This is certified that, Mr Mx Ms {{}}, son of daughter of son of {{patient.fatherName.value}} , husband of wife of spouse of {{patient.spouseName.value}} , residing at {{patient.address.address1 ? patient.address.address1 + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.address2 ? patient.address.address2 + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.address3 ? patient.address.address3 + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.address4 ? patient.address.address4 + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.address5 ? patient.address.address5 + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.cityVillage ? patient.address.cityVillage + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.countyDistrict ? patient.address.countyDistrict + "," : ""}} {{patient.address.stateProvince}} Age {{patient.age}}, Gender {{patient.gender}}, Occupation {{patient.occupation.value.display}} is my patient under my observation. He He/She She has been suffering from {{medicalSufferingFrom}} For {{medicalSufferingFor}} {{medicalDurationCodeUnit}} With History of {{medicalPreviousComplication}} .

General Indications/Complications:

Now He He/She She Needs {{adviceName}} from {{medicalFromDate}} to {{medicalToDate}}.