(select vt.name AS 'Visit Type', rag.name AS 'Patient Age Group', sum(IF(p.gender = 'M', 1, 0)) AS Male, sum(IF(p.gender = 'F', 1, 0)) AS Female, sum(IF(p.gender = 'O', 1, 0)) AS Other, sum(IF(p.gender in ('F', 'M', 'O'), 1, 0)) AS Total from (select o.person_id, o.date_created from obs o where o.voided = 0 and o.concept_id in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name = 'Registration Patient Category') and cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE) between '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' group by o.person_id, cast(o.obs_datetime as date)) obs_value inner join person p on obs_value.person_id = p.person_id and p.voided = 0 inner join reporting_age_group rag ON rag.min_years <= TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, p.birthdate, obs_value.date_created) and rag.max_years >= TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, p.birthdate, obs_value.date_created) AND rag.report_group_name = 'Registration' inner join visit as v on obs_value.person_id = v.patient_id and v.voided = 0 inner join visit_type as vt on vt.visit_type_id = v.visit_type_id group by vt.name, rag.name, rag.sort_order ORDER BY rag.sort_order) union all (select vt.name as 'Visit Type', 'Total Patient', '', '', '', count(obs_value.person_id) from (select o.person_id, o.date_created from obs o where o.voided = 0 and o.concept_id in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name = 'Registration Patient Category') and cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE) between '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' group by o.person_id, cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) obs_value inner join visit as v on obs_value.person_id = v.patient_id and v.voided = 0 inner join visit_type as vt on vt.visit_type_id = v.visit_type_id group by vt.name);