{ "userName": "Username", "password": "Password", "location": "Location", "login": "Login1", "selectLocation": "Select Location", "clinical_key": "Clinical", "MESSAGE_DIALOG_OPTION_COPY" : "Copy Error", "MESSAGE_DIALOG_OPTION_OKAY": "OK", "ORDERS_FORM_ERRORS_MESSAGE_KEY": "Please enter a value in the mandatory fields or correct the value in the highlighted fields to proceed", "DOB_LABEL": "Date of Birth", "NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No results found", "PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED": "User is logged in but doesn't have the relevant privilege", "NO_FULFILMENT_MESSAGE": "No observations captured for this order.", "NO_NAVIGATION_LINKS_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "No navigation links available.", "ACCEPT":"Accept", "SELECT_VALUE_FROM_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Please select a value from auto complete", "CONCEPT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE": "concept not found.", "NO_OBS_FOUND_MESSAGE": "No observations made for this patient.", "TIME_OF_BIRTH_LABEL": "Time of Birth", "PATIENT_PROFILE_RELATIONSHIPS_LABEL": "Relationships", "BROWSER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VIDEO_TAG_MESSAGE":"Your browser does not support the video tag.", "YEARS_LABEL": "Years", "CHOOSE_ANSWER_FROM_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Choose Answer", "DELETE_LABEL": "Delete", "EDIT_LABEL": "Edit", "NO_ORDERS_PRESENT": "No order of type {{orderType}} for this patient.", "DEFAULT_SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE": "An error has occurred on the server. Information not saved.", "VISIT_CLOSED_CREATE_NEW_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Visit already closed, create new visit to fulfill the order" }