SELECT first_answers.answer_name AS 'Type of Diarrhoea', second_answers.answer_name AS 'Symptoms of Diarrhoea', gender.gender AS Gender, AS 'Age Group', sum(CASE WHEN first_concept.answer IS NOT NULL AND second_concept.answer IS NOT NULL AND p.gender IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Patient Count' FROM (SELECT ca.answer_concept AS answer, ifnull(, AS answer_name FROM concept c INNER JOIN concept_datatype cd ON c.datatype_id = cd.concept_datatype_id INNER JOIN concept_name question_concept_name ON c.concept_id = question_concept_name.concept_id AND question_concept_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND question_concept_name.voided IS FALSE INNER JOIN concept_answer ca ON c.concept_id = ca.concept_id INNER JOIN concept_name answer_concept_fully_specified_name ON ca.answer_concept = answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.voided IS FALSE LEFT JOIN concept_name answer_concept_short_name ON ca.answer_concept = answer_concept_short_name.concept_id AND answer_concept_short_name.concept_name_type = 'SHORT' AND answer_concept_short_name.voided IS FALSE WHERE = 'Diarrhoea,Type of Diarrhoea' AND = 'Coded' UNION SELECT answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id AS answer, AS answer_name FROM concept c INNER JOIN concept_datatype cd ON c.datatype_id = cd.concept_datatype_id INNER JOIN concept_name question_concept_name ON c.concept_id = question_concept_name.concept_id AND question_concept_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND question_concept_name.voided IS FALSE INNER JOIN global_property gp ON IN ('concept.true', 'concept.false') INNER JOIN concept_name answer_concept_fully_specified_name ON answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id = gp.property_value AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.voided IS FALSE WHERE = 'Diarrhoea,Type of Diarrhoea' AND = 'Boolean' ORDER BY answer_name DESC) first_answers INNER JOIN (SELECT ca.answer_concept AS answer, ifnull(, AS answer_name FROM concept c INNER JOIN concept_datatype cd ON c.datatype_id = cd.concept_datatype_id INNER JOIN concept_name question_concept_name ON c.concept_id = question_concept_name.concept_id AND question_concept_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND question_concept_name.voided IS FALSE INNER JOIN concept_answer ca ON c.concept_id = ca.concept_id INNER JOIN concept_name answer_concept_fully_specified_name ON ca.answer_concept = answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.voided IS FALSE LEFT JOIN concept_name answer_concept_short_name ON ca.answer_concept = answer_concept_short_name.concept_id AND answer_concept_short_name.concept_name_type = 'SHORT' AND answer_concept_short_name.voided IS FALSE WHERE = 'Diarrhoea, Symptoms of Diarrhoea' AND = 'Coded' UNION SELECT answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id AS answer, AS answer_name FROM concept c INNER JOIN concept_datatype cd ON c.datatype_id = cd.concept_datatype_id INNER JOIN concept_name question_concept_name ON c.concept_id = question_concept_name.concept_id AND question_concept_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND question_concept_name.voided IS FALSE INNER JOIN global_property gp ON IN ('concept.true', 'concept.false') INNER JOIN concept_name answer_concept_fully_specified_name ON answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_id = gp.property_value AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND answer_concept_fully_specified_name.voided IS FALSE WHERE = 'Diarrhoea, Symptoms of Diarrhoea' AND = 'Boolean' ORDER BY answer_name DESC ) second_answers INNER JOIN (SELECT 'M' AS gender UNION SELECT 'F' AS gender UNION SELECT 'O' AS gender) gender INNER JOIN reporting_age_group rag ON rag.report_group_name = 'Diarrhoea' LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT o1.person_id, cn2.concept_id AS answer, cn1.concept_id AS question, v1.visit_id AS visit_id, o1.obs_datetime AS datetime FROM obs o1 INNER JOIN concept_name cn1 ON o1.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND cn1.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND = 'Diarrhoea,Type of Diarrhoea' AND o1.voided = 0 AND cn1.voided = 0 INNER JOIN concept_name cn2 ON o1.value_coded = cn2.concept_id AND cn2.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND cn2.voided = 0 INNER JOIN encounter e1 ON o1.encounter_id = e1.encounter_id and cast(o1.obs_datetime AS DATE) BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT location_id FROM location_tag_map INNER JOIN location_tag ON location_tag_map.location_tag_id = location_tag.location_tag_id AND IN ('Report Location')) locations ON locations.location_id = e1.location_id INNER JOIN visit v1 ON v1.visit_id = e1.visit_id inner join visit_type vt1 on vt1.visit_type_id = v1.visit_type_id and'emergency' ) first_concept ON first_concept.answer = first_answers.answer LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT o1.person_id, cn2.concept_id AS answer, cn1.concept_id AS question, v1.visit_id AS visit_id, o1.obs_datetime AS datetime FROM obs o1 INNER JOIN concept_name cn1 ON o1.concept_id = cn1.concept_id AND cn1.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND = 'Diarrhoea, Symptoms of Diarrhoea' AND o1.voided = 0 AND cn1.voided = 0 INNER JOIN concept_name cn2 ON o1.value_coded = cn2.concept_id AND cn2.concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED' AND cn2.voided = 0 INNER JOIN encounter e1 ON o1.encounter_id = e1.encounter_id and cast(o1.obs_datetime AS DATE) BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT location_id FROM location_tag_map INNER JOIN location_tag ON location_tag_map.location_tag_id = location_tag.location_tag_id AND IN ('Report Location')) locations ON locations.location_id = e1.location_id INNER JOIN visit v1 ON v1.visit_id = e1.visit_id inner join visit_type vt1 on vt1.visit_type_id = v1.visit_type_id and'emergency' ) second_concept ON second_concept.answer = second_answers.answer AND first_concept.person_id = second_concept.person_id AND first_concept.visit_id = second_concept.visit_id LEFT OUTER JOIN person p ON first_concept.person_id = p.person_id AND p.gender = gender.gender AND cast(first_concept.datetime AS DATE) BETWEEN (DATE_ADD( DATE_ADD(p.birthdate, INTERVAL rag.min_years YEAR), INTERVAL rag.min_days DAY)) AND (DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(p.birthdate, INTERVAL rag.max_years YEAR), INTERVAL rag.max_days DAY)) GROUP BY first_answers.answer_name, second_answers.answer_name, gender.gender,, rag.sort_order order by,first_answers.answer_name,second_answers.answer_name;