SELECT COUNT(*) FROM concept_name where name in ('Diagnosis Set of Sets') Add diagnosis set of sets concept set @concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Diagnosis Set of Sets', 'Diagnosis Set of Sets', 'N/A', 'ConvSet', true); 3:fdb31c1d95d7168afa2359f24afc1682 3:0e435346d02030b84e72e1b04748231c set emr.concept.diagnosisSetOfSets global property set @concept_uuid = 0; select distinct c.uuid from concept c inner join concept_name cn on c.concept_id = cn.concept_id where name in ('Diagnosis Set of Sets') into @concept_uuid; select uuid() into @concept_uuid; INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`) VALUES ('emr.concept.diagnosisSetOfSets', @concept_uuid, 'Diagnosis Set of Sets', @concept_uuid) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE property_value = @concept_uuid; fixing migration id 'JSS-201405141113' set @concept_uuid = 0; select distinct c.uuid from concept c inner join concept_name cn on c.concept_id = cn.concept_id where name in ('Diagnosis Set of Sets') into @concept_uuid; INSERT INTO global_property (`property`, `property_value`, `description`, `uuid`) VALUES ('emr.concept.diagnosisSetOfSets', @concept_uuid, 'Diagnosis Set of Sets', uuid()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE property_value = @concept_uuid; rel2 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM address_hierarchy_level; Setting address hierarchy levels set @parent_concept_id = 0; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Division', NULL, 'STATE_PROVINCE', uuid(), 1); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Division' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Zilla', @parent_concept_id, 'COUNTY_DISTRICT', uuid(), 1); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Zilla' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Upazilla', @parent_concept_id, 'ADDRESS_5', uuid(), 1); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Upazilla' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Paurasava', @parent_concept_id, 'ADDRESS_4', uuid(), 0); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Paurasava' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Ward/Union', @parent_concept_id, 'ADDRESS_3', uuid(), 0); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Ward/Union' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Rural Ward', @parent_concept_id, 'ADDRESS_2', uuid(), 0); select address_hierarchy_level_id from address_hierarchy_level where name = 'Rural Ward' into @parent_concept_id; INSERT INTO address_hierarchy_level (name, parent_level_id, address_field, uuid, required) VALUES ('Address Line', @parent_concept_id, 'ADDRESS_1' ,uuid(), 1); Adding Chief Complaint Answers concept set @concept_id = 0; set @concept_name_short_id = 0; set @concept_name_full_id = 0; call add_concept(@concept_id, @concept_name_short_id, @concept_name_full_id, 'Chief Complaint Answers', 'Chief Complaint Answers', 'Coded', 'Misc', false); Creating provider attribute for Organization Change address_hierarchy entry.user_generated_id column size to 12 from default 11. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scheduler_task_config where schedulable_class = 'org.openmrs.module.atomfeed.scheduler.tasks.EventRecordsNumberOffsetMarkerTask' Adding event record number offset marker task INSERT INTO scheduler_task_config (name, description, schedulable_class, start_time, start_time_pattern, repeat_interval, start_on_startup, started, created_by, date_created, changed_by, date_changed, last_execution_time, uuid ) VALUES ('OpenMRS event offset marker task', NULL, 'org.openmrs.module.atomfeed.scheduler.tasks.EventRecordsNumberOffsetMarkerTask', '2015-05-11 00:00:00','MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss',86400, 1, 1, 1, now(), NULL, NULL, NULL, uuid()); select count(*) from chunking_history; select count(*) from order_frequency o join concept_name cn on o.concept_id = cn.concept_id where name = 'Immediately' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'; set @concept_id = 0; set @now = 0; select now() into @now; select concept_id into @concept_id from concept_name where name = 'Immediately' and concept_name_type = 'FULLY_SPECIFIED'; update order_frequency set retired = 1, date_retired = @now, retire_reason='Not an order frequency' where concept_id = @concept_id; Increasing the person attribute value size to 150 ALTER TABLE person_attribute MODIFY COLUMN value varchar(150); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM location WHERE name = 'BahmniFacility'; delete loation BahmniFacility. Split from changeset BD-201406241630 DELETE FROM location WHERE name = 'BahmniFacility'; Update Local Name to Bengali. Split from changeset BD-201406241630 UPDATE person_attribute_type SET description="পদবি" WHERE name = 'familyNameLocal'; UPDATE person_attribute_type SET description="রোগীর নাম" WHERE name = 'givenNameLocal'; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM idgen_identifier_source WHERE name = 'BDH'; Inserting BDH identifier. Split from changeset BD-201406241630 SELECT patient_identifier_type_id from patient_identifier_type where name = 'Patient Identifier' into @patient_identifier; INSERT INTO idgen_identifier_source (uuid, name, description, identifier_type, creator, date_created) VALUES (uuid(), 'BDH', 'ID sequence source for patients in Bangladesh for this facility', @patient_identifier, 1, curdate()); SET @source_id := LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT INTO idgen_seq_id_gen (id, next_sequence_value, base_character_set, first_identifier_base, prefix, suffix, min_length, max_length) VALUES (@source_id, 200000, '0123456789', '200000', 'BDH', '', 9,9);