Add patient attributes
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('education', 'Education Details', 'org.openmrs.Concept', '1', 1, curdate(), 0, 6, uuid());
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('occupation', 'Occupation', 'org.openmrs.Concept', '1', 1, curdate(), 0, 7, uuid());
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Education Details';
Adding Concept Education Details
set @concept_id = 0;
set @concept_name_short_id = 0;
set @concept_name_full_id = 0;
call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Education Details', 'education', 'Coded', 'Misc', false);
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET format = 'org.openmrs.Concept', foreign_key = @concept_id WHERE name = 'education';
select count(*) from concept_name where name = 'Occupation';
Adding Concept Occupation
set @concept_id = 0;
set @concept_name_short_id = 0;
set @concept_name_full_id = 0;
call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Occupation', 'occupation', 'Coded', 'Misc', false);
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET format = 'org.openmrs.Concept', foreign_key = @concept_id WHERE name = 'occupation';
Creating House Hold Code person attribute fields
Creating Birth registration number and Unique id number person attribute feilds
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'primaryContact';
Creating Primary Contact person attribute feilds
select count(*) from concept_name where name = "uncategorized diagnoses";
set @concept_id = 0;
set @concept_name_short_id = 0;
set @concept_name_full_id = 0;
call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'uncategorized diagnoses', 'uncategorized diagnoses', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', true);
select count(*) from concept_name where name = "Diagnosis Answers";
set @concept_id = 0;
set @concept_name_short_id = 0;
set @concept_name_full_id = 0;
call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Diagnosis Answers', 'Diagnosis Answers', 'Coded', 'Misc', false);
Deleting all the person attributes, referring to Unique Id or primaryContact
delete from person_attribute where person_attribute_type_id = (select person_attribute_type_id from person_attribute_type where name = 'Unique Id');
delete from person_attribute where person_attribute_type_id = (select person_attribute_type_id from person_attribute_type where name = 'primaryContact');
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'Unique Id';
Removing Unique Id Attribute
delete from person_attribute_type where name = 'Unique Id';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'primaryContact';
Removing Primary Contact Attribute
delete from person_attribute_type where name = 'primaryContact';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'Phone Number';
Add Patient Phone Number Attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('Phone Number', 'Phone Number', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, curdate(), 0, 8, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'fatherName';
Add Father's name attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('fatherName', 'Father\'s Name', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 0, 9, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'spouseName';
Add Spouse's name attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('spouseName', 'Spouse\'s Name', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 0, 10, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'motherName';
Add Spouse's name attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('motherName', 'Mother\'s Name', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 0, 10, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'Birth Registration Id';
Updating the attribute Birth Registration ID
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET name = 'birthRegistrationId' WHERE name = 'Birth Registration Id';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'House Hold Code';
Updating the attribute House hold code
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET name = 'householdCode' WHERE name = 'House Hold Code';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'Occupation';
Updating the attribute Occupation
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET name = 'occupation' WHERE name = 'Occupation';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'Phone Number';
Updating the attribute Phone Number
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET name = 'phoneNumber' WHERE name = 'Phone Number';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'familyNameLocal';
Removing family Name Local Attribute
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET retired = 1, retired_by = 1, date_retired=now(), retire_reason = 'Not required' WHERE name = 'familyNameLocal';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'givenNameLocal';
Removing given Name Local Attribute
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET retired = 1, retired_by = 1, date_retired=now(), retire_reason = 'Not required' WHERE name = 'givenNameLocal';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'middleNameLocal';
Removing middle Name Local Attribute
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET retired = 1, retired_by = 1, date_retired=now(), retire_reason = 'Not required' WHERE name = 'middleNameLocal';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'fatherName';
Updating the sortweight of the attribute father Name
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET sort_weight = '1' WHERE name = 'fatherName';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'motherName';
Updating the sortweight of the attribute mother Name
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET sort_weight = '2' WHERE name = 'motherName';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'spouseName';
Updating the sortweight of the attribute spouse Name
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET sort_weight = '3' WHERE name = 'spouseName';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'birthRegistrationId';
Updating the sortweight of the attribute birthRegistrationId
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET sort_weight = '6' WHERE name = 'birthRegistrationId';
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'motherName';
Updating the sortweight of the attribute mother Name
UPDATE person_attribute_type SET retired = 0, retired_by = null, date_retired = null
WHERE name = 'motherName';
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person_attribute_type WHERE name = 'healthId';
Insert Health ID and National ID. Split from changeset BD-201406241630
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('healthId', 'Unique Health ID', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, curdate(), 0, 4, uuid());
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person_attribute_type WHERE name = 'nationalId';
Insert Health ID and National ID. Split from changeset BD-201406241630
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('nationalId', 'National ID', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, curdate(), 0, 5, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'givenNameLocal';
Add given name local attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('givenNameLocal', 'রোগীর নাম', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 1, 3, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'familyNameLocal';
Add family name local attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('familyNameLocal', 'পদবি', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 1, 3, uuid());
select count(*) from person_attribute_type where name = 'middleNameLocal';
Add middle name local attribute
INSERT INTO person_attribute_type (name, description, format, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, sort_weight, uuid)
VALUES ('middleNameLocal', 'middleNameLocal', 'java.lang.String', '1', 1, now(), 1, 3, uuid());