11 lines
718 B
11 lines
718 B
select user.username as UserName,
sum(if(drug_inventory_id is not null,1,0)) as 'Coded Drug Orders',
sum(if(drug_inventory_id is null,1,0)) as 'Non Coded Drugs Orders'
from drug_order dr inner join orders o on o.order_id=dr.order_id and cast(o.date_created as date) BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#'
inner join provider pr on pr.provider_id=o.orderer
inner join encounter e on o.encounter_id = e.encounter_id
INNER join location l on l.location_id = e.location_id
INNER JOIN location_tag_map lm on l.location_id= lm.location_id
inner JOIN location_tag lt on lt.location_tag_id = lm.location_tag_id and lt.name='Report Location'
INNER JOIN users user ON user.person_id = pr.person_id
group by user.username; |