.yAxisConcepts
axes: createConfigForAxes(data, distinctUnits),
xs: createConfigForToolTipGroupingFix(config),
onclick: function(d) {
data: d
classes: createReferenceClasses(data)
point: {
show: !0,
r: 5,
sensitivity: 20
line: {
connectNull: !0
axis: createAxisConfig(config, distinctUnits),
tooltip: {
grouped: !0,
format: {
title: function(xAxisValue) {
return formatValueForDisplay(xAxisValue, config)
zoom: {
enabled: !0
transition_duration: 0,
grid: createGridConfig(config)
return c3Chart = c3.generate(c3Config)
}, Bahmni.Graph.c3Chart.create = function() {
return new Bahmni.Graph.c3Chart
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationTemplate = function(concept, visitStartDate, observations) {
var obsTemplate = {
name: concept.name,
conceptClass: concept.conceptClass,
label: concept.shortName || concept.name,
visitStartDate: visitStartDate,
encounters: []
groupedObservations = _.groupBy(observations, function(observation) {
return observation.encounterDateTime
encounterDates = _.sortBy(Object.keys(groupedObservations), function(a) {
return -a
return angular.forEach(encounterDates, function(encounterDate) {
var newEncounter = {
encounterDateTime: encounterDate,
observations: groupedObservations[encounterDate]
}), obsTemplate
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DiseaseTemplate = function(concept, obsTemplates) {
var diseaseTemplate = {
name: concept.name,
label: concept.shortName || concept.name,
obsTemplates: obsTemplates || []
return diseaseTemplate.notEmpty = function() {
return diseaseTemplate.obsTemplates && diseaseTemplate.obsTemplates.length > 0
}, diseaseTemplate
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ClinicalDashboardConfig = function(config) {
var self = this,
tabConfig = new Bahmni.Clinical.TabConfig(config);
tabConfig.identifierKey || (tabConfig.identifierKey = "dashboardName"), angular.extend(self, tabConfig), this.getDiseaseTemplateSections = function(tab) {
return tab = tab || this.currentTab, _.filter(_.values(tab.sections), function(section) {
return "diseaseTemplate" === section.type
}, this.getMaxRecentlyViewedPatients = function() {
return self.currentTab.maxRecentlyViewedPatients || 10
}, Bahmni.Clinical.RecordsMapper = function() {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
sortByDateTimeOrId = function(record1, record2) {
return record2.imageObservation.observationDateTime !== record1.imageObservation.observationDateTime ? DateUtil.parse(record2.imageObservation.observationDateTime) - DateUtil.parse(record1.imageObservation.observationDateTime) : record2.id - record1.id
this.map = function(records) {
return records = records.sort(sortByDateTimeOrId), Bahmni.Common.Util.ArrayUtil.groupByPreservingOrder(records, function(record) {
return record.concept.name
}, "conceptName", "records")
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DiseaseTemplateMapper = function(diseaseTemplateResponse, allConceptsConfig) {
var allObsTemplates = [],
isGrid = function(obsTemplate) {
return allConceptsConfig[obsTemplate.concept.name] && allConceptsConfig[obsTemplate.concept.name].grid
return diseaseTemplateResponse.observationTemplates && diseaseTemplateResponse.observationTemplates.length > 0 && diseaseTemplateResponse.observationTemplates.forEach(function(obsTemplate) {
var observationTemplate, observations = [];
isGrid(obsTemplate) ? (obsTemplate.value = (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).getGridObservationDisplayValue(obsTemplate), observationTemplate = new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationTemplate(obsTemplate.concept, obsTemplate.visitStartDate, observations), observationTemplate.value = obsTemplate.value) : (obsTemplate.bahmniObservations.length > 0 && (observations = (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).map(obsTemplate.bahmniObservations, allConceptsConfig)), observationTemplate = new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationTemplate(obsTemplate.concept, obsTemplate.visitStartDate, observations)), allObsTemplates.push(observationTemplate)
}), Bahmni.Clinical.DiseaseTemplate(diseaseTemplateResponse.concept, allObsTemplates)
}, angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("clinicalDashboardConfig", ["appService", function(appService) {
var self = this;
this.load = function() {
return appService.loadConfig("dashboard.json").then(function(response) {
angular.extend(self, new Bahmni.Clinical.ClinicalDashboardConfig(_.values(response)))
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("diseaseTemplate", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.dateTimeDisplayConfig = function(obsTemplate) {
var showDate = !1,
showTime = !1;
return obsTemplate.conceptClass === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.caseIntakeConceptClass ? $scope.showDateTimeForIntake && (showDate = !0, showTime = !0) : $scope.showTimeForProgress && (showTime = !0), {
showDate: showDate,
showTime: showTime
}, $scope.isIntakeTemplate = function(obsTemplate) {
return obsTemplate.conceptClass === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.caseIntakeConceptClass
}, $scope.showGroupDateTime = $scope.config.showGroupDateTime !== !1
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
scope: {
diseaseTemplate: "=template",
config: "=",
patient: "=",
showDateTimeForIntake: "=",
showTimeForProgress: "=",
sectionId: "="
templateUrl: "dashboard/views/diseaseTemplate.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("recentPatients", function() {
var controller = function($rootScope, $scope, $state, clinicalDashboardConfig, $stateParams, patientService, sessionService) {
var initialize = function() {
$scope.search = new Bahmni.Common.PatientSearch.Search((void 0)), $scope.showPatientsList = !1
$scope.recentlyViewedPatients = _.take($rootScope.currentUser.recentlyViewedPatients, clinicalDashboardConfig.getMaxRecentlyViewedPatients()), $scope.configName = $stateParams.configName;
var patientIndex = _.findIndex($scope.recentlyViewedPatients, function(patientHistoryEntry) {
return patientHistoryEntry.uuid === $scope.patient.uuid
$scope.hasNext = function() {
return 0 !== patientIndex
}, $scope.togglePatientsList = function() {
$scope.showPatientsList = !$scope.showPatientsList
}, $scope.hasPrevious = function() {
return patientIndex >= 0 && $scope.recentlyViewedPatients.length - 1 !== patientIndex
}, $scope.next = function() {
$scope.hasNext() && $scope.goToDashboard($scope.recentlyViewedPatients[patientIndex - 1].uuid)
}, $scope.previous = function() {
$scope.hasPrevious() && $scope.goToDashboard($scope.recentlyViewedPatients[patientIndex + 1].uuid)
}, $scope.goToDashboard = function(patientUuid) {
$state.go("patient.dashboard", {
configName: $scope.configName,
patientUuid: patientUuid
}, $scope.getActivePatients = function() {
if (!($scope.search.patientsCount() > 0)) {
var params = {
q: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.globalPropertyToFetchActivePatients,
location_uuid: sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid()
patientService.findPatients(params).then(function(response) {
}, initialize()
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "dashboard/views/recentPatients.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("DiseaseTemplateController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
var patient = $scope.patient;
$scope.showDateTimeForIntake = !1, $scope.showTimeForProgress = !0, $scope.dialogData = {
diseaseTemplateName: $scope.section.templateName,
patient: patient,
section: $scope.section
}, $scope.getDiseaseTemplateSection = function(diseaseName) {
return _.find($scope.diseaseTemplates, function(diseaseTemplate) {
return diseaseTemplate.name === diseaseName
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("EditObservationFormController", ["$scope", "appService", "$window", "$rootScope", "$translate", function($scope, appService, $window, $rootScope, $translate) {
var configForPrompting = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("showSaveConfirmDialog");
$scope.directivePreCloseCallback = function() {
if ($scope.resetContextChangeHandler(), configForPrompting && $scope.shouldPromptBeforeClose) return !!$window.confirm($translate.instant("POP_UP_CLOSE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_KEY")) && ($rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation || ($scope.shouldPromptBrowserReload = !1), !0)
}, window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (configForPrompting && $scope.shouldPromptBrowserReload) return $translate.instant("BROWSER_CLOSE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_KEY")
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardTreatmentController", ["$scope", "ngDialog", function($scope, ngDialog) {
var treatmentConfigParams = $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("treatment") || {},
patientUuidparams = {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid
$scope.dashboardConfig = {}, $scope.expandedViewConfig = {}, _.extend($scope.dashboardConfig, treatmentConfigParams.dashboardConfig || {}, patientUuidparams), _.extend($scope.expandedViewConfig, treatmentConfigParams.expandedViewConfig || {}, patientUuidparams), $scope.openSummaryDialog = function() {
template: "dashboard/views/dashboardSections/treatmentSummary.html",
params: $scope.expandedViewConfig,
className: "ngdialog-theme-default ng-dialog-all-details-page",
scope: $scope
var cleanUpListener = $scope.$on("ngDialog.closing", function() {
$scope.$on("$destroy", cleanUpListener)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardLabOrdersController", ["$scope", "$stateParams", function($scope, $stateParams) {
$scope.dashboardConfig = $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("labOrders").dashboardConfig || {}, $scope.dashboardConfig.patientUuid = $stateParams.patientUuid, $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
expandedViewConfig: $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("labOrders").expandedViewConfig || {}
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardLabSummaryController", ["$scope", "$stateParams", function($scope, $stateParams) {
$scope.expandedViewConfig = $scope.ngDialogData.expandedViewConfig, $scope.expandedViewConfig.patientUuid = $stateParams.patientUuid, $scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardRadiologyController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.config = $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("radiology") || {}
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardAllDiseaseTemplateController", ["$scope", "diseaseTemplateService", "spinner", "appService", "$stateParams", function($scope, diseaseTemplateService, spinner, appService, $stateParams) {
var init = function() {
$scope.diseaseName = $scope.ngDialogData.diseaseTemplateName, $scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section, $scope.showDateTimeForIntake = !0, $scope.showTimeForProgress = !0;
var programConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program"),
startDate = null,
endDate = null;
return programConfig && programConfig.showDetailsWithinDateRange && (startDate = $stateParams.dateEnrolled, endDate = $stateParams.dateCompleted), diseaseTemplateService.getAllDiseaseTemplateObs($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.diseaseName, startDate, endDate).then(function(diseaseTemplate) {
$scope.diseaseTemplate = diseaseTemplate
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardController", ["$scope", "clinicalAppConfigService", "clinicalDashboardConfig", "printer", "$state", "spinner", "visitSummary", "appService", "$stateParams", "diseaseTemplateService", "patientContext", "$location", "$filter", function($scope, clinicalAppConfigService, clinicalDashboardConfig, printer, $state, spinner, visitSummary, appService, $stateParams, diseaseTemplateService, patientContext, $location, $filter) {
$scope.patient = patientContext.patient, $scope.activeVisit = $scope.visitHistory.activeVisit, $scope.activeVisitData = {}, $scope.obsIgnoreList = clinicalAppConfigService.getObsIgnoreList(), $scope.clinicalDashboardConfig = clinicalDashboardConfig, $scope.visitSummary = visitSummary, $scope.enrollment = $stateParams.enrollment, $scope.isDashboardPrinting = !1;
var programConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program") || {};
$scope.stateChange = function() {
return "patient.dashboard.show" === $state.current.name
var cleanUpListenerSwitchDashboard = $scope.$on("event:switchDashboard", function(event, dashboard) {
cleanUpListenerPrintDashboard = $scope.$on("event:printDashboard", function(event, tab) {
var printScope = $scope.$new();
printScope.isDashboardPrinting = !0, printScope.tabBeingPrinted = tab || clinicalDashboardConfig.currentTab;
var dashboardModel = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.create(printScope.tabBeingPrinted, $filter);
spinner.forPromise(diseaseTemplateService.getLatestDiseaseTemplates($stateParams.patientUuid, clinicalDashboardConfig.getDiseaseTemplateSections(printScope.tabBeingPrinted), null, null).then(function(diseaseTemplate) {
printScope.diseaseTemplates = diseaseTemplate, printScope.sectionGroups = dashboardModel.getSections(printScope.diseaseTemplates), printer.printFromScope("dashboard/views/dashboardPrint.html", printScope)
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
cleanUpListenerSwitchDashboard(), cleanUpListenerPrintDashboard()
var addTabNameToParams = function(board) {
$location.search("currentTab", board.translationKey)
getCurrentTab = function() {
var currentTabKey = $location.search().currentTab,
currentTab = $state.current.dashboard;
return currentTabKey && (currentTab = _.find(clinicalDashboardConfig.visibleTabs, function(tab) {
return tab.translationKey === currentTabKey
})), void 0 != currentTab ? currentTab : clinicalDashboardConfig.currentTab
$scope.init = function(dashboard) {
dashboard.startDate = null, dashboard.endDate = null, programConfig.showDetailsWithinDateRange && (dashboard.startDate = $stateParams.dateEnrolled, dashboard.endDate = $stateParams.dateCompleted), $state.current.dashboard = dashboard, clinicalDashboardConfig.switchTab(dashboard), addTabNameToParams(dashboard);
var dashboardModel = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Dashboard.create(dashboard, $filter);
diseaseTemplateService.getLatestDiseaseTemplates($stateParams.patientUuid, clinicalDashboardConfig.getDiseaseTemplateSections(), dashboard.startDate, dashboard.endDate).then(function(diseaseTemplate) {
$scope.diseaseTemplates = diseaseTemplate, $scope.sectionGroups = dashboardModel.getSections($scope.diseaseTemplates)
}), $scope.currentDashboardTemplateUrl = $state.current.views["dashboard-content"] ? $state.current.views["dashboard-content"].templateUrl : $state.current.views["dashboard-content"]
}, $scope.init(getCurrentTab())
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardVisitsController", ["$scope", "$stateParams", function($scope, $stateParams) {
$scope.noOfVisits = $scope.visitHistory.visits.length, $scope.dialogData = {
noOfVisits: $scope.noOfVisits,
patient: $scope.patient,
sectionConfig: $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("visits")
}, $scope.dashboardConfig = $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("visits").dashboardConfig || {}, $scope.patientUuid = $stateParams.patientUuid
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardAllVisitsController", ["$scope", "$state", "$stateParams", function($scope, $state, $stateParams) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.noOfVisits = $scope.ngDialogData.noOfVisits;
var sectionConfig = $scope.ngDialogData.sectionConfig,
defaultParams = {
maximumNoOfVisits: $scope.noOfVisits ? $scope.noOfVisits : 0
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params), $scope.params = angular.extend(sectionConfig, $scope.params), $scope.patientUuid = $stateParams.patientUuid, $scope.showAllObservationsData = !0
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("PatientDashboardProgramsController", ["$scope", "$state", function($scope, $state) {
$scope.gotoDetailsPage = function() {
}]), Bahmni.Clinical.Error = function() {
var messages = Bahmni.Common.Constants.serverErrorMessages,
findClientMessage = function(message) {
var result = _.find(messages, function(listItem) {
return listItem.serverMessage === message
return result && result.clientMessage || message
translate = function(error) {
return error && error.data && error.data.error && error.data.error.message ? findClientMessage(error.data.error.message) : null
return {
translate: translate
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.LabResult = function(name, value, alert, lowNormal, highNormal, unit, notes, members) {
this.name = name, this.value = value, this.alert = alert, this.unit = unit, this.highNormal = highNormal, this.lowNormal = lowNormal, this.notes = notes || [], this.members = members
}, Bahmni.Clinical.LabResult.prototype = {
isPanel: function() {
return this.members.length > 0
hasNotes: function() {
return this.notes.length > 0
isAbnormal: function() {
return "A" === this.alert || "B" === this.alert
range: function() {
return this.lowNormal && this.highNormal ? "" + this.lowNormal + " - " + this.highNormal : null
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSearchResult = function() {
var createSynonym = function(drug, synonymName) {
var value = drug.dosageForm ? drug.name + " (" + drug.dosageForm.display + ")" : drug.name,
label = synonymName ? synonymName + " => " + value : value;
return {
label: label,
value: value,
drug: drug
create = function(drug) {
return createSynonym(drug)
getMatcher = function(searchString) {
return function(value) {
return _.includes(value.toLowerCase(), searchString.toLowerCase())
getSynonymCreator = function(drug) {
return function(name) {
return createSynonym(drug, name)
getAllMatchingSynonyms = function(drug, searchString) {
var doesMatchSearchString = getMatcher(searchString),
createSynonym = getSynonymCreator(drug);
if (doesMatchSearchString(drug.name)) return [createSynonym()];
var conceptNames = drug && drug.concept && drug.concept.names,
uniqConceptNames = _.uniq(_.map(conceptNames, "name")),
namesThatMatches = _.filter(uniqConceptNames, doesMatchSearchString);
return namesThatMatches = _.sortBy(namesThatMatches), _.map(namesThatMatches, createSynonym)
return {
create: create,
createSynonym: createSynonym,
getAllMatchingSynonyms: getAllMatchingSynonyms
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.VisitHistoryEntry = function() {
var VisitHistoryEntry = function(visitData) {
angular.extend(this, visitData)
return VisitHistoryEntry.prototype = {
isActive: function() {
return null === this.stopDatetime
isFromCurrentLocation: function(currentVisitLocation) {
var visitLocation = _.get(this.location, "uuid");
return visitLocation === currentVisitLocation
isOneDayVisit: function() {
if (this.isActive()) return !0;
var startDateString = moment(this.startDatetime).format("YYYYMMDD"),
stopDateString = moment(this.stopDatetime).format("YYYYMMDD");
return startDateString === stopDateString
getVisitType: function() {
if (this.visitType) return this.visitType.name || this.visitType.display
}, VisitHistoryEntry
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.Category = function(name, tests) {
this.name = name, this.tests = tests, this.filteredTests = tests, this.filter = function(filterFunction) {
this.filteredTests = tests.filter(filterFunction)
}, this.hasTests = function() {
return this.filteredTests.length > 0
}, Bahmni.Clinical.Selectable = function(data, selectableChildren, onSelectionChange) {
angular.extend(this, data);
var selectionSources = [],
children = selectableChildren || [];
onSelectionChange = onSelectionChange || angular.noop, this.isSelected = function() {
return selectionSources.length > 0
}, this.isSelectedFromSelf = function() {
return selectionSources.indexOf(this) !== -1
}, this.isSelectedFromOtherSource = function() {
return this.isSelected() && !this.isSelectedFromSelf()
}, this.addChild = function(selectable) {
}, this.getChildrenCount = function() {
return children.length
}, this.toggle = function(selectionSource) {
this.isSelected() ? this.unselect(selectionSource) : this.select(selectionSource)
}, this.select = function(selectionSource) {
selectionSource = selectionSource || this, selectionSources.indexOf(selectionSource) === -1 && (selectionSources.push(selectionSource), angular.forEach(children, function(child) {
child.unselect(child), child.select(selectionSource)
}), onSelectionChange(this))
}, this.unselect = function(selectionSource) {
selectionSource = selectionSource || this;
var index = selectionSources.indexOf(selectionSource);
index !== -1 && (selectionSources.splice(index, 1), angular.forEach(children, function(child) {
}), onSelectionChange(this))
}, Bahmni.Clinical.Specimen = function(specimen, allSamples) {
function hasResults() {
return self && self.report && self.report.results && self.report.results.length > 0
var self = this;
self.uuid = specimen && specimen.uuid, self.dateCollected = specimen && Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(specimen.dateCollected), self.type = specimen && specimen.type, self.typeFreeText = specimen && specimen.typeFreeText, self.identifier = specimen && specimen.identifier, self.sample = specimen && specimen.sample && specimen.sample.additionalAttributes ? specimen.sample : {
additionalAttributes: []
}, self.report = specimen && specimen.report && specimen.report.results ? specimen.report : {
results: []
}, self.existingObs = specimen && specimen.existingObs, self.typeObservation = new Bahmni.ConceptSet.SpecimenTypeObservation(self, allSamples);
var isDirtyRuleForFreeText = function() {
return self.type && "Other" === self.type.name && !self.typeFreeText
clearObservations = function(obs) {
angular.forEach(obs, function(ob) {
ob.value = void 0, clearObservations(ob.groupMembers)
self.isDirty = function() {
return !!(self.dateCollected && !self.type || !self.dateCollected && !self.type && self.isAdditionalAttriburtesFilled() || !self.dateCollected && self.type || !self.dateCollected && !self.type && self.identifier || isDirtyRuleForFreeText())
}, self.isEmpty = function() {
return !(self.dateCollected || self.identifier || self.type || self.typeFreeText)
}, self.atLeastOneResult = function() {
return hasResults() && !!self.report.results[0].value
}, self.isDateCollectedDirty = function() {
return !self.dateCollected && self.hasIllegalDateCollected
}, self.isTypeDirty = function() {
return !self.type && self.hasIllegalType
}, self.isTypeFreeTextDirty = function() {
return !self.typeFreeText && self.hasIllegalTypeFreeText
}, self.isAdditionalAttriburtesFilled = function() {
var additionalAttributes = self.sample && self.sample.additionalAttributes[0] && self.sample.additionalAttributes[0].groupMembers;
for (var i in additionalAttributes)
if (additionalAttributes[i].value) return !0;
return !1
}, self.isExistingSpecimen = function() {
return self.uuid
}, self.voidIfEmpty = function() {
return !(!self.isEmpty() || !self.isExistingSpecimen()) && (self.setMandatoryFieldsBeforeSavingVoidedSpecimen(), !0)
}, self.setMandatoryFieldsBeforeSavingVoidedSpecimen = function() {
self.voided = !0, self.dateCollected = self.typeObservation.dateCollected, self.type = self.typeObservation.type, clearObservations(self.sample.additionalAttributes), clearObservations(self.report.results)
}, Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderOptions = function() {
var itemsForInputConfig = function(listOfObjects, filterStrings, filterKey) {
return filterKey = filterKey || "name", filterStrings ? _.filter(listOfObjects, function(object) {
return _.includes(filterStrings, object[filterKey])
}) : listOfObjects
return function(_inputConfig, masterConfig) {
var inputConfig = _inputConfig || {};
this.doseUnits = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.doseUnits, inputConfig.doseUnits), this.routes = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.routes, inputConfig.routes), this.frequencies = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.frequencies, inputConfig.frequencies), this.durationUnits = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.durationUnits, inputConfig.durationUnits), this.dosingInstructions = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.dosingInstructions, inputConfig.dosingInstructions), this.dispensingUnits = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.dispensingUnits, inputConfig.dispensingUnits), this.dosePlaceHolder = inputConfig.dosePlaceHolder, this.hiddenFields = inputConfig.hiddenFields || [], this.isDropDown = inputConfig.isDropDown, this.drugConceptSet = inputConfig.drugConceptSet, this.labels = inputConfig.labels || {}, this.doseFractions = itemsForInputConfig(masterConfig.doseFractions, inputConfig.doseFractions, "label"), this.allowNonCodedDrugs = !inputConfig.allowOnlyCodedDrugs
}(), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("urlHelper", ["$stateParams", function($stateParams) {
this.getPatientUrl = function() {
return "/patient/" + $stateParams.patientUuid + "/dashboard"
}, this.getConsultationUrl = function() {
return this.getPatientUrl() + "/consultation"
}, this.getVisitUrl = function(visitUuid) {
return this.getPatientUrl() + "/visit/" + visitUuid
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("drugOrderHistoryHelper", [function() {
this.getInactiveDrugsFromPastVisit = function(activeAndScheduledDrugs, previousVisitDrugs) {
var inactivePreviousVisitDrugs = [];
return _.each(previousVisitDrugs, function(previousVisitDrug) {
var presentInActiveAndScheduledDrugs = _.find(activeAndScheduledDrugs, function(activeAndScheduledDrug) {
return activeAndScheduledDrug.drug && previousVisitDrug.drug ? activeAndScheduledDrug.drug.uuid === previousVisitDrug.drug.uuid : !(!activeAndScheduledDrug.drugNonCoded || !previousVisitDrug.drugNonCoded) && activeAndScheduledDrug.drugNonCoded === previousVisitDrug.drugNonCoded
presentInActiveAndScheduledDrugs || inactivePreviousVisitDrugs.push(previousVisitDrug)
}), inactivePreviousVisitDrugs
}, this.getRefillableDrugOrders = function(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, previousVisitDrugOrders, showOnlyActive) {
var drugOrderUtil = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util,
now = new Date,
partitionedDrugOrders = _.groupBy(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.effectiveStartDate > now ? "scheduled" : "active"
sortedDrugOrders = [];
return sortedDrugOrders.push(drugOrderUtil.sortDrugOrders(partitionedDrugOrders.scheduled)), sortedDrugOrders.push(drugOrderUtil.sortDrugOrders(partitionedDrugOrders.active)), showOnlyActive || sortedDrugOrders.push(drugOrderUtil.sortDrugOrders(this.getInactiveDrugsFromPastVisit(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, previousVisitDrugOrders))), _.flatten(sortedDrugOrders)
var ReactHelper = {
createReactComponent: function(component, props) {
return React.createElement(component, props)
renderReactComponent: function(component, rootId) {
return ReactDOM.render(component, document.getElementById(rootId))
Bahmni.Clinical.DispostionActionMapper = function() {
var getMappingCode = function(concept) {
var mappingCode = "";
return concept.mappings && concept.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) {
var mappingSource = mapping.display.split(":")[0];
mappingSource === Bahmni.Common.Constants.emrapiConceptMappingSource && (mappingCode = $.trim(mapping.display.split(":")[1]))
}), mappingCode
this.map = function(dispositionActions) {
return dispositionActions.map(function(dispositionAction) {
return {
name: dispositionAction.name.name,
code: getMappingCode(dispositionAction)
}, Bahmni.LabResultsMapper = function() {
this.map = function(encounterTransaction) {
return getLabResults(getLabResultObs(encounterTransaction))
var getLabResults = function(observations) {
return observations.map(function(obs) {
var notes = getNotes(obs),
resultValue = obs.value,
members = isLeaf(obs) ? [] : getLabResults(obs.groupMembers);
return new Bahmni.Clinical.LabResult(obs.concept.name, resultValue, obs.comments, null, null, null, notes, members)
isLeaf = function(obs) {
return 0 === obs.groupMembers.length || "COMMENTS" === obs.groupMembers[0].concept.name
getNotes = function(obs) {
var notes = [];
return obs.groupMembers = obs.groupMembers || [], obs.groupMembers.forEach(function(member) {
"COMMENTS" === member.concept.name && notes.push(member.value)
}), notes
getLabResultObs = function(encounterTransaction) {
var labResultObs;
return encounterTransaction.observations.forEach(function(observation) {
observation.concept.name === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labConceptSetName && (labResultObs = observation.groupMembers)
}), labResultObs || []
}, Bahmni.ConsultationMapper = function(dosageFrequencies, dosageInstructions, consultationNoteConcept, labOrderNoteConcept, followUpConditionConcept) {
var filterPreviousOrderOfRevisedOrders = function(orders) {
return _.filter(orders, function(drugOrder) {
return !_.some(orders, function(otherDrugOrder) {
return otherDrugOrder.action === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.revise && otherDrugOrder.encounterUuid === drugOrder.encounterUuid && otherDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid === drugOrder.uuid
this.map = function(encounterTransaction) {
var encounterUuid = encounterTransaction.encounterUuid,
specialObservationConceptUuids = [consultationNoteConcept.uuid, labOrderNoteConcept.uuid],
investigations = encounterTransaction.orders.filter(function(order) {
return !order.voided
labResults = (new Bahmni.LabResultsMapper).map(encounterTransaction),
nonVoidedDrugOrders = encounterTransaction.drugOrders.filter(function(order) {
return !order.voided && order.action !== Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue
nonVoidedDrugOrders = filterPreviousOrderOfRevisedOrders(nonVoidedDrugOrders);
var treatmentDrugs = nonVoidedDrugOrders.map(function(drugOrder) {
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder)
consultationNote = mapSpecialObservation(encounterTransaction.observations, consultationNoteConcept),
labOrderNote = mapSpecialObservation(encounterTransaction.observations, labOrderNoteConcept),
observations = encounterTransaction.observations.filter(function(observation) {
return !observation.voided && specialObservationConceptUuids.indexOf(observation.concept.uuid) === -1
orders = encounterTransaction.orders.filter(function(order) {
return order.action !== Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue && !order.dateStopped
mdrtbSpecimen = encounterTransaction.extensions.mdrtbSpecimen && encounterTransaction.extensions.mdrtbSpecimen.map(function(specimen) {
return specimen.sample && (specimen.sample.additionalAttributes = specimen.sample.additionalAttributes ? (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).map([specimen.sample.additionalAttributes], {}) : []), specimen.report && (specimen.report.results = specimen.report.results ? (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).map([specimen.report.results], {}) : []), new Bahmni.Clinical.Specimen(specimen)
followUpConditions = _.filter(encounterTransaction.observations, function(observation) {
return _.get(followUpConditionConcept, "uuid") == _.get(observation, "concept.uuid")
return {
visitUuid: encounterTransaction.visitUuid,
visitTypeUuid: encounterTransaction.visitTypeUuid,
encounterUuid: encounterUuid,
investigations: investigations,
treatmentDrugs: treatmentDrugs,
newlyAddedDiagnoses: [],
newlyAddedSpecimens: [],
labResults: labResults,
consultationNote: consultationNote || emptyObservation(consultationNoteConcept),
labOrderNote: labOrderNote || emptyObservation(labOrderNoteConcept),
observations: observations,
disposition: encounterTransaction.disposition,
encounterDateTime: encounterTransaction.encounterDateTime,
orders: orders,
patientUuid: encounterTransaction.patientUuid,
visitType: encounterTransaction.visitType,
providers: encounterTransaction.providers,
locationUuid: encounterTransaction.locationUuid,
extensions: {
mdrtbSpecimen: mdrtbSpecimen
followUpConditions: followUpConditions
var emptyObservation = function(concept) {
return {
concept: {
uuid: concept.uuid
mapSpecialObservation = function(encounterObservations, specialConcept) {
var observation = emptyObservation(specialConcept),
obsFromEncounter = encounterObservations.filter(function(obs) {
return obs.concept && obs.concept.uuid === specialConcept.uuid && !obs.voided
return obsFromEncounter && (observation.value = obsFromEncounter.value, observation.uuid = obsFromEncounter.uuid, observation.observationDateTime = obsFromEncounter.observationDateTime), observation
}, Bahmni.LabConceptsMapper = function() {
var LabConceptsMapper = function() {},
forConcptClass = function(conceptClassName) {
return function(concept) {
return concept.conceptClass.name === conceptClassName
assignDepartmentToTests = function(tests, departmentConceptSet) {
var departmentConcepts = departmentConceptSet ? departmentConceptSet.setMembers : [];
angular.forEach(departmentConcepts, function(departmentConcept) {
var department = {
name: departmentConcept.name.name
angular.forEach(departmentConcept.setMembers, function(testConcept) {
var test = tests.filter(function(test) {
return test.uuid === testConcept.uuid
test && (test.department = department)
createTest = function(concept, sample, panels) {
return {
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: concept.name.name,
sample: sample,
panels: panels,
set: !1,
orderTypeName: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labOrderType
createPanel = function(concept, sample) {
return {
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: concept.name.name,
sample: sample,
set: !0,
orderTypeName: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labOrderType
mapPanelTests = function(sample, tests, panelConcept) {
var panel = createPanel(panelConcept, sample),
testConcepts = panelConcept.setMembers.filter(forConcptClass(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.testConceptName));
angular.forEach(testConcepts, function(testConcept) {
var test = tests.filter(function(test) {
return test.uuid === testConcept.uuid
test ? test.panels.push(panel) : tests.push(createTest(testConcept, sample, [panel]))
return LabConceptsMapper.prototype = {
map: function(labConceptSet, departmentConceptSet) {
if (!labConceptSet) return [];
var tests = [],
sampleConcepts = labConceptSet.setMembers;
return angular.forEach(sampleConcepts, function(sampleConcept) {
var sample = {
uuid: sampleConcept.uuid,
name: sampleConcept.name.name
panelConcepts = sampleConcept.setMembers.filter(forConcptClass(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labSetConceptName)),
testConcepts = sampleConcept.setMembers.filter(forConcptClass(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.testConceptName));
angular.forEach(panelConcepts, function(panelConcept) {
mapPanelTests(sample, tests, panelConcept)
}), angular.forEach(testConcepts, function(testConcept) {
var test = tests.filter(function(test) {
return test.uuid === testConcept.uuid
test || tests.push(createTest(testConcept, sample, []))
}), assignDepartmentToTests(tests, departmentConceptSet), tests
}, LabConceptsMapper
}(), Bahmni.Clinical.EncounterTransactionMapper = function() {
var addEditedDiagnoses = function(consultation, diagnosisList) {
consultation.pastDiagnoses && consultation.pastDiagnoses.forEach(function(diagnosis) {
diagnosis.isDirty && (diagnosis.diagnosisDateTime = null, diagnosisList.push(diagnosis))
}), consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter && consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter.forEach(function(diagnosis) {
diagnosis.isDirty && (diagnosis.diagnosisDateTime = null, diagnosisList.push(diagnosis))
this.map = function(consultation, patient, locationUuid, retrospectiveEntry, defaultRetrospectiveVisitType, defaultVisitType, isInEditEncounterMode, patientProgramUuid) {
var encounterData = {};
encounterData.locationUuid = isInEditEncounterMode ? consultation.locationUuid : locationUuid, encounterData.patientUuid = patient.uuid, encounterData.encounterUuid = consultation.encounterUuid, encounterData.visitUuid = consultation.visitUuid, encounterData.providers = consultation.providers, encounterData.encounterDateTime = consultation.encounterDateTime, encounterData.extensions = {
mdrtbSpecimen: consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens
}, encounterData.context = {
patientProgramUuid: patientProgramUuid
}, _.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntry) ? encounterData.visitUuid ? encounterData.visitType || (encounterData.visitType = defaultVisitType) : encounterData.visitType = defaultVisitType : encounterData.visitType = defaultRetrospectiveVisitType || "OPD", consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses && consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.length > 0 ? encounterData.bahmniDiagnoses = consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.map(function(diagnosis) {
return {
codedAnswer: {
uuid: diagnosis.isNonCodedAnswer ? void 0 : diagnosis.codedAnswer.uuid
freeTextAnswer: diagnosis.isNonCodedAnswer ? diagnosis.codedAnswer.name : void 0,
order: diagnosis.order,
certainty: diagnosis.certainty,
existingObs: null,
diagnosisDateTime: null,
diagnosisStatusConcept: diagnosis.diagnosisStatusConcept,
voided: diagnosis.voided,
comments: diagnosis.comments
}) : encounterData.bahmniDiagnoses = [], addEditedDiagnoses(consultation, encounterData.bahmniDiagnoses), encounterData.orders = [];
var addOrdersToEncounter = function() {
var modifiedOrders = _.filter(consultation.orders, function(order) {
return order.hasBeenModified || order.isDiscontinued || !order.uuid
tempOrders = modifiedOrders.map(function(order) {
return order.urgency = order.isUrgent ? "STAT" : void 0, order.hasBeenModified && !order.isDiscontinued ? Bahmni.Clinical.Order.revise(order) : order.isDiscontinued ? Bahmni.Clinical.Order.discontinue(order) : {
uuid: order.uuid,
concept: {
name: order.concept.name,
uuid: order.concept.uuid
commentToFulfiller: order.commentToFulfiller,
urgency: order.urgency
encounterData.orders = encounterData.orders.concat(tempOrders)
addOrdersToEncounter(), consultation.drugOrders = [];
var newlyAddedTreatments = consultation.newlyAddedTreatments;
newlyAddedTreatments && newlyAddedTreatments.forEach(function(treatment) {
}), consultation.removableDrugs && (consultation.drugOrders = consultation.drugOrders.concat(consultation.removableDrugs)), encounterData.drugOrders = consultation.drugOrders, encounterData.disposition = consultation.disposition;
var addObservationsToEncounter = function() {
if (encounterData.observations = consultation.observations || [], consultation.consultationNote && encounterData.observations.push(consultation.consultationNote), consultation.labOrderNote && encounterData.observations.push(consultation.labOrderNote), !_.isEmpty(consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes)) {
var orderAttributes = _.values(consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes).map(function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.getOrderAttributesAsObs()
encounterData.observations = encounterData.observations.concat(_.flatten(orderAttributes))
return addObservationsToEncounter(), consultation.followUpConditions && [].push.apply(consultation.observations, consultation.followUpConditions), encounterData
}, Bahmni.Clinical.SpecimenMapper = function() {
this.mapObservationToSpecimen = function(observation, allSamples, conceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime) {
var specimen = new Bahmni.Clinical.Specimen(observation, allSamples);
if (specimen.specimenId = specimen.identifier, specimen.specimenSource = specimen.type.shortName ? specimen.type.shortName : specimen.type.name, specimen.specimenCollectionDate = specimen.dateCollected, specimen.report && specimen.report.results) {
specimen.report.results = specimen.report.results instanceof Array ? specimen.report.results : [specimen.report.results];
var obs = (new Bahmni.Common.Obs.ObservationMapper).map(specimen.report.results, conceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime);
specimen.sampleResult = obs && obs.length > 0 ? obs[0] : obs
return specimen.sample && specimen.sample.additionalAttributes && (specimen.sample.additionalAttributes = specimen.sample.additionalAttributes instanceof Array ? specimen.sample.additionalAttributes : [specimen.sample.additionalAttributes]), specimen
}, this.mapSpecimenToObservation = function(specimen) {
var observation = {};
observation.dateCollected = moment(specimen.dateCollected).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ"), observation.existingObs = specimen.existingObs, observation.identifier = specimen.identifier, observation.sample = {}, observation.report = {}, observation.type = specimen.type, observation.voided = specimen.voided, observation.typeFreeText = specimen.typeFreeText, observation.uuid = specimen.uuid;
var observationFilter = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationFilter;
return observation.sample.additionalAttributes = Array.isArray(specimen.sample.additionalAttributes) ? specimen.sample.additionalAttributes : [specimen.sample.additionalAttributes], observation.sample.additionalAttributes = observationFilter.filter(specimen.sample.additionalAttributes)[0], observation.report.results = Array.isArray(specimen.report.results) ? specimen.report.results : [specimen.report.results], observation.report.results = observationFilter.filter(specimen.report.results)[0], observation
}, Bahmni.OtherInvestigationsConceptsMapper = function() {
var OtherInvestigationsConceptsMapper = function(orderTypesMap) {
this.orderTypesMap = orderTypesMap
assignCategoriesToTests = function(tests, categoryConceptSet) {
var categoryConcepts = categoryConceptSet ? categoryConceptSet.setMembers : [];
angular.forEach(categoryConcepts, function(categoryConcept) {
var category = {
name: categoryConcept.name.name
angular.forEach(categoryConcept.setMembers, function(testConcept) {
var test = tests.filter(function(test) {
return test.uuid === testConcept.uuid
test && (test.category = category)
createTest = function(concept, investigationType, orderTypesMap) {
var orderTypeName = orderTypesMap[investigationType.name] || investigationType.name;
return {
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: concept.name.name,
type: investigationType,
orderTypeName: orderTypeName
return OtherInvestigationsConceptsMapper.prototype = {
map: function(otherInvestigationsConcept, categoryConceptSet) {
var self = this;
if (!otherInvestigationsConcept) return [];
var tests = [],
testTypeSets = otherInvestigationsConcept.setMembers.filter(function(concept) {
return concept.set
return angular.forEach(testTypeSets, function(concept) {
var type = {
uuid: concept.uuid,
name: concept.name.name
testConcepts = concept.setMembers.filter(function(concept) {
return concept.conceptClass.name === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.testConceptName
angular.forEach(testConcepts, function(testConcept) {
tests.push(createTest(testConcept, type, self.orderTypesMap))
}), assignCategoriesToTests(tests, categoryConceptSet), tests
}, OtherInvestigationsConceptsMapper
}(), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("patientVisitHistoryService", ["visitService", function(visitService) {
this.getVisitHistory = function(patientUuid, currentVisitLocation) {
return visitService.search({
patient: patientUuid,
v: "custom:(uuid,visitType,startDatetime,stopDatetime,location,encounters:(uuid))",
includeInactive: !0
}).then(function(data) {
var visits = _.map(data.data.results, function(visitData) {
return new Bahmni.Clinical.VisitHistoryEntry(visitData)
activeVisit = visits.filter(function(visit) {
return visit.isActive() && visit.isFromCurrentLocation(currentVisitLocation)
return {
visits: visits,
activeVisit: activeVisit
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("labTestsProvider", ["$q", "conceptSetService", function($q, conceptSetService) {
this.getTests = function() {
var deferer = $q.defer(),
labConceptsPromise = conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labConceptSetName,
v: "custom:(uuid,setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass,setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass,setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass))))"
}, !0),
departmentConceptsPromise = conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.labDepartmentsConceptSetName,
v: "custom:(uuid,setMembers:(uuid,name,setMembers:(uuid,name)))"
}, !0);
return $q.all([labConceptsPromise, departmentConceptsPromise]).then(function(results) {
var labConceptsSet = results[0].data.results[0],
labDepartmentsSet = results[1].data.results[0],
tests = (new Bahmni.LabConceptsMapper).map(labConceptsSet, labDepartmentsSet);
}, deferer.reject), deferer.promise
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("otherTestsProvider", ["$q", "conceptSetService", "clinicalAppConfigService", function($q, conceptSetService, clinicalAppConfigService) {
var orderTypesMapConfig = clinicalAppConfigService.getOtherInvestigationsMap(),
orderTypesMap = orderTypesMapConfig ? orderTypesMapConfig.value : {},
mapper = new Bahmni.OtherInvestigationsConceptsMapper(orderTypesMap);
this.getTests = function() {
var deferer = $q.defer(),
otherInvestigationsConceptPromise = conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.otherInvestigationsConceptSetName,
v: "fullchildren"
}, !0),
categoriesConceptPromise = conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.otherInvestigationCategoriesConceptSetName,
v: "custom:(uuid,setMembers:(uuid,name,setMembers:(uuid,name)))"
}, !0);
return $q.all([otherInvestigationsConceptPromise, categoriesConceptPromise]).then(function(results) {
var otherInvestigationConcept = results[0].data.results[0],
labDepartmentsSet = results[1].data.results[0],
tests = mapper.map(otherInvestigationConcept, labDepartmentsSet);
}, deferer.reject), deferer.promise
}]), Bahmni.Clinical.Notifier = function() {
var callBacks = {};
this.register = function(key, callback) {
callBacks[key] = callback
}, this.fire = function() {
_.each(callBacks, function(callback) {
}, angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("treatmentConfig", ["treatmentService", "spinner", "configurationService", "appService", "$q", "$translate", function(treatmentService, spinner, configurationService, appService, $q, $translate) {
var getConfigFromServer = function(baseTreatmentConfig) {
return treatmentService.getConfig().then(function(result) {
var config = angular.extend(baseTreatmentConfig, result.data);
return config.durationUnits = [{
name: "Day(s)",
factor: 1
}, {
name: "Week(s)",
factor: 7
}, {
name: "Month(s)",
factor: 30
}], config.frequencies = _(config.frequencies).reverse().sortBy({
name: "Immediately"
name: "SOS"
}).reverse().value(), config
setNonCodedDrugConcept = function(config) {
return treatmentService.getNonCodedDrugConcept().then(function(data) {
return config.nonCodedDrugconcept = {
uuid: data
}, config
setStoppedOrderReasonConcepts = function(config) {
return configurationService.getConfigurations(["stoppedOrderReasonConfig"]).then(function(response) {
var stoppedOrderReasonConfig = response.stoppedOrderReasonConfig.results[0] || {};
return config.stoppedOrderReasonConcepts = stoppedOrderReasonConfig.answers, config
return function(tabConfigName) {
var drugOrderOptions, baseTreatmentConfig = {
allowNonCodedDrugs: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.allowNonCodedDrugs
getDoseUnits: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.doseUnits
getRoutes: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.routes
getDurationUnits: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.durationUnits
getDosingInstructions: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.dosingInstructions
getDispensingUnits: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.dispensingUnits
getFrequencies: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.frequencies
getDosePlaceHolder: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.dosePlaceHolder
getDoseFractions: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.doseFractions
isHiddenField: function(fieldName) {
return _.includes(drugOrderOptions.hiddenFields, fieldName)
isDropDown: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.isDropDown && drugOrderOptions.drugConceptSet
isAutoComplete: function() {
return !this.isDropDown()
getDrugConceptSet: function() {
return drugOrderOptions.drugConceptSet
isDropDownForGivenConceptSet: function() {
return this.isDropDown() && this.getDrugConceptSet()
isAutoCompleteForGivenConceptSet: function() {
return this.isAutoComplete() && this.getDrugConceptSet()
isAutoCompleteForAllConcepts: function() {
return !this.getDrugConceptSet()
showAdditionalInformation: function() {
var additionalInformationFields = ["sos", "additionalInstructions", "dosingInstructions"],
hiddenAdditionalInformationFields = _.intersection(additionalInformationFields, drugOrderOptions.hiddenFields);
return hiddenAdditionalInformationFields.length < additionalInformationFields.length
translate: function(field, defaultKey) {
var labelKey = drugOrderOptions.labels[field],
labelValue = $translate.instant(labelKey);
return labelValue === labelKey && (labelValue = $translate.instant(defaultKey)), labelValue
showBulkChangeDuration: function() {
return !this.hideBulkChangeDurationButton
setDrugOrderOptions = function(medicationTabConfig, tabConfigName) {
var medicationJson = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigForPage("medication") || {},
commonConfig = medicationJson.commonConfig || {},
allTabConfigs = medicationJson.tabConfig || {},
tabConfig = allTabConfigs[tabConfigName] || {};
tabConfig.inputOptionsConfig = tabConfig.inputOptionsConfig || {}, tabConfig.orderSet = tabConfig.orderSet || {};
var showDoseFractions = tabConfig.inputOptionsConfig.showDoseFractions;
return tabConfig.inputOptionsConfig.showDoseFractions = !!showDoseFractions && showDoseFractions, tabConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig = tabConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig || {}, angular.extend(medicationTabConfig, commonConfig, tabConfig), drugOrderOptions = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderOptions(medicationTabConfig.inputOptionsConfig, medicationTabConfig), medicationTabConfig
return getConfigFromServer(baseTreatmentConfig).then(function(config) {
return setDrugOrderOptions(config, tabConfigName)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").filter("observationValue", function() {
return function(obs) {
return Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationValueMapper.map(obs)
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("buttonsRadio", function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
model: "=",
options: "=",
dirtyCheckFlag: "="
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
attrs.dirtyCheckFlag && (scope.hasDirtyFlag = !0)
controller: function($scope) {
angular.isString($scope.options) && ($scope.options = $scope.options.split(",").reduce(function(options, item) {
return options[item] = item, options
}, {})), $scope.activate = function(option) {
$scope.model === option ? $scope.model = void 0 : $scope.model = option, $scope.hasDirtyFlag && ($scope.dirtyCheckFlag = !0)
template: "<button type='button' class='btn' ng-class='{active: value === model}'ng-repeat='(displayOption,value) in options' ng-click='activate(value)'><span></span>{{displayOption | translate}} </button>"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("orderSelector", [function() {
var link = function($scope) {
$scope.hasTests = function() {
var rootConcept = $scope.tab.leftCategory;
return rootConcept && !_.isEmpty(rootConcept.setMembers)
}, $scope.filterByConceptClass = function(test) {
return test.conceptClass.name === $scope.group.name
var filterBySearchString = function(testName) {
return _.includes(_.toLower(testName.name), _.toLower($scope.search.string))
$scope.filterBySearchString = function(test) {
return _.some(test.names, filterBySearchString)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
templateUrl: "./consultation/views/orderSelector.html",
scope: !1
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("diagnosisAutoComplete", ["$parse", function($parse) {
var link = function(scope, element, attrs) {
var ngModel = $parse(attrs.ngModel),
source = scope.source(),
responseMap = scope.responseMap(),
onSelect = scope.onSelect();
autofocus: !0,
minLength: 2,
source: function(request, response) {
source(request.term).success(function(data) {
var results = responseMap ? responseMap(data) : data;
select: function(event, ui) {
return scope.$apply(function() {
ngModel.assign(scope, ui.item.value), onSelect && onSelect(scope.index, ui.item.lookup), scope.$eval(attrs.ngChange)
}), !0
search: function(event) {
var searchTerm = $.trim(element.val());
searchTerm.length < 2 && event.preventDefault()
return {
link: link,
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
source: "&",
responseMap: "&",
onSelect: "&",
index: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("newDrugOrders", ["messagingService", function(messagingService) {
var controller = function($scope, $rootScope) {
$scope.edit = function(drugOrder, index) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:editDrugOrder", drugOrder, index)
}, $scope.remove = function(index) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:removeDrugOrder", index)
var defaultBulkDuration = function() {
return {
bulkDurationUnit: $scope.treatmentConfig.durationUnits ? $scope.treatmentConfig.durationUnits[0].name : ""
$scope.bulkDurationData = defaultBulkDuration();
var clearBulkDurationChange = function() {
$scope.bulkDurationData = defaultBulkDuration(), $scope.bulkSelectCheckbox = !1
$scope.bulkDurationChangeDone = function() {
$scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration && $scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDurationUnit && $scope.treatments.forEach(function(treatment) {
treatment.durationUpdateFlag && (treatment.duration || (treatment.quantityEnteredManually = !1), treatment.duration = $scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration, treatment.durationUnit = $scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDurationUnit, treatment.calculateDurationInDays(), treatment.calculateQuantityAndUnit())
}), clearBulkDurationChange(), $scope.bulkChangeDuration()
var isDurationNullForAnyTreatment = function(treatments) {
var isDurationNull = !1;
return treatments.forEach(function(treatment) {
treatment.duration || (isDurationNull = !0)
}), isDurationNull
setNonCodedDrugConcept = function(treatment) {
treatment.drugNonCoded && (treatment.concept = $scope.treatmentConfig.nonCodedDrugconcept)
$scope.selectAllCheckbox = function() {
$scope.bulkSelectCheckbox = !$scope.bulkSelectCheckbox, $scope.treatments.forEach(function(treatment) {
setNonCodedDrugConcept(treatment), treatment.durationUpdateFlag = $scope.bulkSelectCheckbox
}, $scope.bulkChangeDuration = function() {
$scope.showBulkChangeToggle = !$scope.showBulkChangeToggle, clearBulkDurationChange(), $scope.selectAllCheckbox(), $scope.showBulkChangeToggle && isDurationNullForAnyTreatment($scope.treatments) && messagingService.showMessage("info", "There are drugs that do no have a duration specified.Updating duration will update for those drugs as well")
}, $scope.showBulkChangeDuration = $scope.treatmentConfig.showBulkChangeDuration(), $scope.updateDuration = function(stepperValue) {
!$scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration && isNaN($scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration) && ($scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration = 0), $scope.bulkDurationData.bulkDuration += stepperValue
return {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/newDrugOrders.html",
scope: {
treatments: "=",
treatmentConfig: "="
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("newOrderGroup", [function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.config = {
columns: ["drugName", "dosage", "frequency", "route", "duration", "startDate", "instructions"],
actions: ["edit"],
columnHeaders: {
var setOrderSetName = function(orderSetNewName) {
_.isUndefined(orderSetNewName) || ($scope.config.title = orderSetNewName)
$scope.$watch("orderSetName", setOrderSetName)
return {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/newOrderGroup.html",
scope: {
treatments: "=",
orderSetName: "="
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("InvestigationsSelectorController", ["$scope", "spinner", "configurations", function($scope, spinner, configurations) {
var Selectable = Bahmni.Clinical.Selectable,
Category = Bahmni.Clinical.Category;
$scope.selectablePanels = [], $scope.selectableTests = [], spinner.forPromise($scope.testsProvider.getTests()).then(function(tests) {
initializeTests(tests), selectSelectablesBasedOnInvestigations(), $scope.showAll()
var onSelectionChange = function(selectable) {
selectable.isSelected() ? selectable.isSelectedFromSelf() && addInvestigationForSelectable(selectable) : removeInvestigationForSelectable(selectable)
initializeTests = function(tests) {
var categories = $scope.categories = [],
selectablePanels = $scope.selectablePanels = [],
selectableTests = $scope.selectableTests = [],
filters = $scope.filters = [];
angular.forEach(tests, function(test) {
var selectableTest = new Selectable(test, [], onSelectionChange);
var categoryData = test[$scope.categoryColumn] || {
name: "Other"
category = categories.filter(function(category) {
return category.name === categoryData.name
category ? category.tests.push(selectableTest) : categories.push(new Category(categoryData.name, [selectableTest])), angular.forEach(test.panels, function(testPanel) {
var selectablePanel = selectablePanels.filter(function(panel) {
return panel.name === testPanel.name
selectablePanel ? selectablePanel.addChild(selectableTest) : (selectablePanel = new Selectable(testPanel, [selectableTest], onSelectionChange), selectablePanels.push(selectablePanel))
var filter = test[$scope.filterColumn];
filters.indexOf(filter) === -1 && filters.push(filter)
selectSelectablesBasedOnInvestigations = function() {
var selectables = $scope.allSelectables(),
currentInvestigations = $scope.investigations.filter(function(investigation) {
return !investigation.voided
angular.forEach(currentInvestigations, function(investigation) {
var selectable = findSelectableForInvestigation(selectables, investigation);
selectable && selectable.select()
findSelectableForInvestigation = function(selectables, investigation) {
return selectables.filter(function(selectableConcept) {
return selectableConcept.uuid === investigation.concept.uuid
createInvestigationFromSelectable = function(selectable) {
return {
concept: {
uuid: selectable.uuid,
name: selectable.name,
set: selectable.set
orderTypeUuid: configurations.encounterConfig().orderTypes[selectable.orderTypeName],
voided: !1
addInvestigationForSelectable = function(selectable) {
var investigation = findInvestigationForSelectable(selectable);
investigation ? investigation.voided = !1 : $scope.investigations.push(createInvestigationFromSelectable(selectable))
removeInvestigationForSelectable = function(selectable) {
var investigation = findInvestigationForSelectable(selectable);
investigation && removeInvestigation(investigation)
removeInvestigation = function(investigation) {
if (investigation.uuid) investigation.voided = !0;
else {
var index = $scope.investigations.indexOf(investigation);
$scope.investigations.splice(index, 1)
findInvestigationForSelectable = function(selectable) {
return $scope.investigations.filter(function(investigation) {
return investigation.concept.uuid === selectable.uuid
$scope.showAll = function() {
var applyCurrentFilterByFilterCoulmn = function(selectable) {
return !$scope.currentFilter || selectable[$scope.filterColumn] === $scope.currentFilter
$scope.filterBy = function(filter) {
$scope.currentFilter = filter,
$scope.filteredPanels = $scope.selectablePanels.filter(applyCurrentFilterByFilterCoulmn), angular.forEach($scope.categories, function(category) {
}, $scope.hasFilter = function() {
return !!$scope.currentFilter
}, $scope.hasTests = function() {
return $scope.selectableTests && $scope.selectableTests.length > 0
}, $scope.isFilteredBy = function(filter) {
return $scope.currentFilter === filter
}, $scope.allSelectables = function() {
return $scope.selectablePanels.concat($scope.selectableTests)
}, $scope.selctedSelectables = function() {
return $scope.allSelectables().filter(function(selectable) {
return selectable.isSelectedFromSelf()
}]).directive("investigationsSelector", function() {
return {
restrict: "EA",
templateUrl: "consultation/views/investigationsSelector.html",
controller: "InvestigationsSelectorController",
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
investigations: "=ngModel",
testsProvider: "=",
filterColumn: "@",
filterHeader: "@",
categoryColumn: "@"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("ClinicalController", ["$scope", "retrospectiveEntryService", "$rootScope", "appService", function($scope, retrospectiveEntryService, $rootScope, appService) {
$scope.retrospectiveClass = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry())
}, $rootScope.toggleControlPanel = function() {
$rootScope.showControlPanel = !$rootScope.showControlPanel
}, $rootScope.collapseControlPanel = function() {
$rootScope.showControlPanel = !1
}, $rootScope.getLocaleCSS = function() {
var networkConnectivity, localeCSS = "offline-language-english";
appService.getAppDescriptor() && (networkConnectivity = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("networkConnectivity"));
var locales = void 0 != networkConnectivity ? networkConnectivity.locales : null,
currentUser = $rootScope.currentUser;
return currentUser && currentUser.userProperties && locales && _.each(locales, function(localeObj) {
localeObj.locale == currentUser.userProperties.defaultLocale && (localeCSS = localeObj.css)
}), localeCSS
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("ConsultationSummaryController", ["$scope", "conceptSetUiConfigService", function($scope, conceptSetUiConfigService) {
var geEditedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters = function() {
var editedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters = [];
return $scope.consultation.pastDiagnoses.forEach(function(pastDiagnosis) {
pastDiagnosis.isDirty && pastDiagnosis.encounterUuid !== $scope.consultation.encounterUuid && editedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters.push(pastDiagnosis)
}), editedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters
$scope.editedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters = geEditedDiagnosesFromPastEncounters(), $scope.onNoteChanged = function() {
$scope.consultation.consultationNote.observationDateTime = null
var groupObservations = function() {
var allObservations = $scope.consultation.observations;
return allObservations = _.filter(allObservations, function(obs) {
return "Dispensed" !== obs.concept.name && (!$scope.followUpConditionConcept || obs.concept.uuid !== $scope.followUpConditionConcept.uuid)
}), new Bahmni.Clinical.ObsGroupingHelper(conceptSetUiConfigService).groupObservations(allObservations)
$scope.groupedObservations = groupObservations(), $scope.disposition = $scope.consultation.disposition, $scope.toggle = function(item) {
item.show = !item.show
}, $scope.isConsultationTabEmpty = function() {
return !!(_.isEmpty($scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses) && _.isEmpty($scope.groupedObservations) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.consultationNote.value) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.investigations) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.disposition) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.treatmentDrugs) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.newlyAddedTreatments) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs) && _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter))
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("DiagnosisController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "diagnosisService", "messagingService", "contextChangeHandler", "spinner", "appService", "$translate", "retrospectiveEntryService", function($scope, $rootScope, diagnosisService, messagingService, contextChangeHandler, spinner, appService, $translate, retrospectiveEntryService) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
$scope.todayWithoutTime = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.today()), $scope.toggles = {
expandInactive: !1
}, $scope.consultation.condition = $scope.consultation.condition || new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Condition({}), $scope.conditionsStatuses = {
}, $scope.consultation.followUpConditions = $scope.consultation.followUpConditions || [], _.forEach($scope.consultation.conditions, function(condition) {
condition.isFollowUp = _.some($scope.consultation.followUpConditions, {
value: condition.uuid
}), $scope.placeholder = "Add Diagnosis", $scope.hasAnswers = !1, $scope.orderOptions = {
}, $scope.certaintyOptions = {
}, $scope.getDiagnosis = function(params) {
return diagnosisService.getAllFor(params.term).then(mapConcept)
var _canAdd = function(diagnosis) {
var canAdd = !0;
return $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.forEach(function(observation) {
observation.codedAnswer.uuid === diagnosis.codedAnswer.uuid && (canAdd = !1)
}), diagnosis.codedAnswer.uuid && (diagnosis.order = "PRIMARY", diagnosis.certainty = "PRESUMED"), canAdd
$scope.getAddNewDiagnosisMethod = function(diagnosisAtIndex) {
return function(item) {
var concept = item.lookup,
index = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.indexOf(diagnosisAtIndex),
diagnosisBeingEdited = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses[index],
diagnosis = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Diagnosis(concept, diagnosisBeingEdited.order, diagnosisBeingEdited.certainty, diagnosisBeingEdited.existingObs);
_canAdd(diagnosis) && $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.splice(index, 1, diagnosis)
var addPlaceHolderDiagnosis = function() {
var diagnosis = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Diagnosis("");
findPrivilege = function(privilegeName) {
return _.find($rootScope.currentUser.privileges, function(privilege) {
return privilegeName === privilege.name
init = function() {
$scope.canDeleteDiagnosis = findPrivilege(Bahmni.Common.Constants.deleteDiagnosisPrivilege), $scope.allowOnlyCodedDiagnosis = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("allowOnlyCodedDiagnosis") && appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("allowOnlyCodedDiagnosis").value, $scope.hideConditions = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("hideConditions"), addPlaceHolderDiagnosis(), diagnosisService.getDiagnosisConceptSet().then(function(result) {
$scope.diagnosisMetaData = result.data.results[0], $scope.isStatusConfigured = function() {
var memberFound = _.find($scope.diagnosisMetaData.setMembers, function(member) {
return "Bahmni Diagnosis Status" === member.name.name
return void 0 !== memberFound
$scope.checkInvalidDiagnoses = function() {
$scope.errorMessage = "", $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.forEach(function(diagnosis) {
isInvalidDiagnosis(diagnosis) && ($scope.errorMessage = "{{'CLINICAL_DUPLICATE_DIAGNOSIS_ERROR_MESSAGE' | translate }}")
var isInvalidDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
var codedAnswers = _.map(_.remove(_.map($scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses, "codedAnswer"), void 0), function(answer) {
return answer.name.toLowerCase()
codedAnswersCount = _.countBy(codedAnswers);
return diagnosis.invalid = !!(diagnosis.codedAnswer.name && codedAnswersCount[diagnosis.codedAnswer.name.toLowerCase()] > 1), diagnosis.invalid
contextChange = function() {
var invalidnewlyAddedDiagnoses = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return isInvalidDiagnosis(diagnosis) || !$scope.isValid(diagnosis)
invalidSavedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter = $scope.consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return !$scope.isValid(diagnosis)
invalidPastDiagnoses = $scope.consultation.pastDiagnoses.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return !$scope.isValid(diagnosis)
isValidConditionForm = $scope.consultation.condition.isEmpty() || $scope.consultation.condition.isValid();
return {
allow: 0 === invalidnewlyAddedDiagnoses.length && 0 === invalidPastDiagnoses.length && 0 === invalidSavedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter.length && isValidConditionForm,
errorMessage: $scope.errorMessage
var mapConcept = function(result) {
return _.map(result.data, function(concept) {
var response = {
value: concept.matchedName || concept.conceptName,
concept: {
name: concept.conceptName,
uuid: concept.conceptUuid
lookup: {
name: concept.matchedName || concept.conceptName,
uuid: concept.conceptUuid
return concept.matchedName && concept.matchedName !== concept.conceptName && (response.value = response.value + " => " + concept.conceptName), concept.code && (response.value = response.value + " (" + concept.code + ")"), response
$scope.getAddConditionMethod = function() {
return function(item) {
$scope.consultation.condition.concept.uuid = item.lookup.uuid, item.value = $scope.consultation.condition.concept.name = item.lookup.name
var findExistingCondition = function(newCondition) {
return _.find($scope.consultation.conditions, function(condition) {
return newCondition.conditionNonCoded ? condition.conditionNonCoded == newCondition.conditionNonCoded : condition.concept.uuid == newCondition.concept.uuid
$scope.filterConditions = function(status) {
return _.filter($scope.consultation.conditions, {
status: status
var expandInactiveOnNewInactive = function(condition) {
"INACTIVE" == condition.status && ($scope.toggles.expandInactive = !0)
updateOrAddCondition = function(condition) {
var existingCondition = findExistingCondition(condition);
return existingCondition ? existingCondition.uuid ? existingCondition.isActive() ? void messagingService.showMessage("error", "CONDITION_LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS_AS_ACTIVE") : existingCondition.activeSince && condition.onSetDate && !DateUtil.isBeforeDate(existingCondition.activeSince - 1, condition.onSetDate) ? void messagingService.showMessage("error", $translate.instant("CONDITION_LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS", {
lastActive: DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(existingCondition.activeSince),
status: existingCondition.status
})) : (existingCondition.status != condition.status && (existingCondition.onSetDate = condition.onSetDate || DateUtil.today(), existingCondition.status = condition.status), existingCondition.additionalDetail = condition.additionalDetail, existingCondition.isActive() && (existingCondition.activeSince = existingCondition.endDate), expandInactiveOnNewInactive(condition), void clearCondition()) : (_.pull($scope.consultation.conditions, existingCondition), $scope.consultation.conditions.push(condition), expandInactiveOnNewInactive(condition), void clearCondition()) : ($scope.consultation.conditions.push(condition), expandInactiveOnNewInactive(condition), void clearCondition())
$scope.addCondition = function(condition_) {
var condition = _.cloneDeep(condition_);
condition_.isNonCoded && (condition.conditionNonCoded = condition.concept.name, condition.concept = {}), condition.voided = !1, updateOrAddCondition(new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Condition(condition))
}, $scope.markAs = function(condition, status) {
condition.status = status, condition.onSetDate = DateUtil.today(), expandInactiveOnNewInactive(condition)
var clearCondition = function() {
$scope.consultation.condition = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.Condition, $scope.consultation.condition.showNotes = !1
$scope.addDiagnosisToConditions = function(diagnosis) {
}, $scope.cannotBeACondition = function(diagnosis) {
return "CONFIRMED" != diagnosis.certainty || alreadyHasActiveCondition(diagnosis)
}, $scope.addConditionAsFollowUp = function(condition) {
condition.isFollowUp = !0;
var followUpCondition = {
concept: {
uuid: $scope.followUpConditionConcept.uuid
value: condition.uuid,
voided: !1
var alreadyHasActiveCondition = function(diagnosis) {
var existingCondition = findExistingCondition(Bahmni.Common.Domain.Condition.createFromDiagnosis(diagnosis));
return existingCondition && existingCondition.isActive()
$scope.cleanOutDiagnosisList = function(allDiagnoses) {
return allDiagnoses.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return !alreadyAddedToDiagnosis(diagnosis)
var alreadyAddedToDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
var isPresent = !1;
return $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.forEach(function(d) {
d.codedAnswer.uuid === diagnosis.concept.uuid && (isPresent = !0)
}), isPresent
$scope.removeObservation = function(index) {
index >= 0 && $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.splice(index, 1)
}, $scope.clearDiagnosis = function(index) {
var diagnosisBeingEdited = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses[index];
var reloadDiagnosesSection = function(encounterUuid) {
return diagnosisService.getPastAndCurrentDiagnoses($scope.patient.uuid, encounterUuid).then(function(response) {
$scope.consultation.pastDiagnoses = response.pastDiagnoses, $scope.consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter = response.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter
$scope.deleteDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
var obsUUid = null !== diagnosis.existingObs ? diagnosis.existingObs : diagnosis.previousObs;
spinner.forPromise(diagnosisService.deleteDiagnosis(obsUUid).then(function() {
messagingService.showMessage("info", "Deleted");
var currentUuid = $scope.consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter.length > 0 ? $scope.consultation.savedDiagnosesFromCurrentEncounter[0].encounterUuid : "";
return reloadDiagnosesSection(currentUuid)
})).then(function() {})
var clearBlankDiagnosis = !0,
removeBlankDiagnosis = function() {
clearBlankDiagnosis && ($scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return !diagnosis.isEmpty()
}), clearBlankDiagnosis = !1)
$scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.register("diagnosisSaveHandlerKey", removeBlankDiagnosis), $scope.$on("$destroy", removeBlankDiagnosis), $scope.processDiagnoses = function(data) {
data.map(function(concept) {
return concept.conceptName === concept.matchedName ? {
value: concept.matchedName,
concept: concept
} : {
value: concept.matchedName + "=>" + concept.conceptName,
concept: concept
}, $scope.restEmptyRowsToOne = function(index) {
var iter;
for (iter = 0; iter < $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.length; iter++) $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses[iter].isEmpty() && iter !== index && $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.splice(iter, 1);
var emptyRows = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedDiagnoses.filter(function(diagnosis) {
return diagnosis.isEmpty()
0 === emptyRows.length && addPlaceHolderDiagnosis(), clearBlankDiagnosis = !0
}, $scope.toggle = function(item) {
item.show = !item.show
}, $scope.isValid = function(diagnosis) {
return diagnosis.isValidAnswer() && diagnosis.isValidOrder() && diagnosis.isValidCertainty()
}, $scope.isRetrospectiveMode = retrospectiveEntryService.isRetrospectiveMode, init()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("InvestigationController", ["$scope", "labTestsProvider", "otherTestsProvider", function($scope, labTestsProvider, otherTestsProvider) {
$scope.tabs = [{
name: "Laboratory",
testsProvider: labTestsProvider,
filterColumn: "sample",
filterHeader: "Sample",
categoryColumn: "department"
}, {
name: "Other",
testsProvider: otherTestsProvider,
filterColumn: "type",
filterHeader: "Investigation",
categoryColumn: "category"
}], $scope.activateTab = function(tab) {
$scope.activeTab && ($scope.activeTab.klass = ""), $scope.activeTab = tab, $scope.activeTab.klass = "active"
var findVoidedInvestigations = function() {
var filteredInvestigation = $scope.consultation.investigations.filter(function(investigation) {
return investigation.voided
return filteredInvestigation.length === $scope.consultation.investigations.length
$scope.isValidInvestigation = function() {
return !$scope.consultation.investigations.length > 0 || findVoidedInvestigations() ? ($scope.noteState = !1, $scope.consultation.labOrderNote.uuid ? $scope.consultation.labOrderNote.voided = !0 : $scope.consultation.labOrderNote.value && ($scope.consultation.labOrderNote.value = null), !1) : ($scope.consultation.labOrderNote.uuid && ($scope.noteState = !0, $scope.consultation.labOrderNote.voided = !1), !0)
}, $scope.activateTab($scope.tabs[0]), $scope.toggleNote = function() {
$scope.noteState = !$scope.noteState
var init = function() {
$scope.noteState = !(!$scope.consultation.labOrderNote || !$scope.consultation.labOrderNote.value)
$scope.onNoteChanged = function() {
$scope.consultation.labOrderNote && ($scope.consultation.labOrderNote.observationDateTime = null)
}, init()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("OrderController", ["$scope", "allOrderables", "ngDialog", "retrospectiveEntryService", "appService", "$translate", function($scope, allOrderables, ngDialog, retrospectiveEntryService, appService, $translate) {
$scope.consultation.orders = $scope.consultation.orders || [], $scope.consultation.childOrders = $scope.consultation.childOrders || [], $scope.allOrdersTemplates = allOrderables;
var RadiologyOrderOptionsConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("enableRadiologyOrderOptions"),
LabOrderOptionsConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("enableLabOrderOptions");
$scope.enableRadiologyOrderOptions = RadiologyOrderOptionsConfig ? RadiologyOrderOptionsConfig.value : null, $scope.enableLabOrderOptions = LabOrderOptionsConfig ? LabOrderOptionsConfig.value : null;
var testConceptToParentsMapping = {},
collapseExistingActiveSection = function(section) {
section && (section.klass = "")
showFirstLeftCategoryByDefault = function() {
if (!$scope.activeTab.leftCategory) {
var allLeftCategories = $scope.getOrderTemplate($scope.activeTab.name).setMembers;
allLeftCategories.length > 0 && $scope.showLeftCategoryTests(allLeftCategories[0])
findTest = function(testUuid) {
var test, allLeftCategories = $scope.getOrderTemplate($scope.activeTab.name).setMembers;
return _.each(allLeftCategories, function(leftCategory) {
var foundTest = _.find(leftCategory.setMembers, function(test) {
return test.uuid === testUuid
if (foundTest) return void(test = foundTest)
}), test
removeOrder = function(testUuid) {
var order = _.find($scope.consultation.orders, function(order) {
return order.concept.uuid === testUuid
order && (order.uuid ? order.isDiscontinued = !0 : _.remove($scope.consultation.orders, order))
createOrder = function(test) {
var discontinuedOrder = _.find($scope.consultation.orders, function(order) {
return test.uuid === order.concept.uuid && order.isDiscontinued
if (discontinuedOrder) discontinuedOrder.isDiscontinued = !1;
else {
var createdOrder = Bahmni.Clinical.Order.create(test);
initTestConceptToParentsMapping = function() {
var allLeftCategories = $scope.getOrderTemplate($scope.activeTab.name).setMembers;
_.each(allLeftCategories, function(leftCategory) {
_.each(leftCategory.setMembers, function(member) {
0 !== member.setMembers.length && _.each(member.setMembers, function(child) {
void 0 === testConceptToParentsMapping[child.uuid] && (testConceptToParentsMapping[child.uuid] = []), testConceptToParentsMapping[child.uuid].push(member.uuid)
init = function() {
$scope.tabs = [], _.forEach($scope.allOrdersTemplates, function(item) {
var conceptName = $scope.getName(item);
name: conceptName ? conceptName : item.name.name,
topLevelConcept: item.name.name
$scope.isRetrospectiveMode = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry())
}, $scope.activateTab = function(tab) {
"active" === tab.klass ? (tab.klass = "", $scope.activeTab = void 0) : (collapseExistingActiveSection($scope.activeTab), $scope.activeTab = tab, $scope.activeTab.klass = "active", $scope.updateSelectedOrdersForActiveTab(), initTestConceptToParentsMapping(), showFirstLeftCategoryByDefault())
}, $scope.updateSelectedOrdersForActiveTab = function() {
if ($scope.activeTab) {
var activeTabTestConcepts = _.map(_.flatten(_.map($scope.getOrderTemplate($scope.activeTab.name).setMembers, "setMembers")), "uuid");
$scope.selectedOrders = _.filter($scope.consultation.orders, function(testOrder) {
return _.indexOf(activeTabTestConcepts, testOrder.concept.uuid) !== -1
}), _.each($scope.selectedOrders, function(order) {
order.isUrgent = "STAT" == order.urgency || order.isUrgent
}, $scope.getOrderTemplate = function(templateName) {
var key = "'" + templateName + "'";
return $scope.allOrdersTemplates[key]
}, $scope.showLeftCategoryTests = function(leftCategory) {
collapseExistingActiveSection($scope.activeTab.leftCategory), $scope.activeTab.leftCategory = leftCategory, $scope.activeTab.leftCategory.klass = "active", $scope.activeTab.leftCategory.groups = $scope.getConceptClassesInSet(leftCategory)
}, $scope.getConceptClassesInSet = function(conceptSet) {
var conceptsWithUniqueClass = _.uniqBy(conceptSet ? conceptSet.setMembers : [], function(concept) {
return concept.conceptClass.uuid
conceptClasses = [];
return _.forEach(conceptsWithUniqueClass, function(concept) {
name: concept.conceptClass.name,
description: concept.conceptClass.description
}), conceptClasses = _.sortBy(conceptClasses, "name")
}, $scope.$watchCollection("consultation.orders", $scope.updateSelectedOrdersForActiveTab), $scope.handleOrderClick = function(order) {
var test = findTest(order.concept.uuid);
}, $scope.search = {}, $scope.search.string = "", $scope.resetSearchString = function() {
$scope.search.string = ""
}, $scope.toggleOrderSelection = function(test) {
var orderPresent = $scope.isActiveOrderPresent(test);
orderPresent ? removeOrder(test.uuid) : (createOrder(test), _.each(test.setMembers, function(child) {
}, $scope.isActiveOrderPresent = function(test) {
var validOrders = _.filter($scope.consultation.orders, function(testOrder) {
return !testOrder.isDiscontinued
return _.find(validOrders, function(order) {
return order.concept.uuid === test.uuid || _.includes(testConceptToParentsMapping[test.uuid], order.concept.uuid)
}, $scope.isOrderNotEditable = function(order) {
var test = findTest(order.concept.uuid);
return $scope.isTestIndirectlyPresent(test)
}, $scope.isTestIndirectlyPresent = function(test) {
var validOrders = _.filter($scope.consultation.orders, function(testOrder) {
return !testOrder.isDiscontinued
return _.find(validOrders, function(order) {
return _.includes(testConceptToParentsMapping[test.uuid], order.concept.uuid)
}, $scope.openNotesPopup = function(order) {
order.previousNote = order.commentToFulfiller, $scope.orderNoteText = order.previousNote, $scope.dialog = ngDialog.open({
template: "consultation/views/orderNotes.html",
className: "selectedOrderNoteContainer-dialog ngdialog-theme-default",
data: order,
scope: $scope
}, $scope.$on("ngDialog.opened", function() {
}), $scope.$on("ngDialog.closed", function() {
}), $scope.appendPrintNotes = function(order) {
var printNotes = $translate.instant("CLINICAL_ORDER_RADIOLOGY_NEED_PRINT");
order.previousNote && order.previousNote.indexOf(printNotes) == -1 ? $scope.orderNoteText = printNotes + (order.previousNote || "") : ($scope.orderNoteText || "").indexOf(printNotes) == -1 && ($scope.orderNoteText = $translate.instant(printNotes) + ($scope.orderNoteText || ""))
}, $scope.isPrintShown = function(isOrderSaved) {
var configuredOptions = getConfiguredOptions();
return _.some(configuredOptions, function(option) {
return "needsprint" === option.toLowerCase()
}) && !isOrderSaved
}, $scope.isUrgent = function() {
var configuredOptions = getConfiguredOptions();
return _.some(configuredOptions, function(option) {
return "urgent" === option.toLowerCase()
var getConfiguredOptions = function() {
var configuredOptions = null;
return configuredOptions = "Radiology" == $scope.activeTab.name ? $scope.enableRadiologyOrderOptions : $scope.enableLabOrderOptions
$scope.setEditedFlag = function(order, orderNoteText) {
order.previousNote !== orderNoteText && (order.commentToFulfiller = orderNoteText, order.hasBeenModified = !0), $scope.closePopup()
}, $scope.closePopup = function() {
}, $scope.getName = function(sample) {
var name = _.find(sample.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}) || _.find(sample.names, {
conceptNameType: "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
return name && name.name
}, init()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("TreatmentController", ["$scope", "clinicalAppConfigService", "treatmentConfig", "$stateParams", function($scope, clinicalAppConfigService, treatmentConfig, $stateParams) {
var init = function() {
var drugOrderHistoryConfig = treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig || {};
$scope.drugOrderHistoryView = drugOrderHistoryConfig.view || "default", $scope.tabConfigName = $stateParams.tabConfigName || "default";
var initializeTreatments = function() {
$scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments || {}, $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[$scope.tabConfigName] = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[$scope.tabConfigName] || {
treatments: [],
orderSetTreatments: [],
newOrderSet: {}
}, $scope.treatments = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[$scope.tabConfigName].treatments, $scope.orderSetTreatments = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[$scope.tabConfigName].orderSetTreatments, $scope.newOrderSet = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[$scope.tabConfigName].newOrderSet
$scope.$watch("consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments", initializeTreatments), $scope.enrollment = $stateParams.enrollment, $scope.treatmentConfig = treatmentConfig
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("AddTreatmentController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "contextChangeHandler", "treatmentConfig", "drugService", "$timeout", "clinicalAppConfigService", "ngDialog", "$window", "messagingService", "appService", "activeDrugOrders", "orderSetService", "$q", "locationService", "spinner", "$translate", "$http", "$location", function($scope, $rootScope, contextChangeHandler, treatmentConfig, drugService, $timeout, clinicalAppConfigService, ngDialog, $window, messagingService, appService, activeDrugOrders, orderSetService, $q, locationService, spinner, $translate, $http, $location) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
DrugOrderViewModel = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel,
scrollTop = _.partial($window.scrollTo, 0, 0);
$scope.showOrderSetDetails = !0, $scope.addTreatment = !0, $scope.canOrderSetBeAdded = !0, $scope.isSearchDisabled = !1, $scope.getFilteredOrderSets = function(searchTerm) {
searchTerm && searchTerm.length >= 3 ? orderSetService.getOrderSetsByQuery(searchTerm).then(function(response) {
$scope.orderSets = response.data.results, _.each($scope.orderSets, function(orderSet) {
_.each(orderSet.orderSetMembers, setUpOrderSetTransactionalData)
}) : $scope.orderSets = {}
}, $scope.treatmentActionLinks = clinicalAppConfigService.getTreatmentActionLink();
var preFetchDrugsForGivenConceptSet = function() {
drugService.getSetMembersOfConcept(treatmentConfig.getDrugConceptSet()).then(function(result) {
$scope.drugs = result.map(Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSearchResult.create)
treatmentConfig.isDropDownForGivenConceptSet() && preFetchDrugsForGivenConceptSet(), treatmentConfig.isAutoCompleteForAllConcepts() && ($scope.getDrugs = function(request) {
return drugService.search(request.term)
}), treatmentConfig.isAutoCompleteForGivenConceptSet() && ($scope.getDrugs = function(request) {
return drugService.getSetMembersOfConcept(treatmentConfig.getDrugConceptSet(), request.term)
}), $scope.doseFractions = treatmentConfig.getDoseFractions(), $scope.hideOrderSet = treatmentConfig.inputOptionsConfig.hideOrderSet, $scope.showDoseFractions = treatmentConfig.inputOptionsConfig.showDoseFractions, $scope.isDoseFractionsAvailable = function() {
return $scope.doseFractions && !_.isEmpty($scope.doseFractions)
}, $scope.isSelected = function(drug) {
var selectedDrug = $scope.treatment.drug;
return selectedDrug && drug.drug.name === selectedDrug.name
}, $scope.selectFromDefaultDrugList = function() {
var markVariable = function(variable) {
$scope[variable] = !0, $timeout(function() {
$scope[variable] = !1
markEitherVariableDrugOrUniformDrug = function(drug) {
markVariable(drug.isVariableDosingType() ? "editDrugEntryVariableFrequency" : "editDrugEntryUniformFrequency")
var setDrugOrderBeingEdited, clearHighlights;
! function() {
var drugOrderBeingEdited = null;
setDrugOrderBeingEdited = function(drugOder) {
drugOrderBeingEdited = drugOder
}, clearHighlights = function() {
$scope.treatments.forEach(setIsNotBeingEdited), $scope.orderSetTreatments.forEach(setIsNotBeingEdited), drugOrderBeingEdited && (drugOrderBeingEdited.isBeingEdited = !1, drugOrderBeingEdited.isDiscontinuedAllowed = !0)
var encounterDate = DateUtil.parse($scope.consultation.encounterDateTime),
newTreatment = function() {
var newTreatment = new Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel(treatmentConfig, null, encounterDate);
return newTreatment.isEditAllowed = !1, newTreatment
$scope.treatment = newTreatment(), treatmentConfig.durationUnits.forEach(function(durationUnit) {
_.isEqual(durationUnit, $scope.treatment.durationUnit) && ($scope.treatment.durationUnit = durationUnit)
var watchFunctionForQuantity = function() {
var treatment = $scope.treatment;
return {
uniformDosingType: treatment.uniformDosingType,
variableDosingType: treatment.variableDosingType,
"continue": treatment["continue"],
doseUnits: treatment.doseUnits,
duration: treatment.duration,
durationUnit: treatment.durationUnit
isSameDrugBeingDiscontinuedAndOrdered = function() {
var existingTreatment = !1;
return angular.forEach($scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs, function(drugOrder) {
existingTreatment = _.some($scope.treatments, function(treatment) {
return treatment.getDisplayName() === drugOrder.getDisplayName()
}) && drugOrder.isMarkedForDiscontinue
}), existingTreatment
clearOtherDrugOrderActions = function(drugOrders) {
drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.isDiscontinuedAllowed = !0, drugOrder.isBeingEdited = !1
setNonCodedDrugConcept = function(treatment) {
treatment.drugNonCoded && (treatment.concept = treatmentConfig.nonCodedDrugconcept)
$scope.refillDrug = function(drugOrder, alreadyActiveSimilarOrder) {
$scope.bulkSelectCheckbox = !1;
var existingOrderStopDate = alreadyActiveSimilarOrder ? alreadyActiveSimilarOrder.effectiveStopDate : null,
refillDrugOrder = drugOrder.refill(existingOrderStopDate);
setNonCodedDrugConcept(refillDrugOrder), setDrugOrderBeingEdited(drugOrder), $scope.treatments.push(refillDrugOrder), markVariable("startNewDrugEntry"), ngDialog.close()
}, $scope.refillOrderSet = function(drugOrder) {
var drugOrdersOfOrderGroup = _.filter($scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, function(treatment) {
return treatment.orderGroupUuid === drugOrder.orderGroupUuid
refilledOrderGroupOrders = [];
drugOrdersOfOrderGroup.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
setNonCodedDrugConcept(drugOrder), drugOrder.effectiveStopDate && refilledOrderGroupOrders.push(drugOrder.refill())
}), setSortWeightForOrderSetDrugs(refilledOrderGroupOrders);
var matchedOrderSet = _.find(orderSets, {
uuid: drugOrder.orderSetUuid
orderSetMembersOfMatchedOrderSet = matchedOrderSet.orderSetMembers,
matchedMembers = [];
_.each(refilledOrderGroupOrders, function(drugOrder) {
_.each(orderSetMembersOfMatchedOrderSet, function(orderSetMember) {
orderSetMember.orderTemplate.drug ? orderSetMember.orderTemplate.drug.uuid === _.get(drugOrder, "drug.uuid") && matchedMembers.push(orderSetMember) : orderSetMember.concept.uuid === drugOrder.concept.uuid && matchedMembers.push(orderSetMember)
var listOfPromises = _.map(matchedMembers, function(eachMember, index) {
if (eachMember.orderTemplate) {
var doseUnits = eachMember.orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.doseUnits,
baseDose = eachMember.orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.dose,
drugName = eachMember.orderTemplate.concept.name;
return orderSetService.getCalculatedDose($scope.patient.uuid, drugName, baseDose, doseUnits, $scope.newOrderSet.name).then(function(calculatedDosage) {
refilledOrderGroupOrders[index].uniformDosingType.dose = calculatedDosage.dose, refilledOrderGroupOrders[index].uniformDosingType.doseUnits = calculatedDosage.doseUnit, refilledOrderGroupOrders[index].calculateQuantityAndUnit()
spinner.forPromise($q.all(listOfPromises).then(function() {
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.treatments, refilledOrderGroupOrders)
}, $scope.$on("event:refillDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder, alreadyActiveSimilarOrder) {
$scope.refillDrug(drugOrder, alreadyActiveSimilarOrder)
var refillDrugOrders = function(drugOrders) {
drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
if (setNonCodedDrugConcept(drugOrder), drugOrder.effectiveStopDate) {
var refill = drugOrder.refill();
$scope.$on("event:sectionUpdated", function(event, drugOrder) {
_.remove($scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, function(activeOrder) {
return activeOrder.uuid === drugOrder.uuid
}), $scope.$on("event:refillDrugOrders", function(event, drugOrders) {
$scope.bulkSelectCheckbox = !1, refillDrugOrders(drugOrders);
}), $scope.$on("event:discontinueDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder) {
drugOrder.isMarkedForDiscontinue = !0, drugOrder.isEditAllowed = !1, drugOrder.dateStopped = DateUtil.now(), $scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs.push(drugOrder), $scope.minDateStopped = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(drugOrder.effectiveStartDate < DateUtil.now() ? drugOrder.effectiveStartDate : DateUtil.now())
}), $scope.$on("event:undoDiscontinueDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder) {
$scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs = _.reject($scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs, function(removableOrder) {
return removableOrder.uuid === drugOrder.uuid
}), $scope.consultation.removableDrugs = _.reject($scope.consultation.removableDrugs, function(removableOrder) {
return removableOrder.previousOrderUuid === drugOrder.uuid
}), drugOrder.orderReasonConcept = null, drugOrder.dateStopped = null, drugOrder.orderReasonText = null, drugOrder.isMarkedForDiscontinue = !1, drugOrder.isEditAllowed = !0
var selectDrugFromDropdown = function(drug_) {
treatmentConfig.isDropDownForGivenConceptSet() && ($scope.treatment.selectedItem = _.find($scope.drugs, function(drug) {
return drug.drug.uuid === drug_.uuid
$scope.$on("event:reviseDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder, drugOrders) {
clearOtherDrugOrderActions(drugOrders), drugOrder.isBeingEdited = !0, drugOrder.isDiscontinuedAllowed = !1, $scope.treatments.forEach(setIsNotBeingEdited), setDrugOrderBeingEdited(drugOrder), $scope.treatment = drugOrder.revise(), selectDrugFromDropdown(drugOrder.drug), markEitherVariableDrugOrUniformDrug($scope.treatment), $scope.treatment.currentIndex = $scope.treatments.length + 1, $scope.treatment.frequencyType === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dosingTypes.variable && ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1), $scope.treatment.quantity = $scope.treatment.quantity ? $scope.treatment.quantity : null
}), $scope.$watch(watchFunctionForQuantity, function() {
}, !0), $scope.add = function() {
var treatments = $scope.treatments;
$scope.treatment.isNewOrderSet && (treatments = $scope.orderSetTreatments), $scope.treatment.dosingInstructionType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.flexibleDosingInstructionsClass, $scope.treatment.isNonCodedDrug && ($scope.treatment.drugNonCoded = $scope.treatment.drugNameDisplay), $scope.treatment.setUniformDoseFraction();
var newDrugOrder = $scope.treatment;
return setNonCodedDrugConcept($scope.treatment), newDrugOrder.calculateEffectiveStopDate(), getConflictingDrugOrder(newDrugOrder) ? ($scope.alreadyActiveSimilarOrder.isNewOrderSet ? $scope.conflictingIndex = _.findIndex($scope.orderSetTreatments, $scope.alreadyActiveSimilarOrder) : $scope.conflictingIndex = _.findIndex($scope.treatments, $scope.alreadyActiveSimilarOrder), ngDialog.open({
template: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/conflictingDrugOrderModal.html",
scope: $scope
}), void($scope.popupActive = !0)) : ($scope.treatment.quantity || ($scope.treatment.quantity = 0), $scope.treatment.isBeingEdited ? (treatments.splice($scope.treatment.currentIndex, 1, $scope.treatment), $scope.treatment.isBeingEdited = !1) : treatments.push($scope.treatment), void $scope.clearForm())
var getConflictingDrugOrder = function(newDrugOrder) {
var allDrugOrders = $scope.treatments.concat($scope.orderSetTreatments);
allDrugOrders = _.reject(allDrugOrders, newDrugOrder);
var existingDrugOrders, unsavedNotBeingEditedOrders = _.filter(allDrugOrders, {
isBeingEdited: !1
existingDrugOrders = newDrugOrder.isBeingEdited ? _.reject($scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, {
uuid: newDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid
}) : $scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, existingDrugOrders = existingDrugOrders.concat(unsavedNotBeingEditedOrders);
var potentiallyOverlappingOrders = existingDrugOrders.filter(function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.getDisplayName() === newDrugOrder.getDisplayName() && drugOrder.overlappingScheduledWith(newDrugOrder)
setEffectiveDates(newDrugOrder, potentiallyOverlappingOrders);
var alreadyActiveSimilarOrders = existingDrugOrders.filter(function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.getDisplayName() === newDrugOrder.getDisplayName() && drugOrder.overlappingScheduledWith(newDrugOrder)
return alreadyActiveSimilarOrders.length > 0 && ($scope.alreadyActiveSimilarOrder = _.sortBy(potentiallyOverlappingOrders, "effectiveStartDate").reverse()[0], $scope.alreadyActiveSimilarOrder)
isEffectiveStartDateSameAsToday = function(newDrugOrder) {
return DateUtil.isSameDate(newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, DateUtil.parse(newDrugOrder.encounterDate)) && DateUtil.isSameDate(newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, DateUtil.now())
setEffectiveDates = function(newDrugOrder, existingDrugOrders) {
newDrugOrder.scheduledDate = newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, existingDrugOrders.forEach(function(existingDrugOrder) {
DateUtil.isSameDate(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, newDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate) && !DateUtil.isSameDate(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate, newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) && (newDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid && newDrugOrder.previousOrderDurationInDays !== newDrugOrder.durationInDays || (newDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate = DateUtil.subtractSeconds(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, 1)), (newDrugOrder.previousOrderUuid || DateUtil.isSameDate(newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate, newDrugOrder.encounterDate)) && (newDrugOrder.autoExpireDate = newDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate)), DateUtil.isSameDate(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate, newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) && DateUtil.isSameDate(DateUtil.addSeconds(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate, 1), newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate) && (existingDrugOrder.uuid || (existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate = DateUtil.subtractSeconds(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate, 1)), newDrugOrder.effectiveStartDate = DateUtil.addSeconds(existingDrugOrder.effectiveStopDate, 1))
}), isEffectiveStartDateSameAsToday(newDrugOrder) && (newDrugOrder.scheduledDate = null)
$scope.closeDialog = function() {
}, $scope.refillConflictingDrug = function(drugOrder, alreadyActiveSimilarOrder) {
$scope.popupActive = !1, ngDialog.close(), $scope.clearForm(), $scope.$broadcast("event:refillDrugOrder", drugOrder, alreadyActiveSimilarOrder)
}, $scope.revise = function(drugOrder, index) {
$scope.popupActive = !1, ngDialog.close(), drugOrder.uuid ? $scope.$broadcast("event:reviseDrugOrder", drugOrder, $scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders) : edit(drugOrder, index)
}, $scope.toggleShowAdditionalInstructions = function(treatment) {
treatment.showAdditionalInstructions = !treatment.showAdditionalInstructions
}, $scope.toggleAsNeeded = function(treatment) {
treatment.asNeeded = !treatment.asNeeded
var edit = function(drugOrder, index) {
var treatment = drugOrder;
markEitherVariableDrugOrUniformDrug(treatment), treatment.isBeingEdited = !0, $scope.treatment = treatment.cloneForEdit(index, treatmentConfig), 0 === $scope.treatment.quantity && ($scope.treatment.quantity = null, $scope.treatment.quantityEnteredManually = !1), selectDrugFromDropdown(treatment.drug)
$scope.$on("event:editDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder, index) {
edit(drugOrder, index)
}), $scope.$on("event:removeDrugOrder", function(event, index) {
$scope.treatments.splice(index, 1)
}), $scope.incompleteDrugOrders = function() {
var anyValuesFilled = $scope.treatment.drug || $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.dose || $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.frequency || $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.morningDose || $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.afternoonDose || $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.eveningDose || $scope.treatment.duration || $scope.treatment.quantity || $scope.treatment.isNonCodedDrug || $scope.treatment.drugNameDisplay;
return anyValuesFilled && $scope.addForm.$invalid
}, $scope.unaddedDrugOrders = function() {
return $scope.addForm.$valid
var contextChange = function() {
var errorMessages = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.errorMessages;
return isSameDrugBeingDiscontinuedAndOrdered() ? {
allow: !1,
errorMessage: $translate.instant(errorMessages.discontinuingAndOrderingSameDrug)
} : $scope.incompleteDrugOrders() ? ($scope.formInvalid = !0, {
allow: !1
}) : $scope.unaddedDrugOrders() ? {
allow: !1,
errorMessage: $translate.instant(errorMessages.incompleteForm)
} : {
allow: !0
setIsNotBeingEdited = function(treatment) {
treatment.isBeingEdited = !1
$scope.getDataResults = function(drugs) {
var searchString = $scope.treatment.drugNameDisplay,
listOfDrugSynonyms = _.map(drugs, function(drug) {
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugSearchResult.getAllMatchingSynonyms(drug, searchString)
return _.flatten(listOfDrugSynonyms)
function() {
var selectedItem;
$scope.onSelect = function(item) {
selectedItem = item, $scope.onChange()
}, $scope.onAccept = function() {
$scope.treatment.acceptedItem = $scope.treatment.drugNameDisplay, $scope.onChange()
var value = !1;
$scope["continue"] = function() {
value = !value, value === !0 ? void 0 === $scope.treatment.duration && ($scope.treatment.duration = parseInt("1")) : $scope.treatment.duration = void 0
}, $scope.onChange = function() {
return selectedItem ? ($scope.treatment.isNonCodedDrug = !1, delete $scope.treatment.drugNonCoded, $scope.treatment.changeDrug({
name: selectedItem.drug.name,
form: selectedItem.drug.dosageForm && selectedItem.drug.dosageForm.display,
uuid: selectedItem.drug.uuid
}), $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.doseUnits = selectedItem.drug.dosageForm.display, $http({
method: "GET",
url: "/openmrs/module/bahmnicustomutil/drugs-additional-info.form?uuid=${selectedItem.drug.uuid}"
}).success(function(response) {
response ? (response["continue"] === !0 ? ($scope.treatment["continue"] = !0, value = !0) : ($scope.treatment["continue"] = !1, value = !1), null !== response.instruction ? $scope.treatment.instructions = response.instruction : $scope.treatment.instructions = void 0, null !== response.duration ? $scope.treatment.duration = response.duration : response["continue"] === !0 ? $scope.treatment.duration = parseInt(1) : $scope.treatment.duration = void 0, null !== response.durationUnit ? $scope.treatment.durationUnit = response.durationUnit : $scope.treatment.durationUnit = "Day(s)", null !== response.dose ? ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !0, $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.dose = parseFloat(response.dose), null !== response.frequency ? $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.frequency = response.frequency : $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.frequency = void 0, null !== response.and ? $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.doseFraction = $scope.doseFractions.filter(function(data) {
return data.label === response.and
})[0] : $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.doseFraction = void 0) : ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1, $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.dose = void 0, null !== response.morningDose ? ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.morningDose = parseFloat(response.morningDose)) : $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.morningDose = 0, null !== response.nightDose ? ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.eveningDose = parseFloat(response.nightDose)) : $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.eveningDose = 0, null !== response.afternoonDose ? ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.afternoonDose = parseFloat(response.afternoonDose)) : $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.afternoonDose = 0)) : ($scope.treatment.isUniformFrequency = !1, $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.dose = void 0, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.afternoonDose = 0, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.morningDose = 0, $scope.treatment.variableDosingType.eveningDose = 0, $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.frequency = void 0, $scope.treatment.uniformDosingType.doseFraction = void 0, $scope.treatment.duration = void 0, $scope.treatment["continue"] = !1, $scope.treatment.instructions = void 0, $scope.treatment.durationUnit = "Day(s)")
}), void(selectedItem = null)) : $scope.treatment.acceptedItem ? ($scope.treatment.isNonCodedDrug = !$scope.treatment.isNonCodedDrug, $scope.treatment.drugNonCoded = $scope.treatment.acceptedItem, delete $scope.treatment.drug, void delete $scope.treatment.acceptedItem) : void delete $scope.treatment.drug
}(), $scope.clearForm = function() {
$scope.treatment = newTreatment(), $scope.formInvalid = !1, clearHighlights(), markVariable("startNewDrugEntry")
}, $scope.openActionLink = function(extension) {
var url, location;
locationService.getLoggedInLocation().then(function(response) {
location = response.name, url = extension.url.replace("{{patient_ref}}", $scope.patient.identifier).replace("{{location_ref}}", location), $window.open(url, "_blank")
}, $scope.toggleTabIndexWithinModal = function(event) {
var buttonsToFocusOn = ["modal-revise-button", "modal-refill-button"],
focusedButton = event.target;
focusedButton.tabIndex = 1, buttonsToFocusOn.splice(buttonsToFocusOn.indexOf(focusedButton.id), 1);
var otherButton = buttonsToFocusOn[0];
$("#" + otherButton)[0].tabIndex = 2
}, $scope.toggleDrugOrderAttribute = function(orderAttribute) {
orderAttribute.value = !orderAttribute.value
}, contextChangeHandler.add(contextChange);
var getActiveDrugOrders = function(activeDrugOrders) {
var activeDrugOrdersList = activeDrugOrders || [];
return activeDrugOrdersList.map(function(drugOrder) {
return DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, treatmentConfig)
removeOrder = function(removableOrder) {
removableOrder.action = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.orderActions.discontinue, removableOrder.previousOrderUuid = removableOrder.uuid, removableOrder.uuid = void 0, $scope.consultation.removableDrugs.push(removableOrder)
saveTreatment = function() {
var tabNames = Object.keys($scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments || {}),
allTreatmentsAcrossTabs = _.flatten(_.map(tabNames, function(tabName) {
return $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[tabName].treatments
orderSetTreatmentsAcrossTabs = _.flatten(_.map(tabNames, function(tabName) {
return $scope.consultation.newlyAddedTabTreatments[tabName].orderSetTreatments
includedOrderSetTreatments = _.filter(orderSetTreatmentsAcrossTabs, function(treatment) {
return !treatment.orderSetUuid || treatment.include
$scope.consultation.newlyAddedTreatments = allTreatmentsAcrossTabs.concat(includedOrderSetTreatments), $scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs && $scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs.forEach(function(discontinuedDrug) {
var removableOrder = _.find(activeDrugOrders, {
uuid: discontinuedDrug.uuid
discontinuedDrug && (removableOrder.orderReasonText = discontinuedDrug.orderReasonText, removableOrder.dateActivated = null, removableOrder.scheduledDate = discontinuedDrug.dateStopped, removableOrder.dateStopped = discontinuedDrug.dateStopped, discontinuedDrug.orderReasonConcept && discontinuedDrug.orderReasonConcept.name && (removableOrder.orderReasonConcept = {
name: discontinuedDrug.orderReasonConcept.name.name,
uuid: discontinuedDrug.orderReasonConcept.uuid
})), removableOrder && removeOrder(removableOrder)
putCalculatedDose = function(orderTemplate) {
var visitUuid = treatmentConfig.orderSet.calculateDoseOnlyOnCurrentVisitValues ? $scope.activeVisit.uuid : void 0,
calculatedDose = orderSetService.getCalculatedDose($scope.patient.uuid, orderTemplate.concept.name, orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.dose, orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.doseUnits, $scope.newOrderSet.name, orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.dosingRule, visitUuid);
return 0 === calculatedDose.$$state.status && ($scope.isSearchDisabled = !1), calculatedDose.then(function(calculatedDosage) {
return orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.dose = calculatedDosage.dose, orderTemplate.dosingInstructions.doseUnits = calculatedDosage.doseUnit, orderTemplate
deleteDrugIfEmpty = function(template) {
_.isEmpty(template.drug) && delete template.drug
setUpOrderSetTransactionalData = function(orderSetMember) {
orderSetMember.orderTemplateMetaData = orderSetMember.orderTemplate, orderSetMember.orderTemplate = JSON.parse(orderSetMember.orderTemplate), orderSetMember.orderTemplate.concept = {
name: orderSetMember.concept.display,
uuid: orderSetMember.concept.uuid
}, deleteDrugIfEmpty(orderSetMember.orderTemplate)
calculateDoseForTemplatesIn = function(orderSet) {
$scope.newOrderSet.name = orderSet.name;
var orderSetMemberTemplates = _.map(orderSet.orderSetMembers, "orderTemplate"),
promisesToCalculateDose = _.map(orderSetMemberTemplates, putCalculatedDose),
returnOrderSet = function() {
return orderSet
return $q.all(promisesToCalculateDose).then(returnOrderSet)
createDrugOrderViewModel = function(orderTemplate) {
orderTemplate.effectiveStartDate = $scope.newOrderSet.date;
var drugOrder = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.create(orderTemplate),
drugOrderViewModel = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, treatmentConfig);
return drugOrderViewModel.instructions = orderTemplate.administrationInstructions, drugOrderViewModel.additionalInstructions = orderTemplate.additionalInstructions, drugOrderViewModel.isNewOrderSet = !0, drugOrderViewModel.dosingInstructionType = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.flexibleDosingInstructionsClass, drugOrderViewModel.quantity = drugOrderViewModel.quantity || 0, drugOrderViewModel.calculateDurationUnit(), drugOrderViewModel.calculateQuantityAndUnit(), drugOrderViewModel.calculateEffectiveStopDate(), drugOrderViewModel.setUniformDoseFraction(), drugOrderViewModel
setSortWeightForOrderSetDrugs = function(orderSetDrugs) {
_.each(orderSetDrugs, function(drugOrder, index) {
void 0 !== drugOrder.sortWeight ? drugOrder.sortWeight = drugOrder.sortWeight + orderSetDrugs.length : drugOrder.sortWeight = index + 1
createDrugOrdersAndGetConflicts = function(orderSet) {
var conflictingDrugOrders = [],
orderSetMemberTemplates = _.map(orderSet.orderSetMembers, "orderTemplate");
return _.each(orderSetMemberTemplates, function(orderTemplate) {
var drugOrderViewModel = createDrugOrderViewModel(orderTemplate);
drugOrderViewModel.orderSetUuid = orderSet.uuid;
var conflictingDrugOrder = getConflictingDrugOrder(drugOrderViewModel);
conflictingDrugOrder ? conflictingDrugOrders.push(conflictingDrugOrder) : drugOrderViewModel.include = !1, $scope.orderSetTreatments.push(drugOrderViewModel)
}), setSortWeightForOrderSetDrugs($scope.orderSetTreatments), conflictingDrugOrders
showConflictMessageIfAny = function(conflictingDrugOrders) {
_.isEmpty(conflictingDrugOrders) || (_.each($scope.orderSetTreatments, function(orderSetDrugOrder) {
orderSetDrugOrder.include = !1
}), ngDialog.open({
template: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/conflictingOrderSet.html",
data: {
conflictingDrugOrders: conflictingDrugOrders
}), $scope.popupActive = !0)
$scope.addOrderSet = function(orderSet) {
$scope.isSearchDisabled = !0, scrollTop();
var setUpNewOrderSet = function() {
$scope.newOrderSet.name = orderSet.name, $scope.newOrderSet.uuid = orderSet.uuid, $scope.isSearchDisabled = !0
}, $scope.removeOrderSet = function() {
$scope.isSearchDisabled = !1, delete $scope.newOrderSet.name, delete $scope.newOrderSet.uuid, $scope.orderSetTreatments.splice(0, $scope.orderSetTreatments.length)
}, $scope.$on("event:includeOrderSetDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder) {
var conflictingDrugOrder = getConflictingDrugOrder(drugOrder);
conflictingDrugOrder && (drugOrder.include = !1, ngDialog.open({
template: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/conflictingOrderSet.html",
data: {
conflictingDrugOrders: [conflictingDrugOrder]
}), $scope.popupActive = !0)
}), $scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.register("drugOrderSaveHandlerKey", saveTreatment);
var mergeActiveAndScheduledWithDiscontinuedOrders = function() {
_.each($scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs, function(discontinuedDrug) {
_.remove($scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, {
uuid: discontinuedDrug.uuid
}), $scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders.push(discontinuedDrug)
init = function() {
$scope.consultation.removableDrugs = $scope.consultation.removableDrugs || [], $scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs = $scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs || [], $scope.consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes = $scope.consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes || {}, $scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders = getActiveDrugOrders(activeDrugOrders), mergeActiveAndScheduledWithDiscontinuedOrders(), $scope.treatmentConfig = treatmentConfig
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("DispositionController", ["$scope", "$q", "dispositionService", "retrospectiveEntryService", "spinner", function($scope, $q, dispositionService, retrospectiveEntryService, spinner) {
var consultation = $scope.consultation,
allDispositions = [],
getPreviousDispositionNote = function() {
if (consultation.disposition && !consultation.disposition.voided) return _.find(consultation.disposition.additionalObs, function(obs) {
return obs.concept.uuid === $scope.dispositionNoteConceptUuid
getDispositionNotes = function() {
var previousDispositionNotes = getPreviousDispositionNote();
return getSelectedConceptName($scope.dispositionCode, $scope.dispositionActions) ? _.cloneDeep(previousDispositionNotes) || {
concept: {
uuid: $scope.dispositionNoteConceptUuid
} : {
concept: {
uuid: $scope.dispositionNoteConceptUuid
getDispositionActionsPromise = function() {
return dispositionService.getDispositionActions().then(function(response) {
allDispositions = (new Bahmni.Clinical.DispostionActionMapper).map(response.data.results[0].answers), $scope.dispositionActions = filterDispositionActions(allDispositions, $scope.$parent.visitSummary), $scope.dispositionCode = consultation.disposition && !consultation.disposition.voided ? consultation.disposition.code : null, $scope.dispositionNote = getDispositionNotes()
getDispositionActions = function(finalDispositionActions, dispositions, action) {
var copyOfFinalDispositionActions = _.cloneDeep(finalDispositionActions),
dispositionPresent = _.find(dispositions, action);
return dispositionPresent && copyOfFinalDispositionActions.push(dispositionPresent), copyOfFinalDispositionActions
filterDispositionActions = function(dispositions, visitSummary) {
var defaultDispositions = ["Undo Discharge", "Admit Patient", "Transfer Patient", "Discharge Patient"],
finalDispositionActions = _.filter(dispositions, function(disposition) {
return defaultDispositions.indexOf(disposition.name) < 0
isVisitOpen = !!visitSummary && _.isEmpty(visitSummary.stopDateTime);
return visitSummary && visitSummary.isDischarged() && isVisitOpen ? finalDispositionActions = getDispositionActions(finalDispositionActions, dispositions, {
name: defaultDispositions[0]
}) : visitSummary && visitSummary.isAdmitted() && isVisitOpen ? (finalDispositionActions = getDispositionActions(finalDispositionActions, dispositions, {
name: defaultDispositions[2]
}), finalDispositionActions = getDispositionActions(finalDispositionActions, dispositions, {
name: defaultDispositions[3]
})) : finalDispositionActions = getDispositionActions(finalDispositionActions, dispositions, {
name: defaultDispositions[1]
}), finalDispositionActions
$scope.isRetrospectiveMode = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry())
}, $scope.showWarningForEarlierDispositionNote = function() {
return !$scope.dispositionCode && consultation.disposition
var getDispositionNotePromise = function() {
return dispositionService.getDispositionNoteConcept().then(function(response) {
$scope.dispositionNoteConceptUuid = response.data.results[0].uuid
loadDispositionActions = function() {
return getDispositionNotePromise().then(getDispositionActionsPromise)
$scope.clearDispositionNote = function() {
$scope.dispositionNote.value = null
var getSelectedConceptName = function(dispositionCode, dispositions) {
var selectedDispositionConceptName = _.findLast(dispositions, {
code: dispositionCode
}) || {};
return selectedDispositionConceptName.name
getSelectedDisposition = function() {
if ($scope.dispositionCode) {
$scope.dispositionNote.voided = !$scope.dispositionNote.value;
var disposition = {
additionalObs: [],
dispositionDateTime: consultation.disposition && consultation.disposition.dispositionDateTime,
code: $scope.dispositionCode,
conceptName: getSelectedConceptName($scope.dispositionCode, allDispositions)
return ($scope.dispositionNote.value || $scope.dispositionNote.uuid) && (disposition.additionalObs = [_.clone($scope.dispositionNote)]), disposition
spinner.forPromise(loadDispositionActions(), "#disposition");
var saveDispositions = function() {
var selectedDisposition = getSelectedDisposition();
selectedDisposition ? consultation.disposition = selectedDisposition : consultation.disposition && (consultation.disposition.voided = !0, consultation.disposition.voidReason = "Cancelled during encounter")
$scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.register("dispositionSaveHandlerKey", saveDispositions), $scope.$on("$destroy", saveDispositions)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("ConsultationController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$state", "$http", "$location", "$translate", "clinicalAppConfigService", "diagnosisService", "urlHelper", "contextChangeHandler", "spinner", "encounterService", "messagingService", "sessionService", "retrospectiveEntryService", "patientContext", "$q", "patientVisitHistoryService", "$stateParams", "$window", "visitHistory", "clinicalDashboardConfig", "appService", "ngDialog", "$filter", "configurations", "visitConfig", "conditionsService", "configurationService", "auditLogService", function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $http, $location, $translate, clinicalAppConfigService, diagnosisService, urlHelper, contextChangeHandler, spinner, encounterService, messagingService, sessionService, retrospectiveEntryService, patientContext, $q, patientVisitHistoryService, $stateParams, $window, visitHistory, clinicalDashboardConfig, appService, ngDialog, $filter, configurations, visitConfig, conditionsService, configurationService, auditLogService) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
$scope.togglePrintList = !1, $scope.patient = patientContext.patient, $scope.showDashboardMenu = !1, $scope.stateChange = function() {
return "patient.dashboard.show" === $state.current.name
}, $scope.showComment = !0, $scope.showSaveAndContinueButton = !0, $scope.visitHistory = visitHistory, $scope.consultationBoardLink = clinicalAppConfigService.getConsultationBoardLink(), $scope.showControlPanel = !1, $scope.clinicalDashboardConfig = clinicalDashboardConfig, $scope.lastvisited = null, $scope.openConsultationInNewTab = function() {
$window.open("#" + $scope.consultationBoardLink, "_blank")
}, $scope.toggleDashboardMenu = function() {
$scope.showDashboardMenu = !$scope.showDashboardMenu
}, $scope.showDashboard = function(dashboard) {
clinicalDashboardConfig.isCurrentTab(dashboard) || $scope.$parent.$broadcast("event:switchDashboard", dashboard), $scope.showDashboardMenu = !1
var setPrintAction = function(event, tab) {
tab.print = function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast(event, tab)
setDashboardPrintAction = _.partial(setPrintAction, "event:printDashboard", _),
setVisitTabPrintAction = function(tab) {
tab.print = function() {
var url = $state.href("patient.dashboard.visitPrint", {
visitUuid: visitHistory.activeVisit.uuid,
tab: tab.title,
print: "print"
window.open(url, "_blank")
_.each(visitConfig.tabs, setVisitTabPrintAction), _.each(clinicalDashboardConfig.tabs, setDashboardPrintAction), $scope.printList = _.concat(clinicalDashboardConfig.tabs, visitConfig.tabs), clinicalDashboardConfig.quickPrints = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("quickPrints"), $scope.printDashboard = function(tab) {
tab ? tab.print() : clinicalDashboardConfig.currentTab.print()
}, $scope.allowConsultation = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("allowConsultationWhenNoOpenVisit")
}, $scope.closeDashboard = function(dashboard) {
clinicalDashboardConfig.closeTab(dashboard), $scope.$parent.$parent.$broadcast("event:switchDashboard", clinicalDashboardConfig.currentTab)
}, $scope.closeAllDialogs = function() {
}, $scope.availableBoards = [], $scope.configName = $stateParams.configName, $scope.getTitle = function(board) {
return $filter("titleTranslate")(board)
}, $scope.showBoard = function(boardIndex) {
return $rootScope.collapseControlPanel(), buttonClickAction($scope.availableBoards[boardIndex])
var updateQueueStatus = function(identifier, roomId) {
return $http({
method: "PUT",
url: "/openmrs/module/queuemanagement/updateQueue.form?identifier=" + identifier + "&roomId=" + roomId,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
$scope.completeConsultation = function(visitUuid) {
const queueMng = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("queueManagement"),
identifier = $scope.patient.identifier,
date = new Date,
formatDate = date.toISOString().split("T");
queueMng.willUse === !0 ? $http({
method: "GET",
url: "/openmrs/module/queuemanagement/getToken.form?identifier=" + identifier + "&dateCreated=" + formatDate[0]
}).then(function(response) {
const room = response.data.roomId;
void 0 !== room ? updateQueueStatus(identifier, room) : console.log("Patient Room Id is undefined for the queue")
}) : console.log("Queue management module is not being used now"), contextChangeHandler.execute().allow && $location.path($stateParams.configName + "/patient/" + patientContext.patient.uuid + "/dashboard/visit/" + visitUuid + "/?encounterUuid=active")
}, $scope.gotoPatientDashboard = function() {
if (!isFormValid()) return $scope.$parent.$parent.$broadcast("event:errorsOnForm"), $q.when({});
if (contextChangeHandler.execute().allow) {
var params = {
configName: $scope.configName,
patientUuid: patientContext.patient.uuid,
encounterUuid: void 0
$scope.dashboardDirty && (params.dashboardCachebuster = Math.random()), $state.go("patient.dashboard.show", params)
var isLongerName = function(value) {
return !!value && value.length > 18
$scope.getShorterName = function(value) {
return isLongerName(value) ? value.substring(0, 15) + "..." : value
}, $scope.isInEditEncounterMode = function() {
return void 0 !== $stateParams.encounterUuid && "active" !== $stateParams.encounterUuid
}, $scope.enablePatientSearch = function() {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("allowPatientSwitchOnConsultation") === !0
var setCurrentBoardBasedOnPath = function() {
var currentPath = $location.url(),
board = _.find($scope.availableBoards, function(board) {
return "treatment" === board.url ? _.includes(currentPath, board.extensionParams ? board.extensionParams.tabConfigName : board.url) : _.includes(currentPath, board.url)
board && ($scope.currentBoard = board, $scope.currentBoard.isSelectedTab = !0)
initialize = function() {
var appExtensions = clinicalAppConfigService.getAllConsultationBoards();
$scope.adtNavigationConfig = {
forwardUrl: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.adtForwardUrl,
title: $translate.instant("CLINICAL_GO_TO_DASHBOARD_LABEL"),
privilege: Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.adtPrivilege
}, $scope.availableBoards = $scope.availableBoards.concat(appExtensions), $scope.showSaveConfirmDialogConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("showSaveConfirmDialog");
var adtNavigationConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("adtNavigationConfig");
Object.assign($scope.adtNavigationConfig, adtNavigationConfig), setCurrentBoardBasedOnPath()
$scope.shouldDisplaySaveConfirmDialogForStateChange = function(toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
return !toState.name.match(/patient.dashboard.show.*/) || fromParams.patientUuid != toParams.patientUuid
var cleanUpListenerStateChangeStart = $scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
$scope.showSaveConfirmDialogConfig && $rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation && $scope.shouldDisplaySaveConfirmDialogForStateChange(toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) && $scope.showConfirmationPopUp && (event.preventDefault(), spinner.hide(toState.spinnerToken), ngDialog.close(), $scope.toStateConfig = {
toState: toState,
toParams: toParams
}, $scope.displayConfirmationDialog()), setCurrentBoardBasedOnPath()
$scope.adtNavigationURL = function(visitUuid) {
return appService.getAppDescriptor().formatUrl($scope.adtNavigationConfig.forwardUrl, {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
visitUuid: visitUuid
var cleanUpListenerErrorsOnForm = $scope.$on("event:errorsOnForm", function() {
$scope.showConfirmationPopUp = !0
$scope.displayConfirmationDialog = function(event) {
$rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation && $scope.showSaveConfirmDialogConfig && (event && (event.preventDefault(), $scope.targetUrl = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("href")), ngDialog.openConfirm({
template: "../common/ui-helper/views/saveConfirmation.html",
scope: $scope
var cleanUpListenerStateChangeSuccess = $scope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState) {
toState.name.match(/patient.dashboard.show.+/) && ($rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !0, $scope.showConfirmationPopUp = !0, $scope.showSaveConfirmDialogConfig && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:pageUnload")), toState.name === fromState.name && "patient.dashboard.show" === fromState.name && ($rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !1)
$scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
cleanUpListenerStateChangeSuccess(), cleanUpListenerErrorsOnForm(), cleanUpListenerStateChangeStart()
}), $scope.cancelTransition = function() {
$scope.showConfirmationPopUp = !0, ngDialog.close(), delete $scope.targetUrl
}, $scope.saveAndContinue = function() {
$scope.showConfirmationPopUp = !1, $scope.save($scope.toStateConfig), $window.onbeforeunload = null, ngDialog.close()
}, $scope.continueWithoutSaving = function() {
$scope.showConfirmationPopUp = !1, $scope.targetUrl && $window.open($scope.targetUrl, "_self"),
$window.onbeforeunload = null, $state.go($scope.toStateConfig.toState, $scope.toStateConfig.toParams), ngDialog.close()
var getUrl = function(board) {
var urlPrefix = urlHelper.getPatientUrl(),
url = "/" + $stateParams.configName + (board.url ? urlPrefix + "/" + board.url : urlPrefix),
queryParams = [];
$state.params.encounterUuid && queryParams.push("encounterUuid=" + $state.params.encounterUuid), $state.params.programUuid && queryParams.push("programUuid=" + $state.params.programUuid), $state.params.enrollment && queryParams.push("enrollment=" + $state.params.enrollment), $state.params.dateEnrolled && queryParams.push("dateEnrolled=" + $state.params.dateEnrolled), $state.params.dateCompleted && queryParams.push("dateCompleted=" + $state.params.dateCompleted);
var extensionParams = board.extensionParams;
return angular.forEach(extensionParams, function(extensionParamValue, extensionParamKey) {
queryParams.push(extensionParamKey + "=" + extensionParamValue)
}), _.isEmpty(queryParams) || (url = url + "?" + queryParams.join("&")), $scope.lastConsultationTabUrl.url = url, $location.url(url)
$scope.openConsultation = function() {
$scope.showSaveConfirmDialogConfig && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:pageUnload"), $scope.closeAllDialogs(), $scope.collapseControlPanel(), $rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !0, switchToConsultationTab()
}, $scope.singlePagePrescription = function() {
//$window.location.href = "https://${$window.location.hostname}:6061/prescription/${$scope.patient.uuid}"
$window.location.href = "https://" + $window.location.hostname + ":6060/patientDashboard/" + $scope.patient.uuid;
var switchToConsultationTab = function() {
$scope.lastConsultationTabUrl.url ? $location.url($scope.lastConsultationTabUrl.url) : getUrl($scope.availableBoards[0])
contextChange = function() {
return contextChangeHandler.execute()
buttonClickAction = function(board) {
if ($scope.currentBoard !== board) return isFormValid() ? (contextChangeHandler.reset(), _.map($scope.availableBoards, function(availableBoard) {
availableBoard.isSelectedTab = !1
}), $scope.currentBoard = board, $scope.currentBoard.isSelectedTab = !0, getUrl(board)) : void $scope.$parent.$broadcast("event:errorsOnForm")
preSavePromise = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
observationFilter = new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ObservationFilter;
$scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.fire(), $scope.lastvisited = $scope.consultation.lastvisited;
var selectedObsTemplate = $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate,
tempConsultation = angular.copy($scope.consultation);
tempConsultation.observations = observationFilter.filter(tempConsultation.observations), tempConsultation.consultationNote = observationFilter.filter([tempConsultation.consultationNote])[0], tempConsultation.labOrderNote = observationFilter.filter([tempConsultation.labOrderNote])[0], addFormObservations(tempConsultation), storeTemplatePreference(selectedObsTemplate);
var visitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries = clinicalAppConfigService.getVisitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries(),
defaultVisitType = clinicalAppConfigService.getDefaultVisitType(),
encounterData = (new Bahmni.Clinical.EncounterTransactionMapper).map(tempConsultation, $scope.patient, sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid(), retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry(), visitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries, defaultVisitType, $scope.isInEditEncounterMode(), $state.params.enrollment);
return deferred.resolve(encounterData), deferred.promise
saveConditions = function() {
return conditionsService.save($scope.consultation.conditions, $scope.patient.uuid).then(function() {
return conditionsService.getConditions($scope.patient.uuid)
}).then(function(savedConditions) {
return savedConditions
storeTemplatePreference = function(selectedObsTemplate) {
var templates = [];
_.each(selectedObsTemplate, function(template) {
var templateName = template.formName || template.conceptName,
isTemplateAlreadyPresent = _.find(templates, function(template) {
return template === templateName
_.isUndefined(isTemplateAlreadyPresent) && templates.push(templateName)
var data = {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
providerUuid: $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid,
templates: templates
_.isEmpty(templates) || localStorage.setItem("templatePreference", JSON.stringify(data))
discontinuedDrugOrderValidation = function(removableDrugs) {
var discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage;
return _.find(removableDrugs, function(drugOrder) {
if (!drugOrder.dateStopped) return drugOrder._effectiveStartDate < moment() ? (discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage = "Please make sure that " + drugOrder.concept.name + " has a stop date between " + DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(drugOrder._effectiveStartDate) + " and " + DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.now()), !0) : (discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage = drugOrder.concept.name + " should have stop date as today's date since it is a future drug order", !0)
}), discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage
addFormObservations = function(tempConsultation) {
tempConsultation.observationForms && (_.remove(tempConsultation.observations, function(observation) {
return observation.formNamespace
}), _.each(tempConsultation.observationForms, function(observationForm) {
if (observationForm.component) {
var formObservations = observationForm.component.getValue();
_.each(formObservations.observations, function(obs) {
isObservationFormValid = function() {
var valid = !0;
return _.each($scope.consultation.observationForms, function(observationForm) {
if (valid && observationForm.component) {
var value = observationForm.component.getValue();
value.errors && (messagingService.showMessage("error", "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate }}"), valid = !1)
}), valid
isFormValid = function() {
var contxChange = contextChange(),
shouldAllow = contxChange.allow,
discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage = discontinuedDrugOrderValidation($scope.consultation.discontinuedDrugs);
if (shouldAllow) discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage && messagingService.showMessage("error", discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage);
else {
var errorMessage = contxChange.errorMessage ? contxChange.errorMessage : "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate }}";
messagingService.showMessage("error", errorMessage)
return shouldAllow && !discontinuedDrugOrderValidationMessage && isObservationFormValid()
copyConsultationToScope = function(consultationWithDiagnosis) {
consultationWithDiagnosis.preSaveHandler = $scope.consultation.preSaveHandler, consultationWithDiagnosis.postSaveHandler = $scope.consultation.postSaveHandler, $scope.$parent.consultation = consultationWithDiagnosis, $scope.$parent.consultation.postSaveHandler.fire(), $scope.dashboardDirty = !0
$scope.save = function(toStateConfig) {
return isFormValid() ? spinner.forPromise($q.all([preSavePromise(), encounterService.getEncounterType($state.params.programUuid, sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid())]).then(function(results) {
var encounterData = results[0];
encounterData.encounterTypeUuid = results[1].uuid;
var params = angular.copy($state.params);
return params.cachebuster = Math.random(), encounterService.create(encounterData).then(function(saveResponse) {
var messageParams = {
encounterUuid: saveResponse.data.encounterUuid,
encounterType: saveResponse.data.encounterType
auditLogService.log($scope.patient.uuid, "EDIT_ENCOUNTER", messageParams, "MODULE_LABEL_CLINICAL_KEY");
var consultationMapper = new Bahmni.ConsultationMapper(configurations.dosageFrequencyConfig(), configurations.dosageInstructionConfig(), configurations.consultationNoteConcept(), configurations.labOrderNotesConcept(), $scope.followUpConditionConcept),
consultation = consultationMapper.map(saveResponse.data);
return consultation.lastvisited = $scope.lastvisited, consultation
}).then(function(savedConsultation) {
return spinner.forPromise(diagnosisService.populateDiagnosisInformation($scope.patient.uuid, savedConsultation).then(function(consultationWithDiagnosis) {
return saveConditions().then(function(savedConditions) {
consultationWithDiagnosis.conditions = savedConditions, messagingService.showMessage("info", "{{'CLINICAL_SAVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate}}")
}, function() {
consultationWithDiagnosis.conditions = $scope.consultation.conditions
}).then(function() {
return copyConsultationToScope(consultationWithDiagnosis), $scope.targetUrl ? $window.open($scope.targetUrl, "_self") : $state.transitionTo(toStateConfig ? toStateConfig.toState : $state.current, toStateConfig ? toStateConfig.toParams : params, {
inherit: !1,
notify: !0,
reload: void 0 !== toStateConfig
})["catch"](function(error) {
var message = Bahmni.Clinical.Error.translate(error) || "{{'CLINICAL_SAVE_FAILURE_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate}}";
messagingService.showMessage("error", message)
})) : ($scope.$parent.$parent.$broadcast("event:errorsOnForm"), $q.when({}))
}, initialize()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("ConceptSetPageController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$stateParams", "conceptSetService", "clinicalAppConfigService", "messagingService", "configurations", "$state", "spinner", "contextChangeHandler", "$q", "$translate", "formService", function($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, conceptSetService, clinicalAppConfigService, messagingService, configurations, $state, spinner, contextChangeHandler, $q, $translate, formService) {
$scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate = $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate || [], $scope.allTemplates = $scope.allTemplates || [], $scope.scrollingEnabled = !1;
var extensions = clinicalAppConfigService.getAllConceptSetExtensions($stateParams.conceptSetGroupName),
configs = clinicalAppConfigService.getAllConceptsConfig(),
visitType = configurations.encounterConfig().getVisitTypeByUuid($scope.consultation.visitTypeUuid);
$scope.context = {
visitType: visitType,
patient: $scope.patient
var numberOfLevels = 2,
fields = ["uuid", "name:(name,display)", "names:(uuid,conceptNameType,name)"],
customRepresentation = Bahmni.ConceptSet.CustomRepresentationBuilder.build(fields, "setMembers", numberOfLevels),
allConceptSections = [],
init = function() {
void 0 !== $scope.allTemplates && $scope.allTemplates.length > 0 || spinner.forPromise(conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: "All Observation Templates",
v: "custom:" + customRepresentation
}).then(function(response) {
var allTemplates = response.data.results[0].setMembers;
createConceptSections(allTemplates), $state.params.programUuid && showOnlyTemplatesFilledInProgram(), void 0 !== $scope.consultation.observationForms && $scope.consultation.observationForms.length > 0 ? concatObservationForms() : spinner.forPromise(formService.getFormList($scope.consultation.encounterUuid).then(function(response) {
$scope.consultation.observationForms = getObservationForms(response.data), concatObservationForms()
concatObservationForms = function() {
if ($scope.allTemplates = getSelectedObsTemplate(allConceptSections), $scope.uniqueTemplates = _.uniqBy($scope.allTemplates, "label"), $scope.allTemplates = $scope.allTemplates.concat($scope.consultation.observationForms), 0 == $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate.length) {
initializeDefaultTemplates(), $scope.consultation.observations && $scope.consultation.observations.length > 0 && addTemplatesInSavedOrder();
var templateToBeOpened = getLastVisitedTemplate() || _.first($scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate);
templateToBeOpened && openTemplate(templateToBeOpened)
addTemplatesInSavedOrder = function() {
var templatePreference = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("templatePreference"));
templatePreference && templatePreference.patientUuid === $scope.patient.uuid && !_.isEmpty(templatePreference.templates) && $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid === templatePreference.providerUuid ? insertInSavedOrder(templatePreference) : insertInDefaultOrder()
insertInSavedOrder = function(templatePreference) {
var templateNames = templatePreference.templates;
_.each(templateNames, function(templateName) {
var foundTemplates = _.filter($scope.allTemplates, function(allTemplate) {
return allTemplate.conceptName === templateName
foundTemplates.length > 0 && _.each(foundTemplates, function(template) {
_.isEmpty(template.observations) || insertTemplate(template)
insertInDefaultOrder = function() {
_.each($scope.allTemplates, function(template) {
template.observations.length > 0 && insertTemplate(template)
insertTemplate = function(template) {
!template || template.isDefault() || template.alwaysShow || $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate.push(template)
getLastVisitedTemplate = function() {
return _.find($scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate, function(template) {
return template.id === $scope.consultation.lastvisited
openTemplate = function(template) {
template.isOpen = !0, template.isLoaded = !0, template.klass = "active"
initializeDefaultTemplates = function() {
$scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate = _.filter($scope.allTemplates.reverse(), function(template) {
return template.isDefault() || template.alwaysShow
$scope.filterTemplates = function() {
return $scope.uniqueTemplates = _.uniqBy($scope.allTemplates, "label"), $scope.uniqueTemplates = $scope.uniqueTemplates.filter(function(template) {
return !template.label.includes("Room To Assign Emergency") && !template.label.includes("Room To Assign")
}), $scope.consultation.searchParameter && ($scope.uniqueTemplates = _.filter($scope.uniqueTemplates, function(template) {
return _.includes(template.label.toLowerCase(), $scope.consultation.searchParameter.toLowerCase())
})), $scope.uniqueTemplates
var showOnlyTemplatesFilledInProgram = function() {
spinner.forPromise(conceptSetService.getObsTemplatesForProgram($state.params.programUuid).success(function(data) {
data.results.length > 0 && data.results[0].mappings.length > 0 && (_.map(allConceptSections, function(conceptSection) {
conceptSection.isAdded = !1, conceptSection.alwaysShow = !1
}), _.map(data.results[0].mappings, function(template) {
var matchedTemplate = _.find(allConceptSections, {
uuid: template.uuid
matchedTemplate && (matchedTemplate.alwaysShow = !0)
createConceptSections = function(allTemplates) {
_.map(allTemplates, function(template) {
var conceptSetExtension = _.find(extensions, function(extension) {
return extension.extensionParams.conceptName === template.name.name
}) || {},
conceptSetConfig = configs[template.name.name] || {},
observationsForTemplate = getObservationsForTemplate(template);
observationsForTemplate && observationsForTemplate.length > 0 ? _.each(observationsForTemplate, function(observation) {
allConceptSections.push(new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetSection(conceptSetExtension, $rootScope.currentUser, conceptSetConfig, [observation], template))
}) : allConceptSections.push(new Bahmni.ConceptSet.ConceptSetSection(conceptSetExtension, $rootScope.currentUser, conceptSetConfig, [], template))
collectObservationsFromConceptSets = function() {
$scope.consultation.observations = [], _.each($scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate, function(conceptSetSection) {
conceptSetSection.observations[0] && $scope.consultation.observations.push(conceptSetSection.observations[0])
getObservationsForTemplate = function(template) {
return _.filter($scope.consultation.observations, function(observation) {
return !observation.formFieldPath && observation.concept.uuid === template.uuid
getSelectedObsTemplate = function(allConceptSections) {
return allConceptSections.filter(function(conceptSet) {
if (conceptSet.isAvailable($scope.context)) return !0
$scope.stopAutoClose = function($event) {
}, $scope.addTemplate = function(template) {
$scope.scrollingEnabled = !0, $scope.showTemplatesList = !1;
var index = _.findLastIndex($scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate, function(consultationTemplate) {
return consultationTemplate.label == template.label
if (index != -1 && $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate[index].allowAddMore) {
var clonedObj = template.clone();
clonedObj.klass = "active", $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, clonedObj)
} else template.toggle(), template.klass = "active", $scope.consultation.selectedObsTemplate.push(template);
$scope.consultation.searchParameter = "", messagingService.showMessage("info", $translate.instant("CLINICAL_TEMPLATE_ADDED_SUCCESS_KEY", {
label: template.label
}, $scope.getNormalized = function(conceptName) {
return conceptName.replace(/['\.\s\(\)\/,\\]+/g, "_")
}, $scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.register("collectObservationsFromConceptSets", collectObservationsFromConceptSets);
var getObservationForms = function(observationsForms) {
var forms = [],
observations = $scope.consultation.observations || [];
return _.each(observationsForms, function(observationForm) {
var formUuid = observationForm.formUuid || observationForm.uuid,
formName = observationForm.name || observationForm.formName,
formVersion = observationForm.version || observationForm.formVersion;
forms.push(new Bahmni.ObservationForm(formUuid, $rootScope.currentUser, formName, formVersion, observations))
}), forms
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("DrugOrderHistoryController", ["$scope", "$filter", "$stateParams", "activeDrugOrders", "treatmentConfig", "treatmentService", "spinner", "drugOrderHistoryHelper", "visitHistory", "$translate", "$rootScope", function($scope, $filter, $stateParams, activeDrugOrders, treatmentConfig, treatmentService, spinner, drugOrderHistoryHelper, visitHistory, $translate, $rootScope) {
var DrugOrderViewModel = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel,
DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
currentVisit = visitHistory.activeVisit,
prescribedDrugOrders = [];
$scope.dispensePrivilege = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.dispensePrivilege, $scope.scheduledDate = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.addDays(DateUtil.now(), 1));
var createPrescriptionGroups = function(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders) {
$scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups = [], createPrescribedDrugOrderGroups(), createRecentDrugOrderGroup(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders)
getPreviousVisitDrugOrders = function() {
var currentVisitIndex = _.findIndex($scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups, function(group) {
return group.isCurrentVisit
return $scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups[currentVisitIndex + 1] ? $scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups[currentVisitIndex + 1].drugOrders : []
sortOrderSetDrugsFollowedByDrugOrders = function(drugOrders, showOnlyActive) {
var orderSetOrdersAndDrugOrders = _.groupBy(drugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.orderGroupUuid ? "orderSetOrders" : "drugOrders"
refillableDrugOrders = drugOrderHistoryHelper.getRefillableDrugOrders(orderSetOrdersAndDrugOrders.drugOrders, getPreviousVisitDrugOrders(), showOnlyActive);
return _(orderSetOrdersAndDrugOrders.orderSetOrders).concat(refillableDrugOrders).uniqBy("uuid").value()
createRecentDrugOrderGroup = function(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders) {
var showOnlyActive = treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.showOnlyActive,
refillableGroup = {
label: $translate.instant("MEDICATION_RECENT_TAB"),
selected: !0,
drugOrders: sortOrderSetDrugsFollowedByDrugOrders(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, showOnlyActive)
$scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups.unshift(refillableGroup), void 0 !== treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.numberOfVisits && null !== treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.numberOfVisits && 0 === treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.numberOfVisits && ($scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups = [$scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups[0]])
createPrescribedDrugOrderGroups = function() {
if (0 === prescribedDrugOrders.length) return [];
var drugOrderGroupedByDate = _.groupBy(prescribedDrugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return DateUtil.parse(drugOrder.visit.startDateTime)
createDrugOrder = function(drugOrder) {
return DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, treatmentConfig)
drugOrderGroups = _.map(drugOrderGroupedByDate, function(drugOrders, visitStartDate) {
return {
label: $filter("bahmniDate")(visitStartDate),
visitStartDate: DateUtil.parse(visitStartDate),
drugOrders: drugOrders.map(createDrugOrder),
isCurrentVisit: currentVisit && DateUtil.isSameDateTime(visitStartDate, currentVisit.startDatetime)
$scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups = $scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups.concat(drugOrderGroups), $scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups = _.sortBy($scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups, "visitStartDate").reverse()
$scope.stoppedOrderReasons = treatmentConfig.stoppedOrderReasonConcepts;
var init = function() {
var numberOfVisits = treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.numberOfVisits ? treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig.numberOfVisits : 3;
spinner.forPromise(treatmentService.getPrescribedDrugOrders($stateParams.patientUuid, !0, numberOfVisits, $stateParams.dateEnrolled, $stateParams.dateCompleted).then(function(data) {
prescribedDrugOrders = data, createPrescriptionGroups($scope.consultation.activeAndScheduledDrugOrders)
$scope.getOrderReasonConcept = function(drugOrder) {
if (drugOrder.orderReasonConcept) return drugOrder.orderReasonConcept.display || drugOrder.orderReasonConcept.name
}, $scope.toggleShowAdditionalInstructions = function(line) {
line.showAdditionalInstructions = !line.showAdditionalInstructions
}, $scope.drugOrderGroupsEmpty = function() {
return _.isEmpty($scope.consultation.drugOrderGroups)
}, $scope.isDrugOrderGroupEmpty = function(drugOrders) {
return _.isEmpty(drugOrders)
}, $scope.showEffectiveFromDate = function(visitStartDate, effectiveStartDate) {
return $filter("bahmniDate")(effectiveStartDate) !== $filter("bahmniDate")(visitStartDate)
}, $scope.refill = function(drugOrder) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:refillDrugOrder", drugOrder)
}, $scope.refillAll = function(drugOrders) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:refillDrugOrders", drugOrders)
}, $scope.revise = function(drugOrder, drugOrders) {
$scope.consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes[drugOrder.uuid] && (delete $scope.consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes[drugOrder.uuid], $scope.toggleDrugOrderAttribute(drugOrder.orderAttributes[0])), drugOrder.isEditAllowed && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:reviseDrugOrder", drugOrder, drugOrders)
}, $scope.updateFormConditions = function(drugOrder) {
var formCondition = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules ? Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules["Medication Stop Reason"] : void 0;
formCondition ? drugOrder.orderReasonConcept ? formCondition(drugOrder, drugOrder.orderReasonConcept.name.name) || disableAndClearReasonText(drugOrder) : disableAndClearReasonText(drugOrder) : drugOrder.orderReasonNotesEnabled = !0
var disableAndClearReasonText = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.orderReasonText = null, drugOrder.orderReasonNotesEnabled = !1
$scope.discontinue = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.isDiscontinuedAllowed && ($rootScope.$broadcast("event:discontinueDrugOrder", drugOrder), $scope.updateFormConditions(drugOrder))
}, $scope.undoDiscontinue = function(drugOrder) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:undoDiscontinueDrugOrder", drugOrder)
}, $scope.shouldBeDisabled = function(drugOrder, orderAttribute) {
return !!drugOrder.isBeingEdited || (!drugOrder.isActive() || orderAttribute.obsUuid)
}, $scope.updateOrderAttribute = function(drugOrder, orderAttribute, valueToSet) {
$scope.shouldBeDisabled(drugOrder, orderAttribute) || ($scope.toggleDrugOrderAttribute(orderAttribute, valueToSet), $scope.consultation.drugOrdersWithUpdatedOrderAttributes[drugOrder.uuid] = drugOrder)
}, $scope.toggleDrugOrderAttribute = function(orderAttribute, valueToSet) {
orderAttribute.value = void 0 !== valueToSet ? valueToSet : !orderAttribute.value
}, $scope.getOrderAttributes = function() {
return treatmentConfig.orderAttributes
}, $scope.updateAllOrderAttributesByName = function(orderAttribute, drugOrderGroup) {
drugOrderGroup[orderAttribute.name] = drugOrderGroup[orderAttribute.name] || {}, drugOrderGroup[orderAttribute.name].selected = !drugOrderGroup[orderAttribute.name].selected, drugOrderGroup.drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
var selectedOrderAttribute = getAttribute(drugOrder, orderAttribute.name);
$scope.updateOrderAttribute(drugOrder, selectedOrderAttribute, drugOrderGroup[orderAttribute.name].selected)
}, $scope.allOrderAttributesOfNameSet = function(drugOrderGroup, orderAttributeName) {
var allAttributesSelected = !0;
drugOrderGroup.drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
var orderAttributeOfName = getAttribute(drugOrder, orderAttributeName);
$scope.shouldBeDisabled(drugOrder, orderAttributeOfName) || orderAttributeOfName.value || (allAttributesSelected = !1)
}), drugOrderGroup[orderAttributeName] = drugOrderGroup[orderAttributeName] || {}, drugOrderGroup[orderAttributeName].selected = allAttributesSelected
}, $scope.canUpdateAtLeastOneOrderAttributeOfName = function(drugOrderGroup, orderAttributeName) {
var canBeUpdated = !1;
return drugOrderGroup.drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
var orderAttributeOfName = getAttribute(drugOrder, orderAttributeName);
$scope.shouldBeDisabled(drugOrder, orderAttributeOfName) || (canBeUpdated = !0)
}), canBeUpdated
}, $scope.getMinDateForDiscontinue = function(drugOrder) {
var minDate = DateUtil.today();
return DateUtil.isBeforeDate(drugOrder.effectiveStartDate, minDate) && (minDate = drugOrder.effectiveStartDate), DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(minDate)
var getAttribute = function(drugOrder, attributeName) {
return _.find(drugOrder.orderAttributes, {
name: attributeName
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("CustomDrugOrderHistoryController", ["$scope", "treatmentConfig", function($scope, treatmentConfig) {
var drugOrderHistoryConfig = treatmentConfig.drugOrderHistoryConfig || {};
$scope.treatmentConfig = treatmentConfig, $scope.drugOrderHistorySections = _.values(drugOrderHistoryConfig.sections)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("LatestPrescriptionPrintController", ["$scope", "visitActionsService", "messagingService", function($scope, visitActionsService, messagingService) {
var print = function(visitStartDate, visitUuid) {
visitActionsService.printPrescription($scope.patient, visitStartDate, visitUuid), messagingService.showMessage("info", "Please close this tab.")
$scope.visitHistory.activeVisit ? print($scope.visitHistory.activeVisit.startDatetime, $scope.visitHistory.activeVisit.uuid) : messagingService.showMessage("error", "No Active visit found for this patient.")
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("BacteriologyController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "contextChangeHandler", "spinner", "conceptSetService", "messagingService", "bacteriologyConceptSet", "appService", "retrospectiveEntryService", function($scope, $rootScope, contextChangeHandler, spinner, conceptSetService, messagingService, bacteriologyConceptSet, appService, retrospectiveEntryService) {
$scope.consultation.extensions = $scope.consultation.extensions ? $scope.consultation.extensions : {
mdrtbSpecimen: []
var initializeBacteriologyScope = function() {
$scope.savedSpecimens = $scope.consultation.savedSpecimens || $scope.consultation.extensions.mdrtbSpecimen, $scope.newSpecimens = $scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens || [], $scope.deletedSpecimens = $scope.consultation.deletedSpecimens || []
initializeBacteriologyScope(), $scope.today = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.now()), $scope.isRetrospectiveMode = function() {
return !_.isEmpty(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveEntry())
var init = function() {
appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("showSaveConfirmDialog") && $scope.$broadcast("event:pageUnload");
var additionalAttributes = _.find(bacteriologyConceptSet.setMembers, function(member) {
return "Bacteriology Attributes" === member.conceptClass.name
$scope.additionalAttributesConceptName = additionalAttributes && additionalAttributes.name.name;
var results = _.find(bacteriologyConceptSet.setMembers, function(member) {
return "Bacteriology Results" === member.conceptClass.name
$scope.resultsConceptName = results && results.name.name;
var sampleSource = _.find(bacteriologyConceptSet.setMembers, function(member) {
return "Specimen Sample Source" === member.name.name
$scope.allSamples = void 0 !== sampleSource && _.map(sampleSource.answers, function(answer) {
return (new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper).map(answer)
}), $scope.savedSpecimens && ($scope.savedSpecimens = _.sortBy($scope.savedSpecimens, "dateCollected").reverse()), 0 === $scope.newSpecimens.length && $scope.createNewSpecimen(), handleSampleTypeOther()
$scope.createNewSpecimen = function() {
var newSpecimen = new Bahmni.Clinical.Specimen(null, $scope.allSamples);
var contextChange = function() {
$scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens = $scope.newSpecimens, $scope.consultation.deletedSpecimens = $scope.deletedSpecimens, $scope.consultation.savedSpecimens = $scope.savedSpecimens;
var dirtySpecimens = _.filter($scope.newSpecimens, function(specimen) {
return specimen.isDirty()
return _.each(dirtySpecimens, function(dirtySpecimen) {
dirtySpecimen.hasIllegalDateCollected = !dirtySpecimen.dateCollected, dirtySpecimen.hasIllegalType = !dirtySpecimen.type, dirtySpecimen.hasIllegalTypeFreeText = !dirtySpecimen.typeFreeText
}), {
allow: void 0 === dirtySpecimens[0]
saveSpecimens = function() {
var savableSpecimens = _.filter($scope.newSpecimens, function(specimen) {
return !specimen.isEmpty() || specimen.voidIfEmpty()
savableSpecimens = savableSpecimens.concat($scope.deletedSpecimens);
var specimenMapper = new Bahmni.Clinical.SpecimenMapper,
specimens = [];
_.each(savableSpecimens, function(specimen) {
}), $scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens = specimens, $scope.consultation.extensions.mdrtbSpecimen || ($scope.consultation.extensions.mdrtbSpecimen = [])
$scope.editSpecimen = function(specimen) {
$scope.savedSpecimens = _.without($scope.savedSpecimens, specimen), $scope.newSpecimens.push(new Bahmni.Clinical.Specimen(specimen, $scope.allSamples)), handleSampleTypeOther()
}, $scope.handleUpdate = function() {
}, $scope.deleteSpecimen = function(specimen) {
specimen.isExistingSpecimen() && (specimen.setMandatoryFieldsBeforeSavingVoidedSpecimen(), $scope.deletedSpecimens.push(specimen)), $scope.savedSpecimens = _.without($scope.savedSpecimens, specimen), $scope.newSpecimens = _.without($scope.newSpecimens, specimen), 0 === $scope.newSpecimens.length && $scope.createNewSpecimen()
}, $scope.getDisplayName = function(specimen) {
var type = specimen.type,
displayName = type && (type.shortName ? type.shortName : type.name);
return displayName === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.bacteriologyConstants.otherSampleType && (displayName = specimen.typeFreeText), displayName
}, $scope.consultation.preSaveHandler.register("bacteriologySaveHandlerKey", saveSpecimens), $scope.consultation.postSaveHandler.register("bacteriologyPostSaveHandlerKey", initializeBacteriologyScope);
var handleSampleTypeOther = function() {
for (var specimen in $scope.newSpecimens) $scope.newSpecimens[specimen].type && $scope.newSpecimens[specimen].type.name === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.bacteriologyConstants.otherSampleType ? ($scope.newSpecimens[specimen].showTypeFreeText = !0, $scope.freeText && ($scope.newSpecimens[specimen].typeFreeText = $scope.freeText)) : ($scope.newSpecimens[specimen].showTypeFreeText = !1, $scope.newSpecimens[specimen].type && ($scope.freeText = $scope.newSpecimens[specimen].typeFreeText, $scope.newSpecimens[specimen].typeFreeText = null))
contextChangeHandler.add(contextChange), init()
}]), Bahmni.Clinical.TabularLabOrderResults = function() {
var TabularLabOrderResults = function(tabularResult, accessionConfig) {
var self = this;
this.tabularResult = tabularResult;
var filterData = function(list, filteredOn) {
var indices = _.uniq(_.map(self.tabularResult.values, filteredOn));
return _.filter(list, function(element) {
return _.includes(indices, element.index)
init = function() {
if (accessionConfig && (accessionConfig.initialAccessionCount || accessionConfig.latestAccessionCount)) {
var tabularValues = _.groupBy(self.tabularResult.values, function(value) {
return new Date(value.accessionDateTime)
tabularValues = _.sortBy(tabularValues, function(value) {
return value[0].accessionDateTime
var initial = _.first(tabularValues, accessionConfig.initialAccessionCount || 0),
latest = _.last(tabularValues, accessionConfig.latestAccessionCount || 0);
self.tabularResult.values = _.flatten(_.union(initial, latest)), self.tabularResult.dates = filterData(self.tabularResult.dates, "dateIndex"), self.tabularResult.orders = filterData(self.tabularResult.orders, "testOrderIndex")
init(), this.getDateLabels = function() {
return this.tabularResult.dates.map(function(date) {
return moment(date.date, "DD-MMM-YYYY", !0).isValid() && (date.date = moment(date.date, "DD-MMM-YYYY").toDate()), date
}, this.getTestOrderLabels = function() {
return this.tabularResult.orders
}, this.hasRange = function(testOrderLabel) {
return testOrderLabel.minNormal && testOrderLabel.maxNormal
}, this.hasUnits = function(testOrderLabel) {
return void 0 != testOrderLabel.testUnitOfMeasurement && null != testOrderLabel.testUnitOfMeasurement
}, this.hasOrders = function() {
return this.tabularResult.orders.length > 0
}, this.getResult = function(dateLabel, testOrderLabel) {
var filteredResultValue = this.tabularResult.values.filter(function(value) {
return value.dateIndex === dateLabel.index && value.testOrderIndex === testOrderLabel.index
return 0 === filteredResultValue.length && (filteredResultValue = [{
result: " "
}]), filteredResultValue
}, this.hasUploadedFiles = function(dateLabel, testOrderLabel) {
return this.getResult(dateLabel, testOrderLabel).some(function(res) {
return res.uploadedFileName
return TabularLabOrderResults
}(), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("investigationTableRow", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
var urlFrom = function(fileName) {
return Bahmni.Common.Constants.labResultUploadedFileNameUrl + fileName
defaultParams = {
showDetailsButton: !0
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params), $scope.hasNotes = function() {
return !(!$scope.test.notes && !$scope.test.showNotes)
}, $scope.showTestNotes = function() {
return $scope.hasNotes($scope.test)
}, $scope.test.showNotes = $scope.hasNotes(), $scope.test.showDetailsButton = $scope.params.showDetailsButton, $scope.test.labReportUrl = $scope.test.uploadedFileName ? urlFrom($scope.test.uploadedFileName) : null, $scope.toggle = function() {
$scope.test.showDetails = !$scope.test.showDetails
}, $scope.isValidResultToShow = function(result) {
return void 0 != result && null != result && "undefined" != result.toLowerCase(result) && "null" != result.toLowerCase(result)
return {
restrict: "A",
controller: controller,
scope: {
test: "=",
params: "="
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/investigationresults/views/investigationTableRow.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("investigationTable", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
var defaultParams = {
showNormalLabResults: !0,
showAccessionNotes: !0,
title: "Lab Investigations",
hasAbnormalTests = function(labOrderResult) {
if (labOrderResult.isPanel) {
var hasAbnormal = !1;
return labOrderResult.tests.forEach(function(test) {
test.abnormal && (hasAbnormal = !0)
}), hasAbnormal
return labOrderResult.abnormal
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params), $scope.hasLabOrders = function() {
return !!($scope.accessions && $scope.accessions.length > 0) || $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event") && !1
}, $scope.shouldShowResults = function(labOrderResult) {
return $scope.params.showNormalLabResults || hasAbnormalTests(labOrderResult)
}, $scope.toggle = function(item) {
event.stopPropagation(), item.show = !item.show
}, $scope.getAccessionDetailsFrom = function(labOrderResults) {
var labResultLine = labOrderResults[0].isPanel ? labOrderResults[0].tests[0] : labOrderResults[0];
return {
accessionUuid: labResultLine.accessionUuid,
accessionDateTime: labResultLine.accessionDateTime,
accessionNotes: labResultLine.accessionNotes
}, $scope.toggleAccession = function(labOrderResults) {
labOrderResults.isOpen = !labOrderResults.isOpen
}, $scope.showAccessionNotes = function(labOrderResults) {
return $scope.getAccessionDetailsFrom(labOrderResults).accessionNotes && $scope.params.showAccessionNotes
}, $scope.$watch("accessions", function() {
$scope.accessions && $scope.accessions[0] && ($scope.accessions[0].isOpen = !0)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
scope: {
accessions: "=",
params: "="
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/investigationresults/views/investigationTable.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("investigationChart", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
var defaultParams = {
noLabOrdersMessage: "No Lab Orders for this patient."
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params), $scope.showChart = !1, $scope.toggleChart = function() {
$scope.showChart = !$scope.showChart
}, $scope.getUploadedFileUrl = function(uploadedFileName) {
return Bahmni.Common.Constants.labResultUploadedFileNameUrl + uploadedFileName
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
scope: {
accessions: "=",
params: "="
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/investigationresults/views/investigationChart.html"
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("investigationResults", ["labOrderResultService", "spinner", function(labOrderResultService, spinner) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var defaultParams = {
showTable: !0,
showChart: !0,
numberOfVisits: 1
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params);
var params = {
patientUuid: $scope.params.patientUuid,
numberOfVisits: $scope.params.numberOfVisits,
visitUuids: $scope.params.visitUuids,
initialAccessionCount: $scope.params.initialAccessionCount,
latestAccessionCount: $scope.params.latestAccessionCount
$scope.initialization = labOrderResultService.getAllForPatient(params).then(function(results) {
$scope.investigationResults = results
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/investigationresults/views/investigationResults.html",
scope: {
params: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("treatmentData", ["treatmentService", "appService", "spinner", "$stateParams", "$q", "treatmentConfig", function(treatmentService, appService, spinner, $stateParams, $q, treatmentConfig) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var Constants = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants,
defaultParams = {
showListView: !0,
showRoute: !1,
showDrugForm: !1,
numberOfVisits: 1
$scope.params = angular.extend(defaultParams, $scope.params);
var init = function() {
var getToDate = function() {
return $scope.visitSummary.stopDateTime || Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.now()
programConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("program") || {},
startDate = null,
endDate = null,
getEffectiveOrdersOnly = !1;
return programConfig.showDetailsWithinDateRange && (startDate = $stateParams.dateEnrolled, endDate = $stateParams.dateCompleted, (startDate || endDate) && ($scope.params.showOtherActive = !1), getEffectiveOrdersOnly = !0), $q.all([treatmentConfig(), treatmentService.getPrescribedAndActiveDrugOrders($scope.params.patientUuid, $scope.params.numberOfVisits, $scope.params.showOtherActive, $scope.params.visitUuids || [], startDate, endDate, getEffectiveOrdersOnly)]).then(function(results) {
var config = results[0],
drugOrderResponse = results[1].data,
createDrugOrderViewModel = function(drugOrder) {
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, config)
for (var key in drugOrderResponse) drugOrderResponse[key] = drugOrderResponse[key].map(createDrugOrderViewModel);
var groupedByVisit = _.groupBy(drugOrderResponse.visitDrugOrders, function(drugOrder) {
return drugOrder.visit.startDateTime
treatmentSections = [];
for (var key in groupedByVisit) {
var values = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util.mergeContinuousTreatments(groupedByVisit[key]);
visitDate: key,
drugOrders: values
if (!_.isEmpty(drugOrderResponse[Constants.otherActiveDrugOrders])) {
var mergedOtherActiveDrugOrders = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util.mergeContinuousTreatments(drugOrderResponse[Constants.otherActiveDrugOrders]);
visitDate: Constants.otherActiveDrugOrders,
drugOrders: mergedOtherActiveDrugOrders
$scope.treatmentSections = treatmentSections, $scope.visitSummary && ($scope.ipdDrugOrders = Bahmni.Clinical.VisitDrugOrder.createFromDrugOrders(drugOrderResponse.visitDrugOrders, $scope.visitSummary.startDateTime, getToDate()))
$scope.initialization = init()
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
scope: {
params: "=",
visitSummary: "=?"
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/treatmentData/views/treatmentData.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("treatmentTable", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.isOtherActiveSection = function(dateString) {
return dateString === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.otherActiveDrugOrders
}, $scope.isDataPresent = function() {
return !$scope.drugOrderSections || 0 != $scope.drugOrderSections.length || $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event") && !1
return {
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/treatmentData/views/treatmentTable.html",
scope: {
drugOrderSections: "=",
params: "="
controller: controller
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("treatmentChart", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.atLeastOneDrugForDay = function(day) {
var atLeastOneDrugForDay = !1;
return $scope.ipdDrugOrders.getIPDDrugs().forEach(function(drug) {
drug.isActiveOnDate(day.date) && (atLeastOneDrugForDay = !0)
}), atLeastOneDrugForDay
}, $scope.getVisitStopDateTime = function() {
return $scope.visitSummary.stopDateTime || Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.now()
return {
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/treatmentData/views/treatmentChart.html",
scope: {
ipdDrugOrders: "=",
visitSummary: "=",
params: "="
controller: controller
}), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("treatmentTableRow", function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.showDetails = !1, void 0 === $scope.params.showProvider && ($scope.params.showProvider = !0), $scope.toggle = function() {
$scope.showDetails = !$scope.showDetails
return {
restrict: "A",
controller: controller,
scope: {
drugOrder: "=",
params: "="
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/treatmentData/views/treatmentTableRow.html"
}), Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util = {
mergeContinuousTreatments: function(continuousDrugOrders) {
var sortedDrugOrders = _.sortBy(continuousDrugOrders, "effectiveStartDate"),
drugOrders = [];
return sortedDrugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.span = {};
var areValuesEqual = function(value1, value2) {
return "boolean" == typeof value1 && "boolean" == typeof value2 ? value1 === value2 : value1 === value2 || _.isEmpty(value1) && _.isEmpty(value2)
foundDrugOrder = _.find(drugOrders, function(existingOrder) {
return areValuesEqual(existingOrder.drugNonCoded, drugOrder.drugNonCoded) && existingOrder.drug && drugOrder.drug && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.drug.uuid, drugOrder.drug.uuid) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.instructions, drugOrder.instructions) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.getDoseInformation(), drugOrder.getDoseInformation()) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.route, drugOrder.route) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.additionalInstructions, drugOrder.additionalInstructions) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.asNeeded, drugOrder.asNeeded) && areValuesEqual(existingOrder.isDiscontinuedOrStopped(), drugOrder.isDiscontinuedOrStopped()) && Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.diffInDaysRegardlessOfTime(new Date(existingOrder.lastStopDate), new Date(drugOrder.scheduledDate)) <= 1
foundDrugOrder ? (foundDrugOrder.span.hasOwnProperty(drugOrder.durationUnit) ? foundDrugOrder.span[drugOrder.durationUnit] += drugOrder.duration : foundDrugOrder.span[drugOrder.durationUnit] = drugOrder.duration, foundDrugOrder.lastStopDate = drugOrder.effectiveStopDate) : (drugOrder.span[drugOrder.durationUnit] = drugOrder.duration, drugOrder.lastStopDate = drugOrder.effectiveStopDate, drugOrders.push(drugOrder))
}), drugOrders
sortDrugOrders: function(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders) {
var descendingOrderFactor = -1;
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util.sortOrders(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, descendingOrderFactor)
sortDrugOrdersInChronologicalOrder: function(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders) {
var ascendingOrderFactor = 1;
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util.sortOrders(activeAndScheduledDrugOrders, ascendingOrderFactor)
sortOrders: function(drugOrders, sortOrderFactor) {
if (_.isEmpty(drugOrders)) return [];
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
return drugOrders.sort(function(drug1, drug2) {
var timeDifference = DateUtil.diffInSeconds(drug1.effectiveStartDate, drug2.effectiveStartDate);
return DateUtil.isSameDate(drug1.effectiveStartDate, drug2.effectiveStartDate) ? 0 === timeDifference ? drug1.orderNumber - drug2.orderNumber : timeDifference : timeDifference * sortOrderFactor
}, angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("visitsTable", ["patientVisitHistoryService", "conceptSetService", "spinner", "$state", "$q", function(patientVisitHistoryService, conceptSetService, spinner, $state, $q) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var emitNoDataPresentEvent = function() {
$scope.openVisit = function(visit) {
$scope.$parent.closeThisDialog && $scope.$parent.closeThisDialog("closing modal"), $state.go("patient.dashboard.visit", {
visitUuid: visit.uuid
}, $scope.hasVisits = function() {
return $scope.visits && $scope.visits.length > 0
}, $scope.params = angular.extend({
maximumNoOfVisits: 4,
title: "Visits"
}, $scope.params), $scope.noVisitsMessage = "No Visits for this patient.", $scope.toggle = function(visit) {
visit.isOpen = !visit.isOpen, visit.cacheOpenedHtml = !0
}, $scope.filteredObservations = function(observation, observationTemplates) {
var observationTemplateArray = [];
for (var observationTemplateIndex in observationTemplates) observationTemplateArray.push(observationTemplates[observationTemplateIndex].display);
var obsArrayFiltered = [];
for (var ob in observation) _.includes(observationTemplateArray, observation[ob].concept.display) && obsArrayFiltered.push(observation[ob]);
return obsArrayFiltered
}, $scope.editConsultation = function(encounter) {
showNotApplicablePopup(), $scope.$parent.closeThisDialog && $scope.$parent.closeThisDialog("closing modal"), $state.go("patient.dashboard.show.observations", {
conceptSetGroupName: "observations",
encounterUuid: encounter.uuid
}, $scope.getDisplayName = function(data) {
var concept = data.concept,
displayName = data.concept.displayString;
return concept.names && 1 === concept.names.length && "" !== concept.names[0].name ? displayName = concept.names[0].name : concept.names && 2 === concept.names.length && (displayName = _.find(concept.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}).name), displayName
}, $scope.getProviderDisplayName = function(encounter) {
return encounter.encounterProviders.length > 0 ? encounter.encounterProviders[0].provider.display : null
var getVisits = function() {
return patientVisitHistoryService.getVisitHistory($scope.patientUuid)
init = function() {
return $q.all([getVisits()]).then(function(results) {
$scope.visits = results[0].visits, $scope.patient = {
uuid: $scope.patientUuid
}, $scope.hasVisits() || emitNoDataPresentEvent()
$scope.initialization = init(), $scope.params = angular.extend({
maximumNoOfVisits: 4,
title: "Visits"
}, $scope.params), $scope.noVisitsMessage = "No Visits for this patient."
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/allvisits/views/visitsTable.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
patientUuid: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("observationData", [function() {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.hasGroupMembers = function() {
return $scope.observation.groupMembers && $scope.observation.groupMembers.length > 0
}, $scope.getDisplayValue = function() {
return $scope.observation.value ? $scope.observation.value.display || $scope.observation.value : null
return {
restrict: "E",
template: "<ng-include src=\"'../clinical/displaycontrols/observationData/views/observationData.html'\" />",
scope: {
observation: "="
controller: controller
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("observationGraph", ["appService", "observationsService", "patientService", "conceptSetService", "$q", "spinner", "$translate", function(appService, observationsService, patientService, conceptSetService, $q, spinner, $translate) {
var generateGraph = function($scope, element, config, observationGraphModel) {
var bindToElement = document.getElementById($scope.graphId),
graphWidth = $(element).parent().width(),
chart = Bahmni.Graph.c3Chart.create();
chart.render(bindToElement, graphWidth, config, observationGraphModel)
link = function($scope, element) {
if ($scope.graphId = "graph" + $scope.$id, $scope.params) {
var config = new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphConfig($scope.params.config);
var promises = [],
numberOfLevels = 1,
fields = ["uuid", "name", "names", "hiNormal", "lowNormal", "units", "datatype"],
customRepresentation = Bahmni.ConceptSet.CustomRepresentationBuilder.build(fields, "setMembers", numberOfLevels),
conceptValue = conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: config.getAllConcepts(),
v: "custom:" + customRepresentation
var observationsPromise = observationsService.fetch($scope.patientUuid, config.getAllConcepts(), null, config.numberOfVisits, $scope.visitUuid, null, !1);
promises.push(observationsPromise), config.displayForAge() && promises.push(patientService.getPatient($scope.patientUuid)), config.shouldDrawReferenceLines() && promises.push(appService.loadCsvFileFromConfig(config.getReferenceDataFileName()));
var checkWhetherYAxisIsNumericDataType = function(yAxisConceptDetails) {
if ("Numeric" !== yAxisConceptDetails.datatype.name) {
var errorMsg = $translate.instant(Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.errorMessages.conceptNotNumeric).replace(":conceptName", yAxisConceptDetails.name.name).replace(":placeErrorAccurred", $scope.params.title + " config in growthChartReference.csv");
throw new Error(errorMsg)
spinner.forPromise($q.all(promises).then(function(results) {
var referenceLines, yAxisConceptDetails = results[0].data && results[0].data.results && results[0].data.results[0],
observations = results[1].data,
patient = results[2] && results[2].data.person;
if (config.shouldDrawReferenceLines()) {
var referenceData = results[3].data,
ageInMonths = Bahmni.Common.Util.AgeUtil.differenceInMonths(patient.birthdate),
yAxisUnit = yAxisConceptDetails.units,
observationGraphReferenceModel = new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphReference(referenceData, config, patient.gender, ageInMonths, yAxisUnit);
observationGraphReferenceModel.validate(), referenceLines = observationGraphReferenceModel.createObservationGraphReferenceLines()
if (0 === observations.length) return void $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event");
void 0 !== yAxisConceptDetails && (config.lowNormal = yAxisConceptDetails.lowNormal, config.hiNormal = yAxisConceptDetails.hiNormal);
var model = Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraph.create(observations, patient, config, referenceLines);
generateGraph($scope, element, config, model)
}), element)
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/graph/views/observationGraph.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
visitUuid: "=",
patientUuid: "="
link: link
function() {
Bahmni = Bahmni || {}, Bahmni.Clinical = Bahmni.Clinical || {}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraph = function(model) {
angular.extend(this, model)
var fixCaseMismatchIssues = function(config, observations) {
var conceptNamesFromConfig = config.yAxisConcepts.slice(0);
conceptNamesFromConfig.push(config.xAxisConcept), _.each(observations, function(obs) {
obs.concept.name = _.find(conceptNamesFromConfig, function(configConceptName) {
return configConceptName.toLowerCase() === obs.concept.name.toLowerCase()
createObservationPoint = function(config, obs, xAxisValues) {
var observation = {};
return observation[config.xAxisConcept] = xAxisValues, observation[obs.concept.name] = obs.value, observation
findMatchingLine = function(lines, obs) {
return _(lines).find(function(line) {
return line.name === obs.concept.name
Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraph.create = function(allObservations, person, config, referenceLines) {
fixCaseMismatchIssues(config, allObservations);
var yAxisObservations = _.filter(allObservations, function(obs) {
return obs.concept.name !== config.xAxisConcept
xAxisObservations = _.filter(allObservations, function(obs) {
return obs.concept.name === config.xAxisConcept
lines = _(yAxisObservations).uniqBy(function(item) {
return item.concept.name + item.concept.units
}).map(function(item) {
return new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphLine({
name: item.concept.name,
units: item.concept.units,
values: []
if (_.forEach(yAxisObservations, function(yAxisObs) {
var xValue;
if (config.displayForObservationDateTime()) config.type = "timeseries", xValue = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.parseDatetime(yAxisObs.observationDateTime).toDate();
else if (config.displayForAge()) xValue = Bahmni.Common.Util.AgeUtil.differenceInMonths(person.birthdate, yAxisObs.observationDateTime);
else {
config.type = "indexed";
var matchingObservation = _.find(xAxisObservations, function(xObs) {
return yAxisObs.observationDateTime === xObs.observationDateTime
xValue = matchingObservation ? matchingObservation.value : void 0
if (void 0 !== xValue) {
var line = findMatchingLine(lines, yAxisObs),
observationPoint = createObservationPoint(config, yAxisObs, xValue);
}), void 0 !== referenceLines) {
lines = lines.concat(referenceLines);
var referenceLinesYAxisConcepts = _.map(referenceLines, "name");
config.yAxisConcepts = config.yAxisConcepts.concat(referenceLinesYAxisConcepts)
return new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraph(lines)
function() {
Bahmni = Bahmni || {}, Bahmni.Clinical = Bahmni.Clinical || {}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphLine = function(proto) {
angular.extend(this, proto)
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphLine.prototype.addPoint = function(point) {
point[this.name] && this.values.push(point)
function() {
Bahmni = Bahmni || {}, Bahmni.Clinical = Bahmni.Clinical || {}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphReference = function(csvString, config, gender, ageInMonths, yAxisUnit) {
var that = this,
monthBuffer = 1;
this.config = config, this.csvString = csvString, this.yAxisUnit = yAxisUnit, this.referenceChartValues = asMatrix(this.csvString), this.header = this.referenceChartValues.shift(), this.ageColumnIndex = _.findIndex(this.header, function(columnName) {
return columnName.toLowerCase() === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.concepts.age.toLowerCase()
}), this.genderColumnIndex = _.findIndex(this.header, function(columnName) {
return columnName.toLowerCase() === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.gender.toLowerCase()
var maxNoOfMonths = ageInMonths + monthBuffer;
this.referenceChartValues = _.filter(this.referenceChartValues, function(value) {
return value[that.genderColumnIndex] === gender && (void 0 === maxNoOfMonths || value[that.ageColumnIndex] <= maxNoOfMonths)
var asMatrix = function(csvString) {
return _.map(csvString.split("\n"), function(line) {
return line.split(",")
Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphReference.prototype.createValues = function(columnName) {
var that = this;
return _.map(this.referenceChartValues, function(rowOfValues) {
var point = {};
return point[columnName] = rowOfValues[that.header.indexOf(columnName)], point[Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.concepts.age] = rowOfValues[that.ageColumnIndex], point
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphReference.prototype.createObservationGraphReferenceLines = function() {
var that = this,
headersToBeExcluded = function(column, index) {
return index === that.genderColumnIndex || index === that.ageColumnIndex
newObservationGraphLine = function(columnName) {
return new Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphLine({
name: columnName,
reference: !0,
unit: that.yAxisUnit,
values: that.createValues(columnName)
return _(this.header).reject(headersToBeExcluded).map(newObservationGraphLine).value()
}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphReference.prototype.validate = function() {
if (this.ageColumnIndex === -1) throw new Error("Age column is not defined in reference lines csv: " + this.config.getReferenceDataFileName());
if (this.genderColumnIndex === -1) throw new Error("Gender column is not defined in reference lines csv: " + this.config.getReferenceDataFileName())
function() {
Bahmni = Bahmni || {}, Bahmni.Clinical = Bahmni.Clinical || {}, Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphConfig = function(config) {
angular.extend(this, config), this.shouldDrawReferenceLines() && (this.xAxisConcept = Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.concepts.age)
var OBSERVATION_DATETIME = "observationdatetime",
configPrototype = Bahmni.Clinical.ObservationGraphConfig.prototype;
configPrototype.validate = function(title) {
if (!this.yAxisConcepts || 0 === this.yAxisConcepts.length) throw new Error("y axis not defined for graph: " + title);
if (!this.xAxisConcept && !this.shouldDrawReferenceLines()) throw new Error("x axis not defined for graph: " + title)
}, configPrototype.displayForConcept = function() {
return !(this.displayForAge() || this.displayForObservationDateTime())
}, configPrototype.displayForAge = function() {
return this.xAxisConcept.toLowerCase() === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.concepts.age.toLowerCase()
}, configPrototype.displayForObservationDateTime = function() {
return this.xAxisConcept.toLowerCase() === OBSERVATION_DATETIME
}, configPrototype.getAllConcepts = function() {
var concepts = this.yAxisConcepts.slice(0);
return this.displayForConcept() && concepts.push(this.xAxisConcept), concepts
}, configPrototype.shouldDrawReferenceLines = function() {
return void 0 !== this.referenceData && this.yAxisConcepts && 1 === this.yAxisConcepts.length
}, configPrototype.getReferenceDataFileName = function() {
return this.referenceData
}(), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").directive("patientContext", ["$state", "$translate", "$sce", "patientService", "spinner", "appService", function($state, $translate, $sce, patientService, spinner, appService) {
var controller = function($scope, $rootScope) {
var patientContextConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("patientContext") || {};
$scope.initPromise = patientService.getPatientContext($scope.patient.uuid, $state.params.enrollment, patientContextConfig.personAttributes, patientContextConfig.programAttributes, patientContextConfig.additionalPatientIdentifiers), $scope.initPromise.then(function(response) {
$scope.patientContext = response.data;
var programAttributes = $scope.patientContext.programAttributes,
personAttributes = $scope.patientContext.personAttributes;
convertBooleanValuesToEnglish(personAttributes), convertBooleanValuesToEnglish(programAttributes);
var preferredIdentifier = patientContextConfig.preferredIdentifier;
preferredIdentifier && (programAttributes[preferredIdentifier] ? ($scope.patientContext.identifier = programAttributes[preferredIdentifier].value, delete programAttributes[preferredIdentifier]) : personAttributes[preferredIdentifier] && ($scope.patientContext.identifier = personAttributes[preferredIdentifier].value, delete personAttributes[preferredIdentifier])), $scope.showNameAndImage = void 0 === $scope.showNameAndImage || $scope.showNameAndImage, $scope.showNameAndImage && ($scope.patientContext.image = Bahmni.Common.Constants.patientImageUrlByPatientUuid + $scope.patientContext.uuid), $scope.patientContext.gender = $rootScope.genderMap[$scope.patientContext.gender]
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initPromise, element)
convertBooleanValuesToEnglish = function(attributes) {
var booleanMap = {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
_.forEach(attributes, function(value) {
value.value = booleanMap[value.value] ? booleanMap[value.value] : value.value
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "displaycontrols/patientContext/views/patientContext.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
showNameAndImage: "=?"
controller: controller,
link: link
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.AdmissionDetails = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.AdmissionDetails || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.admissiondetails", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.admissiondetails").directive("admissionDetails", ["bedService", function(bedService) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.showDetailsButton = function(encounter) {
return $scope.params && $scope.params.showDetailsButton && !encounter.notes
}, $scope.toggle = function(element) {
element.show = !element.show
}, init($scope)
isReady = function($scope) {
return !_.isUndefined($scope.patientUuid) && !_.isUndefined($scope.visitSummary)
onReady = function($scope) {
var visitUuid = _.get($scope.visitSummary, "uuid");
bedService.getAssignedBedForPatient($scope.patientUuid, visitUuid).then(function(bedDetails) {
$scope.bedDetails = bedDetails
init = function($scope) {
var stopWatching = $scope.$watchGroup(["patientUuid", "visitSummary"], function() {
isReady($scope) && (stopWatching(), onReady($scope))
$scope.isDataPresent = function() {
return !(!$scope.visitSummary || !$scope.visitSummary.admissionDetails && !$scope.visitSummary.dischargeDetails) || $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event") && !1
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/admissiondetails/views/admissionDetails.html",
scope: {
params: "=",
patientUuid: "=",
visitSummary: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOrderDetails = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOrderDetails || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrderDetails", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrderDetails").directive("drugOrderDetails", ["treatmentService", "spinner", "treatmentConfig", "$q", function(treatmentService, spinner, treatmentConfig, $q) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var init = function() {
return $q.all([treatmentService.getAllDrugOrdersFor($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.section.dashboardConfig.drugConceptSet, void 0, void 0, $scope.enrollment), treatmentConfig()]).then(function(results) {
var createDrugOrder = function(drugOrder) {
var treatmentConfig = results[1];
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, treatmentConfig)
drugOrderResponse = results[0],
drugOrders = drugOrderResponse.map(createDrugOrder);
$scope.drugOrders = sortOrders(drugOrders), _.isEmpty($scope.drugOrders) && $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event")
drugOrder.showDetails = !drugOrder.showDetails
var sortOrders = function(response) {
var drugOrderUtil = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util,
sortedDrugOrders = [];
if ($scope.section.dashboardConfig.showOnlyActive) {
var activeAndScheduled = _.filter(response, function(order) {
return order.isActive() || order.isScheduled()
} else sortedDrugOrders.push(drugOrderUtil.sortDrugOrdersInChronologicalOrder(response));
return _.flatten(sortedDrugOrders)
$scope.initialization = init()
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
scope: {
section: "=",
patient: "=",
enrollment: "="
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/drugOrderDetails/views/drugOrderDetails.html"
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOrdersSection = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOrdersSection || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrdersSection", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrdersSection").directive("drugOrdersSection", ["treatmentService", "spinner", "$rootScope", function(treatmentService, spinner, $rootScope) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil;
$scope.showAdditionalInstructions = !0, $scope.toggle = !0, $scope.toggleDisplay = function() {
$scope.toggle = !$scope.toggle
var treatmentConfigColumnHeaders = $scope.config.columnHeaders;
$scope.columnHeaders = {
drugName: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.drugName || "DRUG_DETAILS_DRUG_NAME",
dosage: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.dosage || "DRUG_DETAILS_DOSE_INFO",
route: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.route || "DRUG_DETAILS_ROUTE",
duration: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.duration || "DRUG_DETAILS_DURATION",
frequency: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.frequency || "DRUG_DETAILS_FREQUENCY",
startDate: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.startDate || "DRUG_DETAILS_START_DATE",
stopDate: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.stopDate || "DRUG_DETAILS_STOP_DATE",
stopReason: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.stopReason || "DRUG_DETAILS_ORDER_REASON_CODED",
instructions: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.instructions || "DRUG_DETAILS_INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT",
quantity: treatmentConfigColumnHeaders && treatmentConfigColumnHeaders.quantity || "DRUG_DETAILS_QUANTITY_TEXT"
}, $scope.scheduledDate = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.addDays(DateUtil.now(), 1));
var initialiseColumns = function() {
var mandatoryColumns = ["drugName", "dosage", "startDate"],
defaultColumns = ["frequency", "route"];
_.isEmpty($scope.config.columns) ? $scope.columns = _.union(mandatoryColumns, defaultColumns) : $scope.columns = _.union($scope.config.columns, defaultColumns, mandatoryColumns)
mergeActiveAndScheduledWithDiscontinuedOrders = function() {
_.each($scope.discontinuedDrugs, function(discontinuedDrug) {
_.remove($scope.drugOrders, {
uuid: discontinuedDrug.uuid
}), $scope.drugOrders.push(discontinuedDrug)
init = function() {
return initialiseColumns(), _.isEmpty($scope.config.title) && _.isEmpty($scope.config.translationKey) && ($scope.config.title = "Drug Orders"), $scope.isOrderSet ? void($scope.isDrugOrderSet = !0) : treatmentService.getAllDrugOrdersFor($scope.patientUuid, $scope.config.includeConceptSet, $scope.config.excludeConceptSet, $scope.config.active, $scope.enrollment).then(function(drugOrderResponse) {
var createDrugOrder = function(drugOrder) {
return Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrderViewModel.createFromContract(drugOrder, $scope.treatmentConfig)
$scope.drugOrders = sortOrders(drugOrderResponse.map(createDrugOrder)), $scope.config.active && mergeActiveAndScheduledWithDiscontinuedOrders(), $scope.stoppedOrderReasons = $scope.treatmentConfig.stoppedOrderReasonConcepts
sortOrders = function(drugOrders) {
var drugOrderUtil = Bahmni.Clinical.DrugOrder.Util,
sortedDrugOrders = [];
return sortedDrugOrders.push(drugOrderUtil.sortDrugOrdersInChronologicalOrder(drugOrders)), _.flatten(sortedDrugOrders)
clearOtherDrugOrderActions = function(revisedDrugOrder) {
$scope.drugOrders.forEach(function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder != revisedDrugOrder && (drugOrder.isDiscontinuedAllowed = !0, drugOrder.isBeingEdited = !1)
$scope.$on("event:reviseDrugOrder", function(event, drugOrder) {
}), $scope.refill = function(drugOrder) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:refillDrugOrder", drugOrder)
}, $scope.remove = function(drugOrder) {
var promise = treatmentService.voidDrugOrder(drugOrder);
spinner.forPromise(promise), promise.then(function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:sectionUpdated", drugOrder)
}, $scope.$on("event:sectionUpdated", function() {
}), $scope.revise = function(drugOrder, drugOrders) {
drugOrder.isEditAllowed && $rootScope.$broadcast("event:reviseDrugOrder", drugOrder, drugOrders)
}, $scope.checkConflictingDrug = function(drugOrder) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:includeOrderSetDrugOrder", drugOrder)
}, $scope.edit = function(drugOrder) {
var index = _.indexOf($scope.drugOrders, drugOrder);
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:editDrugOrder", drugOrder, index)
}, $scope.toggleShowAdditionalInstructions = function(line) {
line.showAdditionalInstructions = !line.showAdditionalInstructions
}, $scope.discontinue = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.isDiscontinuedAllowed && ($rootScope.$broadcast("event:discontinueDrugOrder", drugOrder), $scope.updateFormConditions(drugOrder))
}, $scope.undoDiscontinue = function(drugOrder) {
$rootScope.$broadcast("event:undoDiscontinueDrugOrder", drugOrder)
}, $scope.getMinDateForDiscontinue = function(drugOrder) {
var minDate = DateUtil.today();
return DateUtil.isBeforeDate(drugOrder.effectiveStartDate, minDate) && (minDate = drugOrder.effectiveStartDate), DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(minDate)
}, $scope.updateFormConditions = function(drugOrder) {
var formCondition = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules ? Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions.rules["Medication Stop Reason"] : void 0;
formCondition ? drugOrder.orderReasonConcept ? formCondition(drugOrder, drugOrder.orderReasonConcept.name.name) || disableAndClearReasonText(drugOrder) : disableAndClearReasonText(drugOrder) : drugOrder.orderReasonNotesEnabled = !0
var disableAndClearReasonText = function(drugOrder) {
drugOrder.orderReasonText = null, drugOrder.orderReasonNotesEnabled = !1
promise = init();
promise && spinner.forPromise(promise)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
scope: {
config: "=",
patientUuid: "=",
treatmentConfig: "=",
discontinuedDrugs: "=",
enrollment: "=",
drugOrders: "=?",
isOrderSet: "=?"
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/drugOrdersSection/views/drugOrdersSection.html"
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Diagnosis = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Diagnosis || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.diagnosis", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.diagnosis").filter("primaryDiagnosisFirst", function() {
return function(diagnoses) {
var primaryDiagnoses = _.filter(diagnoses, function(diagnosis) {
return diagnosis.isPrimary()
otherDiagnoses = _.filter(diagnoses, function(diagnosis) {
return !diagnosis.isPrimary()
return primaryDiagnoses.concat(otherDiagnoses)
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.diagnosis").directive("bahmniDiagnosis", ["diagnosisService", "$q", "spinner", "$rootScope", "$filter", function(diagnosisService, $q, spinner, $rootScope, $filter) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var getAllDiagnosis = function() {
return diagnosisService.getDiagnoses($scope.patientUuid, $scope.visitUuid).then(function(response) {
var diagnosisMapper = new Bahmni.DiagnosisMapper($rootScope.diagnosisStatus);
$scope.allDiagnoses = diagnosisMapper.mapDiagnoses(response.data), 0 == $scope.showRuledOutDiagnoses && ($scope.allDiagnoses = _.filter($scope.allDiagnoses, function(diagnoses) {
return diagnoses.diagnosisStatus !== $rootScope.diagnosisStatus
})), $scope.isDataPresent = function() {
return !$scope.allDiagnoses || 0 != $scope.allDiagnoses.length || ($scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"), !1)
$scope.title = $scope.config.title, $scope.toggle = function(diagnosis, toggleLatest) {
toggleLatest ? (diagnosis.showDetails = !1, diagnosis.showLatestDetails = !diagnosis.showLatestDetails) : (diagnosis.showLatestDetails = !1, diagnosis.showDetails = !diagnosis.showDetails)
var getPromises = function() {
return [getAllDiagnosis()]
$scope.isLatestDiagnosis = function(diagnosis) {
return !!diagnosis.latestDiagnosis && diagnosis.existingObs == diagnosis.latestDiagnosis.existingObs
}, $scope.initialization = $q.all(getPromises())
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/diagnosis/views/diagnosisDisplayControl.html",
scope: {
patientUuid: "=",
config: "=",
visitUuid: "=?",
showRuledOutDiagnoses: "=?",
hideTitle: "=?",
showLatestDiagnosis: "@showLatestDiagnosis"
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Orders = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.Orders || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.orders", []);
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.bacteriologyresults = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.bacteriologyresults || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.bacteriologyresults", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.orders").directive("ordersControl", ["orderService", "orderTypeService", "$q", "spinner", "$filter", function(orderService, orderTypeService, $q, spinner, $filter) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.orderTypeUuid = orderTypeService.getOrderTypeUuid($scope.orderType), null !== $scope.config.showHeader && void 0 !== $scope.config.showHeader || ($scope.config.showHeader = !0);
var includeAllObs = !0,
getOrders = function() {
var params = {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
orderTypeUuid: $scope.orderTypeUuid,
conceptNames: $scope.config.conceptNames,
includeObs: includeAllObs,
numberOfVisits: $scope.config.numberOfVisits,
obsIgnoreList: $scope.config.obsIgnoreList,
visitUuid: $scope.visitUuid,
orderUuid: $scope.orderUuid
return orderService.getOrders(params).then(function(response) {
$scope.bahmniOrders = response.data
init = function() {
return getOrders().then(function() {
_.forEach($scope.bahmniOrders, function(order) {
0 === order.bahmniObservations.length && (order.hideIfEmpty = !0)
}), _.isEmpty($scope.bahmniOrders) ? $scope.noOrdersMessage = $scope.getSectionTitle() : $scope.bahmniOrders[0].isOpen = !0
$scope.getTitle = function(order) {
return order.conceptName + " on " + $filter("bahmniDateTime")(order.orderDate) + " by " + order.provider
}, $scope.toggle = function(element) {
element.isOpen = !element.isOpen
}, $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
section: $scope.section
}, $scope.isClickable = function() {
return $scope.isOnDashboard && $scope.section.expandedViewConfig
}, $scope.hasTitleToBeShown = function() {
return !$scope.isClickable() && $scope.getSectionTitle()
}, $scope.message = Bahmni.Common.Constants.messageForNoFulfillment, $scope.getSectionTitle = function() {
return $filter("titleTranslate")($scope.section)
}, $scope.initialization = init()
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/orders/views/ordersControl.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
section: "=",
orderType: "=",
orderUuid: "=",
config: "=",
isOnDashboard: "=",
visitUuid: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.bacteriologyresults").directive("bacteriologyResultsControl", ["bacteriologyResultsService", "appService", "$q", "spinner", "$filter", "ngDialog", "bacteriologyTabInitialization", "$controller", "consultationInitialization", "messagingService", "$rootScope", "$translate", function(bacteriologyResultsService, appService, $q, spinner, $filter, ngDialog, bacteriologyTabInitialization, $controller, consultationInitialization, messagingService, $rootScope, $translate) {
var controller = function($scope) {
var shouldPromptBeforeClose = !0,
expandAllSpecimensIfDashboardIsBeingPrinted = function() {
$rootScope.isBeingPrinted && _.each($scope.specimens, function(specimen) {
specimen.isOpen = !0
init = function() {
$scope.title = "bacteriology results";
var params = {
patientUuid: $scope.patient.uuid,
patientProgramUuid: $scope.enrollment
return $scope.initializationPromise = bacteriologyTabInitialization().then(function(data) {
$scope.bacteriologyTabData = data, bacteriologyResultsService.getBacteriologyResults(params).then(function(response) {
handleResponse(response), expandAllSpecimensIfDashboardIsBeingPrinted()
}), $scope.initializationPromise
handleResponse = function(response) {
if ($scope.observations = response.data.results, $scope.observations && $scope.observations.length > 0) {
$scope.specimens = [];
var sampleSource = _.find($scope.bacteriologyTabData.setMembers, function(member) {
return member.name.name === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.bacteriologyConstants.specimenSampleSourceConceptName
$scope.allSamples = void 0 != sampleSource && _.map(sampleSource.answers, function(answer) {
return (new Bahmni.Common.Domain.ConceptMapper).map(answer)
var specimenMapper = new Bahmni.Clinical.SpecimenMapper,
conceptsConfig = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("conceptSetUI") || {},
dontSortByObsDateTime = !0;
_.forEach($scope.observations, function(observation) {
$scope.specimens.push(specimenMapper.mapObservationToSpecimen(observation, $scope.allSamples, conceptsConfig, dontSortByObsDateTime))
} else $scope.specimens = [];
$scope.isDataPresent = function() {
return !(!$scope.specimens || !$scope.specimens.length) || $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event") && !1
$scope.editBacteriologySample = function(specimen) {
var configForPrompt = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("showSaveConfirmDialog");
$scope.editDialogInitializationPromise = consultationInitialization($scope.patient.uuid, null, null).then(function(consultationContext) {
$scope.consultation = consultationContext, $scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens = [], $scope.isOnDashboard = !0, $scope.consultation.newlyAddedSpecimens.push(specimen), $scope.dialogElement = ngDialog.open({
template: "../common/displaycontrols/bacteriologyresults/views/editBacteriologySample.html",
scope: $scope,
className: "ngdialog-theme-default ng-dialog-all-details-page ng-dialog-edit",
controller: $controller("BacteriologyController", {
$scope: $scope,
bacteriologyConceptSet: $scope.bacteriologyTabData
preCloseCallback: function() {
return configForPrompt && shouldPromptBeforeClose ? !!confirm($translate.instant("POP_UP_CLOSE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_KEY")) && ($rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation || (window.onbeforeunload = null), init(), !0) : void init()
}), $scope.scrollOnEdit = "scrollOnEdit"
}, $scope.saveBacteriologySample = function(specimen) {
if (specimen.hasIllegalDateCollected = !specimen.dateCollected, specimen.hasIllegalType = !specimen.type, specimen.hasIllegalTypeFreeText = !specimen.typeFreeText, specimen.isDirty()) messagingService.showMessage("error", "{{'CLINICAL_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate }}");
else {
shouldPromptBeforeClose = !1;
var specimenMapper = new Bahmni.Clinical.SpecimenMapper;
specimen.voidIfEmpty(), $scope.saveBacteriologyResultsPromise = bacteriologyResultsService.saveBacteriologyResults(specimenMapper.mapSpecimenToObservation(specimen)), $scope.saveBacteriologyResultsPromise.then(function() {
$rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation || (window.onbeforeunload = null), $rootScope.hasVisitedConsultation = !1, ngDialog.close(), messagingService.showMessage("info", "{{'CLINICAL_SAVE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_KEY' | translate}}")
}, $scope.getDisplayName = function(specimen) {
var type = specimen.type,
displayName = type.shortName ? type.shortName : type.name;
return displayName === Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.bacteriologyConstants.otherSampleType && (displayName = specimen.typeFreeText), displayName
}, $scope.hasResults = function(test) {
return test && test.groupMembers
}, init()
link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.$watch("initializationPromise", function() {
$scope.initializationPromise && spinner.forPromise($scope.initializationPromise, element)
}), $scope.$watch("editDialogInitializationPromise", function() {
$scope.editDialogInitializationPromise && spinner.forPromise($scope.editDialogInitializationPromise, element)
}), $scope.$watch("saveBacteriologyResultsPromise", function() {
$scope.saveBacteriologyResultsPromise && spinner.forPromise($scope.saveBacteriologyResultsPromise, $("#" + $scope.dialogElement.id))
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/bacteriologyresults/views/bacteriologyResultsControl.html",
scope: {
patient: "=",
section: "=",
observationUuid: "=",
config: "=",
visitUuid: "=",
enrollment: "@"
link: link
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.orders").controller("AllOrdersDetailsController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section, $scope.title = $scope.section.title, $scope.config = $scope.ngDialogData.section ? $scope.ngDialogData.section.expandedViewConfig : {}
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.programs", ["bahmni.common.domain", "bahmni.common.uiHelper"]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.programs").directive("programs", ["programService", "$state", "spinner", function(programService, $state, spinner) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.initialization = programService.getPatientPrograms($scope.patient.uuid, !0, $state.params.enrollment).then(function(patientPrograms) {
_.isEmpty(patientPrograms.activePrograms) && _.isEmpty(patientPrograms.endedPrograms) && $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"), $scope.activePrograms = patientPrograms.activePrograms, $scope.pastPrograms = patientPrograms.endedPrograms
}), $scope.hasPatientAnyActivePrograms = function() {
return !_.isEmpty($scope.activePrograms)
}, $scope.hasPatientAnyPastPrograms = function() {
return !_.isEmpty($scope.pastPrograms)
}, $scope.hasPatientAnyPrograms = function() {
return $scope.hasPatientAnyPastPrograms() || $scope.hasPatientAnyActivePrograms()
}, $scope.showProgramStateInTimeline = function() {
return programService.getProgramStateConfig()
}, $scope.hasStates = function(program) {
return !_.isEmpty(program.states)
}, $scope.getAttributeValue = function(attribute) {
if (isDateFormat(attribute.attributeType.format)) return Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(attribute.value);
if (isCodedConceptFormat(attribute.attributeType.format)) {
var mrsAnswer = attribute.value,
displayName = mrsAnswer.display;
return mrsAnswer.names && 2 == mrsAnswer.names.length && "FULLY_SPECIFIED" == mrsAnswer.name.conceptNameType && (displayName = mrsAnswer.names[0].display == displayName ? mrsAnswer.names[1].display : mrsAnswer.names[0].display), displayName
return attribute.value
}, $scope.isIncluded = function(attributeType, program) {
return !(program.program && _.includes(attributeType.excludeFrom, program.program.name))
var isDateFormat = function(format) {
return "org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.DateDatatype" == format
isCodedConceptFormat = function(format) {
return "org.bahmni.module.bahmnicore.customdatatype.datatype.CodedConceptDatatype" == format
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
controller: controller,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/programs/views/programs.html",
scope: {
patient: "="
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.ObsToObsFlowSheet = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.ObsToObsFlowSheet || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.obsVsObsFlowSheet", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.obsVsObsFlowSheet").directive("obsToObsFlowSheet", ["$translate", "spinner", "observationsService", "conceptSetService", "$q", "conceptSetUiConfigService", function($translate, spinner, observationsService, conceptSetService, $q, conceptSetUiConfigService) {
var link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.config = $scope.isOnDashboard ? $scope.section.dashboardConfig : $scope.section.expandedViewConfig, $scope.isEditable = $scope.config.isEditable;
var patient = $scope.patient,
getTemplateDisplayName = function() {
return conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: $scope.config.templateName,
v: "custom:(uuid,names,displayString)"
}).then(function(result) {
var templateConcept = result && result.data && result.data.results && result.data.results[0],
displayName = templateConcept && templateConcept.displayString;
templateConcept && templateConcept.names && 1 === templateConcept.names.length && "" != templateConcept.names[0].name ? displayName = templateConcept.names[0].name : templateConcept && templateConcept.names && 2 === templateConcept.names.length && (displayName = _.find(templateConcept.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}).name), $scope.conceptDisplayName = displayName
const removeEmptyRecords = function(records) {
return records.headers = _.filter(records.headers, function(header) {
return !_.every(records.rows, function(record) {
return _.isEmpty(record.columns[header.name])
}), records
var getObsInFlowSheet = function() {
return observationsService.getObsInFlowSheet(patient.uuid, $scope.config.templateName, $scope.config.groupByConcept, $scope.config.orderByConcept, $scope.config.conceptNames, $scope.config.numberOfVisits, $scope.config.initialCount, $scope.config.latestCount, $scope.config.type, $scope.section.startDate, $scope.section.endDate, $scope.enrollment).success(function(data) {
var obsInFlowSheet = data,
groupByElement = _.find(obsInFlowSheet.headers, function(header) {
return header.name === $scope.config.groupByConcept
obsInFlowSheet.headers = _.without(obsInFlowSheet.headers, groupByElement), obsInFlowSheet.headers.unshift(groupByElement), $scope.config.hideEmptyRecords && (obsInFlowSheet = removeEmptyRecords(obsInFlowSheet)), $scope.obsTable = obsInFlowSheet, _.isEmpty($scope.obsTable.rows) && $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event")
init = function() {
return $q.all([getObsInFlowSheet(), getTemplateDisplayName()]).then(function() {})
$scope.isClickable = function() {
return $scope.isOnDashboard && $scope.section.expandedViewConfig
}, $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
section: $scope.section
}, $scope.getEditObsData = function(observation) {
return {
observation: {
encounterUuid: observation.encounterUuid,
uuid: observation.obsGroupUuid
conceptSetName: $scope.config.templateName,
conceptDisplayName: $scope.conceptDisplayName
}, $scope.getPivotOn = function() {
return $scope.config.pivotOn
}, $scope.getHeaderName = function(header) {
var abbreviation = getSourceCode(header, $scope.section.headingConceptSource),
headerName = abbreviation || header.shortName || header.name;
return header.units && (headerName = headerName + " (" + header.units + ")"), headerName
var getSourceCode = function(concept, conceptSource) {
var result;
return concept && concept.mappings && concept.mappings.length > 0 && (result = _.result(_.find(concept.mappings, {
source: conceptSource
}), "code"), result = $translate.instant(result)), result
getName = function(obs) {
return getSourceCode(obs.value, $scope.section.dataConceptSource) || obs && obs.value && obs.value.shortName || obs && obs.value && obs.value.name || obs.value
$scope.commafy = function(observations) {
var list = [],
config = conceptSetUiConfigService.getConfig(),
unBoolean = function(boolValue) {
return boolValue ? $translate.instant("OBS_BOOLEAN_YES_KEY") : $translate.instant("OBS_BOOLEAN_NO_KEY")
for (var index in observations) {
var name = getName(observations[index]);
if ("Boolean" === observations[index].concept.dataType && (name = unBoolean(name)), "Date" === observations[index].concept.dataType) {
var conceptName = observations[index].concept.name;
name = conceptName && config[conceptName] && 1 == config[conceptName].displayMonthAndYear ? Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.getDateInMonthsAndYears(name) : Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil.formatDateWithoutTime(name)
return list.join($scope.config && $scope.config.obsDelimiter ? $scope.config.obsDelimiter : ", ")
}, $scope.isMonthAvailable = function() {
return null != $scope.obsTable.rows[0].columns.Month
}, $scope.hasPDFAsValue = function(data) {
return !!data.value && data.value.indexOf(".pdf") > 0
}, spinner.forPromise(init(), element)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
scope: {
patient: "=",
section: "=",
visitSummary: "=",
isOnDashboard: "=",
enrollment: "=",
startDate: "=",
endDate: "="
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/tabularview/views/obsToObsFlowSheet.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation").controller("AllObsToObsFlowSheetDetailsController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section, $scope.config = $scope.ngDialogData.section ? $scope.ngDialogData.section.expandedViewConfig : {}
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOGram = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.DrugOGram || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.chronicTreatmentChart", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.chronicTreatmentChart").directive("chronicTreatmentChart", ["$translate", "spinner", "drugService", function($translate, spinner, drugService) {
var link = function($scope, element) {
$scope.config = $scope.isOnDashboard ? $scope.section.dashboardConfig : $scope.section.expandedViewConfig;
var patient = $scope.patient,
init = function() {
return drugService.getRegimen(patient.uuid, $scope.enrollment, $scope.config.drugs).success(function(data) {
var filterNullRow = function() {
for (var row in $scope.regimen.rows) {
var nullFlag = !0;
for (var drug in $scope.regimen.rows[row].drugs)
if ($scope.regimen.rows[row].drugs[drug]) {
nullFlag = !1;
} nullFlag && $scope.regimen.rows.splice(row, 1)
$scope.regimen = data, _.isEmpty($scope.regimen.rows) && $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"), filterNullRow()
$scope.getAbbreviation = function(concept) {
var result;
return concept && concept.mappings && concept.mappings.length > 0 && $scope.section.headingConceptSource && (result = _.result(_.find(concept.mappings, {
source: $scope.section.headingConceptSource
}), "code"), result = $translate.instant(result)), result || concept.shortName || concept.name
}, $scope.isMonthNumberRequired = function() {
var month = $scope.regimen && $scope.regimen.rows && $scope.regimen.rows[0] && $scope.regimen.rows[0].month;
return month
}, $scope.isClickable = function() {
return $scope.isOnDashboard && $scope.section.expandedViewConfig
}, $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
section: $scope.section,
enrollment: $scope.enrollment
}, spinner.forPromise(init(), element)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
scope: {
patient: "=",
section: "=",
isOnDashboard: "=",
enrollment: "="
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/chronicTreatmentChart/views/chronicTreatmentChart.html"
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.chronicTreatmentChart").filter("decimalFilter", function() {
return function(value) {
return isNaN(value) || "" === value ? value : (value = +value, Math.floor(value))
}), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.chronicTreatmentChart").controller("AllChronicTreatmentChartController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.enrollment = $scope.ngDialogData.enrollment, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section, $scope.config = $scope.ngDialogData.section ? $scope.ngDialogData.section.expandedViewConfig : {}
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.dashboard").controller("PatientDashboardDiagnosisController", ["$scope", "ngDialog", function($scope, ngDialog) {
$scope.section = $scope.dashboard.getSectionByType("diagnosis") || {}, $scope.openSummaryDialog = function() {
template: "../common/displaycontrols/dashboard/views/sections/diagnosisSummary.html",
className: "ngdialog-theme-default ng-dialog-all-details-page",
scope: $scope
var cleanUpListener = $scope.$on("ngDialog.closing", function() {
$scope.$on("$destroy", cleanUpListener)
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.forms = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.forms || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.forms", []), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").controller("patientDashboardAllFormsController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.patient = $scope.ngDialogData.patient, $scope.section = $scope.ngDialogData.section
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.forms").directive("formsTable", ["conceptSetService", "spinner", "$q", "visitFormService", "appService", "$state", function(conceptSetService, spinner, $q, visitFormService, appService, $state) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.shouldPromptBrowserReload = !0, $scope.showFormsDate = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfigValue("showFormsDate");
var getAllObservationTemplates = function() {
return conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: "All Observation Templates",
v: "custom:(setMembers:(display))"
obsFormData = function() {
return visitFormService.formData($scope.patient.uuid, $scope.section.dashboardConfig.maximumNoOfVisits, $scope.section.formGroup, $state.params.enrollment)
filterFormData = function(formData) {
var filterList = [];
return _.each(formData, function(item) {
var foundElement = _.find(filterList, function(filteredItem) {
return item.concept.uuid == filteredItem.concept.uuid
void 0 == foundElement && filterList.push(item)
}), filterList
sortedFormDataByLatestDate = function(formData) {
return _.sortBy(formData, "obsDatetime").reverse()
init = function() {
return $scope.noFormFoundMessage = "No Form found for this patient", $scope.isFormFound = !1, $q.all([getAllObservationTemplates(), obsFormData()]).then(function(results) {
$scope.observationTemplates = results[0].data.results[0].setMembers;
var sortedFormDataByDate = sortedFormDataByLatestDate(results[1].data.results);
$scope.isOnDashboard ? $scope.formData = filterFormData(sortedFormDataByDate) : $scope.formData = sortedFormDataByDate, 0 == $scope.formData.length && ($scope.isFormFound = !0, $scope.$emit("no-data-present-event"))
$scope.getDisplayName = function(data) {
var concept = data.concept,
displayName = data.concept.displayString;
if (concept.names && 1 === concept.names.length && "" != concept.names[0].name) displayName = concept.names[0].name;
else if (concept.names && 2 === concept.names.length) {
var shortName = _.find(concept.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
displayName = shortName && shortName.name ? shortName.name : displayName
return displayName
}, $scope.initialization = init(), $scope.getEditObsData = function(observation) {
return {
observation: observation,
conceptSetName: observation.concept.displayString,
conceptDisplayName: $scope.getDisplayName(observation)
}, $scope.shouldPromptBeforeClose = !0, $scope.getConfigToFetchDataAndShow = function(data) {
return {
patient: $scope.patient,
config: {
conceptNames: [data.concept.displayString],
showGroupDateTime: !1,
encounterUuid: data.encounterUuid,
observationUuid: data.uuid
section: {
title: data.concept.displayString
}, $scope.dialogData = {
patient: $scope.patient,
section: $scope.section
link = function($scope, element) {
spinner.forPromise($scope.initialization, element)
return {
restrict: "E",
controller: controller,
link: link,
templateUrl: "../common/displaycontrols/forms/views/formsTable.html",
scope: {
section: "=",
patient: "=",
isOnDashboard: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").service("visitFormService", ["$http", function($http) {
var formData = function(patientUuid, numberOfVisits, formGroup, patientProgramUuid) {
var params = {
s: "byPatientUuid",
patient: patientUuid,
numberOfVisits: numberOfVisits,
v: "visitFormDetails",
conceptNames: formGroup || null,
patientProgramUuid: patientProgramUuid
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.formDataUrl, {
params: params
return {
formData: formData
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl || {}, Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.hint = Bahmni.Common.DisplayControl.hint || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.hint", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.displaycontrol.hint").directive("hint", [function() {
var link = function($scope) {
$scope.hintForNumericConcept = Bahmni.Common.Domain.Helper.getHintForNumericConcept($scope.conceptDetails)
return {
restrict: "E",
link: link,
template: '<small class="hint" ng-if="::hintForNumericConcept">{{::hintForNumericConcept}}</small>',
scope: {
conceptDetails: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.orders", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.orders").factory("orderService", ["$http", function($http) {
var getOrders = function(data) {
var params = {
concept: data.conceptNames,
includeObs: data.includeObs,
patientUuid: data.patientUuid,
numberOfVisits: data.numberOfVisits
return data.obsIgnoreList && (params.obsIgnoreList = data.obsIgnoreList), data.orderTypeUuid && (params.orderTypeUuid = data.orderTypeUuid), data.orderUuid && (params.orderUuid = data.orderUuid), data.visitUuid && (params.visitUuid = data.visitUuid), data.locationUuids && data.locationUuids.length > 0 && (params.numberOfVisits = 0, params.locationUuids = data.locationUuids), $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniOrderUrl, {
params: params,
withCredentials: !0
return {
getOrders: getOrders
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.orders").service("orderSetService", ["$http", "$q", function($http, $q) {
this.getOrderSetsByQuery = function(name) {
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.orderSetUrl, {
params: {
v: "full",
s: "byQuery",
q: name
}, this.getCalculatedDose = function(patientUuid, drugName, baseDose, doseUnit, orderSetName, dosingRule, visitUuid) {
if ("undefined" != typeof dosingRule && "" != dosingRule && null != dosingRule) {
var requestString = JSON.stringify({
patientUuid: patientUuid,
drugName: drugName,
baseDose: baseDose,
doseUnit: doseUnit,
orderSetName: orderSetName,
dosingRule: dosingRule,
visitUuid: visitUuid
return $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.calculateDose, {
params: {
dosageRequest: requestString
withCredentials: !0,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then(function(response) {
return {
dose: round(response.data.value),
doseUnit: response.data.doseUnit
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.resolve({
dose: baseDose,
doseUnit: doseUnit
}), deferred.promise
var round = function(value) {
var leastRoundableDose = .49,
leastPrescribableDose = .1;
return value = value <= leastRoundableDose ? value : _.round(value), value < leastPrescribableDose ? leastPrescribableDose : value
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.bacteriologyresults", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.bacteriologyresults").factory("bacteriologyResultsService", ["$http", function($http) {
var getBacteriologyResults = function(data) {
var params = {
patientUuid: data.patientUuid,
v: "full"
return data.patientProgramUuid && (params = {
patientProgramUuid: data.patientProgramUuid,
s: "byPatientProgram",
v: "full"
}), $http.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniBacteriologyResultsUrl, {
method: "GET",
params: params,
withCredentials: !0
saveBacteriologyResults = function(specimen) {
return $http.post(Bahmni.Common.Constants.bahmniBacteriologyResultsUrl, specimen, {
withCredentials: !0
return {
getBacteriologyResults: getBacteriologyResults,
saveBacteriologyResults: saveBacteriologyResults
var Bahmni = Bahmni || {};
Bahmni.Common = Bahmni.Common || {}, Bahmni.Common.I18n = Bahmni.Common.I18n || {}, angular.module("bahmni.common.i18n", []), angular.module("bahmni.common.i18n", ["pascalprecht.translate"]).provider("$bahmniTranslate", ["$translateProvider", function($translateProvider) {
this.init = function(options) {
var preferredLanguage = window.localStorage.NG_TRANSLATE_LANG_KEY || "en";
$translateProvider.useLoader("mergeLocaleFilesService", options), $translateProvider.useSanitizeValueStrategy("escaped"), $translateProvider.preferredLanguage(preferredLanguage), $translateProvider.useLocalStorage()
}, this.$get = [function() {
return $translateProvider
}]).filter("titleTranslate", ["$translate", function($translate) {
return function(input) {
return input ? input.translationKey ? $translate.instant(input.translationKey) : input.dashboardName ? input.dashboardName : input.title ? input.title : input.label ? input.label : input.display ? input.display : $translate.instant(input) : input
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.i18n").service("mergeLocaleFilesService", ["$http", "$q", "mergeService", function($http, $q, mergeService) {
return function(options) {
var baseLocaleUrl = "../i18n/",
customLocaleUrl = Bahmni.Common.Constants.rootDir + "/bahmni_config/openmrs/i18n/",
loadFile = function(url) {
return $http.get(url, {
withCredentials: !0
mergeLocaleFile = function(options) {
var fileURL = options.app + "/locale_" + options.key + ".json",
loadBahmniTranslations = function() {
return loadFile(baseLocaleUrl + fileURL).then(function(result) {
return result
}, function() {})
loadCustomTranslations = function() {
return loadFile(customLocaleUrl + fileURL).then(function(result) {
return result
}, function() {})
mergeTranslations = function(result) {
var baseFileData = result[0] ? result[0].data : void 0,
customFileData = result[1] ? result[1].data : void 0;
return options.shouldMerge || void 0 === options.shouldMerge ? mergeService.merge(baseFileData, customFileData) : [baseFileData, customFileData]
return $q.all([loadBahmniTranslations(), loadCustomTranslations()]).then(mergeTranslations)
return mergeLocaleFile(options)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.common.patient").directive("patientControlPanel", ["$q", "$rootScope", "$stateParams", "$state", "contextChangeHandler", "encounterService", "configurations", "clinicalAppConfigService", "$bahmniCookieStore", "$translate", function($q, $rootScope, $stateParams, $state, contextChangeHandler, encounterService, configurations, clinicalAppConfigService, $bahmniCookieStore, $translate) {
var controller = function($scope) {
$scope.activeVisit = $scope.visitHistory.activeVisit;
var DateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
retrieveProviderCookieData = function() {
return $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName)
$scope.encounterProvider = retrieveProviderCookieData(), $scope.isValidProvider = function() {
return retrieveProviderCookieData() && retrieveProviderCookieData().value
}, $scope.retrospectivePrivilege = Bahmni.Common.Constants.retrospectivePrivilege, $scope.encounterProviderPrivilege = Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccess, $scope.today = DateUtil.getDateWithoutTime(DateUtil.now()), $scope.getDashboardLink = function() {
var dashboardUrl = "#/" + $stateParams.configName + "/patient/" + $scope.patient.uuid + "/dashboard";
if ($stateParams.programUuid) {
var programParams = "programUuid=" + $stateParams.programUuid + "&enrollment=" + $stateParams.enrollment + "&dateEnrolled=" + $stateParams.dateEnrolled;
dashboardUrl = dashboardUrl + "?" + programParams
return dashboardUrl
}, $scope.changeContext = function($event) {
var allowContextChange = contextChangeHandler.execute().allow;
return allowContextChange ? void $rootScope.toggleControlPanel() : void $event.preventDefault()
}, $scope.isCurrentVisit = function(visit) {
return $stateParams.visitUuid === visit.uuid
}, $scope.isInEditEncounterMode = function() {
return void 0 !== $stateParams.encounterUuid && "active" !== $stateParams.encounterUuid
var getLinks = function() {
var state = $state.current.name;
if (state.match("patient.consultation")) return [{
text: $translate.instant("CONTROL_PANEL_DASHBOARD_TEXT"),
icon: "btn-summary dashboard-btn",
href: $scope.getDashboardLink()
var links = [];
return $scope.activeVisit ? links.push({
text: $translate.instant("CONTROL_PANEL_CONSULTATION_TEXT"),
icon: "btn-consultation dashboard-btn",
href: "#" + clinicalAppConfigService.getConsultationBoardLink()
}) : state.match("patient.visit") && links.push({
text: $translate.instant("CONTROL_PANEL_DASHBOARD_TEXT"),
icon: "btn-summary dashboard-btn",
href: $scope.getDashboardLink()
}), links
$scope.links = getLinks();
var cleanUpListenerStateChangeSuccess = $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function() {
$scope.links = getLinks($state.current.name)
$scope.$on("$destroy", cleanUpListenerStateChangeSuccess);
var encounterTypeUuid = configurations.encounterConfig().getPatientDocumentEncounterTypeUuid();
$scope.documentsPromise = encounterService.getEncountersForEncounterType($scope.patient.uuid, encounterTypeUuid).then(function(response) {
return (new Bahmni.Clinical.PatientFileObservationsMapper).map(response.data.results)
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "patientcontrolpanel/views/controlPanel.html",
controller: controller,
scope: {
patient: "=",
visitHistory: "=",
visit: "=",
consultation: "="
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("initialization", ["$rootScope", "authenticator", "appService", "spinner", "configurations", "orderTypeService", "mergeService", "$q", "messagingService", function($rootScope, authenticator, appService, spinner, configurations, orderTypeService, mergeService, $q, messagingService) {
return function(config) {
var loadConfigPromise = function() {
return configurations.load(["patientConfig", "encounterConfig", "consultationNoteConfig", "labOrderNotesConfig", "radiologyImpressionConfig", "allTestsAndPanelsConcept", "dosageFrequencyConfig", "dosageInstructionConfig", "stoppedOrderReasonConfig", "genderMap", "relationshipTypeMap", "defaultEncounterType"]).then(function() {
$rootScope.genderMap = configurations.genderMap(), $rootScope.relationshipTypeMap = configurations.relationshipTypeMap(), $rootScope.diagnosisStatus = appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("diagnosisStatus") && appService.getAppDescriptor().getConfig("diagnosisStatus").value || "RULED OUT"
checkPrivilege = function() {
return appService.checkPrivilege("app:clinical")
initApp = function() {
return appService.initApp("clinical", {
app: !0,
extension: !0
}, config, ["dashboard", "visit", "medication"])
mergeFormConditions = function() {
var formConditions = Bahmni.ConceptSet.FormConditions;
formConditions && (formConditions.rules = mergeService.merge(formConditions.rules, formConditions.rulesOverride))
return spinner.forPromise(authenticator.authenticateUser().then(initApp).then(checkPrivilege).then(loadConfigPromise).then(mergeFormConditions).then(orderTypeService.loadAll))
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("ordersTabInitialization", ["conceptSetService", "spinner", function(conceptSetService, spinner) {
return function() {
var allOrderables = spinner.forPromise(conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: "All Orderables",
v: "custom:(uuid,name:(display,uuid),names:(display,conceptNameType,name),set,setMembers:(uuid,name:(display,uuid),names:(display,conceptNameType,name),set,setMembers:(uuid,name:(display,uuid),names:(display,conceptNameType,name),set,conceptClass:(uuid,name,description),setMembers:(uuid,name:(display,uuid),names:(display,conceptNameType,name),set,conceptClass:(uuid,name,description),setMembers:(uuid,name:(display,uuid),names:(display,conceptNameType,name),set,conceptClass:(uuid,name,description))))))"
})).then(function(response) {
var allOrderables = {};
return _.forEach(response.data.results[0].setMembers, function(orderable) {
var conceptName = _.find(orderable.names, {
conceptNameType: "SHORT"
}) || _.find(orderable.names, {
conceptNameType: "FULLY_SPECIFIED"
conceptName = conceptName ? conceptName.name : conceptName, allOrderables["'" + conceptName + "'"] = orderable
}), allOrderables
return allOrderables
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("bacteriologyTabInitialization", ["conceptSetService", function(conceptSetService) {
return function() {
var conceptSetName = "BACTERIOLOGY CONCEPT SET";
return conceptSetService.getConcept({
name: conceptSetName,
v: "custom:(uuid,setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass,answers:(uuid,name,mappings,names),setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass,answers:(uuid,name,mappings),setMembers:(uuid,name,conceptClass))))"
}, !0).then(function(response) {
return response.data.results[0]
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("patientInitialization", ["$q", "$rootScope", "patientService", "configurations", "$translate", function($q, $rootScope, patientService, configurations, $translate) {
return function(patientUuid) {
var getPatient = function() {
var patientMapper = new Bahmni.PatientMapper(configurations.patientConfig(), $rootScope, $translate);
return patientService.getPatient(patientUuid).then(function(openMRSPatientResponse) {
var patient = patientMapper.map(openMRSPatientResponse.data);
return {
patient: patient
return getPatient()
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("visitHistoryInitialization", ["patientVisitHistoryService", "sessionService", "locationService", function(patientVisitHistoryService, sessionService, locationService) {
return function(patientUuid) {
var loginLocationUuid = sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid();
return locationService.getVisitLocation(loginLocationUuid).then(function(response) {
var visitLocationUuid = response.data ? response.data.uuid : null;
return patientVisitHistoryService.getVisitHistory(patientUuid, visitLocationUuid)
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("consultationInitialization", ["$q", "diagnosisService", "$rootScope", "encounterService", "sessionService", "configurations", "$bahmniCookieStore", "retrospectiveEntryService", "conditionsService", function($q, diagnosisService, $rootScope, encounterService, sessionService, configurations, $bahmniCookieStore, retrospectiveEntryService, conditionsService) {
return function(patientUuid, encounterUuid, programUuid, enrollment, followUpConditionConcept) {
"active" === encounterUuid && (encounterUuid = void 0);
var getEncounterType = function() {
return encounterService.getEncounterType(programUuid, sessionService.getLoginLocationUuid())
consultationMapper = new Bahmni.ConsultationMapper(configurations.dosageFrequencyConfig(), configurations.dosageInstructionConfig(), configurations.consultationNoteConcept(), configurations.labOrderNotesConcept(), followUpConditionConcept),
dateUtil = Bahmni.Common.Util.DateUtil,
getActiveEncounter = function() {
var currentProviderUuid = $rootScope.currentProvider ? $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid : null,
providerData = $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName);
return findEncounter(providerData, currentProviderUuid, null)
getRetrospectiveEncounter = function() {
var currentProviderUuid = $rootScope.currentProvider ? $rootScope.currentProvider.uuid : null,
providerData = $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.grantProviderAccessDataCookieName),
encounterDateWithoutHours = dateUtil.getDateWithoutHours(retrospectiveEntryService.getRetrospectiveDate()),
encounterDate = dateUtil.parseLongDateToServerFormat(encounterDateWithoutHours);
return findEncounter(providerData, currentProviderUuid, encounterDate).then(function(consultation) {
return consultation.encounterDateTime = encounterDateWithoutHours, consultation
findEncounter = function(providerData, currentProviderUuid, encounterDate) {
return getEncounterType().then(function(encounterType) {
return encounterService.find({
patientUuid: patientUuid,
providerUuids: _.isEmpty(providerData) ? [currentProviderUuid] : [providerData.uuid],
includeAll: Bahmni.Common.Constants.includeAllObservations,
encounterDateTimeFrom: encounterDate,
encounterDateTimeTo: encounterDate,
encounterTypeUuids: [encounterType.uuid],
patientProgramUuid: enrollment,
locationUuid: $bahmniCookieStore.get(Bahmni.Common.Constants.locationCookieName).uuid
}).then(function(encounterTransactionResponse) {
return consultationMapper.map(encounterTransactionResponse.data)
getEncounter = function() {
return encounterUuid ? encounterService.findByEncounterUuid(encounterUuid).then(function(response) {
return consultationMapper.map(response.data)
}) : _.isEmpty($rootScope.retrospectiveEntry) ? getActiveEncounter() : getRetrospectiveEncounter()
return getEncounter().then(function(consultation) {
return diagnosisService.populateDiagnosisInformation(patientUuid, consultation).then(function(diagnosisConsultation) {
return diagnosisConsultation.preSaveHandler = new Bahmni.Clinical.Notifier, diagnosisConsultation.postSaveHandler = new Bahmni.Clinical.Notifier, diagnosisConsultation
}).then(function(consultation) {
return conditionsService.getConditions(patientUuid).then(function(conditions) {
return consultation.conditions = conditions, consultation
}]), angular.module("bahmni.clinical").factory("visitSummaryInitialization", ["visitService", function(visitService) {
return function(visitUuid) {
return visitUuid ? visitService.getVisitSummary(visitUuid).then(function(visitSummaryResponse) {
return new Bahmni.Common.VisitSummary(visitSummaryResponse.data)
}) : null
}]), Bahmni.Clinical.Constants = function() {
var orderTypes = {
lab: "Lab Order",
radiology: "Radiology Order"
dosingTypes = {
uniform: "uniform",
variable: "variable"
orderActions = {
discontinue: "DISCONTINUE",
"new": "NEW",
revise: "REVISE"
concepts = {
age: "Age",
weight: "Weight"
errorMessages = {
invalidItems: "Highlighted items in New Prescription section are incomplete. Please edit or remove them to continue",
conceptNotNumeric: "CONCEPT_NOT_NUMERIC"
bacteriologyConstants = {
otherSampleType: "Other",
specimenSampleSourceConceptName: "Specimen Sample Source"
return {
patientsListUrl: "/patient/search",
diagnosisObservationConceptName: "Visit Diagnoses",
orderConceptName: "Diagnosis order",
certaintyConceptName: "Diagnosis Certainty",
nonCodedDiagnosisConceptName: "Non-coded Diagnosis",
codedDiagnosisConceptName: "Coded Diagnosis",
orderTypes: orderTypes,
labOrderType: "Lab Order",
drugOrderType: "Drug Order",
labConceptSetName: "Lab Samples",
testConceptName: "LabTest",
labSetConceptName: "LabSet",
labDepartmentsConceptSetName: "Lab Departments",
otherInvestigationsConceptSetName: "Other Investigations",
otherInvestigationCategoriesConceptSetName: "Other Investigations Categories",
commentConceptName: "COMMENTS",
messageForNoLabOrders: "NO_LAB_ORDERS_MESSAGE",
messageForNoObservation: "NO_OBSERVATIONS_CAPTURED",
messageForNoActiveVisit: "NO_ACTIVE_VISIT_MESSAGE",
dischargeSummaryConceptName: "Discharge Summary",
flexibleDosingInstructionsClass: "org.openmrs.module.bahmniemrapi.drugorder.dosinginstructions.FlexibleDosingInstructions",
reviseAction: "REVISE",
asDirectedInstruction: "As directed",
dosingTypes: dosingTypes,
orderActions: orderActions,
errorMessages: errorMessages,
caseIntakeConceptClass: "Case Intake",
dialog: "DIALOG",
dashboard: "DASHBOARD",
"default": "DEFAULT",
gender: "Gender",
concepts: concepts,
otherActiveDrugOrders: "Other Active DrugOrders",
dispensePrivilege: "bahmni:clinical:dispense",
mandatoryVisitConfigUrl: "config/visitMandatoryTab.json",
defaultExtensionName: "default",
bacteriologyConstants: bacteriologyConstants,
globalPropertyToFetchActivePatients: "emrapi.sqlSearch.activePatients",
adtPrivilege: "app:adt",
adtForwardUrl: "../adt/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/"
}(), angular.module("consultation", ["ui.router", "bahmni.clinical", "bahmni.common.config", "bahmni.common.patient", "bahmni.common.uiHelper", "bahmni.common.patientSearch", "bahmni.common.obs", "bahmni.common.i18n", "bahmni.common.domain", "bahmni.common.conceptSet", "authentication", "bahmni.common.appFramework", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.documents", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.observation", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pivottable", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.dashboard", "bahmni.common.gallery", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.disposition", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.custom", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.admissiondetails", "bahmni.common.routeErrorHandler", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.disposition", "httpErrorInterceptor", "pasvaz.bindonce", "infinite-scroll", "bahmni.common.util", "ngAnimate", "ngDialog", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.patientprofile", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.diagnosis", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.conditionsList", "RecursionHelper", "ngSanitize", "bahmni.common.orders", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.orders", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.prescription", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.navigationlinks", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.programs", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.pacsOrders", "bahmni.common.uicontrols", "bahmni.common.uicontrols.programmanagment", "pascalprecht.translate", "ngCookies", "monospaced.elastic", "bahmni.common.bacteriologyresults", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.bacteriologyresults", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.obsVsObsFlowSheet", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.chronicTreatmentChart", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.forms", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrderDetails", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.hint", "bahmni.common.displaycontrol.drugOrdersSection", "bahmni.common.attributeTypes", "bahmni.common.services", "bahmni.common.models"]), angular.module("consultation").config(["$stateProvider", "$httpProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", "$bahmniTranslateProvider", "$compileProvider", function($stateProvider, $httpProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $bahmniTranslateProvider, $compileProvider) {
$urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/" + Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.defaultExtensionName + "/patient/search");
var patientSearchBackLink = {
label: "",
state: "search.patientsearch",
accessKey: "p",
id: "patients-link",
icon: "fa-users"
homeBackLink = {
label: "",
url: "../home/index.html",
accessKey: "h",
icon: "fa-home"
$compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(!1), $stateProvider.state("search", {
"abstract": !0,
views: {
content: {
template: '<div ui-view="patientSearchPage-header"></div> <div ui-view="patientSearchPage-content"></div>'
data: {
backLinks: [homeBackLink]
resolve: {
retrospectiveIntialization: function(retrospectiveEntryService) {
return retrospectiveEntryService.initializeRetrospectiveEntry()
}).state("search.patientsearch", {
url: "/:configName/patient/search",
views: {
"patientSearchPage-header": {
templateUrl: "../common/ui-helper/header.html",
controller: "PatientListHeaderController"
"patientSearchPage-content": {
templateUrl: "../common/patient-search/views/patientsList.html",
controller: "PatientsListController"
resolve: {
initializeConfigs: function(initialization, $stateParams) {
return $stateParams.configName = $stateParams.configName || Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.defaultExtensionName, patientSearchBackLink.state = 'search.patientsearch({configName: "' + $stateParams.configName + '"})', initialization($stateParams.configName)
}).state("patient", {
url: "/:configName/patient/:patientUuid?encounterUuid,programUuid,enrollment",
"abstract": !0,
data: {
backLinks: [patientSearchBackLink]
views: {
content: {
template: '<div ui-view="content"></div>',
controller: function($scope, patientContext) {
$scope.patient = patientContext.patient
resolve: {
initialization: function(initialization, $stateParams) {
return $stateParams.configName = $stateParams.configName || Bahmni.Clinical.Constants.defaultExtensionName, patientSearchBackLink.state = 'search.patientsearch({configName: "' + $stateParams.configName + '"})', initialization($stateParams.configName)
patientContext: function(initialization, patientInitialization, $stateParams) {
return patientInitialization($stateParams.patientUuid)
}).state("patient.dashboard", {
"abstract": !0,
views: {
content: {
template: '<div ui-view="dashboard-header"></div> <div ui-view="dashboard-content"></div><patient-control-panel patient="patient" visit-history="visitHistory" visit="visit" show="showControlPanel" consultation="consultation"/>',
controller: function($scope, visitHistory, consultationContext, followUpConditionConcept) {
$scope.visitHistory = visitHistory, $scope.consultation = consultationContext, $scope.followUpConditionConcept = followUpConditionConcept, $scope.lastConsultationTabUrl = {
url: void 0
resolve: {
visitHistory: function(visitHistoryInitialization, $stateParams, $rootScope) {
return visitHistoryInitialization($stateParams.patientUuid, $rootScope.visitLocation)
retrospectiveIntialization: function(retrospectiveEntryService) {
return retrospectiveEntryService.initializeRetrospectiveEntry()
followUpConditionConcept: function(conditionsService) {
return conditionsService.getFollowUpConditionConcept().then(function(response) {
return response.data.results[0]
consultationContext: function(consultationInitialization, initialization, $stateParams, followUpConditionConcept) {
return consultationInitialization($stateParams.patientUuid, $stateParams.encounterUuid, $stateParams.programUuid, $stateParams.enrollment, followUpConditionConcept)
dashboardInitialization: function($rootScope, initialization, patientContext, clinicalDashboardConfig, userService) {
return clinicalDashboardConfig.load().then(function() {
return $rootScope.currentUser.addToRecentlyViewed(patientContext.patient, clinicalDashboardConfig.getMaxRecentlyViewedPatients()), userService.savePreferences()
visitSummary: function(visitSummaryInitialization, initialization, visitHistory) {
return visitHistory.activeVisit ? visitSummaryInitialization(visitHistory.activeVisit.uuid) : null
visitConfig: function(initialization, visitTabConfig) {
return visitTabConfig.load()
}).state("patient.dashboard.show", {
url: "/dashboard?dateEnrolled,dateCompleted",
params: {
dashboardCachebuster: null
views: {
"dashboard-header": {
templateUrl: "dashboard/views/clinicalDashboardHeader.html",
controller: "ConsultationController"
"dashboard-content": {
templateUrl: "dashboard/views/dashboard.html",
controller: "PatientDashboardController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.observations", {
url: "/concept-set-group/:conceptSetGroupName",
params: {
cachebuster: null,
lastOpenedTemplate: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/conceptSet.html",
controller: "ConceptSetPageController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.diagnosis", {
url: "/diagnosis",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/diagnosis.html",
controller: "DiagnosisController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.treatment", {
"abstract": !0,
params: {
tabConfigName: null
resolve: {
treatmentConfig: function(initialization, treatmentConfig, $stateParams) {
return treatmentConfig($stateParams.tabConfigName)
views: {
"consultation-content": {
controller: "TreatmentController",
templateUrl: "consultation/views/treatment.html"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.treatment.page", {
url: "/treatment?tabConfigName",
params: {
cachebuster: null
resolve: {
activeDrugOrders: function(treatmentService, $stateParams) {
return treatmentService.getActiveDrugOrders($stateParams.patientUuid, $stateParams.dateEnrolled, $stateParams.dateCompleted)
views: {
addTreatment: {
controller: "AddTreatmentController",
templateUrl: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/addTreatment.html",
resolve: {
treatmentConfig: "treatmentConfig"
defaultHistoryView: {
controller: "DrugOrderHistoryController",
templateUrl: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/drugOrderHistory.html"
customHistoryView: {
controller: "CustomDrugOrderHistoryController",
templateUrl: "consultation/views/treatmentSections/customDrugOrderHistory.html"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.disposition", {
url: "/disposition",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/disposition.html",
controller: "DispositionController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.summary", {
url: "/consultation",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/consultation.html",
controller: "ConsultationSummaryController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.orders", {
url: "/orders",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/orders.html",
controller: "OrderController"
resolve: {
allOrderables: function(ordersTabInitialization) {
return ordersTabInitialization()
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.bacteriology", {
url: "/bacteriology",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/bacteriology.html",
controller: "BacteriologyController"
resolve: {
bacteriologyConceptSet: function(bacteriologyTabInitialization) {
return bacteriologyTabInitialization()
}).state("patient.dashboard.show.investigation", {
url: "/investigation",
params: {
cachebuster: null
views: {
"consultation-content": {
templateUrl: "consultation/views/investigations.html",
controller: "InvestigationController"
}).state("patient.visit", {
"abstract": !0,
views: {
content: {
template: '<div ui-view="visit-content"></div>',
controller: function($scope, visitHistory) {
$scope.visitHistory = visitHistory
resolve: {
visitHistory: function(visitHistoryInitialization, $stateParams) {
return visitHistoryInitialization($stateParams.patientUuid)
}).state("patient.visit.summaryprint", {
url: "/latest-prescription-print",
views: {
"visit-content": {
controller: "LatestPrescriptionPrintController"
}).state("patient.dashboard.visit", {
url: "/dashboard/visit/:visitUuid/:tab",
data: {
backLinks: [patientSearchBackLink]
views: {
"dashboard-header": {
templateUrl: "common/views/visitHeader.html",
controller: "VisitHeaderController"
"dashboard-content": {
templateUrl: "common/views/visit.html",
controller: "VisitController"
resolve: {
visitSummary: function(visitSummaryInitialization, $stateParams) {
return visitSummaryInitialization($stateParams.visitUuid)
}).state("patient.dashboard.visitPrint", {
url: "/dashboard/visit/:visitUuid/:tab/:print",
views: {
"dashboard-content": {
template: "<div>Print is getting ready</div>",
controller: "VisitController"
"print-content": {
templateUrl: "common/views/visit.html"
resolve: {
visitSummary: function(visitSummaryInitialization, $stateParams) {
return visitSummaryInitialization($stateParams.visitUuid)
}).state("patient.dashboard.observation", {
url: "/dashboard/observation/:observationUuid",
data: {
backLinks: [homeBackLink]
resolve: {
observation: function(observationsService, $stateParams) {
return observationsService.getRevisedObsByUuid($stateParams.observationUuid).then(function(results) {
return results.data
views: {
"dashboard-header": {
templateUrl: "../common/ui-helper/header.html",
controller: "PatientListHeaderController"
"dashboard-content": {
controller: function($scope, observation, patientContext) {
$scope.observation = observation, $scope.patient = patientContext.patient
template: '<patient-context patient="patient"></patient-context><edit-observation observation="observation" concept-set-name="{{observation.concept.name}}" concept-display-name="{{observation.conceptNameToDisplay}}"></edit-observation>'
}).state("patient.dahsboard.visit.tab", {
url: "/:tab",
data: {
backLinks: [patientSearchBackLink]
views: {
"additional-header": {
templateUrl: "common/views/visitHeader.html",
controller: "VisitHeaderController"
content: {
templateUrl: "common/views/visit.html",
controller: "VisitController"
resolve: {
visitSummary: function(visitSummaryInitialization, $stateParams) {
return visitSummaryInitialization($stateParams.visitUuid, $stateParams.tab)
visitConfig: function(initialization, visitTabConfig) {
return visitTabConfig.load()
}).state("patient.patientProgram", {
"abstract": !0,
views: {
content: {
template: '<div ui-view="patientProgram-header"></div> <div ui-view="patientProgram-content" class="patientProgram-content-container"></div>'
resolve: {
retrospectiveIntialization: function(retrospectiveEntryService) {
return retrospectiveEntryService.initializeRetrospectiveEntry()
}).state("patient.patientProgram.show", {
url: "/consultationContext",
data: {
backLinks: [patientSearchBackLink]
views: {
"patientProgram-header": {
templateUrl: "../common/ui-helper/header.html",
controller: "PatientListHeaderController"
"patientProgram-content": {
templateUrl: "common/views/consultationContext.html",
controller: "consultationContextController"
resolve: {
visitHistory: function(visitHistoryInitialization, $stateParams) {
return visitHistoryInitialization($stateParams.patientUuid)
}), $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common["Disable-WWW-Authenticate"] = !0, $bahmniTranslateProvider.init({
app: "clinical",
shouldMerge: !0
}]).run(["stateChangeSpinner", "$rootScope", "auditLogService", "$window", function(stateChangeSpinner, $rootScope, auditLogService, $window) {
moment.locale($window.localStorage.NG_TRANSLATE_LANG_KEY || "en"), FastClick.attach(document.body), stateChangeSpinner.activate();
var cleanUpStateChangeSuccess = $rootScope.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", function(event, toState, toParams) {
auditLogService.log(toParams.patientUuid, Bahmni.Clinical.StateNameEvenTypeMap[toState.name], void 0, "MODULE_LABEL_CLINICAL_KEY"), $window.scrollTo(0, 0)
cleanUpNgDialogOpened = $rootScope.$on("ngDialog.opened", function() {
cleanUpNgDialogClosing = $rootScope.$on("ngDialog.closing", function() {
$rootScope.$on("$destroy", function() {
cleanUpStateChangeSuccess(), cleanUpNgDialogOpened(), cleanUpNgDialogClosing()
}]); |