37 lines
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37 lines
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"SEARCH_NAME_PLACEHOLDER_KEY": "Search Name/{{ primaryIdentifier }} ...",
"DOB_LABEL": "Date of Birth",
"NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No results found",
"PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED": "User is logged in but doesn't have the relevant privilege",
"NO_FULFILMENT_MESSAGE": "No observations captured for this order.",
"NO_NAVIGATION_LINKS_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "No navigation links available.",
"SELECT_VALUE_FROM_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Please select a value from auto complete",
"NOTES_LABEL": "Notes",
"NO_OBS_FOUND_MESSAGE": "No observations made for this patient.",
"TIME_OF_BIRTH_LABEL": "Time of Birth",
"BROWSER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VIDEO_TAG_MESSAGE":"Your browser does not support the video tag.",
"YEARS_LABEL": "Years",
"DELETE_LABEL": "Delete",
"EDIT_LABEL": "Edit",
"FILE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "File(s) updated successfully",
"PLEASE_ROTATE_DEVICE_MESSAGE": "The device is not held upright. Please rotate the device before taking photo",
"NEW_VISIT_LABEL": "Visit: New",
"VISIT_EXIST_LABEL": "There is already a visit that exists within the entered dates. Please upload documents against appropriate visit.",
"VISIT_NOT_IN_FUTURE_LABEL": "Visit date should not be in the future.",
"START_NOT_GREATER_THAN_END_DATE_LABEL": "Start Date should not be greater than End Date.",
"VISIT_TYPE_LABEL": "Visit Type",
"START_DATE_LABEL": "Start Date",
"END_DATE_LABEL": "End Date",
"VISIT_LABEL": "Visit",
"FILE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE": "File type is not supported"