travelershot 70dda814aa codepush
2024-12-12 22:37:39 +06:00

243 lines
13 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="BD-20160108-1204" author="dubey,sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from order_type where name='Procedure Order'
<comment>Creating Order Type Procedure Order</comment>
<insert tableName="order_type">
<column name="name" value="Procedure Order"/>
<column name="description" value="An order for procedures"/>
<column name="creator" valueNumeric="1"/>
<column name="date_created" valueDate="now()"/>
<column name="retired" valueBoolean="false"/>
<column name="date_retired"/>
<column name="retire_reason"/>
<column name="uuid" valueComputed="uuid()"/>
<column name="java_class_name" value="org.openmrs.Order"/>
<changeSet id="BD-20160108-1206" author="dubey, sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from order_type_class_map where order_type_id = (select order_type_id from order_type where name='Procedure Order') and concept_class_id = (select concept_class_id from concept_class where name='Procedure')
<comment>Adding mapping between Procedure Order order-type and procedure concept class</comment>
insert into order_type_class_map values((select order_type_id from order_type where name='Procedure Order'), (select concept_class_id from concept_class where name='Procedure'));
<changeSet id="BD-20150108-1214" author="dubey, sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Procedure Order' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED'
<comment>Creating Procedure Order and adding to All Orderables</comment>
set @all_orderables_concept_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_name_short_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_name_full_id = 0;
SELECT concept_id INTO @all_orderables_concept_id FROM concept_name where name = 'All Orderables' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED';
call add_concept(@procedure_order_id, @procedure_order_name_short_id, @procedure_order_name_full_id, 'Procedure Order', 'Procedure', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', TRUE);
call add_concept_set_members(@all_orderables_concept_id, @procedure_order_id, 2);
<changeSet id="BD-20150108-1231" author="dubey, sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Procedure Order Fulfillment Form' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED'
<comment>Creating Procedure Order Fulfillment Form concept for procedure orders</comment>
set @procedure_template_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_fulfillment_form_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_fulfillment_form_name_short_id = 0;
set @procedure_order_fulfillment_form_name_full_id = 0;
SELECT concept_id INTO @procedure_template_id FROM concept_name where name = 'Procedure Template' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED';
call add_concept(@procedure_order_fulfillment_form_id, @procedure_order_fulfillment_form_name_short_id, @procedure_order_fulfillment_form_name_full_id, 'Procedure Order Fulfillment Form', 'Procedure Order Fulfillment Form', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', TRUE);
call add_concept_set_members(@procedure_order_fulfillment_form_id, @procedure_template_id, 1);
<changeSet id="BD-20150108-1353" author="dubey, sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from global_property where property = ''
<comment>set global property</comment>
INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`)
VALUES ('', 'SELECT DISTINCT Concat(pn.given_name,'' '', pn.family_name) AS name,
Concat("",p.uuid) AS uuid,
Date_format(o.date_activated,''%b %d %Y %h:%i %p'') AS ''Order Placed on''
FROM orders o
JOIN person_name pn
ON o.patient_id = pn.person_id
JOIN patient_identifier pi
ON o.patient_id = pi.patient_id
JOIN person p
ON o.patient_id = p.person_id
ON o.order_id = ob.order_id
JOIN concept c
ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id
JOIN concept_name cn
ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id AND cn.concept_name_type=''SHORT''
INNER JOIN order_type ot
ON ot.order_type_id = o.order_type_id
WHERE ob.obs_id IS NULL
AND ot.NAME = ''Procedure Order'' group by pi.identifier', 'Sql query to fetch active patients with procedure order ', uuid());
<changeSet id="BD-20150121-1657" author="dubey" context="setup">
<comment>Using concept_name_type as FULLY_SPECIFIED for global property</comment>
UPDATE global_property set property_value = 'SELECT DISTINCT Concat(pn.given_name,'' '', pn.family_name) AS name,
Concat("",p.uuid) AS uuid,
Date_format(o.date_activated,''%b %d %Y %h:%i %p'') AS ''Order Placed on''
FROM orders o
JOIN person_name pn
ON o.patient_id = pn.person_id
JOIN patient_identifier pi
ON o.patient_id = pi.patient_id
JOIN person p
ON o.patient_id = p.person_id
ON o.order_id = ob.order_id
JOIN concept c
ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id
JOIN concept_name cn
ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id AND cn.concept_name_type=''FULLY_SPECIFIED''
INNER JOIN order_type ot
ON ot.order_type_id = o.order_type_id
WHERE ob.obs_id IS NULL
AND ot.NAME = ''Procedure Order'' group by pi.identifier'
WHERE property = '';
<changeSet id="BD-20160314-1636" author="neha,sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from order_type where name='Radiology Order'
<comment>Creating Order Type Radiology Order</comment>
<insert tableName="order_type">
<column name="name" value="Radiology Order"/>
<column name="description" value="An order for radiology"/>
<column name="creator" valueNumeric="1"/>
<column name="date_created" valueDate="now()"/>
<column name="retired" valueBoolean="false"/>
<column name="date_retired"/>
<column name="retire_reason"/>
<column name="uuid" valueComputed="uuid()"/>
<column name="java_class_name" value="org.openmrs.Order"/>
<changeSet id="BD-20160314-1637" author="neha,sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from order_type_class_map where order_type_id = (select order_type_id from order_type where name='Radiology Order')
and concept_class_id = (select concept_class_id from concept_class where name='Radiology')
<comment>Adding mapping between Radiology Order order-type and radiology concept class</comment>
insert into order_type_class_map values((select order_type_id from order_type where name='Radiology Order'),
(select concept_class_id from concept_class where name='Radiology'));
<changeSet id="BD-20160314-1638" author="neha,sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Radiology Order' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED';
<comment>Creating Radiology Order and adding to All Orderables</comment>
set @all_orderables_concept_id = 0;
set @radiology_order_id = 0;
set @radiology_order_name_short_id = 0;
set @radiology_order_name_full_id = 0;
SELECT concept_id INTO @all_orderables_concept_id FROM concept_name where name = 'All Orderables' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED';
call add_concept(@radiology_order_id, @radiology_order_name_short_id, @radiology_order_name_full_id, 'Radiology Order', 'Radiology', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', TRUE);
call add_concept_set_members(@all_orderables_concept_id, @radiology_order_id, 2);
<changeSet id="BD-20160314-1653" author="sukreet,neha" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from global_property where property = ''
<comment>set global property</comment>
INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`)
'SELECT DISTINCT Concat(pn.given_name,'' '', pn.family_name) AS name,
Concat("",p.uuid) AS uuid,
Date_format(o.date_activated,''%b %d %Y %h:%i %p'') AS ''Order Placed on''
FROM orders o
JOIN person_name pn
ON o.patient_id = pn.person_id
JOIN patient_identifier pi
ON o.patient_id = pi.patient_id
JOIN person p
ON o.patient_id = p.person_id
ON o.order_id = ob.order_id
JOIN concept c
ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id
JOIN concept_name cn
ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id AND cn.concept_name_type=''FULLY_SPECIFIED''
INNER JOIN order_type ot
ON ot.order_type_id = o.order_type_id
WHERE ob.obs_id IS NULL
AND ot.NAME = ''Radiology Order'' group by pi.identifier',
'Sql query to fetch active patients with radiology order ', uuid());
<changeSet id="BD-20160314-1825" author="neha, sukreet" context="setup">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="0">
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Radiology Order Fulfillment Form' and concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED';
<comment>Creating Radiology Order Fulfillment Form concept for Radiology orders</comment>
set @radiology_order_fulfillment_form_id = 0;
set @radiology_order_fulfillment_form_name_short_id = 0;
set @radiology_order_fulfillment_form_name_full_id = 0;
call add_concept(@radiology_order_fulfillment_form_id, @radiology_order_fulfillment_form_name_short_id, @radiology_order_fulfillment_form_name_full_id,
'Radiology Order Fulfillment Form', 'Radiology Order Fulfillment Form', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', TRUE);