select if(u.username <=> null, 'Total', u.username) AS 'User Name', sum(IF(p.gender = 'M', 1, 0)) AS Male, sum(IF(p.gender = 'F', 1, 0)) AS Female, sum(IF(p.gender = 'O', 1, 0)) AS Others, COUNT(o.value_coded) AS 'Total Patient', SUM(IF(o.value_coded in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name in ('Ticket Type, Paid')), 1, 0)) AS 'Paid Patient', SUM(IF(o.value_coded in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name in ('Ticket Type, Free')), 1, 0)) AS 'Free Patient', SUM(IF(o.value_coded in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name in ('Ticket Type, Paid')), 1, 0)) * 10 AS 'Total TK.' from obs o inner join encounter e on o.encounter_id = e.encounter_id inner join visit v on e.visit_id = v.visit_id inner join visit_type vt on v.visit_type_id = vt.visit_type_id inner join person p on p.person_id = o.person_id and p.voided = 0 inner join users u on u.user_id = o.creator where cast(o.obs_datetime AS DATE) BETWEEN '#startDate#' AND '#endDate#' and o.voided = 0 AND o.creator NOT IN(6) and o.concept_id in (select cv.concept_id from concept_view cv where concept_full_name = 'Ticket Type') and = 'outpatient' group by u.username with rollup;