Create new visit type for inpatient
Create new visit type for outpatient
Add global property to configure visit auto expire hours
INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`)
VALUES ('emrapi.visitExpireHours', '24', 'Number of hours after which visit can be auto closed', uuid())
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE property_value = '24';
Delete OpenMRS property autoCloseVisitType since we don't use that scheduler (to avoid confusion)
DELETE FROM global_property WHERE property like '%visits.autoCloseVisitType%';
Delete OpenMRS property visits.autoCloseMinimumNumberOfDays since we don't use that scheduler (to avoid confusion)
DELETE FROM global_property WHERE property like '%visits.autoCloseMinimumNumberOfDays%';
Delete OpenMRS scheduler AutoCloseVisitsTask since we don't use that scheduler (to avoid confusion)
schedulable_class = 'org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.AutoCloseVisitsTask'
Add Bahmni preferred EMR API scheduler which closes stale visits
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visit_type where name = 'emergency';
Create new visit type for Emergency
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visit_type where name = 'ambulatory';
Create new visit type for Ambulatory
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visit_type where name = 'home';
Create new visit type for Home
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visit_type where name = 'field';
Create new visit type for Field