{ "BAHMNI_PAGE_TITLE_KEY": "Bahmni Home", "LOGIN_LABEL_LOGIN_KEY": "Login", "LOGIN_LABEL_SUBMIT_KEY": "Submit", "LOGIN_LABEL_ENTER_OTP_KEY": "Enter OTP", "LOGIN_LABEL_USERNAME_KEY": "Username", "LOGIN_LABEL_PASSWORD_KEY": "Password", "LOGIN_LABEL_LOCATION_KEY": "Location", "LOGIN_LABEL_LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY": "You are not authenticated or your session expired. Please login.", "LOGIN_LABEL_WRONG_OTP_MESSAGE_KEY": "Incorrect OTP. Please enter OTP again.", "LOGIN_MESSAGE_ENTER_USERNAME_KEY": "Enter your username", "LOGIN_MESSAGE_ENTER_PASSWORD_KEY": "Enter your password", "LOGIN_LABEL_SELECT_LOCATION_KEY": "Select Location", "LOGIN_LABEL_SELECT_LOCALE_KEY": "Select Locale", "HEADER_LABEL_LOGOUT_KEY": "Logout", "HEADER_LABEL_SYNC_KEY": "Sync", "MESSAGE_DIALOG_OPTION_COPY" : "Copy Error", "MESSAGE_DIALOG_OPTION_OKAY": "OK", "MESSAGE_START_OPENMRS": "The OpenMRS service is currently unavailable. Please check if the service is started and refresh the page once it is up.", "LOGIN_LABEL_MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS" : "Number of wrong OTP attempts exceeded. Please login again.", "LOGIN_LABEL_OTP_EXPIRED" : "Your OTP is expired. Please login again.", "LOGIN_LABEL_RESEND_OTP" : "Resend OTP", "LOGIN_LABEL_RESEND_SUCCESS" : "New OTP has been sent to your Registered number.", "LOGIN_LABEL_MAX_RESEND_ATTEMPTS" : "Number of OTP resend attempts exceeded. Please login again.", "CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password", "CHANGE_PASSWORD_BUTTON": "Change Password", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "OLD_PASSWORD": "Old Password", "NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password", "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password", "PASSWORD_DOESNOT_MATCH_WITH_NEW_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password doesn't match with new password.", "OLD_LABEL_PASSWORD": "Enter old password", "NEW_LABEL_PASSWORD": "Enter new password", "CONFIRM_LABEL_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password", "CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE":"Password changed successfully", "PASSWORD_POLICY_HEADER": "Password Policy", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_BE_MINIMUM_CHARACTERS": "Should be minimum of {{length}} characters ", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_CONTAIN_DIGITS": "Should contain at least one number", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_NOT_MATCH_USER_NAME":"Should not match username", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_BE_A_MIX_OF_BOTH_UPPER_CASE_AND_LOWER_CASE":"Should be a mix of both upper and lower-case letters", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_MATCH_THE_REGEX": "Should match the given regex {{regex}}", "PASSWORD_SHOULD_HAVE_ATLEAST_ONE_NON_DIGIT": "Should contain at least one non digit character", "CHANGE_PASSWORD_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT":"We don’t support this feature for now, please contact administrator.", "UNABLE_TO_GET_PROVIDER_DATA": "Unable to get provider data", "YOU_HAVE_NOT_BEEN_SETUP_PROVIDER": "You have not been setup as a Provider, please contact administrator.", "COULD_NOT_GET_PROVIDER": "Could not get provider for the current user.", "WARNING_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_MISMATCH": "The server timezone ({{serverTime}}) is different from your browser's time/timezone ({{localeTimeZone}}). This can cause some data or reports to appear incorrect. Please contact the administrator for further assistance.", "LOGIN_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT": "BAHMNI EMR LOGIN", "LOGIN_PAGE_TITLE_TEXT": "TITLE TEXT", "LOGIN_UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER_KEY" : "Bahmni is supported on Chrome Browser", "DOB_LABEL": "Date of Birth", "NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No results found", "PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED": "User is logged in but doesn't have the relevant privilege", "NO_FULFILMENT_MESSAGE": "No observations captured for this order.", "NO_NAVIGATION_LINKS_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "No navigation links available.", "ACCEPT":"Accept", "SELECT_VALUE_FROM_AUTOCOMPLETE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Please select a value from auto complete" }