<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ext="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-2.0.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-ext.xsd"> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-0" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Physical scientist and related technician'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Physical scientist and related technician</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Physical scientist and related technician', 'Physical scientist and related technician', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 1); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-1" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Engineer and architect'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Engineer and architect</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Engineer and architect', 'Engineer and architect', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 2); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-2" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Engineering and architecture related technician'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Engineering and architecture related technician</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Engineering and architecture related technician', 'Engineering and architecture related technician', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 3); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-3" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Aircraft and ship officer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Aircraft and ship officer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Aircraft and ship officer', 'Aircraft and ship officer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 4); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-4" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Biologist and related technician'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Biologist and related technician</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Biologist and related technician', 'Biologist and related technician', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 5); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-5" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Doctor, dentist and veterinarian'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Doctor, dentist and veterinarian</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Doctor, dentist and veterinarian', 'Doctor, dentist and veterinarian', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 6); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-6" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Nurse and other medical staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Nurse and other medical staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Nurse and other medical staff', 'Nurse and other medical staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 7); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-7" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Statistician, mathematician, systems analyst and related stuff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Statistician, mathematician, systems analyst and related stuff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Statistician, mathematician, systems analyst and related stuff', 'Statistician, mathematician, systems analyst and related stuff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 8); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-8" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Economist'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Economist</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Economist', 'Economist', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 9); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-9" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Accountant'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Accountant</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Accountant', 'Accountant', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 10); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-10" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Judge'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Judge</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Judge', 'Judge', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 11); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-11" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Teacher'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Teacher</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Teacher', 'Teacher', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 12); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-12" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Religious Worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Religious Worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Religious Worker', 'Religious Worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 13); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-13" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Writer, journalist and activist'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Writer, journalist and activist</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Writer, journalist and activist', 'Writer, journalist and activist', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 14); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-14" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Painter, photographer and creative artist'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Painter, photographer and creative artist</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Painter, photographer and creative artist', 'Painter, photographer and creative artist', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 15); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-15" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Actor, singer and dancer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Actor, singer and dancer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Actor, singer and dancer', 'Actor, singer and dancer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 16); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-16" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Player or ground staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Player or ground staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Player or ground staff', 'Player or ground staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 17); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-17" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Professional, technical and other uncategorized related stuff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Professional, technical and other uncategorized related stuff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Professional, technical and other uncategorized related stuff', 'Professional, technical and other uncategorized related stuff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 18); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-18" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Lawyer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Lawyer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Lawyer', 'Lawyer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 19); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-19" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Manager'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Manager</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Manager', 'Manager', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 20); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-20" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Government executive'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Government executive</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Government executive', 'Government executive', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 21); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-21" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Clerk'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Clerk</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Clerk', 'Clerk', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 22); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-22" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Typist, Stenographer, Computer Operator'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Typist, Stenographer, Computer Operator</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Typist, Stenographer, Computer Operator', 'Typist, Stenographer, Computer Operator', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 23); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-23" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Record keeper, cashier and related staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Record keeper, cashier and related staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Record keeper, cashier and related staff', 'Record keeper, cashier and related staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 24); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-24" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Computer-related staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Computer-related staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Computer-related staff', 'Computer-related staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 25); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-25" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Transport and communication supervisor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Transport and communication supervisor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Transport and communication supervisor', 'Transport and communication supervisor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 26); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-26" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Driver and conductor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Driver and conductor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Driver and conductor', 'Driver and conductor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 27); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-27" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Postman'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Postman</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Postman', 'Postman', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 28); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-28" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Telephone and Telegraph Operator'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Telephone and Telegraph Operator</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Telephone and Telegraph Operator', 'Telephone and Telegraph Operator', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 29); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-29" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Uncategorized official'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Uncategorized official</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Uncategorized official', 'Uncategorized official', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 30); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-30" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Manager (wholesale and retail trade)'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Manager (wholesale and retail trade)</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Manager (wholesale and retail trade)', 'Manager (wholesale and retail trade)', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 31); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-31" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Sales supervisor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Sales supervisor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Sales supervisor', 'Sales supervisor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 32); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-32" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Tourism staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Tourism staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Tourism staff', 'Tourism staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 33); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-33" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Insurance, Real Estate, Business and related service vendor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Insurance, Real Estate, Business and related service vendor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Insurance, Real Estate, Business and related service vendor', 'Insurance, Real Estate, Business and related service vendor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 34); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-34" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Hawker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Hawker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Hawker', 'Hawker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 35); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-35" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Uncategorized sales staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Uncategorized sales staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Uncategorized sales staff', 'Uncategorized sales staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 36); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-36" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Residential hotel manager'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Residential hotel manager</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Residential hotel manager', 'Residential hotel manager', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 37); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-37" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Hotel owner'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Hotel owner</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Hotel owner', 'Hotel owner', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 38); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-38" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Hotel caretaker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Hotel caretaker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Hotel caretaker', 'Hotel caretaker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 39); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-39" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Cook, hotel boy and related employee'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Cook, hotel boy and related employee</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Cook, hotel boy and related employee', 'Cook, hotel boy and related employee', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 40); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-40" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Uncategorized maid'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Uncategorized maid</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Uncategorized maid', 'Uncategorized maid', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 41); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-41" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'House caretaker, sweeper and related staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept House caretaker, sweeper and related staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'House caretaker, sweeper and related staff', 'House caretaker, sweeper and related staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 42); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-42" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Washerman'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Washerman</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Washerman', 'Washerman', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 43); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-43" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Security staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Security staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Security staff', 'Security staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 44); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-44" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Uncategorized service staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Uncategorized service staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Uncategorized service staff', 'Uncategorized service staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 45); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-45" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Farmhouse manager and supervisor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Farmhouse manager and supervisor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Farmhouse manager and supervisor', 'Farmhouse manager and supervisor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 46); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-46" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Farmer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Farmer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Farmer', 'Farmer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 47); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-47" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Forest worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Forest worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Forest worker', 'Forest worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 48); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-48" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Fishermen, hunter and related worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Fishermen, hunter and related worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Fishermen, hunter and related worker', 'Fishermen, hunter and related worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 49); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-49" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Production supervisor and foreman'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Production supervisor and foreman</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Production supervisor and foreman', 'Production supervisor and foreman', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 50); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-50" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Excavator'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Excavator</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Excavator', 'Excavator', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 51); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-51" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Metal goods manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Metal goods manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Metal goods manufacturer', 'Metal goods manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 52); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-52" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Chemical goods manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Chemical goods manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Chemical goods manufacturer', 'Chemical goods manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 53); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-53" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Weaver and fabric worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Weaver and fabric worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Weaver and fabric worker', 'Weaver and fabric worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 54); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-54" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Leather worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Leather worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Leather worker', 'Leather worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 55); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-55" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Food and beverage manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Food and beverage manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Food and beverage manufacturer', 'Food and beverage manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 56); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-56" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Tobacco processor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Tobacco processor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Tobacco processor', 'Tobacco processor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 57); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-57" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Tailoring and sewing staff'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Tailoring and sewing staff</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Tailoring and sewing staff', 'Tailoring and sewing staff', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 58); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-58" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Shoes and leather products manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Shoes and leather products manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Shoes and leather products manufacturer', 'Shoes and leather products manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 59); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-59" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Carpenter'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Carpenter</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Carpenter', 'Carpenter', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 60); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-60" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Stone cutter and processor'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Stone cutter and processor</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Stone cutter and processor', 'Stone cutter and processor', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 61); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-61" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Blacksmith, welder and goods part manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Blacksmith, welder and goods part manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Blacksmith, welder and goods part manufacturer', 'Blacksmith, welder and goods part manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 62); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-62" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Machine operator (other than electrical machine)'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Machine operator (other than electrical machine)</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Machine operator (other than electrical machine)', 'Machine operator (other than electrical machine)', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 63); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-63" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Electrical machine operator'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Electrical machine operator</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Electrical machine operator', 'Electrical machine operator', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 64); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-64" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'campaign workers and theater operators'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept campaign workers and theater operators</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'campaign workers and theater operators', 'campaign workers and theater operators', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 65); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-65" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Water-sewerage structures manufacturer and metal Welder'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Water-sewerage structures manufacturer and metal Welder</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Water-sewerage structures manufacturer and metal Welder', 'Water-sewerage structures manufacturer and metal Welder', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 66); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-66" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Goldsmith'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Goldsmith</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Goldsmith', 'Goldsmith', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 67); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-67" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Glass and pottery manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Glass and pottery manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Glass and pottery manufacturer', 'Glass and pottery manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 68); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-68" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Rubber and plastic products manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Rubber and plastic products manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Rubber and plastic products manufacturer', 'Rubber and plastic products manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 69); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-69" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Paper and paper board manufacturer'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Paper and paper board manufacturer</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Paper and paper board manufacturer', 'Paper and paper board manufacturer', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 70); </sql> </changeSet> <changeSet id="BD-20150420-1155-70" author="Utsab, Hitansu"> <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"> <sqlCheck expectedResult="0"> select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Print worker'; </sqlCheck> </preConditions> <comment>Adding Concept Print worker</comment> <sql> set @concept_id = 0; set @answer_concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; SELECT concept_id INTO @concept_id FROM concept_name WHERE name='Occupation' and concept_name_type = 'short'; call add_concept(@answer_concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Print worker', 'Print worker', 'Text', 'Misc', false); call add_concept_answer(@concept_id, @answer_concept_id, 71); </sql> </changeSet> </databaseChangeLog>